
Chapter 3

Deaton's Veterinary Clinic


Alex stayed for two weeks in Beacon Hills, and there under the tutelage of both Scott and Derek he learned a whole bunch of things Clark never got the chance to teach him. Like pain taking.

"Who knew werewolves could do more than just cause pain, they can take it away." thought Alex as he stood in front of Deaton's office waiting on the McCall Pack to arrive.

He had been staying in the clinic for the last two weeks, having traded room and board for helping Scott and Deaton with the animals that came in, that's when Scott had showed him how to take pain.

From Derek he had learned how to track, how to differentiate smells, how to tell apart the ones associated with identity from the ones linked to feelings. He was even better when he was in his wolf form.

That had been another boon, he could now change into his wolf form at will, all it took was a bit of concentration and in less than a minute he could become a huge black wolf.

When he was in his wolf form, while a bit weaker than his human form, his instincts, reflexes and his senses were greatly enhanced. Not to mention how fast he became. He was like the wind. He could run for hours without feeling tired and was almost twice as fast as Scott, Malia and Derek were.

And after failing to change his mind on going after the Devil's Pack Deaton had decided to aid him as much as he could. Apparently the Hales, back when Talia had still been alive and an Alpha, had had a problem with Agatha and her band of thugs.

Talia and another Alpha named Deucalion had come together to form a plan to deal with them but before they could Deucalion had been side tracked by a local conflict with a family of Hunters called the Argents and their plans fell through when the Alpha had lost his sight in a confrontation with the Head of House Argent.

And while the plans had failed to come into fruition Deaton, as Talia's Emissary, had kept all the information he and her had gathered on the Devil's Pack, that included a detailed map of the Town on Devil's Kettle including where Agatha's home was inside the town, where her Betas patrolled and where would be the best place to strike.

Derek, with some help from Deaton, had also taught him the most important thing he would need if he planned to attack the Devil's Pack. They taught him how to modulate his body chemistry so he could hide his scent from other werewolves.

With his already amazing control over his body learning to modulate it wasn't that difficult.

"I don't know how I can ever hope to repay all of you." said Alex as he heard Deaton coming out of the Vet's Clinic behind him.

"Survive this and we'll call it even." said Deaton as he stood next to Alex and handed him a small bag.

"Thank you." said Alex as he grabbed the bag and put it on his back, inside was the map of Devil's kettle, a few spare clothes and a gun with Wolfsbane bullets, in case of emergencies, courtesy of Deaton.

"You're welcome my boy, now I only wish I could talk you into abandoning this foolish vendetta you have." said Deaton quietly, he had spend much of the two weeks trying and failing to make Alex stay and not go after the Agatha and her Pack.

"Don't worry about me Deaton, I have a plan." grinned Alex as he watched Stiles jeep skid to a halt in the parking lot of the vet's office, the McCall Pack was here.

Stiles, Malia, Kira, Lydia got out of the jeep followed by their Alpha. He had become good friends with each of them but his favorite by far where Scott and Malia.

Scott was an earnest young man that tried his hardest to see the best in people and Malia just had something about her that made you like her, the fact that he spend most of his time with her trying to teach her to change back to her Coyote form was probably another reason why he liked her so much.

"Where's Derek?" asked Alex as he looked around for the 'Sourwolf'', as Stiles liked to call him when he wasn't around to strangle him for it.

"I don't know, we tried calling but he isn't picking up." said Scott as he walked up to Alex and patted him in the arm.

"Well when you see him tell him good bye for me." Said Alex as he took the bag Deaton had given him and laid it on the ground.

"So you really doing this?" asked a worried Scott.

"I am." said Alex with a serious nod before smiling at Scott and the rest of the Pack.

"But don't look so glum, I'm too damn awesome to get killed by a bunch of inbred sister-fucking werewolves." said Alex making everyone smile with his crass language.

"Good, then I expect you to come back here the second its done." said Scott before sticking his hand out.

Alex happily shook the True Alpha's hand. Before it was replaced by Stiles, the weird little fellow had been suspicious of him during the first few days but he eventually came around.

