
Chapter 8

Beacon Hills Sheriff Station

Alex had been sitting in the sheriff station for the last two hours waiting for Lydia to be done, as he waited he had been texting with Scott as the True Alpha caught him up on what he had missed, the Deadpool being released to the public, he going from Five Million to Fifteen, Derek apparently losing his powers and no longer being on the Deadpool, Kira saving a pack of Werewolves from a group of Hunters that were killing for money.

And he for his part informed Scott of what had happened to Lydia and Stiles, getting attacked and kidnapped by Brunski, getting tied up in Echen House and the orderly revealing he was an angel of Death, a stupid name for people that liked to kill sick people to 'take them out of their misery.' and about how the psycho orderly had made Lydia listen to the tape he made while killing her grandmother Lorraine.

Alex- 'So there's another Alpha in Beacon Hills?'

Scott- 'Yes, she's name Satomi, Kira saved the remains of her pack.'

Scott- 'What's going on over there?'

Alex- 'Nothing much, Lydia refuses to leave until the Shefiff lets her talk with Meredith...I'm sitting in a corner bored out of my mind...you?'

Scott- 'We're going to move Satomi's Pack to a empty warehouse Argent owns.'

Alex- 'Need help?'

Scott- '…'

Scott- 'I really do."

Alex couldn't help but laugh as he grabbed his jacket, which he had hung on the back of the chair he was using and stood up. "Lydia, I'm going to go help Scott, anything happens you call me." said Alex as he walked up to Lydia, she was sitting outside the Sheriff office being stubborn.

"Go, I'll be fine." said Lydia as Parrish sat besides her with a cup of coffee which he handed to her. "I'm sure you will/" said Alex smirking at both of them and walking away.

Alex- 'On my way Scottie.'

"I really need to get a car." said Alex as he exited the Sheriff Station and started running towards Deaton's Clinic. As he ran he couldn't help but worry about what was going on with Malia, he hadn't heard from her since they left the school and she had left to see Stiles.

Beacon Hills Hospital

Malia's P.O.V

Malia had no idea where she was going, the hospital smelled too strong of disinfectant and sick people for her to be able to smell where Stiles was. She had been wondering around for almost half an hour before she bumped into Scott's mom.

"Malia?" said Melissa as she walked up to the werecoyote and smiled at the girl. "Here to see Stiles?" asked Scott's mom with a grin on her face, a grin Malia had a hard time returning.

"I am." said Malia before Melissa grabbed her by the arm and started helping her along the crowded hallways of the Hospital, "He's in a room just down the hall." said the kind nurse as the walked along.

"Are you here to make up?" asked Melissa, Scott must have told her about the fight, her Alpha had a very strong bond with his mother, something she envied. "No, I'm here to break up with him for good." said Malia tactlessly making the older woman stop in her tracks and turn back to her.

"Is it because of the Peter thing?" said Melissa quietly so that no one around could over hear her, Malia hesitated before deciding she needed to talk to someone about this, she would've gone to Lydia or Kira but both girls were currently unavailable.

"No..." Malia again hesitated until she decided Melissa was trustworthy. "... I like someone else." said Malia almost too quickly for Melissa to understand her, fortunately for the werecoyote she did.

"Oh honey." said the nurse as she moved them to the side of the hallway so they wouldn't be in anyone's way. "Is it the other Alpha? Alex, the one I helped Deaton with." asked Melissa and she knew she had hit the nail in the head when Malia blushed and looked down with a guilty look on her face.

"It is." said Malia as she looked away from the woman, Melissa just grabbed her hands and made Malia look at her, "It's not a crime to have feelings for someone Malia." said Melissa trying to make the werecoyote feel better.

"Is he kind?" asked Melissa softly, trying to get the girl to open up. "He is, he's nice and funny, and whenever I'm close to him my stomach feels all weird and I get nervous." rambled Malia with a small smile on her face.

Melissa for her part could only sigh, she had taken a sort of mother role for all the members of her son's pack, and while she would like nothing better for Malia to pick Stiles over Alex she could tell from the smile on the girls face when she spoke of the tall Alpha werewolf the girl was smitten.

