
Chapter 7

The next day three tired and somewhat still sleepy teens went to school in Lydia's car.

"I can't believe we watched the whole first season in one night." said Alex as he rubbed his eyes and got out of Lydia's car.

"Its Malia's fault she's the one that didn't want to go to sleep." said Lydia as she sipped on a humongous cup of coffee like her life depended on it.

"You're the ones that wanted me to watch the series in the first place." grumbled Malia as she got out of the car and rested her head on its roof.

"But it was worth it." said Malia with a grin, she had really enjoyed the show, sure there were somethings she didn't fully understand but it was great nonetheless.

They moved from Lydia's car to sit at one of the tables outside the school.

That's where Stiles, Scott and Kira found them twenty minutes later Alex sleeping with his head on the table and Lydia and Malia using him as their personal pillow.

"Hey guys." said Scott wondering why his friends looked like they hadn't slept at all.

"Don't shout." said Malia as she lifted her head from Alex's rather comfortable shoulder and glared at Scott.

"What the hell happened to you guys?" asked Kira with a grin as she, Scott and Stiles sat at the table.

It was Alex who answered.

"We, as in Lydia and I, righted a most grievous wrong." said Alex solemnly as he stared at his three other friends, apparently what he said came out wrong because both Scott and Kira immediately went bright red and Stiles stared dumbfounded between Lydia and Alex.

"You had sex?" asked Stiles, causing Kira's face go so red the shifters in the table could swear they all felt the heat from where they were sitting.

Alex and Lydia shared a quick glance before bursting out in laughter, Kira, Scott and Stiles got a bit annoyed that they were getting laughed at.

"No, we didn't have sex." said Lydia doing her best to hold in her giggles, she thought of Alex as a friend nothing more and she was sure Alex only had eyes for one girl and it wasn't her.

Stiles looked relieved for some reason but only Malia and Lydia caught that. "Then what the hell did you guys do?" asked Stiles suspiciously, his eyes moving between Alex and Malia.

"We introduced Malia to the wonderful world of A song of Ice and Fire." said Lydia only to sigh when Scott and Kira looked lost while Stiles looked affronted.

"You watched Game of Thrones without me? I can't believe you." Cried a betrayed looking Stiles as he glared at the three sleepy teens.

"We did, the whole first season, hence why we are so tired." Said Alex glancing amused at the still annoyed Stiles.

"And stop asking about my sex life, its none of your business if/when I get laid." said Alex a bit annoyed Stiles kept bringing it up.

"Well, I'm just trying to be a good friend, last year we had a rogue druid on our hands that sacrificed virgins, won't want something like that to happen to you." said Stiles and Alex was about to laugh when he saw the looks on everyone's faces.

"What?!, that actually happened?" Yelled a panicked and paling Alex as Scott slapped Stiles in the back of the head.

"I told you not to tell him about that." said Scott annoyed at Stiles.

"What!." Cried Alex, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. Lydia patted his back trying to be comforting but it wasn't working.

"There, there, I highly doubt that we will get a repeat of that." said Lydia but the damage had been done.

"That's it, first thing after dealing with this whole Benefactor thing and kicking Kate's ass I'm getting laid." said Alex seriously getting smirks from Stiles, Scott and Lydia, thought hers was for a completely different reason, mainly the frown on Malia's face.

"Who would you even sleep with?, we're the only people you know." said Lydia grinning as she saw Malia glanced at her and shoot her a quick glare.

"Damn that's right. I only know you weirdos, well you and Sidney, she's my lap partner in Chem." said Alex thinking on who to sleep with before a bulb went off in his head.

"I could seduce Sidney, she's cute, slightly neurotic but cute." said Alex happily, too focus on the laughter around him to see Malia's eyes flash blue and her nails getting sharper.

In fact the only one that caught the werecoyote discontent was Lydia and that was because she was looking to see her reaction.

