Not all you hear must be the whole truth
No one will ever tell you the whole truth
I told you the world could change in a single moment
And That's what happened here
Everything around me was moving slowly, but I couldn't do anything
I was slow an I couldn't do anything
I saw Zed's head grt cut off in front of mr
I saw Hind smiling
It all happened in one moment
I felt something sharp that hacked my body
I looked down, and I found a sword that hacked into my mother's body and hacked into my body
I looked forward
To find a guy with gold hair, horns and golden wings
I hugged my mother tightly
After I felt that there was some kind of poison that was infiltrating my body
I jumped into a corner in the room
My mother was already dead. They seem to have tortured her a lot
Poor thing
I put my hand to her hair
Then I put her on the ground