
Wrecked Humvee

Curled up beneath a tree, a girl shivered under the cold weather. Her clothes were ragged and torn in a few places. She looked incredibly thin due to a long period of time going without food. Scars riddled her body but they werent as noticeable as the scar on her left eye. She tried warming herself up by rubbing her tail and the tufts of fur on her forearm close to her.

She had lost everything and things seemed to keep getting worst since then, the only thing keeping her going was her resolve to cling to life. Her eyes seemed devoid of light except for one little glint at the corner as she continued to peer out ahead of her, waiting for something.

Then the sound of a roaring engine reverberated through the forest devoid of roads. The dark ears ontop of her disheveled hair twitched as her eyes seemed to dilate. The sound of the engine halted as a door flew open. The steps of a white haired shinigami were the only sounds left besides the whistling wind.

"Whew" he whistled out as he looked at the piercing stare of the girl. "You look like shit." was his first comment. "Also is it racist of me that I expected the Hero to be human?" he muttered lowly but her wolf ears picked it up.

He noticed that the girl was quiet as she didn't respond while still staring at him. He cleared his throat. "Well no matter, since you called and I owe your god a favor." He struck a pose that looked like a cringy dab

"I AM SHIRO AVERSIS!" Shiro declared loudly as he posed "But you can call me Teacher Shiro!" He grinned as he gave her finger guns with a wink.

She finally seemed to show a response as she blinked with confusion at the odd introduction. He held out some food with one hand and a pair of shades in the other hand.

"First Lesson: Everyone wears shades in the Humvee." he spoke with utmost seriousness leaving no room for arguments.

"How did you manage to crash it!?" Jack asked incredulously as the trio stared at the wrecked vehicle.

"Well, it all started millions of years ago." Shiro began his story as he clasped his hands behind his back.

"Stop! Don't start your explanation that far back!" Jack shouted stopping the white haired 15 year old from explaining the history of the people who carried the name of Aversis in the multiverse. "I knew it was a terrible idea to let the youngest of us drive." Jack sighed as he blamed himself.

"Wait, I'm the youngest!?" Shiro asked incredulously as he turned to Quinn.

Quinn noticed Shiro's stare as the armored hands moved to communicate to his companions [Quinn: I'm 16, turning 17 in a few months] Jack also understood sign language as he was taught multiple languages at a young age.

"And I'm 18" Jack seemed smug about being the oldest. Shiro dropped to his knees at the realization that he was physically the youngest.

[Quinn: There's a city nearby, think we could find someone to fix it for us?] Quinn noticed a city in the distance as he seemed to ignore the despairing protagonist.

Jack checked the map for a moment. "It's Harlem, it's not exactly the most lawful city." he said as he turned back to the wrecked Humvee. "Scavengers might decide to pick up our scraps if we leave this unattended." he mused for a moment.

"Very well! Since I crashed it, leave it to me to go get us a mechanic!" Shiro exclaimed as he prepared to dash off into the distance until armored hands held him in place at the Burger Prince's eye signals.

"It'd be better if I went, I've been to Harlem a few times in the past so I know where to go. Besides, not many people would take you seriously Shiro." Jack sighed as it was true that people wouldn't take a 15 year old kid seriously. At least Quinn was completely armored so it was difficult to tell his age.

[Quinn: I believe I should go with you, in case things turn bad.] Quinn offered to be the extra muscle.

"Fine you got a point, I'll just chill here then." Shiro relented as it was true. While he wanted to complain that it'd be boring, he knew that looking so young would have disadvantages.

"Alright becareful, if some bandits or scavengers show up then take them out quickly if possible." It would draw attention if they escaped and reported back to their bosses. Despite the vehicle being wrecked, they could still sell the parts for a decent price in the black market.

"What if things don't go well for you two?" Shiro asked

Jack removed a cylindrical object from his space ring. Apparently space mages could give small jewelry tiny pocket dimensions for storage. "If you see a giant green flare in the sky, then that means we need help." Shiro nodded at that.

[Quinn: This works fine since you're the fastest out of us.] Quinn tried to cheer him up.

"Just go already, I'll be cloudwatching here like a boss." he shooed the two away as he laid back on the wrecked humvee's hood.