"That's not such a bad idea." said Lydia shocking the group into sklence, none more so than Malia.

"She's really high strung and maybe getting some would do her some good." said Lydia trying her best to not laugh at the look on everyone's faces.

"Lydia I think you're spending too much time around me." said Alex shocked Lydia had said something so...well So unLydia like.

"But I think you're right, it's decided, I'm going to seduce Sidney;" said Alex with a grin as he pulled out a package of donetts and started eating them, having to give some to Lydia and Malia. The werecoyote having grown fond of the treats the night before while watching GOT.

"Well don't be surprised if you don't last long, its an issue with inexperience lovers." said Stiles trying to sound suave but sounding like an idiot instead.

"Dude, Alpha werewolf remember" said Alex deadpanned thoroughly enjoying the annoyed look on Stiles face.

"What does being an Alpha have to do with being a good lover?." asked Stiles looking from Alex to Scott and back, from the look on Scott's and Kira's face there was something he didn't know.

"Dude, I can run fifteen miles, full sprint, before I start getting tired." said Alex making Scott, Kira and even Malia blush bright red, when Stiles and Lydia looked confused Alex decided to explain.

"Stiles, one word my man... stamina." said Alex with a smirk when Lydia went bright red as well and Stiles looked like he wanted to choke him.

"That's cheating." Cried Stiles pouting at Alex and Scott, who just laughed at the look on their friend's faces.

"...but its awesome." said Scott and Alex at the same time before looking at each other and laughing, from besides Scott, Kira nodded her head with a blush on her face.

"Can we stop talking about sex." said Malia annoyed as she glared at everyone at the table.

They all complied and went back to talking about Game of Thrones before Lydia's phone beeped.

"Who's texting you at seven in the morning?" asked Stiles trying to subtly looked at the screen of her phone to see.

"Jordan." said Lydia confused as she opened the text and read it, Alex knew who she was talking about since she had mention him a few times while talking to him.

"The Deputy." said Alex when the rest of the McCall pack looked confused at each other.

"He's the new deputy that works for Stiles father." said Alex getting nods from everyone on the table and a small frown from Stiles.

"What does he want?"asked Stiles looking suspicious as he was still trying to read her text over her shoulder.

"He says another deputy tried to kill him, he set him on fire." said Lydia with wide eyes and her jaw hanging open, same as with all the people at the table.

"Someone set him on fire?...because he's in the Deadpool?" asked Alex as he snatched the phone from her hand and read the text.

"Holy shit." said Alex as he saw the picture Parrish had sent of his covered in ash.

"Is this a form of sexting? I mean he could have sent one of his face covered in ash, not just his torso and six pack." said Alex with a smirk as Lydia glared at him, slapped in in the back of the head and took her phone back.

"Whatever, my six-pack is better." said Alex dodging another swat and standing up.

"Well you boys and girls go deal with the sexy and mysterious Jordan Parrish, I have Spanish to go take." said Alex as he grabbed his book bag from the floor.

"Doesn't your family come from Puerto Rico?" asked Lydia with a raised eyebrow wondering why he was taking Spanish.

"Y que tiene que ver eso con yo cojer Espanol?" asked Alex with a cheeky grin thoroughly enjoying the flummoxed looks on everyone's faces.

Well everyone aside from Lydia's.

"Te lo digo por que cojer una clase cuando ya sabes hablar el idioma es ser un vago." said Lydia getting a wide grin from Alex and wide looks from everyone else.

"Tu hablas Espanol?" asked an exited Alex only to get a smirk from Lydia.

"Que tu crees?" said Lydia smiling back at the side eye look on Alex's face.

"Dude we can so use this to annoy everyone else...we can gossip and they won't know what we're talking about." said Alex totally ignoring the looks being sent his way by the rest of the table and focusing on Lydia.

"Estupido." said Lydia before Alex laughed out loud and lef t for Spanish class.

