
Risa Screct Lover

risa is drugged by riser exsapeds and meet the mc she was charmed by mc and rapped the mc

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2 Chs

metting risa

1 year later, you can see a 17-year-old boy holding a child. The child was a very good-looking girl with jade-colored skin. She looked 3 years old, but she was only 1. And the father was wearing a face mask, but it did not hide his good looks.

When the father said, "Let's go to school and see your mother," the little girl said in a low voice, "Let's go to school and see your mother.

The little girl was happy, she always wanted a mother so that her father could be happy and have a big family, I want my father to marry at least 5 girls, the little girl mumbled so that he could not hear what she was saying.

1 hour later there was a little girl in front of Risa school, she was cute and a Hamsun man.

When they went to the school they were stopped by a black haired sona, she looked at him and was stunned by his charm, then she regained her composer. she said what do you need?

emmpor said i want to talk to risa we need her right now she said follow me i will show you the way she knew he was weak she could not feel anything from him 5 min later they were at a big door when she knocked rais said everyone get out lets talk alone but the mc stopped them and said nooooo lets tell them the truth on how u rapped me and got prengent and overpowered the kid

Then out of nowhere a little girl with red hair and blue eyes came out and called her mom, everyone was stunned, then Isi said, "Explain Risa," Isi was heated, even though they were not dating, she was his.

Hhhhhhh sit down, its a long story, Risa started telling the story from the beginning and so did I.

issi screamed u bitch and slapped risa i dont need u anymore u are not a vergin bitch take your child and leave risa started to cry whyyyyyyy when she looked at emmopor and he was smiling hahahahahahahaha look at that face u raped me and left your child oh well ill still mary u your daruther need a mother step up risa i dentent know u was so selfish

Your own daruther is in front of u and u still care about him im dissapoited risa just when he was finna talk more. issi slaped his daruther and called her a slut. emmpor was pissed he got so mad he did not even know he was emmiting such a dagerious prents and shook the unverse u dared hit my darther with a single slap he died and his sould never reandcarnated.

he clamed down he look around and sayed what happen. risa was stunned and than said nothing hunny lets get married for get about issi even tho risa was sad she acepted her fate she raped him. and hade a kid but abbounded them she felt like a terible mother and cryed.

than a small hand reached hers and sayed mom please dond cry ill dissapare if u want ill die.

than out of no where emmpor said noooooo dont leave dad u are the only one i need in this life i married your mom for u u are my life.

ummmmmmm man my hand hurts well bye have a nice day another chapther will be here towwaro