"Has something happened between you, is that why you look guilty?" asked Scott's mom as she looked at Malia, the girl reddened in the face but shook her head. "We kissed, but that's all, before it could go too far he stopped it, said it wasn't fair to Stiles." said Malia while not looking at Melissa in the eye, she felt bad because in that moment Stiles and his feelings were the last thing on her mind, she wanted nothing more than to keep going. To be with Alex.

"Then he seems like a nice and responsible young man...not to mention very handsome." said Melissa giving Malia a wink and a nudge, the poor girl needed to feel better and well, Scott had to get his helping people thing from somewhere.

"Now, go tell Stiles, but please be kind and let him down gently." said Melissa in a motherly tone as she talked about Stiles.

She gave Malia one last shoulder squeeze before she turned and walked into the nearest room to them, from inside Malia heard Stiles voice, "You find a tape player?" she heard Stiles ask from inside the room.

"No, but I found someone looking for you." Scott's mom moved to the side allowing Stiles to see her, when she saw the way his face gained a hopeful look she felt unsure of what she was there to do. "Hey." said Stiles as he slowly stood off the bed.

"I heard you almost got killed." said Malia looking him over for any injuries, she felt relief when she didn't see one, she might still be somewhat pissed at him but she didn't want anything bad to happen to him. "I heard you almost got killed." said Stiles doing the same and looking her over.

"You OK?" asked Malia a bit roughly, things where getting awkward and her fight or flight response was quickly going towards flight. "Brunski punched me in the face, turns out he was a serial killer." said Stiles with a shrug and Malia had not trouble believing it. "Makes sense," she said while nodding her head.

"Yep," said Stiles popping the 'P' in the word, she knew he did that when he was nervous. "What about you?" asked Stiles wondering what had happened to them. "We almost got set on fire." said Malia like it was the most normal thing in the world. "Everyone OK?" Stiles said quickly a bit of panic in his eyes.

"Basically." said Malia being a little curt with her response as she wanted nothing more than to run from the room and run from the decision she had to make. Stiles or Alex.

"Are you OK?" asked Stiles softly as he took a step towards her, he was close to her now, so close she started to panic. "I'm fine...I'm going to go." said Malia quickly turning around and all but running towards the door.

You don't have too." she heard Stiles said from behind her and she turned her head to look at him quickly. "No I have to go." said Malia as he turned back towards the door and tried to open it, keyword being 'tried' the door was locked and she cursed Scott's mom in her mind.

"Its locked." said Malia panicking a little as she kept trying to open the door. Stiles walked up next to her and she immediately took a step backwards trying to get some space from him.

"Why would she lock the door." said Stiles to him self as he tried to look out the door window to see if Melissa was out in the hallway. "Melissa...Melissa." called Stiles hoping Melissa would hear him and come open the door.

"I could break it." offered Malia hoping he said yes so she could break down the door and escape, he instantly shook his head as he turned to look at her. "How about you not, I already owe this hospital enough of money." said Stiles with a wince, and Malia felt bad for him, she knew that because of the Nogitsune he and his dad where in a bit of a bind money wise.

"Why would she lock the door?" said Malia even thought she had a sneaking suspicion on the why, she wanted them to work out their problems. "I don't know maybe she didn't mean to." said Stiles rubbing the back of his head as he looked from her towards the floor.

"You don't accidentally lock a door." deadpanned Malia as she stared at Stiles incredulously. "Maybe she wasn't thinking exactly, maybe she wasn't thinking it through, people sometimes do things without thinking them through." Stiles was rambling now and as always she found it endearing. He always babbled when he became nervous.

"Then she's stupid." said Malia doing her best to ignore how adorable Stiles looked as he rambled. "No...even smart people can do stupid things, you know cause they think that its the right thing, and I don't think we should hold it against her for the rest of her life." said Stiles taking a step forward, she couldn't stop herself as she took a step forwards too.

"Especially because she's tried apologizing hundreds of times, through texts and voice mails." said Stiles and she knew he was telling the truth, her dad had told her that morning before she left for school that their answering machine was full to the brim with message's from Stiles.