"Yeah, you come back and tell us all about your trek into hell." said Stiles before giving him a really awkward one armed hug and shuffling away.

Really...he shuffled.

"You're an idiot, you know that right?" said Lydia before grinning at him and kissing him in the cheek.

"I do, its one of my more endearing qualities." said Alex with a grin, making her laugh as she move over to stand near Stiles and Scott.

She was replaced by Malia, and as she stood in front of him ready to make her goodbyes Alex felt a fluttering on his stomach he hadn't felt in a long while.

"God I have a crush on her." thought Alex sadly as she grinned at him.

"You better come back you hear me? You're a good friend and you still need to help me learn to change back into a coyote." Said Malia as she jumped and gave him a tight hug. He didn't have time to return it before she let go and move to stand next to her boyfriend.

"I have a crush on her and she's crazy for Stiles." thought Alex as he shook his head and planted a smile on his face.

"Before you go, take this with you." said Deaton before he handed Alex a small disposable flip phone and a folded piece of paper.

"I want you to call us, to let us know you're OK, I already programmed our numbers inside..." said Deaton as Alex gladly took the phone, he looked at the folded piece of paper, inside was a phone and a name.

"Call him...he's had a grudge against Agatha for years now and might be willing to help you." said Deaton and Alex, after looking back down at the piece of paper, gave him a nod and stored both inside his bag.

"Thank you." said Alex before he took off his shirt and put it in his bag as well. He idly noticed that both Malia and Lydia looked away with blushes on their face.

"That's right, I'm a very sexy man." thought Alex with a grin as he unbuttoned the his pants.

"Dude!, what are you doing?" asked Stiles as he covered his eyes with his hands. "No one wants to see that again."

"Speak for yourself." muttered Lydia, forgetting or not caring that the shifters in the group could hear her. Alex blushed slightly when she smiled at him before looking back at Stiles.

"I'll get there faster as a wolf, Stiles." and just like that Alex shrunk down and almost instantly turned into a black wolf with glowing gold eyes.

Deaton was kind enough to store his pants into he bag before Alex grabbed his bag with his teeth and, after wagging his tail at the group one last time, took off into the nearby woods.

"And he's gone." said Scott as he stared at the path Alex had taken, behind him his Pack and Deaton looked worried for the new friend they had made.

"I hope he comes back." said Malia as he clutched Stiles arm tightly.

"We all do Malia, we all do." said Deaton before turning and going back inside the clinic.

Somewhere South of Canada


As a wolf there was something about running through the woods that made Alex feel free. Maybe it was the dirt in his paws, or the way other creatures ran from him, but he felt invincible as he ran.

He covered a lot of ground that way. It would still take him almost two weeks of running to reach Devil's Kettle but he would get there, as no force on this earth could stop him.

By the time nightfall had come, he was miles and miles away from Beacon Hills and even if he hadn't been there that long he already missed the place. He missed the Pack. He missed Malia.

"Get a hold of yourself man, she has a boyfriend." thought Alex as he changed from Wolf to man. Thankfully he had the spare clothes and even a pair of sneakers in the bag Deaton had left him.

Luckily he had stopped close to a town so the cellphone Deaton had given him got reception. Not much but enough to call the number Deaton had given him.

Alex decided to call and see if the man was interested in helping him. Alex had heard some not so flattering things about the werewolf but if he could help Alex wouldn't say no.

The man picked up after the first few rings.

"Hello." said the voice on the other side of the phone with a British accent.

"Is this Deucalion?" asked Alex hesitantly.

"Yes, may I ask who is calling?" asked the infamous Demon Wolf making Alex swallow hard before speaking.

"Just be cool Alex, be respectful." thought Alex before he spoke.

"Yes sir, this is Alexander West and I got your number from a mutual friend...Alan Deaton." said Alex almost fearfully, the man couldn't do anything being as they were talking on the phone but he was known as the Demon Wolf for a reason, so some respect was to be warranted. Specially if he wanted the Alpha's help.

"And for what reason did the good doctor give you my number?" asked the voice with only a mild amount of sarcasm.

"I doubt the doctor gave you my number so we could chat." said Deucalion. Alex could hear the man's patience beginning to waver so he decided to get right to the point.