The rest of the table left to do different things, Lydia and Scott left for Derek's Loft to talk with the wolf and Parrish, Stiles had a free period to he went to visit his dad in the hospital and Malia and Kira, same as him left to go to class.

After School

High School

"Finally." said Alex the last bell sounded for the day, he left the classroom and almost ran towards his locker room to stash his book in.

"Now, like Eric Cartman would say...screw you guys I'm going home, well Lydia's home." said Alex with a grin as he grabbed his almost empty bag pack, he had some Spanish homework, and started making his way out of the school.

"Alex! wait up." he heard her voice from his right and as always his heart started beating faster, he had long since given up trying to calm it down in her pretense.

As she reached his side and started walking by his side. "Hey Malia." said Alex as he smiled at her.

"What's up?" asked Alex as he opened the door to the school and held it open for er.

"I was wondering if we could continue watching Game of Thrones." said Malia smiling shyly at him.

"HA HA got you hooked don't we." laughed Alex as he threw his arm around her shoulders and started making his way towards the parking lot.

"I just want to find out what happens." said Malia huffing at him.

"Don't you want to go to the bonfire?" asked Alex remembering it was suppose to be one of the best parties of the year, he wasn't much for parties but even he was thinking of going.

"Maybe later tonight " said Malia as they walked out of the parking lot and started making their way towards Lydia's house.

"Then Game of Thrones is it my lady." said Alex as he smiled at her and both started making their way to Lydia's House faster.

Lydia's House

Just like the night before they were in Lydia's room, she had the biggest TV, sitting on her bed watching GOT, the second season this time.

Alex felt a little nervous sitting so close to Malia but all the concentration he wasn't devoting to Game of Thrones was spend modulating his body chemistry so Malia couldn't pick up on any the signals his body would be giving off.

"I really don't like Cercei or Joffrey." said Malia with a frown as the she watched the show, Alex shot her a smile before leaning back on the headboard and agreeing with her.

"Join the club darling, we meet on Monday Mornings." said Alex with a smile as he watched the show.

Everything was going well until he started smelling apprehension and anxiety coming from Malia.

"Someone needs to teach her how to hide her scents." thought Alex with a frown.

"Remind me to teach you how to modulate your body chemistry so that no other werewolves or werecoyote's can tell what you're feeling by how you smell." said Alex as he sat up and looked at her, Malia looked chagrined.

"So tell, what's got you smelling so anxious?" asked Alex as he picked up the remote and hit pause on the show. Malia's eyes fell on his own and for some reason he couldn't look away.

"I'm so sorry." said Malia quietly while her eyes filled with tears.

"What? Why are you sorry?" asked Alex as he sat closer to her wondering why she was apologizing for.

"I don't understand." said Alex as one tear fell from Malia's eyes. She used her hand to touch his stomach, just where the bone dagger had been.

That made Alex understand, he shook his head as he moved a bit away from her, something she seemed to notice since she moved forwards with a frown on her face.

"That wasn't your fault Malia, it was mine, I shouldn't have just left like that, I knew about Kate and the Berserkers and still I left by myself." said Alex as he moved a few inches away from Malia hoping she would leave it at that.

She didn't.

"If it wasn't for me you would've stayed that night for the party and you wouldn't have died." said Malia as she glanced into his eyes sadly.

" I died for less that five minutes Malia, I'm fine." said Alex with a weak laugh trying to make her feel better, it did the opposite.

"You shouldn't have died at all!" snarled Malia as she glared at him.

"There's nothing you could have done Malia." said Alex as he turned away from her and picked the remote back up.

"It was my fault, if I hadn't rejected you, you wouldn't have left and you wouldn't have been hurt." said Malia as she slapped the remote from his hands and grabbed his head to force him to look at her.

He gave her a sad little smile that didn't much help with the guilty feelings she had.

"I learned a long time ago Malia you can't make people feel something just because you want them too." said Alex as he grabbed the hand holding his face and held it for a few seconds before taking it away from his face and releasing it.

