
Riahna, the spirit warrior

Riahna a civilian of the planet Grainen have limitless power on to her ledge. Lesas, the demon who got captured down by the civilians of Grainen in a war was released by betrayel. Lesas destroys Grainen. On the proximity of the destruction Riahna hits on Earth with no memory of past. She realises some strange power within her. She tries to understand the real Riahna. She wants to perish Lesas with it's roots. But on the other side the Americans try to capture her powers underneath. Will she destroy Lesas or will her powers be invaded by the Americans.Let's see. If you wanna judge the novel according to the given story line well I might as well suggest you to think again cause it's more than that and please let me know if there's any mistakes along the chapter's.

Madcap_Gal · Fantasie
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98 Chs

Bonds that last longer than predicted

"Hey, Hi I'm Aaron."


"Nice costume."


"Don't you have any feelings of any kind?"


"Like smiling, don't you smile?"


"Okaaay, don't you laugh?"


"Let me tell you a joke."


"Knock knock."


"You should say who's there, you know that's how this works."


"Man you should say who's there. Hey buddy."


"Whatever , I'll roleplay myself.

'Knock knock'

'Who's there?'


'Lettuce who?'

'Lettuce in and I'll tell you'

😂😂😂😁😁😁🙂🙂🙂😐😐😐, Why aren't you laughing now?"


"Oh you don't laugh huh?Okay I got another one for you, What do you call an alligator in a vest?..."

"Aaron, come. on Buddy. I'm so sorry, You might wanna excuse my friend here."said Aldric while he pushed him away from the protecter.

"Hey I didn't finish."

"Let the boy go."said the protecter.

"Yeah let the boy go YOU OLD MAN"yelled Aaron.

"I like him. He's funny."

"I'm funny? Hey guys, the protecter said that I'm funny. Oh My God this is the best day of my life. Let go of me. You want some more bud. I'll give it you."

At the center of the universe:

"Please come into the center of the universe."


"We may be the protecters but the one who's protecting the gems is Ishihara, the princess of dragons."


"You are bonded with the protecter of the gems. I could not let you down. Please take your time together one more time"said the protecter and he left the scenario.

As they looked they saw the princess of dragons guarding the gems. As soon as they got close, the symbols on their hands started to glow intensively. The dragon looked to who was there who got inside and as soon they she saw them, she stood up and rushed towards them and cuddled around them in love and respect.

"Whoa. Ishihara?"said Riahna as she patted her.

"She was the one guarding the gems?"

"I think it's our lucky day huh?"

"I think so. So what now?"

"The big game I guess."

"I guess so too."

Riahna took a step forward over to the place where the gems where held and Ishihara followed her all along. She looked back at Zack and gave him a smile of hope that everything would be okay. She exhaled a breath and started to chant spells.


"Andre, Can you reach to get your knife?"

"No, it's stuck. Wait, there's a way. Jake, come closer to me. The knife's in my left pocket. Use one of your legs to take it out."

"Why didn't we think of it before?"

"Minds don't work when they panick I guess. Come on try."

"Ego Riahna consecro

et benedico istum circulum

per nomine dei altissimmi,

in hec scripta,

ut sit mihi et omnibus

scutum et protectio dei fortissimmi,

Elohim invictus, potestatis

gerum contra malignos spiritus.

In nominei dei patris,

Dei filli, et

Dei spirictus sancti.....

(Repeats continuously )"


"Jake you got it?"

"No, it's kinda difficult to take it man."

"Hey you're tickling me."

"Yeah that sounds about right and great. Come on man be with me for this."

"You got it?"

"Yeah I got it."

"Great, try to put it in my mouth."

"In your mouth?"

"Yes my mouth."

"Okay, whatever."

As Jake put the knife over to her mouth, she tried to get over to the rope that's holding her hands and she tried to cut it hard. As soon as the rope got loose, she tried to jump up and down and finally she jumped over to the ground.

"That as so great."

"I know Jake."said Andre as she threw away a sharp edged knife over to the top of the rope that was holding him down. He fell over to the floor and she helped him get up.

"Come on let's go."

"Shhh, did you hear that?"

They heard footsteps approaching them and they decided to hide between the walls.They found a place and they hid there They saw the shadows of monsters cutting an animal outside in and eating them raw. Andre who saw this came to a positions where she wanted to throw up, the monsters heard a sound and they walked slowly towards them. They squeezed themselves into the darkness as hard as they can to hide.

At the same time,

Riahna continues chanting spells. The whole room started to show something and the gems started to revolve around them. She raised her voice too high and used her power to create the Ragon. Fire started to revolve around her and Zack took a step back for protection. Her hands started to light up and glow. Some kind of energy got. out of her hands and it touched the room. Then came water who got there out of nowhere. Each elements started to show up as she chanted up the spell.She started to feel something and her powers started to drain down, she fell over to the ground out of pain and Zack tried to help her but he was denied to do so.


"Zack don't... Stay where you are.... I'm alright."

"Riahna, don't do this man!"

"I have to."

"Gosh, F**k."

Ishihara protected Zack from her and she decided to go on with the ritual. She started again and then came space, all the planets out in the universe just revolving around her. Then came Air, which got in like a tornado that nearly destroyed the whole place. Then came Earth, the lifelong oxygen and a whole new vision startled all around her and she controlled it all with her bare hands.

Meanwhile outside,

"The guy who got the ticket was fooled by the kid... 😂😂😂😂😂"said Aaron and the door opened and the protecter who got Riahna and Zack inside got out. The moment he got out, the thing that he saw was that the other protecter who was guarding the door was laughing all along with the little kid from Heptom (Aaron).

"Brother, what is going on?"asked the protecter.

"Brother, I... um... I."

"You should be ashamed of yourself. You've been manipulated by the kid."

"Hey, hey, hey don't talk to my pal like that buddy."said Aaron as he got into the conversation. Aldric pulled him away from him cause he knew that he was about to be in trouble.

"What do you think you're doing?"asked Aldric furiously.

"That dude is trash talking him."

"Why do you care?"

"Cause I know what it feels okay. It's just....I've been in that position and it sucks, not being able to enjoy any moment, always have responsibilities. Do this, do that, it sucks. So yeah I don't care who he is but I'm not gonna let him talk to anybody like that."