"I heard that years ago you and another Alpha called Talia Hale had a plan to take care off the Devil's Pack...a plan that felt through when you lost your eyesight. I was wondering if, now that you could see again, you wanted to finish what you started so many years ago?" asked Alex crossing his fingers for luck. When Deucalion answered back he sounded intrigued.

"And what's your interest in seeing that dreadful Pack destroyed?" asked Deucalion amused. Alex answered back after a few seconds.

"They killed my Alpha, my friend. I want revenge." said Alex trying his best to hold back the snarl that almost slipped out.

"So you expect me to risk my life for what?...so you can get your little revenge over your dead Alpha?" asked Deucalion mockingly. Alex clench in hand, the one not holding the phone, in anger as he heard the Alpha mocking him.

"This was a mistake, I thought I was calling the Demon Wolf, an Alpha so feared that others would quiver at the mention of his name, instead I got a has-been that's too afraid of some backwater hillbilly werewolves to act, I'm sorry to have bothered you sir." the last part was said mockingly as he hung up and phone and glared at the ground.

"This is your fault Clark, I used to be a calm and patience person before I met your dumb ass." said Alex quietly as he looked up at the night sky.

"I used to think before I talked so your bad habits must have rubbed off on me...jerk." said Alex with a sad smile as he started walking into town to find a place to sleep. He might be a werewolf but that didn't mean he liked sleeping in the woods.

Two Weeks Later.

Devil's Kettle.

"I'm finally here." thought Alex as he, in his wolf form, hid under a massive tree branch and watched as three werewolves patrolled the area around the town. It had taken him exactly two weeks to reach the damn place and now that he was here he was nervous.

Thanks to Derek's teachings he could smell almost three dozen werewolves in the town below. The strange thing was that he could also smell humans, normal humans in the town.

One of the patrolling werewolves passed close by where he was hiding and Alex had to hold back the urge to jump from his hiding spot and attack when he recognized him as one of the wolves present when Clark had died.

"Come on Clint, I want to eat something before the Pack meeting." said one of the wolves and the man standing close to Alex grunted before moving away. Alex stayed hidden for a few more minutes before crawling out from under the tree root.

"For a second there I thought you would attack him." said a voice from behind Alex and almost gave him a heart attack, he turned ready to fight for his life when he saw who was behind him.

He knew what Deucalion looked like, thanks to a picture Scott had shown him, but the man before him looked different. Not just because he no longer wore the dark almost black glasses or because he no longer carried a walking stick with him but his hair was shorter and he looked a bit, well healthier.

"Deucalion?" asked Alex as he shifted from wolf to human. The demon wolf actually looked impressed as he watched Alex transformed.

"So Deaton wasn't lying, you really can shift into a wolf...impressive." said Deucalion as he jumped from the branch he was standing in.

As Deucalion walked around the place scouting for other wolves Alex grabbed his spare clothes from his bag and started dressing. It was only a white cotton undershirt and cargo pants but he felt much better.

"Why did you decide to help me." asked Alex as he moved closer to the edge of the woods so he could see the things going on in town.

Deucalion was a step behind and apparently the older werewolf knew how to modulate his body scent since Alex couldn't even smell him in his wolf form, when his sense of smell was much more enhanced.

"Well after the verbal lashing you gave me I decided to call Deaton, find out what was really going on." said Deucalion as he moved to walk ahead of Alex.

"What he said got me curious, plus I wanted to meet the Omega ballsy enough to call me, the Demon Wolf, a cowardly has-been." said Deucalion as he looked back and glared at Alex. Said teen wolf just scratched the back of his head and gave Deucalion a sheepish smile.

"It worked didn't it, it got you here to help me." said Alex as he followed along the Demon wolf, they were expertly moving around the different patrolling werewolves in the area without making a sound or being seen.

"What was your plan anyways? I hope it wasn't just storming in and killing everyone because if it was I'll kill you myself before leaving." said Deucalion when he was sure there weren't any wolfs around to hear them talk, by that point they were inside the town hiding in an abandoned building close to the town square.