"You don't feel for me what I feel for you and that's ok Malia." said Alex as he gave her a small smile and turned away to look back at the TV, even thought watching Game of Thrones was the last thing on his mind.

"That's not true." said Malia as she pushed him back and straddle his waist and before he could even ask what she was doing her lips were on his and they were kissing.

He was kissing her and he felt like he was floating. His heart was beating so hard be was sure Malia could feel it.

For just a few seconds his mind was in total bliss, then those seconds passed and he remembered Stiles, his friend, her boyfriend.

"No, this is wrong." said Alex as he broke the kiss and held her away from him, she still had her eyes closed, her lips were red and her face was flushed, and Alex wanted nothing more than to pull her back in and kiss her again.

"We can't Malia, what about Stiles?" asked Alex and that shook her out of her stupor, in seconds she was standing in the other side of the room away from him.

"What was that?" asked Alex shocked at what just happened, Malia reddened and turned her head away from him.

"The night of the party, what I didn't say was that I liked you too." said Malia staring at a picture Lydia had on her dresser, it was of her, Scott, Stiles and a girl with long luscious black hair she thought must have been Allison.

"I knew that." said Alex as he looked at her from his seat in Lydia's bed, that made Malia finally look at him.

"I knew you were attracted me for a while now, like I said I need to teach you to modulate your body, Scott probably knows as well." said Alex shocking Malia.

"Then why didn't you say anything?" asked Malia as she moved from where she was standing to sit by the edge of Lydia's bed.

"And say what Malia? Hey I know you like me but you like your boyfriend more?...what would that had solved?" asked Alex with a slight sarcastic tone that made Malia angry, her eyes flashing blue as she glared at him.

"Maybe, I don't know." growled Malia as she standing up. Alex, getting angry himself stood from the bed as well.

"You should have said something instead of running off with your tail between your legs." said Malia glaring at him, that made Alex growl back at her, his eyes flashing

"Watch it." growled Alex as he glared at her, Malia's eyes glowed even brighter as she glared at him.

"Or what? The big bad Alpha is going to run off again." taunted Malia and in seconds Alex had picked her up, slammed her against the wall of Lydia's bedroom and they were kissing.

Malia moaned in the back of her throat as she wrapped her long legs around his waist and her arms around his neck pulling him closer towards her, her fingers had grown into claws and where digging into the flesh of his shoulders but he was too busy to notice.

"Screw Stiles, Screw Scott, Screw the McCall pack...she's mine." thought Alex, his wolf instincts taking over for a second as he kissed her.

Before things could go any further Alex peeled himself from her and stared into her eyes, her lust filled eyes.

"I'm a fucking moron." thought Alex as he closed his eyes and took a step away.

"What's going on? Why did you stop?" asked Malia as she cleaned her bloody fingers on the side of her pants.

"I want you Malia." growled Alex seriously as he stared into her eyes.

"I want you to be mine, only mine...but Stiles is still my friend." said Alex and that seemed to take the wind straight out of her sails as she let out of heavy breath and shook her head.

"I won't be a place holder for him, or a way to get revenge for whatever it is you two are fighting about." Growled Alex and he could see her getting angry again.

"This isn't about replacing Stiles or getting revenge, I like you..." said Malia with a growl, her eyes glowing blue and making his arousal skyrocket.

"Then pick me." said Alex shocking her into silence.

"Go, talk with Stiles, resolve whatever it is that happened between you and then, when you're no longer mad at him, pick." said Alex as he lightly touched the side of her face sure he was making a huge mistake.

"Pick between the both of us and I'll respect any decision you make." said Alex as he moved his hand away from her face and stepped back from her.

Malia stayed against the wall with a thoughtful look on her face and for some reason he wanted nothing more in that second than to go get drunk and maybe dance a bit.