"Is she going to keep begging?" asked Malia as she stared into Stiles eyes looking for something, something that would change her mind. "She might." said Stiles so close to her now that she could make out the small flecks of brown on his caramel colored eyes.

"I don't have much practice in things like forgiveness, somethings I'm picking up fast but other things are like..." said Malia trailing off as she tried to find the right words. Stiles found them for her. "…like math." said Stiles with a small smile on his face.

"I hate math." said Malia staring at Stiles, he looked hopeful as he stared at her but in those second she remembered another person she knew that hated math. "Do you hate me?" asked Stiles quietly dreading what she would say, and she could only shake her head, she could say without any hesitation she didn't hate him.

"I like you Stiles, I like you a lot." said Malia and Stiles moved closer to her, she knew what he would do, and in that second she knew she would have to make her choice. Stay with Stiles who was safe and responsible, or be with Alex, who was a bit of a goof and had a slight violent streak when it came to people that pissed him off.

"I can work with that." said Stiles as he leaned forwards intending to kiss her, and in those milliseconds his caramel colored eyes were replaced by dark brown eyes that always made her shiver anytime they landed on her.

Mere moments before his lips touched hers she turned her head making Stiles's lips land on her cheek, he looked sad when she turned back to look at him but she had made her choice...Alex.

Empty Warehouse

Downtown Beacon Hills

By the time Alex had reached Deaton's Clinic Scott, Kira and Satomi and her Pack had already left, Scott had decided that the clinic wasn't safe enough nor did it have enough room to hold all of them comfortably. So the True Alpha had moved them all to an empty warehouse that belonged to the ex-hunter Chris Argent.

After getting directions from Deaton Alex ran all the way to the warehouse hoping to get there in time, as usual he was the last to arrive, he got there just in time to hear Derek's awesome 'lets send a message speech. "...anyone who thinks they can hunt and kill us for money is going to be put on another list, our list, they get to be a name on our Deadpool." said Derek his speech punctuated by Braeden cocking her shotgun.

"Now that's a battle speech if I ever heard one." said Alex from the back of the group getting everyone to turn towards him. He was grinning as he walked to the front, towards Derek, Braeden, Scott, Kira and who he guessed was Satomi since she was the only Asian aside from Kira.

"Is this...the other Alpha?" asked Satomi as she stared at him up and down trying to get a measure of him. She didn't look all that impressed. "Other Alpha, is that how others refer to me here?" said Alex with a grin, flashing his red eyes to Satomi and her pack to let them know that yes, he was the other Alpha.

"When there's three it can get a little confusing referring to everyone as the Alpha." said Scott with a grin as he looked relieved to have Alex there. Scott and Alex might not see eye to eye on everything but the True Alpha would be the first to admit that having him as a back up was damn worth it.

"That's the thing, you're not an Alpha, you're a True Alpha make people call you by your proper title, have some dignity man." said Alex with a smirk as he leaned against the wall to enjoy the glare Scott shot him.

"This is no time for jokes young Alpha." growled Satomi as she walked up to him and glared. Alex had a hard time not laughing, she was a rather short woman and she looked funny glaring up at him, at least until her eyes glowed alpha red, reminding Alex she was a powerful Alpha and had been for years now.

"Sorry ma'am." said Alex as he turned serious and waited to see what the plan was. "I like that, ma'am, so polite." said Satomi as she reached up to pinch his cheek before walking away, leaving Alex boggled at her response.

"Alex, we need someone to scout the perimeter." said Scott and Alex nodded, he was the best for that kind of job. "No problem, I'll roar when I see them come..." said Alex as he took of his shirt, confusing some of the other people in the room, the only ones that weren't were Scott, Kira, Derek, Braeden and Chris since they already knew of his ability.

"Why is he getting naked?" asked Satomi as she glared at one of the members of her pack, Brett's sister, who was staring at his chest with her mouth open, Scott just grinned back at the old Alpha but didn't answer her. "It ruins my clothes if I don't." said Alex as he dropped his pants and in seconds a massive black wolf was standing where the Alpha used to.

