

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasie
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101 Chs


"So are we going to the pub immediately?" Mirai asked in the car.

She rode shotgun while Eleanor and droyle sat in the back.

"No,of course not. This is just 9:37AM" She scoffed."Do you know any pubs that open this early?"



"So where are you taking us?" Eleanor asked."We should at least know that much"

"Fine" Sryia sighed."It's a place to lay low,and it's just about two hundred metres from the pub"

"So what? You want us to take a nap?" Mirai chuckled."I don't think that's possible with all the adrenaline in me right now"

"I know that. I'll train you for about four hours then after that you can do whatever the hell you wish till operation time"

"Hey,at least,we get a say this time" Eleanor laughed.

"Shut up" Sryia chuckled."You always get a say because I wouldn't be a good leader if I didn't do that"

They drove the rest of the way in silence as the girls just looked out the window and thought deeply about what was to come.

"Hey,let's go there" Mirai pointed to a restaurant to their left.

"Why?" Eleanor asked.

"Because I didn't have breakfast" She groaned."What of you guys?"

"I had breakfast,but I could use some more food" Eleanor said.

"Same here" Droyle agreed.

"Ugh fine" Sryia mumbled."We ain't eating there. We're just going to get it to go"

"Yay" Mirai squealed. She honestly just wanted a change of scenery before being locked up in the hideout.

"What now?" Threos groaned."I thought I told that your big ass assistant not to disturb me anymore"

"Same here"

"Well,too bad,this is a matter that concerns all" Herman said.

"I might be wrong,but I only see three people in this room" Aevulis grinned."that doesn't seem like everyone"

"I know that" Herman said softly."The rest aren't in this country. They'll join us via zoom later"

"Why didn't you inform us of that option?! You think I wanna be here again!" Threos bellowed.

"There's nothing better than the physical" Herman smiled.

"Ugh,sometimes,I feel like bashing your head in" Threos seethed.

"I can always oblige,but I doubt you'd like that" Herman replied ominously. He rested his palms on the table with his fingers clasped and stared straight at Threos.

After several long seconds,Threos averted his gaze.

"Tch,I'm not in the mood anyway" He grumbled.

"Great,we can finally start this meeting" Herman smirked."I've sent the email to y'all"

"Yeah,I think it's a load of crap" Aevulis snapped."Ten percent on just one version of a game?! That's ridiculous"

"Yeah,how in the hell are we to share 90% among seven people,not to mention taxes and other expense. We're basically poor now" Threos continued."We have to reject their offer. There are better companies out there"

"Of course you'd say that" A voice said as her face came up on the screen."Such simpletons. I wonder if this is the decision y'all would have come to if I wasn't here"

"Ugh,great,she's here" Aevulis groaned."Hello seventh"

"Why hello there,third. I see you're not taking your vitamins anymore. Your poor decision making and analyzing skills say it all"

"Fucking bitch!" Aevulis seethed."Just once,I would like to strangle you to death"

"Oh my" Seventh gasped, placing a hand on her chest."You're such a brute"

"It's okay. Tell us why you think we shouldn't reject their offer?"

"It's Netflix. If we're affiliated with them even in the smallest way, we've put ourselves on the map. I know ten percent seems like a lot now,but this contract isn't set in stone. We can always modify it or erase certain clauses if it benefits both parties"

"So you're saying we should take it?" Herman asked.

"Yes" Fifth replied."We might not get another chance"

"Fine,let's put this up for a vote" Herman suggested.

"Right on time,I presume" Kyle said as his face came up on the screen.

"Oh,sorry for missing the meeting" Sixth said, faking a sad face."I honestly wanted to be part of it"

"It's not over yet" Aevulis said."You right on time,man"

"Damn it" Sixth growled. He thought the meeting would only last for a short while,so he could show up at the end and pretend like he didn't mean to miss it."I could've avoided it all together"

"Hey guys,I'm really sorry. I'm here now" Fifth said.

"Great,now let's get started" Herman said."All in favor of taking Netflix's proposal,hands up"

Of the seven people in the room,four put up their hands: seventh,fifth,sixth,and Threos

"You're playing with me,man" Aevulis smirked coldly."You said earlier that you thought this was bullshit"

"Well,that was before seventh enlightened me"

"You're welcome, darling" Seventh smiled."And people say brutes don't have large brains"

"Fuck you" Threos mouthed.

"Aww" Seventh squealed."You are shaping up to be the smartest brute ever"

"Well,we've all decided." Herman started."We're gonna take the offer"

"Yay" The girls clapped.

"I thought we had it" Herman thought.

After their eventful breakfast,the girls rested a bit before training. They continued their simulations,but this time,they knew it was getting pretty real.

In no time at all,night fell quickly. The dark sky was only illuminated by a few twinkling stars to the south and east as the moon lay hidden behind some clouds.

"What is this?!" Mirai snapped.

"It's your uniform" Sryia replied.

"No way" Mirai said."Look at me,I look like a thot"

"Yes,you're gonna blend in that way" Sryia replied, glancing at Mirai's skin tight dress. It was a simple,black miniskirt just below her ass with the back opened.

"Where are the others?"

"Getting ready"

"Aren't I the sniper? This is gonna make things really hard"

"I know. You just have to get past security and then you can remove the dress"

"Thank Goodness" Mirai sighed.

After the others got ready,they hopped into the car and drove to the pub.

"Woah,it's like a huge party" Eleanor said excitedly."Been long I went to one of these"

"We're not here to party, Eleanor" Sryia warned.

"I know" She rolled her eyes before exiting the car."Now,we have to play the part. We have to be confident and seductive" She said to Mirai and droyle.


"Yeah,you know,give them some eye contact every once in a while"

"Oh my God" Mirai groaned as they walked to the entrance."This isn't what I expected at all"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Yung_Dannycreators' thoughts