
Rise of a New Beginning

He has nothing back on Earth. His life is a monotonous repetition of the day before, but fate gives him a second chance, a chance to start life anew. Now, reincarnated in a fantasy world, Ardiel Elrond can try again. He can become stronger, and not waste this new life away as he did with his previous one. But strength is not only obtained through the sword and magic, and the longer Ardiel lives, the more he sees that there is more to this world than he initially thought.

Piixelbyte · Fantasie
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51 Chs

First Lesson, and First Friend

Ardiel Elrond

Like I said, children really are simple. You tell them you're stronger, or just better in some way and they immediately will try to argue back that that is not the case. 

The same technique worked with Flore. All I needed to do was mention one, me defeating Celeborn who she struggles against, and two, that I am able to teach her and hence, a better mage than her, and she immediately requested proof.

"But what proof do you want?"

She paused for a moment before saying.

"Follow me."

I followed Flore through the palace halls, taking in the beauty of every single detail, until we made it to an outside ring. 

It reminded me of the one I had near my home. That one was also a circular area I practiced on. Except this was an actual proper training ring. 

The floor was lined with some kind of rough cushioning. It reminded me of the fake grass on soccer fields, except this one also was much more rough to prevent even a possibility of slipping. A carpet of sorts, to cushion one's fall. 

To add to that, this ring was almost four times as large. Around it instead of walls, was a magical barrier. I noticed it due to the faint refraction of light, and barely visible hexagonal outlines. These hexagons, placed upon each other in a beehive pattern, were what made up the barrier.

'Barrier magic. Pure mana manipulation magic that does not revolve around any of the four fundamental elements, and on such a scale! Interesting.'

In the far end of the ring stood targets, swords of various lengths, widths, and designs, were organized neatly on a rack made of dark wood, and what seemed like sets of leather vests and shoulder pads used for training.

Flore made her way to that exact rack, retrieved two training swords, which were real by the way, not made out of wood, and two sets of armor, and handed one of each to me.

"We will have a match. I want to see if it isn't me who should be teaching you." She remarked while putting on her leather vest and shoulder pads.

Seems like this kid has quite the need to prove herself, given how she reacted to my taunts back in her study room.

The sword was lightweight, but sturdy. Its edges were chipped away, but it could still cut if you hit hard enough. It reminded me of what it felt like to hold my wooden sword, which I also brought with me. But it seems like the princess would like to fight using actual metal, so I'm afraid my wooden sword won't hold up much against something like that, unless I imbue it with mana, which would be unfair. Does she know of this technique by the way? She is hailed as the royal family's prodigy, so perhaps? Well it doesn't matter. I'll find out soon enough.

Flore made her way to the middle of the ring, gripped the handle with both hands, her right hand above her left, and spread her feet to about shoulder width.

"Why do you not have your leather vest on you?" She asked.

"I don't need it."

She shrugged without a care in the world.

"Suit yourself. I'm ready!"

"I can see."

"If I win, you will be leaving."

"This bug will heed the orders of her royal highness." I said while mockingly bowing.


I got into position. Standing so that my right side was facing her, I held my sword out with my right hand, while my left hand stayed at my side and slightly outwards for balance. My stance was slightly wider than shoulder width.

"Are you ready?" She asked.


At the very moment as soon as I said yes, I could feel the pressure of mana around her change.

'So she does know how to augment her body with mana!'

I was pleasantly surprised that this girl was much more talented than I initially thought. Her demeanor was already more intimidating than Celeborn's, and she exuded much more mana than he did too. I was not planning on going easy on her anymore.

Flore Elvedriel

The boy in front of me readied his stance, and waited for me to begin.

I have been taught by many tutors whose faces I barely remember. But every time we sparred, I remembered their faces clearly. They regarded me as a glass figure. Hamadryad forbid they put even so much as a scratch on me. I was never regarded as a person, but a trophy. A delicate figurine that must be shaped to the ideals of society.

I sparred various boys and girls from noble families. Their eyes displayed plain egoism, or fear. 

None of those spars I enjoyed. I never felt a thrill, or like what I did was something meaningful. Just plain, and boring demonstrations of one's abilities to the awe and amusement of the grownups. At least, that was until I met this boy.

The moment he walked into my study, was the first ever time I interacted with someone who wasn't from a noble family. All his actions, emotions, and manner of speech were sincere, not like the pretentious demeanor of the others.

Though, I did not regard him as someone worthy of my time. I knew what father was trying to accomplish with bringing him here, but I had no interest in befriending someone I met for the first time. Someone I was forced to meet.

But the moment he blurted out his rebuttal to my claims, was the first time someone besides my parents did not treat me as some idol. The way he started taunting me, was the first time someone talked to me in a way that was unbefitting of royalty. He talked to me like we were equals, like I was an actual person, perhaps even his friend, and the most important part of that was, that it was sincere.

This boy who was definitely younger than me, evoked something I never before felt to anyone else. Interest!

Not my tutors, nor my peers, ever evoked any interest in me. To me, they were all the same, all pretentious, and…fake. But not him. 

His calm but focused gaze was already enough to tell me that perhaps what they told me about this boy, could be true. What I was sure of, was that this spar would not end in a single swing.

That is why now that he is standing before me, sword at the ready, I for the very first time am feeling nervous, but more excited for this fight than I ever was before. His calm gaze radiated not egoism, self importance, or fear. But confidence. Pure, absolute confidence, and it regarded me as an opponent. A true opponent, against whom he will fight seriously, not to prove anything to the gazing audience, or boost his narcissism, but to simply see what the two of us were capable of doing. What I was capable of demonstrating to him.