"A full shift...you get more and more interesting by the second young Alex." said Satomi in wonder as the wolf shot her what everyone thought was a wolfish grin before running past her, towards the outside.



Since fully shifting into a wolf was such a rare ability among werewolves not many in the hunter community knew about it. Another thing was that most people when they saw him in his transformed state thought him to be a bigger than normal Siberian husky. So as he ran around the warehouse sniffing and leaving an eye out for the hunters that were coming he was mostly ignore by the one of two people that passed him by.

"I don't mind scouting but damn is it boring." thought Alex as he jumped up on some grates and smelled the air. So far nothing, he was about to head back inside and report that they were safe when six black tinted SUV's parked outside the warehouse. From them almost twenty five men in black combat gear and assault rifles came out. "This was a bad idea on Scott's part." thought Alex as he got low on his grate and paid attention to what was happening before him.

"Between Me, Scott, Kira, Satomi and her pack there's almost fifty million dollars here...its too tempting to ignore, even if facing three Alphas at once is a bad idea." thought Alex before he jumped on the hunter closes to him and ripped out his throat, the move so quick and quiet the others close to them didn't notice a thing, they did notice when Alex stood on all four legs and howled to the sky letting the others inside knowing they had company.

"Lets get this party started." thought Alex as he ran in between the hunters dodging their bullets and the occasional crossbow bolt. "Awesome firepower, shit aim." thought Alex as he ran between one of the hunters lefts and swiped at him with his claws, cutting his leg up. The hunter fell to the floor with a groan before he stood back up limping and cursing.

"Time to bring the party inside." one of the hunters had broken down the door to the warehouse and had thrown what he hoped was only a flash grenade. It was. He saw the flash of light going on inside followed by all the hunters entering the warehouse en mass.

He followed after them and what he saw was pure pandemonium, flashes of light, gunshots, bullets and bolts flying every which way, he could hear grunts of pain as hunters and wolf alike manage to hurt each other.

"Kira really needs to get some throwing stars or something." thought Alex when he saw her use her sword to cut through a sheet to get at a hunter on the other side. As she kicked the hunter back another one had snuck up behind her and was ready to shoot her in the back, he didn't get the chance, before he could even lift his gun up to aim Alex had chance back into a wolf and was standing behind him holding him by the neck.

"Kira, watch your back." said Alex before gave a sharp twist and broke the hunters neck, Kira looked sick by the sound the neck made when it snapped but shot him a grateful smile all the same. "And I'm fighting naked...again." said Alex as he ducked and rolled to dodge a hail of gunfire and tackled another hunter to the ground.

"One day I'm going to get shot in the junk, and I won't anyone to blame but me." Alex said as he punched the hunter he had tackled into unconsciousness. He had no problem killing but only when it called for it, like saving a friends life.

Things around him were getting dire, he could see much of Satomi's pack hiding and whimpering away from the fight, Scott was getting tired as he took on multiple hunters at once, Kira and Satomi where taking a breather on the side and Derek and Braeden where fighting back to back.

The only one that seemed in his element in the middle of the gun fight was Chris, the ex hunter was moving in a circle shooting at any hunter that dared cross his path. It was kinda mesmerizing. Alex was too busy staring at Chris in action that he had no chance to dodge the four bullets that struck him in the side.

"Fuck." grunted Alex as he fell to one knee, he could feel the bullets being pushed out of his body as the wounds healed so that meant that they weren't Wolfsbane bullets but they still hurt like a bitch.

He stood up just in time to see Scott save the girl that was staring at him earlier from getting killed as he tackled the hunter to the ground and slammed his head against a nearby file cabinet. Alex moved over to the still stunned girl and touched her shoulder. When the girl looked at him, way to scared to ogled him this time he gave her a reassuring smile. "Go find your brother and hide." The girl gave him a quick nod before turning tail and running away.

He looked back at Scott to see him on top of the hunter slashing away at him with is claws, the strange thing was that he could see Scott's face change as he got angrier, his nose started disappearing as his face started forming a snout and the whites of his eyes turned pitch black. It was terrifying to see.

