
Chapter 10

Beacon Hills


It had been six months since Beacon Hills had been turned upside down by the Benefactor and Kate Argent, and since then things had been good, very good. Peaceful and boring, just like the McCall Pack and Alex liked it.

Alex for his part was on his motorcycle on his way to pick up Malia to head to the High School for the Senior Scribe, she had texted him saying a tree had fallen on the road causing a massive traffic jam.

So Alex, as the good boyfriend he was, had jumped on his bike and had gone to get her. He got to where she and her father were stuck in traffic just in time to see her lift the massive tree by herself much to the shock of all the people there. "Strong Legs." said Malia getting a smile for Alex and a curious look from her dad.

"I can't believe he hasn't figure it out yet, its not like she hide's it well..."thought Alex just before he saw Malia throwing the massive tree to the side using only one hand. "...or at all." said Alex as he parked his bike and got off.

"Dad is your phone working?" he heard Malia as she she looked from her phone to her dad. "No I think the storm took the cell towers out." said her father after checking his phone. When he saw her worried expression he gave her a warm look before smiling at her. "Its going to be OK, you'll find out when you find out." said her father trying to make her feel better.

"You need a ride to the school?" asked her father and that's when Alex decided to make his presence know. "No need Mr. Tate." said Alex as walked up to them smiling at Malia and her father. His girlfriend just glared at him before saying good bye to her father and moving towards his bike.

"Still not talking to you huh?" asked her father with a smile on his face as he watched Alex rubbed his eyes with his left hand. "Its weird, she acts like nothing's wrong but refuses to talk to me." said Alex while shaking his head before grinning at Malia's dad.

"Women." said Alex getting to laugh. As Alex was walking over towards Malia, Stiles's jeep parked next to them, inside was Stiles, Scott and Liam. "Done house breaking the mutt?" joked Alex as he came to stand next to Malia, Liam glared at him before making moon eyes at Malia. The kid only stopped when Alex growled at him.

"You guys need a ride?" asked Stiles as he glanced at the sky then to Alex's bike. Malia quickly got in the jeep, not wanting to get her hair wet and knowing it would annoy Alex. "I guess I can go by myself." grunted Alex as he walked towards the jeep window and stuck his head in to hear what they were discussing.

"What?" asked Malia annoyed when everyone turned to look at her. "You find out yet?" asked Stiles curiously, "Find out what?" asked Liam as he took of his head phones to pay attention to the conversation.

"They're going to email me." said a worried looking Malia as he glanced at Alex or reassurance, the smile he gave her made her feel better before she remembered she was mad at him and turned her head with a grunt.

"She still mad?" asked Scott amused. Stiles and Liam watching curiously knowing Malia was mad at Alex but not knowing why. "Yes...which is all sorts of confusing because aside from not speaking to me she still acts the same, she comes over at night to watch movies with me, she kisses me when we see each other in the morning and she even texts me for rides when there are trees blocking her way, I don't get it." said Alex as he rubbed the side of his head ignoring Malia's annoyed look.

"I talk to you." said Malia as she turned to glare at her boyfriend. "When?" asked an annoyed Alex as he looked at Malia. "Last night while we were in your bed, I told you to..." Alex quickly covered her mouth with his hand to stop her from talking.

"They don't need to know what we talk about in bed darling." said Alex as he turned his glaring eyes at Liam who was blushing as he started at Malia. "Is it dirty stuff?" asked a grinning Liam only for Alex to stick his hand inside the jeep and slap him.

"Don't be a perv Liam." growled Alex as he glared at Scott's Beta. Before anything else could be said Stiles phone dinged. "We have to go, Lydia is already at the school and we still have to drop Liam at he hospital." said Stiles before he started his jeep. "We'll meet you there Alex." said Stiles as he revved his jeep to get Alex to back away from the car.

"Yeah...I'll meet you there." said Alex as he backed away from the jeep and moved over towards his bike. "This is getting tiresome." thought Alex as he watched the jeep, and his girlfriend, drive away.

Beacon Hills High

Alex reached the school without much trouble, his bike being able to drive through the cars that made up the traffic jam. When he got there he found Lydia standing in the parking lot annoyed.

"Finally." said Lydia as he walked up to Alex and poked him in the arm. Alex just ignored the poking as he took off his helmet and his bomber jacket. "Sorry, I had to go pick up Malia." said Alex as he stayed sitting in the bike looking annoyed.

"And...where is she?" asked Lydia as she looked around looking for the werecoyote. "She's still angry so she decided to ride with Scott and Stiles." grunted Alex only to have Lydia sigh at him. "Well you can't really blame her...you did bite Sidney." said Lydia making Alex grunt in annoyance.