'And I will see what you will be capable of showing me, Ardiel Elrond!'

I augmented my whole body with mana, preparing to strike. His eyes slightly widened with surprise. Did he notice? No, that aside, does he know the technique I am currently performing?

"So you do know how to augment your body with pure mana?"

He knows this technique too, and more than that, already suspected I was able to perform it even before we began. This boy was piquing my interest more and more with each passing second.

"Then, I will fight more seriously as well."

He smirked, and then that smirk faded into an impassive expression as he also began to strengthen himself with mana.

This was not something I have ever felt before. Not only did he augment himself, but for some reason, my body began to feel heavy, and breathing became slightly more difficult.

Could this be the sheer force of his mana? But how? How could a boy younger than me release that kind of pressure?

This was anything but what I have ever felt before, but instead of evoking fear, it only brought the sheer thrill of an impending fight.

Letting go of any additional thoughts, I imbued even more mana into my legs, and dashed forward, aiming the sword right at his chest.

With a quick maneuver, he deflected my strike, and shifted himself to the left, as I ran past.

I turned around quickly, so as to not allow him to strike me in the back. But he returned back to the same exact position he was in before. Concentrated, focused, and waiting. 

I grinned. Finally…finally a strong opponent. Celeborn was strong, but he only displayed self importance. But this boy, Ardiel, was stronger, much more stronger. He managed with minimal movement and effort to deflect the strike that should have been able to guarantee me victory. A technique which allowed me to win against so many noble kids, but not against him.

I struck out again, swinging, striking, feinting. From above, from below, from the sides, everything I could muster. I fell into a series of strikes and swings which were taught to me by my previous teachers. On his end, Ardiel was able to deflect or dodge everything I threw at him.

I ducked down and to his right, trying to get under his blade and strike upwards. He leaned back to avoid my strike, a beautiful and simple maneuver, yet one that takes so much concentration and reaction speed that I couldn't even hope to repeat. He also ducked down, and swept me off my feet with his right arm, causing me to crash onto my back.

"You make too much unnecessary movement, Flore." He said as he leaned over, already on his feet, standing straight.

"Your swings are too wide, you make many little unnecessary movements with your arms and body, and you step all over the place. Reduce your movements to a minimum, find what works for you, and what will be beneficial to you in a certain situation. Reducing your movement will also increase your speed…try again."

He held out his hand to help me back up, stepped away, and readied himself in the same exact position.


Our spar, or a lesson at this point, lasted around an hour. I followed through with his advice, and each time I paid attention to what movements I made. After each defeat, I reflected on what I could have done differently, and implemented that into action the next round.

In our final couple of matches, I began to pressure Ardiel to start going into a counter offensive, who no longer was able to completely stay on the defensive. During this one hour of sparring with Ardiel, an opponent who not only took me seriously, but instructed me along the way, I was able to learn more, than from weeks of training with my previous instructors.

This boy was kind, helpful, and at times he even cracked jokes or said friendly taunts during our spar which did annoy me, but did not necessarily anger me. He was also strong and serious at the same time, and pointed out every little mistake that he could spot, and we continued. 


By the end of that hour, I was tired, breathing heavily, and sweating profusely, but at the same time I felt accomplished, and happy. 

I finally found someone who was willing to see me as a person, who was sincere, and who at the same time, was an amazingly helpful instructor, despite his age and the prejudice I unjustly directed his way when we first met. 

Perhaps in the future I would be able to call him a…friend?

"Feeling tired?"

Ardiel walked up to me, snapping me out of my trance, grinning from ear to ear like an idiot. I couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Yes, definitely. You tossed me around like a ragdoll! I couldn't land a single strike on you the entire time."

"It's just that your previous instructors were bad. But I'll be sure to turn you into an excellent swordsman!"

He said this as he hit his left palm with his right fist.

I smiled joyfully, but then realized something.

"Wait a moment Ardiel!"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"What about magic? We still have to compete with magic, don't we?"

Ardiel looked at me puzzled, but then smiled mockingly.

"Haven't you had enough of being tossed around like a ragdoll today?" He said while snickering.

'This boy!' I thought with a sigh.

"No, no I don't think I did." I rebutted. I said this more so to see his reaction, because in truth, I really did have enough.

"Well then, I guess we won't be needing these anymore, right?"

He took his and my sword into his hands, placed them back into the rack, and then got into position.

"Shall we have a historic battle of mages? The prodigy from the outskirts, against the prodigy of the royals!"

I smiled wearily at this stupid joke, and got into position.

"Are you ready, your ragdoll highness?"

"Yes I am, village boy!"

I took a deep breath, calmed myself down, stretched my right arm out and began to cast.

"Water Cann…WOAH."

Before I could even finish my casting, a huge blob of water came hurtling towards me. I couldn't even react in time before I was sent flying into the air, and came crashing down to the ground, completely soaked, and miserable.

"Are you ok princess?" Ardiel shouted from the other end of the ring.

How was he able to cast so quickly? Wait. Did he even chant? Chantless magic for that kind of a spell, and at that age? What?

I looked completely puzzled and in shock as Ardiel made his way towards me, concern on his face.

"Ardiel…that just now…was chantless magic, was it not?" I said, still sitting on the ground.

Seeing as nothing was wrong with me, he placed his hands behind his back, and leaned over me.

"It seems there are many things for you to learn from me afterall, Miss Ragdoll."

That is how the candle flame of my desire to learn, which I believed was extinguished a long time ago, burst to the scale of a wildfire. 

Because I finally found a true teacher…and a friend.