Just as Scott was about to deliver the killing blow a buzzing was heard all around the warehouse, it was enough to shock Scott out of his rage transformation and stop all the hunters in the place. As they moved as a group to pull out their phones Alex took the time to move over to where he had left his clothes and put his pants back on.

As he grabbed his shirt from the floor he saw Scott pull out the hunters phone and show him something, thanks to his enhance eyes he could make out the words 'The Benefactor: All Contracts Terminated.' and he felt relief flow into him. "Thank god." thought Alex as he put his shirt on and moved to stand next to Scott and Kira.

"Is it over? Really over?" said Kira and Alex wanted to laugh in relief when Scott nodded at her, he might hide it better than anyone but having a fifteen million dollar bounty on his head was nerve racking. "Finally." said Alex as he picked up his dusty bomber jacket from the floor and folded it up.

"I want to thank you all." they heard from behind them and when they turned the saw an exhausted but relieved Satomi smiling at all of them, Derek, Braeden and Chris having come to stand besides them. "Thanks to you all what is left of my pack has survived this night... I don't know how I'll ever repay you." said Satomi as she bowed to them in thanks.

"There's not need for thanks Satomi, it was the least we could do." said Scott always the polite one, Kira and the rest nodding their head in agreement. "Well I don't know about you all but I'm exhausted so, no more life threatening missions till tomorrow." grunted Alex as he used two of his claws to dig out one of the bullets still lodged in his side.

When all four were out and the holes they left behind had started to heal Alex put on his jacket and stated leaving the warehouse. "See ya tomorrow at school." said Alex as he walked away leaving a whole bunch of people amused.

Lydia's House.

"Tomorrow morning I'm buying a motorcycle." decided Alex as he walked all the way to Lydia's house. It really wasn't that much of a problem for him but he was sick of walking everywhere.

When he got to Lydia's house he saw that both her car and her mothers where not in the driveway meaning neither where home, luckily for him Lydia had told him where they hid the spare key. It was underneath one of the flowerpots in the backyard.

He was so tired he didn't detect the extra person in the house until he walked into his room and saw her. There in his bed was Malia, she was sitting on the edge of it waiting for him. She had a smile on her face as he walked in and that more than anything made him feel better. "I heard you and Stiles beat the Benefactor." said Alex as he took off his jacket and threw it on the table.

"We did, it was a computer, an old one." said Malia as she stood from the bed and walked up to him touching the four spots of blood on his shirt. "I heard you had a trying night as well, something about a small army of hunters." said Malia as she lifted his shirt to make sure he wasn't still wounded, he wasn't, the bullet holes having healed before he had even left the Warehouse.

"You could say that, it was more exhausting than dangerous...not very good aim you see." said Alex as he grabbed the hand that was busy touching his side where the bullet wounds used to be. As they talked they had moved closer to each other by now their bodies were almost touching.

"Some night huh?" asked Alex as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. "You could say that, almost getting burned alive..." said Malia as she gripped his shirt tightly.

"Fighting off dumb hunters..." said Alex as he used his free hand to tuck a strand of stray hair behind her ear. "...Shutting down ancient computers." said Malia as he stood on the tip of her feet to reach up at him. Just before their lips touch Alex spoke again.

"Did you get the chance to..." Malia interrupted him by pulling him down and kissing him. "I talked with Stiles...and for the moment I'm single." said Malia making Alex grin in delight. Before he could say anything else Malia wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him back down for another kiss, this one more forceful and needy.

"There's something we left unfinished isn't there?" asked Malia as she backed away from him and started moving towards his bed, all the while shooting him a very wicked and naughty smile. Alex grinned back at her, sure she wasn't talking about Game of Thrones.

Next Morning

Lydia's House.

Alex woke up grinning and sore,besides him a naked Malia was sleeping with her head on his shoulder and her legs entangled with his, they had gone to sleep less than two hours ago but he had been woken up by the alarm clock he had set up. "That was so worth the wait." thought Alex as he felt Malia kissing his chest in her sleep, the girl slept like the dead.