"Hey, I'm kinda sick of Game of Thrones at the moment, wanna go to the bonfire?" asked Alex as he picked up his bomber jacket from the floor where it had fallen to.

Malia looked up at him unsure for a few seconds before nodding her head

"Yes please!." Groaned Malia before she looked at his shoulders and shit him a smirk.

"You're going to have to change then." she said and when he looked he had eight bloody holes, four in each shoulder, on his shirt.

"I guess I am." said Alex with a smile as he started to walk out of the room. Malia following behind him in a hurry to leave Lydia's room and the smell of arousal they had both left there.

Alex walked into the guest bedroom and started rummaging around in one of his duffel bag looking for a shirt.

"It was a hell of a kiss." said Alex with a grin not looking at her, Malia grinned back as she sat on the edge of his bed.

"It was." said the werecoyote as she showed him her blood stained fingers.

He took out a simple red long sleeve shirt and walked outside toward the bathroom to go get changed. Malia stayed sitting in his bed as he changed.

He came back a few seconds later, his bomber jacket on and his wallet in hand, he was checking it to see if he had money.

"You ready to go?" asked Malia as he stood from his bed and walked towards him.

"Aye, ready as I'll ever be." said Alex as he put on his bomber jacket and stuck the wallet in its inside pocket.


The bonfire was in full swing by the time both Malia and Alex got there, the fire was high, the music was loud, the booze was flowing and everyone was having a hell of a time.

"This seems fun." said Alex with a grin as he took a big silver flask from a kid near him. He took a sip and wanted to gag.

"Ugh here, you like vodka?" asked Alex as he handed the flask to Malia. The werecoyote took a sip before shuddering and shrugging her shoulders.

"It's not that bad." said Malia as she took another big swig.

"Wait here while I see if I can find something that doesn't taste like ass." said Alex before smiling at her, a smile she returned, and walking away to get some better quality booze. The music changed while she waited and she couldn't help but start dancing.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" said Scott as he walked up to her from out of nowhere, Malia glanced at him for a few seconds before shooting him a quick smile, all the while she was still dancing.

"Getting drunk, what are you doing?" asked Malia as she looked around trying to find Alex, she saw his massive frame by a table full of alcohol trying to find one he liked.

"Trying to make sure no one gets hurt" said Scott making Malia roll her eyes and wishing Alex would hurry up.

"That sounds fun too." said Malia a bit sarcastic. "I'm spending too much time with Lydia." thought the werecoyote as she took another drink from her flask.

"I don't wanna ruin your night or anything, but we kinda can't get drunk." said Scott with a sheepish smile as he looked from her towards her flask.

"What?" asked Malia confused as she looked at Scott.

"I think it has something to do with out healing, but trust me I tried, you're not going to feel anything." said Scott and Malia was confused, she was feeling something.

"Maybe you should tell him that." said Malia as she got out of the way and pointed at Liam, she had seen the little Beta a few minutes ago drinking with his friend Mason.

Scott glanced at Liam for a few seconds concerned before looking back at Malia.

"Can we talk for a second?" asked Scott trying to get her to stop dancing.

"Nope, I'm busy.." said Malia turning around and glancing back at the table to see Alex had picked something to drink and was trying to make his way back to her side.

"His big butt is having a hard time getting through all the people." thought Malia doing her best not to giggle at the look of annoyance on Alex's face as he tried to not knock anyone over.

"I just want to talk." said Scott from behind her making her turn back around.

"He's not giving up is he?" thought Malia as she shook her hear.

"Well I just want to dance."

"We had our reasons..." Scott started explaining.

"We didn't tell you about Peter..." said Scott but Malia interrupted him knowing what he was going to say.

"To protect me, that's what Peter said you would say, and guess what he said next..." said Malia, kinda enjoying the look on her Alpha's face.

"That you were right, does that surprise you?" asked Malia as she stopped dancing to hear what Scott would say.

