
Inner World

There he is, lying on the ground. Blood swept out of the hole made in his chest, which seems to be two in this case, with a cold body that gradually lost its blood. Without blood, Shaun will certainly die. Yet, he persisted and had his eyes half-open.

He tried to see, but everything was blurry for him. He could not even move his body let alone see. Before he knew it, his eyes had already closed and blood stopped pouring out of his body. He had died.

Before he could even try to think about what had happened, his vision returned to himself. This time it wasn't blurry but crystal clear. What he was seeing right now was something strange. A desolate land with nothing but dead trees to offer. Also, the sky seemed to be covered in black with a purple moon high looming in the sky. This place looked really creepy.

Shaun moved and looked around him. It seems like there really was nothing for him to see here. But, now comes the question. 'What is this place?' He couldn't comprehend anything and had a small headache from dying before.

"I'm sorry that I did not welcome you before. But welcome anyway." A voice belonging to a female spoke out loud. Shaun heard this and immediately looked around him. He could not see anyone or anything.

"I'm right here." The voice once again spoke, but this time closer than before. SHaun turned around andbefore he knew it, he was facing something huge. Two melon-like things stood straight before him.

Shaun then realized that this was a person and looked up at the face of the woman who had appeared so suddenly. Extremely pale, yet she looked beautiful. She had quite the looks with a the right curves at the right places. Brown hair that flowed down her back all the way to the ground. But, if you looked closely, it didn't reach the ground. Dark green eyes that looked dangerous yet suited her. She wore a complete set of black clothes and a white scarf around her neck.

Shaun took a step back and sized her a few times up. He didn't recognize her. 'Who is she?' Right after he had such thoughts, the woman spoke.

"We just met so don't be so tense about this sudden meeting. I couldn't find you since you spawned all the way out of the Base Land so I had to track you."

Shaun did not say anything. The woman didn't mind and introduced herself right away. "My name is Sara, or otherwise known as your soon to be assistant. Pleased to meet you." She bowed as if she was a princess welcoming her guests.

"Anyway, I know you're confused and that this looks like a joke to you but believe me you will soon have to accept all of this and just have to live this way."

"Live? I died, though." Shaun finally said, his interest peeked. Live? He had died right before coming here so he was confused.

"Oh right, I haven't told you yet. You're not dead- or rather not anymore. You died, certainly, but you were resurrected. How? It's simple, but let me first start at the beginning. In every living creature resides a soul. No one can see it, feel it, touch it, or sense it. It's just that incredible. Moving on, there is a power system with these souls that we have. There are two ranks in this pwoer system. The first one is which every living creature has, its called the Standard Soul. Whenever a living creature dies, the soul also 'dies'. But, the soul gets a new chance and has the ability to try to evolve to the second rank; the Superior Soul. Superior Souls are what people like you are, who have been resurrected from the dead after their soul succeeded in evolving. And let me tell yout his, not every soul is able to evolve. There are bound to be weak souls that will perish right after failing to evolve. Do you understand?"

Shaun nodded his head. Ever since he started listening to her explanation he became more and more interested in this. Souls? Evolve? Superior Souls? How interesting! He himself is also a Superior Soul which sounds really pwoerful for some reason.

"Let's walk while I am talking." Sara said as she gestured Shaun to follow her. Shaun decided to just do as she asked of him as he knew nothing of this place. She is the only one who could help him get a better understanding of what is happening.

"Superior Souls are vastly different from Standard Souls. That's because Superior SOuls have abilities. SOmething Standard SOuls do not have since they are too weak to acquire them. The first ability is known as the Main Base. It's where the owner of the soul can make himself his own land. This is nothing like the things you knew before but this time with something special called Summons."

"I know we're moving too fast right now and I am introducing you to many things but just keep in mind that this is for the best for you. I have tot ell you this before we begin the process of you being an Base Owner. Please understand."