"It wasn't..." growled Alex as he glared at the Alpha werewolf.

"...thanks to the book Deaton gave me I know where the Alpha of this damn Pack lives. I was going to sneak in there, kill her and leave, cut of the head of the snake and watch as the body dies sort of thing, if I kill both the Alphas here the rest of the Pack will fight among themselves for the leadership role." said Alex as he looked out from one of the windows in the building. Behind him he could hear Deucalion sit down against one of the walls.

"Not bad, but how were you going to kill one Alpha, let alone two?" asked Deucalion as he crossed his legs and waited to hear his what the young omega would say.

"Deaton gave me a gun with Wolfsbane bullets..." said Alex as he looked outside missing the frown on Deucalion's face and the way the Alpha's claws started coming out.

"...but I won't use it, she killed my friend and I won't give her the pleasure of a quick death, I want to rip her throat out...with my own two hands." said Alex and behind him Deucalion smiled before his claws receded back into normal fingers.

"Good...Agatha is a powerful Alpha, powerful but arrogant, she feels safe here, in the center of her territory and surrounded by her thugs, so safe that she'll let her guard down. That's when we'll strike, I'll keep the second Alpha busy while you kill her." said Deucalion as he stood from where he was sitting to stand by the window with Alex.

"You're young but strong, even barely knowing you I can tell, the fact that you can shift into a wolf is enough to convinced me you can do this." said Deucalion as he stared at the massive building in the middle of town. It was were Agatha and the other Alpha were staying, as they sneak through the town they had heard a few of the patrolling wolves call it the Alpha House.

"When are we doing this?" asked Alex as he saw a group of almost ten werewolves come out of the Alpha house, most went into the woods, probably to patrol, but some moved over towards what was probably the town pub if the music and smell of alcohol coming from it where anything to go by.

"At dawn. The wolves in the woods will come back from their patrolling by that time, tired and hungry while the ones in the bar will be drunk off their asses, it will be the perfect time to strike." said Deucalion as he moved back to sit back down on the floor.

"But...we can't get drunk." said Alex as he moved from the window to sit on the opposite side of Deucalion.

"No, not from normal alcohol but what they drink here is not normal alcohol, its pure moon-shine, a hundred proof, one glass is enough to kill a normal human, for us it gets us drunk out of our mind while our healing factor burns it out of our systems." said Deucalion with a fond smile.

"...I take it you had a fun time." asked Alex mockingly. Deucalion glared at him for a few seconds before nodding.

"If partying all night and waking up with three naked werewolves in your bed a good time, then yes.' quipped Deucalion as he moved to get more comfortable.

"And were this three werewolves...women?" asked Alex with a raised eye brow. Deucalion bristled as he glared at the smirking teen wolf sitting in front of him.

"Of course they were women, do I look like a poof to you?" snarled Decaulion still glaring at a suddenly nervous Alex.

"My bad, it's the accent I swear." said Alex as he shook his head from side to side.

"There's nothing poofy about my accent you overgrown smart-arse." said Deucalion before they both had to shut up since a few werewolves were getting closer to where they were hidden, thankfully they were just heading into the nearby pub but still they decided to keep silent so they wouldn't risk getting caught.

"When this is over I'm kicking your arse." mouthed Deucalion as he gave Alex the finger, and for some reason Alex couldn't hold back the smile from his face.

"The Demon wolf isn't so bad after all." thought Alex before he got comfortable and closed his eyes, not to sleep but so he could focus better on what was happening around them.

Hours Later; Dawn

Devil's Kettle.

Just like Deucalion said most of the werewolves in town were fast sleep. Most drunk and passed out and the rest tired from spending all night patrolling the woods.

The second the sun started coming out they moved. The only people in the streets were the humans in town an they could be avoided easily by the two werewolves.

They had just gotten inside the Alpha House when Deucalion pulled him aside and spoke to him in a low tone of voice so they wouldn't be overheard.

"Aside from the two Alpha's in here, there are human attendants all over the building, we can't let them see us if they do, we die, if one sees you, you have to kill him or her no hesitation or we could die...do you understand?" asked Deucalion and Alex just nodded, he knew full well that he would have to kill if he wanted to avenge Clark, he just hoped he would only have to kill Agatha and the other Alpha, the one that killed Clark to take his power.

