
Rimembeo(Remember) __ Son's war

Jin woo has the condition of hyperthymesia which allows him to remember almost every day in perfect

Tf_estherr · realistisch
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9 Chs

Chapter Nine

When the prosecutor asks Jae hyuk where he was and what he was doing the night of Jung ah's murder, Jae hyuk hesitates. In a flash back, we see that all he can remember is suddenly arriving at the forest after talking on the phone with Jin woo. In the back of the court room, Dong ho mutters under his breath that Jae hyuk should at least lie --- the worst thing he can do is admit he can't remember.

But a befuddled Jae hyuk shakes his head, 😥😥 confessing that he can't remember. Dong ho sighs as the prosecutor jumps on the confession, making a big point about how Jae hyuk conveniently can't remember anything. How can Jae hyuk be so confident that he didn't kill Jung ah if he can't remember what he did that night

Jung ah's father had been sitting in he audience, tense as he listens to the trial continue, but he's finally reached the breaking point. Springing up from his seat, he barges to he witness stand to grab jae hyuk and press the sharp tip of a fountain pen against his neck.

Outraged, he demands to know how Jae hyuk could have killed his daughter, and waves the fountain pen at the guards who try to block him, warning to em that he doesn't need trial to convict Jae hyuk --- he'll provide justice by killing the murderer. Or at least hold him hostage, demanding the judge declare death penalty.

But the matter is take. out of his hands -- literally when Dong ho steps forward and smoothly disarm him. As the guards cuff him and lead him away, Dong ho slaps down his business card, telling Jung ah's father that since he's going to need a lawyer, he'll provide his serv6at a discounted rate.

The trial is stopped for the day, and as Jae hyuk is led to the waiting bus fo take him back to prison, Jin woo chases after it, yelling through the window that everything is going to be okay. Watching them to go are Lee In ah and Yeo kyung. Lee In ah isn't convinced that Jae hyuk is guilty, but Yeo kyung smugly says she bet that Jae hyuk killed Jung ah.

Lee In ah points out that Yeo kyung isn't acting in good faith ad a juror if she's already made a judge without listening to the defense's side . Everyone deserves the right to a fair trial. But Yeo kyung just smirks and says it should be an interesting trial to watch.

Jin woo studies Dong ho business card that he took from the court room, researching the claims that he's had " 100% success rate " in the criminal court. He boards a bus, unaware that Lee In ah is on the same bus, but she glances over and sees his lowered head as he quietly weeps. She quietly slips him the handkerchief she was holding, but he doesn't want her pity.😪😪

She tries to encourage him by telling him that she doesn't believe his father did it and that the court room will reveal the truth. He finally accepts her handkerchief and wipes his eyes, and as they get off the same stop together, she tells him that the truth will win over the so called facts. Aw, Jin woo smiles for the first time in forever as he tells her that he has a name😊, so she can stop calling him " high school student. " LOL

Gyu man's office****

In his fancy office, Gyu man watches the news about Jung ah's trial. His phone rings and he tells the other person on the line that he'll meet them " there." As he heads out with his entourage ( group of people), Dong ho follows behind, reassuring his mob boss client Joo il that he's on his way to take care of the situation.

The man on the other end of the phone was Gyu man's buddy who was at the party the night Jung ah was killed. They're meeting on top of a high rise currently being built, which promises them a safe and quiet place to talk privately except Dong ho has snuck up there too, and pushes his way into the conversation.

He introduces himself as Joo il's attorney, and immediately starts taking photos of Gyu man and his buddy. As Gyu man orders him to be taken away, Dong ho waves the phone in their faces, taunting them that they wouldn't be getting rid of him so easily if they knew what else was stored on the phone's camera.

To prove that he has incriminating evidence, he reveals that he knows Gyu man gave his buddy access to meth (hard drug) --- which is a crime that could give him a prison sentence of at least five years. A grinning Dong ho continues to pleasantly taunt Gyu man, letting him know that he's got all the juicy dirt on him, and Gyu man responds by repeatedly punching hi. in the face. Screaming that Dong ho has no idea who he's dealing with, Gyu man goes into one of his rages as he kicks him over and over.

Snatching the phone from him, Gyu man scrolls through it ---- only to find selfies of Dong ho stored there.🤣🤣. Pffft. As Dong ho spits out what could either be a tooth or his chewing gum, he says that if he had any evidence, he wouldn't have had to hurt his body. Furious, Gyu man grabs him and holds him over the side of the building.

Despite his precarious position, Dong ho still continues to taunt Gyu man, who threatens to throw him off the building. He grins as he says that it sounds like Gyu man has done this sort of thing before, and he's heard that in order to really prove that one is Harvard Law student, they have to be able to get away with murder. Considering the power Gyu man had, it would probably be easy for him ---- to get away with murder, that is. Except Dong ho would be able to prove that Gyu man was guilty.

Confused, Gyu man demands to know what he's talking about, but Dong ho just waves to the building across the way where all his mob buddies are standing on the roof, each filming and taking pictures of Dong ho and Gyu man. He's got enough evidence of Gyu man's attempted murder (of himself) to use as leverage to get him to drop the charges in Joo il's case.

As he walks away, Gyu man asks why Dong ho would risk his life for that Gangstar --- is he Dong ho's father or something? Dong ho pauses for a moment, but then continues to limp away, leaving the question unanswered. The truth is that his father was a poor boxer who was sponsored by Joo il and after Dong ho's father died, high school student had no one really left.