"Don't you have a math test you need to study for?" asked Alex as he gently shook the werecoyote awake, from the groan Malia made he was sure he had succeeded. "I hate math." said Malia as she buried her face in his chest and tried to go back to sleep. "So do I." said Alex with a grin before he stood from the bed, picking her up and taking her with him.

"Unfortunately for you, if you want to be a senior next year you have to pass it." said Alex as he laughed when Malia started struggling in his grip. When he felt her begin to claw at his back he put her on the ground and smiled at her, his smile getting bigger when he saw her pout.

"I'll help you study?" offered Alex as he tried his hardest not to stare at her naked body, he was still getting used to seeing her that way. She seemed to notice his struggle since she smiled at him and gesture towards her eyes. "My eyes are up here lover boy." said Malia with a grin before she kissed him and started picking up her discarded clothing.

Alex just stood there with a grin on his face as he watched her, his grin getting bigger when he saw the slight limp she had as she walked towards the bathroom to take a shower. "Its good to be me." said Alex as he fell back towards the bed with a sigh. "If I have to go study for that stupid math test so do you, so get up." said Malia from the shower making him groan. He ad been hoping to just cheat during the test, he been doing it since he got there.

"Alex." growled Malia from the shower making him laugh and stand up from the bed. "Ok, Ok I'm up." said Alex as he walked up to one of his duffel bags and started pulling out some clothes. "I could get use to this." thought Alex as he watched a freshly showered and dressed Malia come out of the bathroom.

As he moved towards the shower he heard Malia's phone buzz but he paid no attention to it, a few minutes later Malia walked into the bathroom while he was rinsing his hair and opened the curtain. "Apparently it's not over yet, Lydia showed up this morning at Derek's apartment and screamed." said Malia as she showed him the message from Scott.

"Screamed?...as in a Banshee scream?" asked Alex as he bend down to wash the shampoo from his hair, "Damn small showers." thought Alex as Malia nodded at him. "But the Benefactor has been dealt with, what's left?" asked Alex as he finished rinsing his hair and grabbed the towel from the rack. Malia looked angry as she told him, and when she did he got angry as well.

"Kate." said the werecoyote, her eyes glowing blue as she remembered what Kate and her Berserkers had done to him. Alex grunted before he stepped out of the shower and smiled at her. "First math, then werejaguars." said Alex as he kissed her and moved around her to go get dressed.

"Fine." said Malia as she turned and followed after him.

Beacon Hills High School

Economics Classroom.

Alex walking into Coaches class with a giddy look on her face, she had passed the math test, and she was happy as punch, behind them were walked in Lydia and Kira and as they all took their seats Malia wasted no time in sharing the happy news.

"Lydia, Lydia." said Malia as she she held out the graded test to the Banshee, "Look, Look I passed." said Malia as she almost shoved the test in Lydia's face. "C-." said Lydia with a nod as she looked over Malia's test, Alex wanted to laugh at the look on her face but manage to hold it in, besides him Kira failed and grinned at the whole thing.

"Your notes are great when they aren't written in code." said Malia as he put the test back down on her desk, Lydia for her part just twisted back to look at him. "And you? Did you pass the test?" asked Lydia as she saw the test on his desk and quickly snatched it up. "A-" said Lydia shocked as she read through the test.

"Don't be so surprised..." said Alex with a grin as he moved forward to stage whisper. "I hate the subject but I'm very good at math.." making Malia and Lydia glare at him while Kira tried her hardest to not laugh. Before they could say anything else coach approached them and started dropping test papers on their desks.

"Disappointed Malia, profoundly disappointed." said Coach as he handed her her graded test. Malia looked down and frowned when she saw she had gotten a 54 on it. Kira and Lydia also got their test back but both already knew they had aced it. "West..extremely surprised." said Coach as he dropped the test on Alex's desk and walked away.