"So, its not like she even stuck around." unfortunately for him a month after he had bitten Sidney she and her parents moved away from Beacon Hills. He had just enough time to teach her control during the full moon before he was once again without a pack.

"You still turned her." said Lydia slowly like she was stalking to a small child, that just annoyed him more. "So? I needed at pack Lydia, it was either her or Liam's friend Mason, I chose Sidney because...well because she was kinda pathetic and I wanted to do for someone what Clark did for me." said Alex quietly, and Lydia knew what he meant, the bite had been a blessing for Alex, it had turned him from a fat lonely loser to the man that was standing, or in this case sitting, before her.

"I understand that Alex, but what Malia sees is you making the girl, who at one point you intended to seduce, into your first Beta." said Lydia making Alex finally understand why Malia had been so angry at him.

"She's angry about that?" asked Alex incredulously as he stared at Lydia, who just nodded her head while rolling her eyes. "But that's dumb, Sidney was just convenient for me, I love..." Alex trailed off blushing and looking out at the parking lot so he wouldn't have to see the knowing look on Lydia's face.

"...you love her." said Lydia smiling at him and making him feel like an idiot for being embarrassed. "Have you told her that?" asked Lydia making Alex sigh and shake his head. "I haven't found he courage to." said Alex as it started raining, before the raining got too bad he and Lydia left his bike and ran to get under the school's roof.

"Big bad Alex, Alpha werewolf, Slayer of Berserkers afraid of telling the girl he loves that he loves her...you're pathetic." said Lydia with a grin making Alex grin back at her. Only Lydia could say something so mean and have it come off as a compliment.

"I know." said Alex before a mischievous grin appeared on his face. "What about you? How is your 'combat training' with the tasty Deputy Parrish going?" said Alex as he air quoted the words combat training getting Lydia to slap him arm with a scowl on her face.

"I should have never told you anything." said Lydia turning her head with a blush. "You didn't have to say a thing, I could smell it on you after your first 'training' day." said Alex with a grin, a grin that disappeared when he caught sight of Malia and Styles standing close together talking by the entrance to the school.

"You don't have to worry about that." said Lydia when she saw what he was staring at. "She liked Stiles...but she loves you." said Lydia making Alex smile in relief back at her. "Have I told you lately just how awesome a best friend you are?" asked Alex as he threw his arm around Lydia's shoulder and gave her a one arm squeeze.

"Yes, but I could stand to hear it once more." said Lydia with a grin as she wrapped her arm around his waist. Together they walked up to Stiles and Malia catching the last thing he said.

"...what if, what if Scott's my best friend now, but he's not my best friend for life?" they heard a worried Stiles say to Malia, and from the smell coming of him Alex could tell this wasn't just a passing worry, Stiles was really panicking over the thought of them, the pack, not being together after High School.

"When you been through the type of things you and Scott and the rest of the pack have been through, that forms a bond Stiles, a bond that binds you all forever, so even if you don't see each other every day, you'll be friends for life." said Alex as he and Lydia walked over to Stiles and Malia.

"You think so?" asked Stiles softly getting a smile and a nod from Alex, "I know so." said the Alpha werewolf before he turned towards Malia and swept her up into a deep kiss, Malia responding by wrapping her long legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. '

"I'm sorry I bit Sidney, I didn't realized how it would make you feel, but I want you to know that you mean more to me than a thousand Sydney's could ever hope to match." said Alex as he let her down on the ground and from the smile on her face he could tell he was forgiven.

"So? Am I forgiven, will you talk to me again?" asked Alex as he gave her his best puppy eye look, Malia laughed before grabbing his shirt and dragging his head down for another kiss. "I never stopped speaking to you." said Malia after they broke apart.

"Giving me orders in bed isn't the same thing as talking." said Alex with a grin making Lydia blush and Stiles groan and shake his head. "I don't want to hear this." said Stiles as he shook his head while sticking his fingers in his ears.

"I thought you said you were over that." said Alex as he and Malia stared at Stiles completely ignoring the grin on Lydia's face. "I am...but forgive me if I don't want you hear about your sex-escapades with the girl you stole from me and seduced into your bed." said Stiles with a frown making Malia grin and Alex snort.

"First thing, I didn't seduce her, if anything she seduced me, and secondly I didn't steal anyone she came quite willingly...all seven times." said Alex with a grin enjoying Lydia's red face and Stiles opened mouth expression, which only grew bigger when Malia muttered "You got that right."