"Hard to cloudwatch when it's getting dark!" Jack called out.

"Shush!" Shiro waved his hand as Quinn seemed to silently chuckle.

Shiro POV

Ugh, I can't help it if I crashed the car. In my defense, I'm just not used to this 15 year old body. Well, guess chilling here isn't so bad. A little boring though, might aswell look at my stats a bit to pass the time.

Name: Shiro Aversis

Level: 99

Race: Human, Shinigami(?) / Class: Outworlder

Soul Bound items: Hyorinmaru(lvl100) / Shinigami clothes (self repairing) / Durable hat

Blessings: 'Ray's Blessings' / Familiar Contracts: None

STR: 290 (+200) AGI: 310 (+200) END: 570 (+100)

INT: 200 (+200) LUK: 7 RES: 580 (+100)

Actives: Brinicle Shell / Ice Clones / Chill Spout / Snow Cloak /

Passives: Divine Mental Protection / True Regeneration / Cold Immunity / Silent Steps / Aqua Resonance / Icecraft /

Fafnir's Blood Armor / Dragon Heart / Bondage Skills / Spiritual Energy Manipulation / Zanjutsu / Kido(basics) /

There's something that's been bugging me for awhile now, I don't see a lot of people straight up spamming skills out the ass when I fight them. The only exceptions were Miya, Quinn, Sotenn and some of the Royal Guards.

[It's due to host's class already being something equivalent to a level 100.] the system responded out.

"So all my skills are basically things that lvl 100 people get?" Shiro asked as he felt like conversing to pass the time.

[Besides Brinicle Shell being equivalent to a level 60 skill, the rest are equivalent to low tier ultimates.]

"Heh, that reminds me of playing Mobas in my past life." Shiro chuckled as he reminisced.

[As a person reaches an ascension, they receive a skill depending on class and how they lived. Normal people generally wouldn't gain incredible things like Host. For example at level 20, a person might need to hit harder so they would gain something small like a power attack that increases the strength of a swing.]

[Host received Brinicle Shell due to the desire of a defensive ability back when host was being shot by goblins. Ice Clones came from feeling out numbered in multiple fights. Chill Spout from a strong desire after seeing Tentacle-Beard shoot an acid beam from his mouth and Snow Cloak from attempting to be a sneaky thief.] The system explained it's analysis.

"Dayum, I guess that makes sense. Wait, you said normal people. Does that mean there are others that are similar to me?" I became intrigued at the idea of other brokenly overpowered people.

[Yes, one can be nurtured from a young age and prevented from leveling before they ascend to live out their lives in a certain way. It can be difficult but it has been done quite a few times.]

"So all I have to worry about is level 80 and 100 skills?" I asked ignoring the magical aspect. I haven't met any actual mages yet, just people using tools made by mages. As for guns, I've only met one guy with firearms before but I get the feeling that'll change when we get to the caves.

[Unless Host meets someone like an Apostle Candidate or something similar then yes.]

'Well that's good to know' I thought as I stood up and slowly stepped away from the Humvee.

Listening to the sound of a blade stabbing me in the back, I turned around with a smile. "Now that was pretty rude, didn't even introduce yourself." I said with a smug grin.


Shiro covered his eyes as he howled in pain. The bandit's leg seemed to glow as he whipped it to his back but felt like he was kicking a steel wall. "Fuck, shoot him!" he cursed as he felt like he broke his leg from the impact.

Gunshots sounded out from all sides, as a barrier of ice formed around Shiro. He no longer had to voice out Brinicle Shell to use it. Cold sweat started to drip from a few of the bandits as Shiro's eyes finally healed up. A soul crushing pressure exuded from him as the bandit's brought out their mind's eye.

"I'm bout to wreck your shit." he spoke as dark clouds gathered above them.

"RUN!" One of them shouted as they all split up in different directions.

Shiro didn't give chase, instead he kept his eyes closed. He could feel it, the moisture in the air. He didn't practice it much since he was focused on other things. But he felt like it wasn't too late to start now. He could feel them, each bandit sprinting away from him. With just a thought, winged ice dragons began to descend from the clouds.

By the end of it, nothing but ice shards remained.