"Did he just insinuate I was dumb?" asked Alex as he glared at Coach's back while Lydia grabbed the test from his desk, he had gotten a perfect score. "Are you like a secret nerd or something? Or did you cheat?" asked Lydia with a raised eyebrow, Alex looked back at her and gave her a sheepish smile,

"Nope I just cheat in History, remembering dates suck." said Alex not really making anyone believe him. Lydia just glared at him before turned her gaze at Malia. "You're new boyfriend is a tool." said Lydia with a smirk on her face. Malia and Alex shared a shocked look before both turned their attention back to the Banshee.

"How did you know?/I"m not a tool." both Malia and Alex said at the same time before looking at each other and smiling. "It's obvious...Malia is wearing my clothes and was limping this morning and Alex hasn't stopped grinning since he got here, it was either that or friends with benefits and Alex is too much of a hidden romantic to like that." said Lydia not looking at Alex or Malia but knowing just what their reactions would be.

"What are friends with benefits/I"m not a hidden romantic." both said at the same time glaring at Lydia, Kira behind them was too busy laughing her ass off to help them out. The Banshee just turned in her seat so she could see them both before she started speaking.

"Friends with Benefits are just that Malia, friends who have sex with no strings attached, no romance, no cuddling, just sex and nothing more..." said Lydia ignoring Malia's 'But I like cuddling.' as she turned towards Alex. "...and I saw you cry when we watched Jon Snow bury Ygritte, you're a romantic." said Lydia before she turned back towards the front of the classroom.

Malia turned towards Alex with a confused look on her face, he feared he was about to ask something more about friends with benefits but what she asked was worse. "Ygritte dies?" asked Malia with a sad frown on her face.

"Lydia...spoilers." hissed Alex chastising Lydia for spoiling it. The Banshee looked chagrined about having said that but didn't apologize s she was enjoying watching Alex console Malia to say anything else. "That's one plan that worked." thought Lydia as she watched the new couple.

She turned back towards the chalkboard before reading what was on it and having a bad feeling in her gut, Kira seemed to notice since she leaned forwards and said, "Its over, the computers are off, no more assassins no more murderers, no one is dying." said Kira trying to make Lydia feel better, it was the look on the Banshee's face that made Malia and Alex stop talking about Game of Thrones and pay attention to her.

"Not yet." said Lydia as he looked out the window towards the parking lot. Behind her Alex and Malia frowned while Kira look like she wanted to cry.

After School

Lacrosse field

Alex was bored out of his mind as he sat with Malia and Stiles's dad as they watched both teams prepare for the first game of the season. "What is the Sheriff's name?" thought Alex as he looked towards his friends father. When the man sat down with them and started talking to Malia it had been a little awkward, especially since the man had no idea she and his son were no longer together, only people that knew about his and Malia's new relationship where Kira and Lydia.

Before he ask the man his name Stiles walked over from the bench and, after looking at how close he and Malia where sitting, touch his father in the shoulder and started speaking. "Scott's not here yet, I'm starting to get worried." said Stiles as he did his best to look only at his dad.

"You wanna go find him?" asked the sheriff only getting a nod from Stiles as the sheriff stood from the bleachers Malia offered to stay and wait to see if Scott or Kira showed up, the sheriff smiled at her but Stiles didn't say anything, he just walked off.

"He's still mad." said Malia as she watched Stiles walked away. Alex was also watching and he could only nod, "It takes time to get over someone, especially someone like you." said Alex making Malia smile and take hold of his hand.

Suddenly Alex smelled something in the air, another wolf was getting closer to them. "You said your father was coming to meet you?" asked Alex as he nudged her with his shoulder, Malia glanced at him before nodding her head. "Then I think he's here." said Alex and in that moment Peter Hale walked up to them and sat on the bleachers next to Malia.

"So, who's winning?" asked Peter with a smirk as he glanced over at his daughter, his gaze coming to land on Alex with a confused expressing. "And who's the big fellow sitting so close to you?" asked Peter his paternal side flaring up a bit when he saw their hands.

"This is Alex..." said Malia introducing him to her biological dad. "...he's my boyfriend." said Malia after shooting him a glance, he smiled at her at that. "She's my girlfriend." thought Alex with a grin, sure she hadn't said no earlier when Lydia had implied the relationship but it was nice hearing a confirmation.