"No it makes me wonder what's he wants, Malia we need to stay together, you, me, Stiles..." there she interrupted him again, one because she was still mad at Stiles for lying to her and two because she felt kinda guilty about what she had done earlier tonight, not about kissing Alex, but about kissing him while still technically Stiles's girlfriend.

"I don't want to talk about Stiles." said Malia taking a large swig of her flask, Scott frowned at her before sniffing the air around her.

"Is that why you have Alex's scent all over you?" asked Scott suspiciously as he stared at Malia hard.

"…I just want to dance, and get drunk." said Malia ignoring the question and the look Scott was giving her.

"We can't get drunk." said a voice besides them as Alex finally got through the brush of people and stood next to them with a bottle of scotch in his hands.

"I just want to dance, and get drunk." said Malia as she shook her head and tried to start dancing again, key word being try since she stumbled and would've fallen on the floor if Alex hadn't caught her.

"You are drunk." said a confused Alex as he held the giggling werecoyote in his arms.

"Yep." said Malia as she popped the 'P' and spit all over Alex.

"But you can't be." said Scott as he and Alex looked around the party. Scott caught a glimpse of Liam stumbling around drunk off his ass.

"This isn't possible, her flask is full of vodka and that isn't strong enough to get us drunk, something weird is going on." said Alex when he caught Scott looking at Malia's flask.

"Is this what drunk feels like?, this doesn't feel as good as I hope." said Malia clutching Alex's jacket so she wouldn't fall down.

"That's what she said." said Alex grinning like an idiot making Malia giggle and Scott frown at him.

"I don't think its suppose to." when he saw Alex swaying a little bit.

Scott looked around worried for a few seconds before he caught sight of some guys in cops uniforms staring at them from the fringes of the party.

Alex followed his gaze and saw them too.

"Contract Killers." said Alex his eyes glowing red as he stared at one of the guys, a big bald one.

"Most likely." said Scott as he glanced back a Liam before looking back at the killers then at Alex.

"Keep her on her feet and keep moving." said Scott, and only when Alex stopped glaring at the bald man and nodded back at him did Scott turn to go get Liam.

"Is something's happening?" slurred Malia from where she was hanging on him.

"Something's happening alright." said Alex as he shook his head trying to get rid of his dizziness.

He wrapped his arm around Malia's waist securely before turning and walking after Scott.

As they walked Alex could see Scott stumbling a bit and that worried him, if the True Alpha was starting to feel it as well how long did he have before whatever was affecting him had him acting like Malia and Liam.

When the reached Liam Alex's vision was starting to grow fuzzy and he felt a bit like throwing up. The young Beta was puking his guts out as he was sitting on the ground next to his worried friend Mason.

"How much has he had to drink?" asked Scott and he knelt next to Liam and touched his shoulder.

Mason shook his head confused as he stared at Scott.

"Not enough to get him like this." said Mason showing them the bottle Liam was drinking from, it was half full.

"Something's happening, we need to get them out of here, I think we need..." Scott started slurring and stumbling starting to feel the effects as well, as he stared at the palm of his hand.

"How much did you drink?" asked Mason as he stared at the drunken Scott, Alex behind them wobbled a bit before he manage to catch himself.

"Nothing, not even a sip." said Scott as he looked around with slightly unfocused eyes.

As the music around them grew louder the drunken they seemed to get, Liam was laying down on the ground now and Malia was almost completely leaning on Alex to stand up.

The two Alphas were less affected but not by much. The music grew louder again and that's when Alex and Scott connected the dots.

"Its not the drinks its the music." said Scott as he and Alex glared at the DJ as he made the music louder and smiled at them.

"I'm going to tear his head off." snarled Alex before a spike of pain slammed in to his head.

From the looks of it all the shifters in the party felt it too.

"I have to, I have to turn off the music." said Scott as he tried to stand up straight and glanced from Alex to Mason.