"Seven times?" asked Lydia with a wicked grin on her face, making Stiles shake his head, "No I don't want to hear this, nope, nope, la la la la la la." said Stiles as he covered his ears and started singing. "He's gotten even better now with practice." said Malia ignoring her ex-boyfriends mental breakdown and Alex's smug expression.

"I should have taken him for a ride when I had the chance." said Lydia getting Alex to splutter at her and Malia to wrap her arm around his waist. "Mine." said the werecoyote territorially, making Lydia laugh out loud and Alex to smile at her. Suddenly both Malia and Alex grew serious

"Someone's coming." both said at the same time before Malia turned around and slammed her palm into a running Liam's chest knocking the boy down to the ground. "Oh my god." said Stiles, having stopped singing and covering his ears when Malia knocked Liam to the ground.

"Scott's in trouble." said the young Beta as Malia turned back towards them and Alex took a big sniff of the air. "The rain is making it impossible for me to find his scent." said Alex before he closed his eyes and concentrated his hearing.

"I can hear them." said the Alpha werewolf before he took off running through the rain, the rest of the McCall pack just behind him. "Lydia stay back and wait for us." ordered Alex as he and the others ran towards Scott, leaving a worried Lydia behind them.

They found him, Kira and an unknown shifter, fighting a big werewolf with glowing blue claws just under the bleachers of the lacrosse field. They got there just in time to see the strange werewolf stab Scott in the stomach with his glowing blue claws. Alex snarled and was about to charge him when Liam grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back.

"Wait don't...Parrish said those claws can steal away an Alphas power." said Liam shocking the group and making Alex stop. He watched helplessly as Scott slumped down and his glowing eyes started dimming.

"What the fuck am I doing?" thought Alex as he snarled again and started walking in the unknown werewolf direction not caring if the man stole away his Alpha-hood, only caring about saving his friend's life.

Fortunately Scott didn't need any help, before Alex could get close enough to help Scott had regained his footing and had taken hold of the unknown werewolf's arm, in one quick twist Scott broke the arm and the claws. "I don't know who you are, or what you though you were going to do, but I'm giving you a choice..." said Scott as he grabbed the claws still stuck on his chest and threw them away.

"...you can stay and I'll break something else, or you can run." said the True Alpha as he glared at the kneeling werewolf, the unknown wolf looked over towards the McCall Pack, Stiles being the smartass he is had something to say. "I'd run." said Stiles as they all watched what the wolf would do.

The unknown wolf wasted no time in standing up and running away like a coward, "Can't leave you alone for one second can we." said Alex with a grin as he and Scott's pack moved over towards the teen wolf to make sure he was OK.

Scott tuned his gaze towards the unknown shifter and Alex and the pack turned to look at him as well. "There's something weird about him...he doesn't smell right." thought Alex as he eyed the new comer with distrustful eyes. Malia saw the look and grabbed his hand shooting him a curious look.

"Later." mouthed Alex getting a nod from his girlfriend. "You don't remember me do you?" the unknown shifter asked Scott and Stiles getting a confused looked from them. "I guess I look a little different since the fourth grade." he said getting a shocked looked from Scott.

"Theo?" asked Scott in a disbelieving tone as he stared at his old childhood friend, besides him Stiles shook his head not believing him. "You know him?" asked Kira as she moved to stand near her boyfriend. "They used to..." said Theo with a grin as he looked from Scott to Stiles.

"...trust me, I never thought I see you guys again." said Theo when he saw the frown on Stiles's face. "A couple months ago I heard of an Alpha on Beacon Hills..." said Theo looking between Scott and Alex, "...when I found out his name was Scott McCall I just couldn't believe it." aid Theo with a easy grin on his face.

"Not just an Alpha, but a True Alpha." said Theo looking at Scott in awe before turning his gaze towards Alex. "Two Alpha's now I guess." said Theo with a grin.

"What do you want?" asked Scott with a small frown on his face."I moved back to Beacon Hills, back home with my family because I want to be part of your pack." said Theo making Alex and Stiles frown at him, unknown to the two friends they had the same thought.

"Awfully convenient how he just happens to show up just in time to help Scott fight off an attacker." thought Alex and Stiles at the same time as they glared at Theo. "I'll think about it." said Scott as he grabbed Kira's hand and turned to go back to school.

"That's all I ask." said Theo as the McCall Pack and Alex glanced at him one last time before walking away. As they entered through the school doors Stiles moved up ahead to speak with Scott while Kira and Malia followed behind. Alex had stuck to the back busy listening around for Lydia's heartbeat.