"I understand, I promise I won't hesitate." said Alex before Deucalion let him go and both started moving through the building once again.

"Change into your wolf form." said Deucaliona and Alex did it without arguing, it wasn't the time for it, it could get them killed and not only that but Deucalion had more experience on theses things, Alex would follow his lead.

"Good, after this is done the wolves in her Pack will feel it, at least the ones that are awake, after they are dead we go our separate ways, got it kid?" said Deucalion as they turned a corner.

"Got it boss man." said Alex as he started taking off his clothes, in seconds he was naked. He quickly put the clothes in his bag before he handed it to Deucalion.

"Hold that for me bro." said Alex with a smirk before he shifted into a wolf.

"Has anyone ever told you you're a pain in the arse." said Deucalion before smirking at Alex's inability to talk back.

"I think I like you better this way." said Deucalion as he walked by a door with out listening if anyone was inside, Alex being behind him by a few feet saw the woman before Deucalion did. She had come out of the room and had seen Deucalion. A he saw her about to open her mouth to scream Alex reacted without thinking.

He jumped on her and before she could even utter a sound he used his fangs to rip her throat out. As Deucalion turned around he caught sight of Alex backing off her dead body, blood dripping from his snout as he stared in shock at the woman.

"I guess you're a man of your word." said Deucalion quietly as Alex looked from the woman to him shock reflecting of his gold eyes. What Deucalion didn't tell him was that as he looked from the woman towards him Alex's eyes changed from bright golden yellow to a cold steely blue. He had killed an innocent.

"Come on Alex, no time to freeze now, not when we're so close to our goal." said Deucalion and he had to tug at Alex's fur to get him to move after him. And he was telling the truth they were close to Agatha's room. It was in the center of the building, just a head of them.

"Can you hear anyone aside from the two people ahead of us?" asked Deucalion fully admitting that Alex's senses while on wolf form were better than his own. Alex smelled the air a few times and then concentrated before shaking his head no.

"Good, its time kid so you better get ready." said Deucalion before the walked up to he double doors of the room and quietly entered through them. The room they found themselves was the complete opposite of the town outside.

While the town of Devil's Kettle could be called Hickville and not be wrong, the room they were in was opulent and tastefully decorated.

There were expensive paintings and statues decorating the walls, fine carpets on the floor and glasswork all over the room, there were also three other rooms connected to it, two at the back and one at the side.

"Gods I don't think this room could get anymore tacky." said Deucalion in a very snooty tone of voice. Alex for his part, even through the shock of what he had just done, looked at Deucalion with mirth in his eyes. Deucalion looked embarrassed as he refused to look back at him.

"And you get mad when people think you're gay." Thought Alex as he kept looking at Deucalion.

"Yes, I heard it too." said Deucalion with a growl. Before any more of their banter could continue a man walked out of the side room, which coincidentally Deucalion and Alex now knew was a bathroom if the smell coming from it was anything to go by.

"Hello there." said Deucalion before exploding into action, the man had just enough time to show them he was the second Alpha before Deucalion had him pinned to the wall with his clawed hand wrapped around his throat.

"Now you're going to be nice and quite while my doggy friend here goes and murders the real Alpha of the Devil's Pack." said Deucalion before he turned to Alex and winked at him.

"Go get her boy." said Alex if the situation wasn't so serious Alex would've peed on the Demon Wolf's leg for ordering him around like he was a dog. Growling Alex took a whiff of the air to find out where Agatha was.

"She's in the room to the left." though Alex as he took off in a run and slammed his whole body onto the door knocking it down. Agatha was apparently sleeping when he crashed into her door.

When he landed on the floor of her room he could see her jumping from her bed, clad only in a sheer sleeping gown letting Alex see her in all her glory, and what a glory it was.

She was as beautiful as he remembered with her long flowing red hair and sparkling emerald eyes.

"God damn she's hot." thought Alex as he leered at her for a few seconds before remembering she was the bitch that had ordered his friends death. She looked him over for a few seconds before sneering at him.