"Don't let them out of your sight." said Scott looking at Mason since Alex had sat down on the ground unable to support both his weight and Malia's.

Mason nodded his head as Scott passed by him heading towards the DJ table.

The closer he got the louder the music became until Scott could walk no more and fell to the floor.

As he did the guards moved from the edge of the party and started making their way towards all of them, two went and grabbed Scott while the other five grabbed Malia, Liam and Alex.

"Lets go." said the bald guard as he grabbed Liam's arm and pulled it roughly.

"Hey what are you doing? This are my friends." said Mason as he tried and failed to stop the guards.

"Touch her and die." Growled Alex as he used all the strength he could muster to stand up and get between the guards and Malia.

"Your friends are overly intoxicated, they need to be escorted out." said the bald guard as he glared at Mason and ignored what Alex had said, two guards had moved to flank Alex and were ready to take him down.

"Hey! I said they're my friends!" cried Mason as he tried to physically make the bald guard drop Liam, the guard just glared at him and pushed him to the floor.

The two guards had pulled out collapsible batons and had jumped Alex, one was pulling the baton across Alex's neck holding him and cutting of his air subtly and the other one had slammed it into his stomach.

The Alpha werewolf collapsed after that.

As they started dragging them away Alex and Scott kept struggling, especially when Alex saw Malia had fallen unconscious and was being dragged by two guards that were grinning darkly.

As they were being dragged into the school Alex could feel the same pressure, like the one that he felt when he had fought Agatha, start to build back in his chest.

"Stiles was right, nothing good happens in this damn school." thought Alex as they were dragged through the school doors, as the guards dragged him in he saw Liam and Malia unconscious on the floor and Scott sitting next to them dazed.

The longer the pressure build the less he felt the effects of whatever was happening to them, unknown to him his eyes were shining as bright as they had ever been.

They threw him next to Scott but unlike the True Alpha he landed on one knee next to him.

"Scott..." said Alex making Scott look at him.

"...whatever happens next, make sure Malia is kept safe, Liam too I guess." said Alex before he stood on his feet and turned slowly towards the bald guard.

When Alex saw the container of gasoline in his hands the pressure building in his chest snapped.

"They were going to set us on fire, set Malia on fire." and just like last time he felt invincible.

"I'm going to hurt you now." said Alex as he glared at the bald guard who was smugly looking back at him and smirking.

"Really tough guy, I would pay to see that." said the bald guy as he walked towards Alex and used one hand to try and push him down, the keyword being 'Try'.

"Impossible..." said the bald guy as he took a step backwards in shock.

"The music, it should have..." he didn't get a chance to finish before Alex snarled and jumped him.

Scott could only sit there stunned out how easily and how brutally Alex was beating seven grown men to a bloody pulp.

"He's real mad." thought Scott as he watched Alex grabbed the bald guards hands and break them both at the wrist then elbow then shoulder.

The bald guy was screaming bloody murder as Alex held him by the throat, his six accomplices already unconscious on the school floor.

Suddenly the music died around them and Scott no longer felt like hammered shit, besides him he could feel both Malia and Liam waking up and when he turned his head he saw both of them starting in awe at the massacre that had happened before them.

"Alex! wait." said Scott as he stood up, from the corner of his eyes he could see Derek and Braeden had gotten there in time to see Alex break the bald man's arms.

"Scott, they were going to burn us alive, what's stopping them from trying again?" asked Alex with so much fury in his voice that even Scott got worried.

"We're what's stopping them..." said Scott as he walked up to Alex and put his hand on his shoulder before looking at the bald guard.

"...we and the knowledge that if they try this again, I won't stop you." said Scott glaring at the guard who looked like he was just about to fall over dead.

"Did you understand that? If I ever see you again I will rip your head from your shoulders." snarled Alex as he shook the guard to see if he was listening.

"Yes...please don't kill me." the guard said in pain as his hands were hanging limply by his side.