"Summons are basically living creatores or non living creatures who can be summoned through special means. You will know once we make you a Base Owner. These Summons will basically be your body guards that will protect you with their lives. YOu can give them orders and do anything you ant with them. THey do not have a consciousness of their own, though, since they're just mindless puppets controlled by the Base Owner. But, there is a possibility of you creating a cousciousness for them by acquiring Summon Puzzle."

"Summon Puzzles are puzzles but meant for Summons. By obtaining them you are able to 'level up' their inner talent to another level which would essentially make them stronger and more intelligent thus acquiring cousciousness after a certain level. Summon Puzzles are not easy to obtain but if you are lucky enough then you might be able to do level up one right away. How can you obtain them? By attacking other Base Lands. That's done by searching them with a special ability you will get after becoming a Base Owner, I don't know the name though. But, be aware. You are also vunerable to attacks so don't relentlessly attack without being able to defend yourself. The attacks will be caused by other Superior Souls who have decided to get loot, Summon Puzzles, chests that are full with recources and all other stuff. They can even destroy your Base Land without you being able to do anything about it."

"But, don't worry. If you have me by your side everything will be fine. This is your first time experiencing something like this so let me manage for now and after you have experience with it will I let you have full control. Is that okay for you?"

Shaun nodded his head. So much information was being ingested in his mind as he was still thinking about everything that had been explained to him.

"I guess that sums it up a bit." Sara looked at Shaun and continued, "I know we're going from topic to topic and introducing you to many things but just keep in mind that this is for the best. I have to tell you this before we begin the process of you being a Base Owner. Please understand."

Shaun didn't mind. To him, Sara looked like a caring big sister who just wanted to protect her little brother. It was strange for him to think that since he just met her but still, he appreciated the information regarding the situation.

"Here we are, at your Base Land."

Shaun looked at the countless buildings that have appeared ever since stepping inside this village-like place. In the middle was another building that they approached that would soon be his home from now on.

"Please look to your left. That's the red knob you must press to activate this house. This house is your own mansion that you will be living in from now on. The house doesn't let anything other than the rightful owner of this house touch it. So please activate it."

Shaun stepped to the red knob that was lifted by a black stick from the ground. He didn't hesitate and pressed his hand on it. Right after pressing it, the ground began to shake. He looked at the house and saw it changing bit by bit.

From the previous broken-down house to a bit more good-looking house. It had grey walls and a black door with a total of three floors, it seems.

"Let us proceed inside." Sara opened the door to the house and held it open for Shaun to step inside first. With a somewhat shocked expression on his face, he entered the building.

It was huge and wide, though it was empty at the moment. It does look like something incredibly amazing could be build inside of this. To his right was an extremely long stairway that led all the way up to the last floor.

Sara simply looked at Shaun before realizing something. "Would you be so kind as to tell me what your name is? I don't know what to call you.."

"It's Shaun. And by the way, what is this thing that keeps on blocking my view?" Shaun annoyingly asked.

"Oh, that thing. It already appeared it seems. Well, it's the system which will be helping you from now on. It will let you see your own stats at any time and the stats your Summons. Or you can open a chest with the system and will lay out everything inside of it right in front of you. It's like a screen that helps you with information. I also have one but mine is limited to certain things like my own status."

"How do I see my status?"

"Just say 'open status' or think about it. It will appear right away."

'Open status.'

The screen immediately began changing. The screen had a black color to it with thankfully white words. It was not limiting his vision too much but it certainly was in the way. Shaun did realize after a while that he could see through it but it still was in his way.

Name: Shaun

Level: 1

Bloodline: Superior Human (Change or evolution is available)

Main Class: Summoner

Second Class: None

Physical Strenght: 15

Mental Strength: 35

Spiritual Strength: 5

Physical Defense: 20

Mental Defense: 45

Spiritual Defense: 5

Soul Strength: 100

Soul Defence: 120

"It says that 'Change or evolution is available'. What does that mean?" Shaun asked.

"That means that you are able to change your bloodline or even evolve from your current bloodline to a more powerful one. Bloodlines also give yous special abilities like resistance to fire, talent in a certain element, and so forth. It's difficult to change them but they certainly exist. They're called