"We haven't seen this kid in years, you don't find that highly suspicious? Asked Stiles as he stared at Scott, said true Alpha just shook his head before glancing at Stiles. "I'm kinda more concerned about the guy that just tried to kill me." said Scott infuriating Stiles, but before they could keep arguing Malia's phone started buzzing making everyone turn back to her.

Malia opened the message and read it before a massive grin came up on her face. "I'm in, I passed." said Malia before she grabbed Alex's shirt and pulled him down for a deep kiss, even when she was barely speaking to him he had stayed up nights with her helping her study. The rest of her pack around them cheered with happiness knowing Malia was going to be a senior with them.

"I knew you could do it." said Alex in her ear so only she could hear him, he could feel her smiling against the side of his face as she tighten the hold round his neck. "Tonight we celebrate." said Malia with a naughty grin as she and Alex broke apart.

"Hell yeah we do." said Alex ignoring Stiles's groan and Scott's and Kira's red faces. "Don't be prudes." said Malia before she grabbed Alex's hand and started walking towards the library.

"Thank god, took you long enough." said Lydia as she walked over to them and inspected Scott's for any wounds. "I take it the bad guy has been dealt with?" Lydia asked Scott but her eyes landed on Alex knowing he would tell her the truth and from the frown on his face she knew it hadn't been.

"We dealt with it." said Scott as he smiled at Lydia, completely missing the silent communication between Lydia and Alex. Malia and Stiles had not. "Well?, come on the whole Senior class is here." said Lydia as she turned and started making her way back from where she came, sure Alex or Malia would fill her in later.

"We doing this or not?" they heard her shout when she realized that they hadn't moved from their spot, "You bet we are." said Alex as he hoisted Malia up on his shoulder and carried the giggling girl after Lydia, behind him Kira, Scott and even Stiles smiled at the couple as they followed after them.

They had to stand in a long line of seniors but from the look on everyone's faces after they had their turn it was worth it. "So its tradition to write one's initials in the library shelves? What if they get replaced?" asked Alex as they waited for Stiles to write down his initials.

"The school administration knows about the tradition, they would never replace them." said Lydia with her know it all tone of voice as Stiles finished and handed the permanent marker to Lydia, who wrote her's quickly and handed the marker to Kira.

"This isn't vandalism is it?" asked Kira worried as she eyed the shelf and the marker in her hand. Lydia bit her bottom lip before shaking her head. "No...technically." said the Banshee before she turned and walked over to stand with Stiles.

The Thunder Kitsune shrugged her shoulders before writing down her initials and handing the marker to Malia, Alex saw his girlfriend hesitation when writing the initial to her last name but could only smile when Malia decided to go with Tate instead of Hale. "That's my girl." thought Alex as Malia handed him the marker with a smile, he knew she still felt bad about trusting Peter last year.

Alex quickly wrote down his initials before handing the marker to Scott and moving over to Malia, the werecoyote quickly wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning into him. They, Alex and the McCall pack watched as Scott wrote down not only his initials but Allison's as well.

"She would've been with us." said Stiles as he wrapped his arm around Lydia's shoulder and smiled at Scott. "Yeah." said Scott with a sad smile. "She still is." said Lydia while looking at her dead best friends initials.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm starving so how about we head out and get something to eat...my treat." said Alex breaking the somber mood and getting smiles from his friends. "God yes I would kill for some pizza." said Stiles as he stood from the veranda and almost ran down the stairs of the library.

As they were leaving the school Lydia walked up to him, "So you really thinking about making Mason a part of your pack?" asked Lydia getting everyone's attention. "Maybe, if Liam ever gets the balls to tell him about us." said Alex with a grin as he wrapped his arm around Malia and Lydia.

"And you don't mind that he's...you know?" said Lydia quickly getting shocked looks from everyone. "Holy shit!, where you about to say black?" asked Alex dumbfounded. "I'm not a racist Lydia I don't care about that." said Alex staring at his best friend like she had grown a second head.

"No! you massive dork, I was going so say gay, I was asking if you didn't care that he was gay." said Lydia with a huff glaring at all her laughing pack-mates around her. "oh that? Nah, don't care in the slightest." said Alex as he smiled at her and tighten his arm around her shoulder.

"Well now that Lydia's done being a massive racist, lets go get some food." said Alex before he took of running, a fuming Lydia on his heels. "I'm not a racist you big jerk." they heard Lydia yell as she took of her shoes so she could run faster.