Alex held him in the air for a few more seconds, and for a second Scott thought Alex would kill the man anyway, before he snarled and threw the guard against the lockers so hard some of them broke open.

Alex roared in anger once more before turning his burning red eyes towards Scott.

"If they do come back and hurt anyone its on you." said Alex before he moved over towards where Malia was laying on the floor and went down to sit besides her.

The power he had used to break the effect the music was having on him was gone and he felt exhausted.

"I really need to find out what that is."

Alex looked to the side to see Malia staring at him with worried eyes, he gave her a small smile and moved his hand closer to her, as close as he could without actually touching her.

"So, enjoy the bonfire?" asked Alex making her grin and roll her eyes.

"Yes, it was a blast." said Malia holding in a giggle by sheer force of will.

"Almost Malia, almost." said Alex as he moved his gaze to see Liam, the little Beta looked like he wanted to shit himself and maybe cry a little.

"You OK there squirt?" asked Alex making Liam looked up rapidly and nodded his head.

"I am, thanks." said Liam before he pulled his knees towards his chest and laid his head against them.

Scott had moved to talk to Braeden and Derek and they were standing a few feet away from them, they were talking about the Deadpool.

He should have paid attention but Malia had scooted next to him to lay her head against his shoulder and his attention was ripped from Scott, Derek and the Sourwolf's girlfriend.

"Are you OK?" asked Alex not caring if Scott, Liam and Derek could hear him, Malia moved her eyes up towards his face before nodding.

"I am, thanks to you." said Malia as she stared at all the unconscious guards around them.

"How did you do that?" asked Malia and Alex couldn't help himself, he had been waiting to give this answer since he heard Scott say it a few days back.

"I'm an Alpha." said Alex with a smile on his face. Malia shook her head before elbowing him in the ribs.

"You're an idiot is what you are." said Malia before laying her head back down and closing her eyes.

"I know." said Alex as he lay his head back against the wall and followed Malia's lead by closing his eyes.

He was just about to take a quick nap before Scott walked up to them with his phone in hand and a frown on his face.

"Guys we got trouble." said Scott as he and Malia opened their eyes to glare at the True Alpha, he ignored them and kept talking.

"Lydia and Stiles were attacked at Echen House, Lydia is at the sheriff station and Stiles is at the hospital..." before Scott and before he was even done talking Alex and Malia were on their feet and walking out the school doors.

"And Kira needs help at the clinic... but I guess I can take that one." muttered Scott to himself since Malia and Alex had already left.

As Alex and Malia walked down the steps of the school they realized they were probably headed into different directions.

"You're going to see Stiles?" asked Alex as they reached the bottom of the steps, Malia looked away for a few seconds before turning back towards him and nodding her head.

"I am."

"Good, tell him I hope he feels better." said Alex and he meant it, he might have feelings for Malia but Stiles was still his friend.

"I will, and tell Lydia the same." said Malia knowing that with Lydia being his best friend Alex would go make sure she was alright.

Alex gave her a nod before she started to turn to leave, before she could Alex grabbed her hand and puller her to him and into a kiss.

"What was that for?" asked Malia after they separated, Alex took a deep breath and closed his eyes briefly before looking at her in the eyes and giving her a small smile.

"It might be the last time I get to kiss you..." said Alex with a shrug knowing that Malia had a choice to make and she might not pick him in the end.

Malia looked away briefly before squeezing his hand and turning to leave, she didn't say anything and for that he was sort of grateful.

As Alex watched her walk away from him he couldn't help but make a silent plea to whatever deity would listen to him.

"God please let her pick me." thought Alex as he lost sight of Malia and turned towards the direction of the sheriff station.

"Its not even ten and I'm already exhausted." said Alex out loud before he started running towards where Lydia was.

"Its going to be a long ass night." thought the Alpha werewolf as he saw Scott and Liam exit the school to go towards the vet clinic