Peter looked confused at that, "I was under the impression you where slumming it with Stiles." said Peter making Alex and Malia frown at the insult to their friend. "Things change." said Alex with a grunt as he frowned at Peter.

"My where are my manners?, I haven't introduced myself, Peter Hale, Malia's real dad, Former Alpha werewolf." said Peter shinning his blue eyes threateningly at him and offering his hand for a handshake, Malia frowned at her dad and was about to say something before Alex beat her to it.

He reached over and shook Peter's hand before adding a great amount of pressure shocking Peter and Malia when both heard one of the bones crack in Peter's hand. "Alexander West, Malia's boyfriend, current Alpha werewolf. "said Alex, his eyes glowing Alpha red, shocking Peter into ripping his hand free from Alex's grip and staring between him and his daughter in shock.

"Quite the upgrade in companions there sweetie." said Peter as he rubbed his healing hand, his eyes never leaving Alex's glowing red eyes. "Whatever." said Malia before she looked out towards the field along with Alex and Peter when they smelled the fear and panic coming from Liam.

"The kids freaking out." said Peter as he watched Scott's only Beta getting knocked to the floor. "Was freaking out." said Alex as he heard what Brett said to Liam, "He should be fine now." said Alex as he kept looking around the field.

"I told you not to come here." said Malia not looking at Peter. "If you wanted to have a clandestine meeting you need to choose a clandestine location." said Peter also not looking at Malia, both ware staring at the field pretending to watch the game.

"After what happened between you and Meredith I'm pretty sure I could do without any kind of one on one father/daughter time." said Malia, they had been informed that morning after Econ that Meredith was the real Benefactor but that the poor girl was only following Peter's orders, orders she had received while Peter was in a coma,

"Banshee's are fucking weird." Alex had said only to get swatted by a harrumphing Lydia.

"How about mother/daughter time?" asked Peter as he glanced at Malia quickly. Malia glanced at him shocked making Peter smirk, "That's right, I found our dessert wolf." said Peter looking smug. Alex was starting to get why Stiles, Scott and Derek hated the man.

Malia looked lost for a few seconds before she shook her head and looked away from the Hale Beta, "Is she definitely my mother?" asked Malia, her grip on Alex's hand tightening so much he was sure he would get a bruise, still he didn't complain, he just squeezed her hand back trying to be comforting.

Peter stared at her for a few seconds before nodding his head. "Yes, but if you want to find her you're going to have to do something for me, something's that's come naturally to you for a very long time." said Peter as he ignored Alex's growl and the frown on Malia's face.

"Do you always have to get something in return?" asked Malia refusing to look at Peter. "When its something I can't do on my own...yes." said Peter glancing at Alex for a moment when he smelled the anger rolling off the Alpha werewolf.

Alex glared at him for a few seconds before looking away at Malia's squeeze, she had made him promise to not get involve in her talks with Peter, he had unfortunately agreed. "What do you want?" asked Malia as he turned to look at her father.

Peter glanced at Alex again for second before his gaze landed on Malia, "I want you to kill Kate Argent." said Peter. Malia looked at Alex for a few seconds before turning back to her father, her eyes glowing blue as she glared at him.

"Kate Argent will die, not because you're blackmailing me to do it but because she and her beasts hurt someone I care about." said Malia as she squeezed Alex's hand so hard it actually hurt before standing and walking away from her father.

Both Peter and Alex watched her walk away before Alex picked up their stuff to follow after her, before he did he turned back to Peter, "If this is some ploy, or some trick and it ends up with Malia or any of my friends hurt, I will kill you." said Alex, his red glowing eyes glaring at Peter.

"Just because you're an Alpha doesn't mean you scare me boy." said Peter as Alex stood to walk away after his girlfriend. Alex stopped and turned back to him. "That's what Agatha and her son thought before I killed them...don't make the same mistake." said Alex as he walked away leaving behind a stunned Peter.

"He's the one that killed Agatha?" thought Peter as he watched his daughter and her boyfriend walk away from him. "This changes things." thought the former Alpha with a smirk as he thought of a way to deal with the new obstacle.