
Riot academia

With a world ruled by madmen, monsters, elites and Grandmasters. It a world with a motto of winning today and dying tomorrow.

UniqueKarma · Fantasie
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6 Chs


The government made a harsh decision to keep him with them till he perished.

It was soul crushing for our parents to hear those words. My mom nearly ran mad she pleaded, nearly striping herself naked.

The governors, cheifs, commanders and captains even made a plan toexecute Dante within 6yrs or so. Until a young, tall, calm looking man called Ishiki shiota also the older brother to Masashi shiota(Lord of the cold north) stepped in.

Immediatly he stepped into the court hall, the whole room bowed before him, then one of the governors said "My lord, how are you here, you should be in a meeting with the High preist of the southern sect ".

Then the man called Ishiki replied "yeah, i was at a meeting, but the old man was hectic, i thought he called me for something fun, i didn't know it was to sign and approve cultivation scrolls, but i heard rumurs about a demon possesing a child, so i left because seeing the child that was possesed is more fun than approving stupid scrolls".

The elder immediatly said "My lord, those stupid cultivation scrolls you didn't approve are what our young magical soldiers uses to build up power and learn new tricks, and plus we spent a fortune just for the southern sect to give us a new batch ", at a moment, Mr. Ishiki looked confussed then he replied in a sad tone "Does that mean i have to go back to that grumpy High priest?".

The whole hall nodded indicating "YES".

But all of a sudden he fell to the ground and started crying like a 7year old, and he said"But the old man is no fun, he always says big grammar that forces me to open my dictionary" (≧ω≦).

To me at that time he looked like a lively but childish person.

Then he stopped crying and looked over to our side and he told the rulers "Isn't there a better way to settle this instead of puninishing these people?".

He came over to our side of the hall and picked my mom of the flour and wiped her tears, and said to her"No mother was made to feel this kind of pain".

Then he angryily turned to the rulers and said"I know you all are afraid because you think the child will kill or eat the villagers, but have you forgotten that the possesed child was who you all said you would protect, the funny part is that he hasn't even killed any one, but just because of some problems you deny him and try to execute him, you know what?, as the grand master of the NORTHERN,WESTERN,SOUTHERN AND EASTERN border of this land, i say that the child should be kept under my care, and not to be executed, My words are final".

The hall was filled with the vibe of a grave yard the whole members of the court felt disrespected, but i could feel the serious aura sparking out of him, then he came to our side of the hall once again and he told us that he had already brought a special medical captain that has been treating Dante and he should be awake by now.

Then he looked back at the court again and said "when i'm done taking this people to the medical centre, i'll go back to the southern sect to collect the culltivation scrolls, i promise".

He then looked at us and held our hands and said "this might make you all feel dizzy, so close your eyes until i say open".

We did as he said, and i felt a cold breeze, and he said "open your eyes" and to my suprise, my family and i found ourselves at the medical centre Dante was kept, i was shocked, but maybe that's why they call him Grand master.

We went into the hospital and saw Dante talking to a man with a mask he was quite scary, but he seemed gentle and tired due to the question Dante asked him.

Mr. Ishiki asked for medical reports about Dante and the masked man said "His vitals are not ordinary but extra ordinary, and also he has the ability of extreme regeneration ".

Then the masked man looked at dante and said show them what we practised, then Dante took out a sharp dagger and cut open his chest, a pool of blood spilled out, but strangely the blood flowed backwards and went into his body, it was a hellish scene.

And the masked man said "their is one more terrifying result that is not easy to say but, he craves for blood sometimes".

The masked man then punched open a hole on the plastic bag filled with blood and dripped it on his hand and took it closer to Dante's range of sight and suddenly we saw his teeths turn into fangs, he tried to restain himself but he couldn't, then he attacked the masked man by not only biting him, but by pulling out his hand, the man didn't express the feeling of pain, but he held Dante down and took his arm back and rejoined it, it was realy strange.

But my mom and dad bursted into tears and ran and huged Dante saying "DANTE WILL ALWAYS BE DANTE".

After that the grand master had a talk with my parents about leaving dante at his care, because people might not see him as a normal human beign again and plus he would put Dante military based school called "phoenix academy", where he can mingle with people who have slightly the same problem with him.

But the child must be at the age of 15 to enter and at that time Dante was 11 so for the next 4yrs he would be with the grand master training for the phoenix academy entrance.

My Dad held the grand masters hand and said "but we are just commoners, why would you do this just for us", The grand master chuckled and said "it would be terrible for this child to be treated like a demon, for i know how that feels and also with him i could get away from some hectic jobs my brother keeps giving me"≥﹏≤.

All was settled and Dante was of to his new life, it was hard for me too but, i couldn't do anything but watch time pass and train in 8 different martial art centre at a time, and i carved this message in my heart that i will be next to Dante again, because i have all the requirement to sign up for the school.