The rest of the McCall pack laughing as they ran after their two friends...it would be the last time things were so light for the Pack. They had some rough weeks ahead of them.

Next Day

Beacon Hills High School, Parking Lot

Alex, Malia and Stiles met up early the next day to talk about the Theo situation."So you ran a background check and all you found was a speeding ticket?" asked Malia staring at Stiles like he was crazy. "A speeding ticket signed by Theo's dad eight years ago?" said Stiles like that explained everything.

"So?"asked Alex, he was on board with the not trusting Theo but Stiles reason's were too dumb, "Which means people trying to get away from something." said Stiles weakly making Malia frown and Alex smiled.

"Dude, I have like four speeding tickets and I only had my bike for less than six months." said Alex frustrating Stiles. "How many Speeding tickets do you have?" asked Malia as she stared at Stiles.

"What? None." said Stiles and Alex snorted not believing it, "Dude I seen you drive, you have speeding tickets." said Alex making Malia grin.

"How many speeding tickets would you have if your dad hadn't made them go away?" asked Malia as she wrapped her arms around Alex's arm and leaned into him. "Seven...teen." said Stiles making Alex laugh out loud and Malia grin in triumph.

"I don't know Stiles, I see why you're worried, he's really hot..." said Malia causing Alex to stop laughing and Stiles to grin at him, "...he's got like great hair, perfect body, you should definitely feel threatened." said Malia looking up catching Stiles grin and Alex's frown.

"Oh not you honey, I meant Stiles, Stiles should feel threatened, you have nothing to worry about." said Malia quickly as she reached up and kissed his cheek, Alex stopped frowning after that but he still had a mutinous look on his face.

"We should kill him." grunted Alex getting Malia to nod with him and Stiles to shake his head looked at both of them like they were nuts, "You two are perfect for each other aren't you?" said Stiles getting smiles out of the couple. "That wasn't a compliment." said Stiles when he saw the smiles.

"Whatever." said Alex as he wrapped his arm around Malia's waist. "I don't what you to kill him." said Stiles getting Malia and Alex to frown at him. "Are you sure, we could take him." said Malia getting a nod from Alex.

"I have a plan, there's steps to doing this right." said Stiles getting confused looked from his friends, "What steps?/What plan?" asked both Malia and Alex at the same time.

"Get the story, verified the facts, catch the piece that doesn't fit and catch him in the act, that's how you do it." said Stiles as if he was repeating something verbatim. Malia looked confused but Alex didn't. "You're going to be a great cop one day man." said Alex with a grin making Stiles smile back at him. The smile quickly fell away when he saw Theo getting out of his mother's car.

Both Alex and Malia turned in time to catch him waiving at them, "Why are you so suspicious of this guy?" asked Malia as he turned to look back at Stiles. "Because I remember Theo from fourth grade OK? And that's not Theo." said Stiles as he watched Theo walk towards the school doors.

"And you?" asked Malia turning to look at Alex, who eyes had yet to leave Theo as he walked into the school. "Yeah you never said why you don't like him." said Stiles as he moved to stand next to Malia.

"Well aside from the fact that my girl finds him attractive..." said Alex getting his chest swatted by Malia for the joke, "...he doesn't smell right." said Alex as he took a sniff of the air and frowned.

"What do you mean?" asked Malia and Stiles at the same time. "I don't smell anything wrong with him." said Malia as she sniffed the air trying to see that Alex meant. "Its not something wrong, its barely noticeable but under the scent that identifies him as a werewolf there's another smell." said Alex as he closed his eyes and took another deep breath.

"What is it?" asked Stiles waiting anxiously to hear what Alex would say.

"He smells like Malia." said Alex seriously, getting an understanding nod from Malia and a confused frown from Stiles, "So you're saying Theo is secretly...a girl?" asked Stiles with a confused look on his face getting annoyed looks from Alex and Malia.

"No nimrod, I'm saying that Theo smells like both a Werewolf and a Werecoyote." said Alex getting a stunned look from Stiles. "But that's..." said Stiles before Alex nodded his head.

"Impossible, I know, how can he be both a wolf and a coyote?" asked Alex with a frown as he and Malia and Stiles stared at where Theo had been standing just moments before.

The silence stretched on for a few more minutes before Malia broke it. "We should just kill him." said Malia getting grins from both Alex and Stiles. "Lets call that plan B darling." said Alex as he wrapped his arm around Malia and started walking away.

"Come on nimrod." said Alex as he wrapped his other arm around Stiles and pulled him along. "Don't manhandle me you big dork."cried Stiles as he tried to get away from the laughing pair.