"I remember that sneer as well." thought Alex as he growled and snarled at her his eyes glowing blue as he could barely keep from attacking her.

"My, such a beautiful wolf, but not one of mine I think...no I would know if ones of my own could shift like you." said Agatha as she walked around him, her hips swaying sensually as she looked him over.

"How about you shift back and let me see the real you." said Agatha before stopping before him and stepping back to let him change without fear of her attacking.

"She might attack in the few seconds it takes for me to change, but I won't be strong enough to kill her in this form." thought Alex before he decided to take the risk and change back. Luckily for him she was so sure in her ability to fight him she stayed back while he shifted.

"Well aren't you a fine piece of man candy." said Agatha when he finished shifting and stood in front of her completely nude.

"Now what could little old me have done to get such a handsome young man to barge into my room trying to kill me." said Agatha as he started walking towards him, the sway of her hips growing more and more pronounced with each step.

When she was just a few feet from him he lost control of his feelings.

"Take one more step and I'll rip your throat out...with my teeth." said Alex as his eyes glowed blue. She looked more amused than anything else as she just stayed still starting at him.

"I remember you now." said Agatha as she suddenly had a look of realization on her face.

"You're the little Beta, the one that escape a few weeks ago, you killed one of my best lieutenants that day." said Agatha, her eyes glowing red as she leered at his naked form.

"Had I know you were this magnificent I would have spared you and made you my personal wolf boy toy." Purred Agatha, and funny thing is had she said something like that to him a just a few months ago he would've agreed faster than she could blink but now...now he just wanted her blood coating the tips of his claws.

"In your dreams you inbred cunt." snarled Alex before he lunged at her.

It apparently took her by surprise since he manage to get in a quick slash at her midsection before she could dodge. Her surprise didn't last long since she kicked him away before his second slash, at her throat this time, could hit.

"Oh sneaky bastard. I'll kill you for that." said Agatha as her eyes glowed brighter and her own claws came out. Her fangs, longer and more numerous than a normal werewolf snarled at him and Alex, even if just for a few seconds, got afraid.

She jumped on him and grabbed him by the throat before throwing him to the other side of the room and slamming against the wall, the hit knocked the wind out of him and he slumped to the ground.

"I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed, I haven't had a challenge in years and when I finally get one its an idiot boy barely out of puberty." said Agatha as she used one of her clawed fingers to twirl a strand of her hair.

"Come on, at least put up a fight before I kill you." said Agatha as she grabbed him around the throat, again, and picked him up from the floor and slammed him against the wall so hard Alex could actually hear as one of his ribs cracked from the blow.

"Tell you what honey, you manage to scratch me again and I'll give you a proper burial when I finally kill you, a much better one than the one we gave your old Alpha." said Agatha before she stabbed her claws into his stomach. The pain was unbearable but much like when he finally manage to turn into a wolf he felt a pressure building up in his chest.

"Your Alpha begged for his life before he died you know, cried like a bitch for me to spare him." whispered Agatha before she kissed him, biting his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. As Alex heard her lie about how Clark died he felt the pressure in his chest reach a crescendo.

"I had my men hold him down as my son slashed open his throat from ear to ear, then, we fed his body to our dogs." said Agatha after she stopped kissing him.

The second Alex learned what had happened to Clark he felt the pressure in his chest snapped. When it did a rush of power rang through his body giving him strength and healing most of his wounds.

"The...only one...that's dying tonight...is you." growled Alex as he grabbed her hand, the one currently stabbing him in the stomach, and with a quick flex snapped her wrist and fingers.

Before Agatha could scream in pain Alex headbutted her and threw her away from him.

She fell back on her bed and before she could stand back up he was on top of her, his clawed hand around her throat choking her.

"How? This is...impossible...how are you... so strong?" asked Agatha while gasping for breath.

"I don't know and I don't care." said Alex as he raised his clawed hand, the one not holding her throat, in the air ready to bring it down and end her life.

"Please don't kill me... I can give you anything you want, you want power I can make you an Alpha, kill my son and take his power, we can rule this town together." said Agatha through gulps of breath, his disgust for her only grew as heard her offering her son's life for her own.

"Don't worry...he's next on my list." said Alex as he brought this claws down and ripped out her throat. If it wasn't of the up most importance that they weren't discovered he would have roared for the world to hear as he avenged Clark and ended Agatha's life.

As her red eyes dimmed back to normal he felt more than saw as her Alpha spark passed from her to him.

He looked up and caught his reflection from a mirror that was hung over Agatha's bed. He saw his glowing red eyes and knew he was no longer just an omega, he was an Alpha now.

As he stood up from Agatha's bed he felt amazing.

"Is this what being an Alpha feels like." thought Alex as he felt a new found strength flowing through his body. Alex felt like a billion dollars.

Alex walked out of the room to see Deucalion still holding Agatha's son by the neck, the Demon Wolf smiled happily at him as Alex closed the distance between them.

"For a second there I thought you were a goner kid." said Deucalion as the Alpha werewolf in his hands shook from either rage or fear, Alex wasn't too interested in finding out.

"What's your name?' asked Alex as his new red eyes glowed. The Alpha in Deucalion's grip growled at him but didn't answer.

"That's OK, I wasn't really that interested to begin with, just wanted to know the name of the Alpha that killed Clark." said Alex and before either Deucalion or the captive Alpha could blink Alex's hand flashed forwards and buried itself in the Alphas neck.

"Now die the same way my Alpha died, being held down and helpless you inbred sister-fucker." said Alex before he ripped his claws out of the Alpha's neck ending his life.

"Very ruthless Alex... I like it." said Deucalion as he dropped the dead werewolf to the floor.

"How does it feel? Being an Alpha?" asked Deucalion as he pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and cleaned the blood that had splashed on his face when Alex killed the Alpha.

"It feels fucking amazing, and a handkerchief really?." said Alex with a grin as he saw the engraved piece of cloth in Deucalion's hand.

"Handkerchief aren't gay, they are classy..." growled Deucalion as he put his handkerchief away and glared at Alex.

"...and it was a gift from my mum so shut up." Alex couldn't help but smile at the mad Alpha werewolf. The light moment only lasted for a minute before they both grew serious again.

"This is where we go our separate ways kid." said Deucalion as he put out his hand for Alex to shake. The newly turned Alpha gave Deucalion a grin before shaking his hand.

"Thank you, without your help I would most likely be dead, if there is ever anything you need, don't hesitate to call me." said Alex with a big grin on his face.

"As strange as this might sound, it was fun." The grin on his face getting bigger as Deucalion scoffed at him.

"You're one weird kid you know that?" said Deucalion before shaking his head and turning to leave the room.

"And you're right it was fun." said Deucalion as he left the room.

"I'm still naked." Said Alex before he shook his head and turned into a wolf, it was even easier now that he was an Alpha.

He caught his reflection in one of the many glass statues in the room and he was mesmerized for a few seconds, he wolf form was still mostly the same, just a bit bigger if he wasn't mistaken and his eyes were red instead of golden.

"Lets get the fuck out of here." thought Alex before he grabbed his bag with his mouth and left the room in a run. He didn't even tried to hide knowing he was too fast for any of the werewolves in this town to catch him.

He ran through the streets of the town before a familiar smell caught his attention. He ran towards one of the houses and looked through the front window. There in the only couch of the house where his and Clark's bags. He broke through the door and walked towards the couch before changing into a back to human.

"Why did they keep these?" Alex asked nobody as he opened the bags and saw that all their stuff was there, clothes, iPod, iPad's, their money and even their wallets. They had left them completely untouched.

"Why?" asked himself incredibly curious as to why they hadn't touch any of their stuff.

But not one to look a gift horse in the mouth Alex just changed back into a wolf grabbed both duffel bags and the bag from Deaton and left the house. The only people that saw him leaving town were four very hung over werewolves that couldn't do anything about it even if they tried.

By the time the servants in the Alpha House discovered both Agatha's and her son's bodies both Deucalion and Alex would be hundreds of miles away, Alex heading south back towards Beacon Hill and Deucalion North to visit some friends of his in Alaska.