

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasie
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101 Chs


The next day,the group chat was blowing up with text messages.

Everyone was reporting their experiences as well as opinions on the mission in the next few hours.

A chime echoed throughout Sofia's room.

"Ugh,please I need to get some rest,guys" Sofia typed on the chat.

"We aren't against that" Mirai typed.

"Of course you aren't" Sofia replied before turning her volume bar to zero.She tossed her phone to the side then closed her eyes and hoped for sleep.

She fell asleep for about two hours before a sudden sensation jolted her awake.

"Shit" Sofia exclaimed,looking at her arm.

The fire line was there again ,and this time,it seemed like it had gotten bigger.

"What should I do?!" Sofia exclaimed, quickly rising from the bed.It was heating up rapidly and she could feel heat coursing through her veins."This is torture" Sofia muttered as she quickly ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

Immediately the cold water touched her skin,a sizzling sound was heard.

"Fuck" She said,punching the wall in anger."Fuck" Sofia said as the pain shot up her spine.She glanced at her knuckles as it was now bleeding.

She quickly turned off the shower to get something to stop the bleeding.A weird sound stopped her from progressing.

She looked at her knuckles and almost fainted from what she saw.The wound was closing rapidly by itself.

"Oh My God! What am I ?!" Sofia muttered,looking intently at the now closed wound.Maybe her eyes were playing tricks on her,she punched the wall again.This time it was harder than she punched it last time ,but the same thing happened.

Within ten seconds,the wound had closed up.

Sofia grabbed a robe and wrapped it around her.She didn't know what to do again."I thought this shit had finally gone.Who do I tell? What do I do? Has this stuff messed with my DNA or something like that? Am I even still human?" Tara asked herself these questions and didn't know the answer to any of them.

"Fuck me" She shouted before laying on the bed.

Time seemed to travel in a flash as it was already 7pm.This meant she had to go to the bakery for their first mission.

"Shit" Sofia quickly got dressed in her all black robes before leaving the house.

After a short train ride and a minute walk,she arrived at the bakery.

"Please don't act up" Sofia said silently to her arm.

"Oh Thank God! She's here" Mirai shouted as Sofia entered the room.

"What's wrong?" Sofia asked.

"Oh Sofia! It's terrible.A life or death situation" Mirai said.

"What is it?! You can tell me" Sofia said hastily.She didn't like the look of concern on mirai's face.

"Hahaha" Mirai burst out with laughter."You should have seen your face"

"Mirai!" Sofia started as she placed a hand on her chest."You almost gave me a fucking heart attack"

"You're fine" Mirai said jokingly.

"Gosh! You're so annoying" Sofia said,moving past her."Where's everyone" She said when her mind registered that they were the only People in the bakery.

"Phoebe's at the back ,and the rest will come a little later"Mirai sat.

"Not later.I said 7pm sharp" Sofia said

"Well..." Mirai started."The mission isn't starting till 10 ,so give them some time"

"Why did you come early then" Sofia looked at Mirai.

"I knew you'd come early ,so I wanted to keep you company.Also,we can get a quickie before they all arrive"


"I'm joking, Relax" Mirai chuckled.

"You better" Sofia said with a little smile on her lips.

Cesar had finally decided that today was the day he was going to test his magic in rheurym.

He was about to test it in the common room,but he decided to test it in front of Rita.

"Maybe she'll be impressed" Cesar thought as he transported to her location.

"Oh Just in time! I need you to restrain Cesar" Rita said,restraining a large gargoyle.

"You named him Cesar?" Cesar said wide-eyed.

"Of course I did.I once caught him staring at his sister lustfully ,and that reminded me of you" Rita said.

"Is this girl for real?" Cesar thought.


"Fine" Cesar went to her side and helped with restraining the gargoyle.

"Why are we restraining him?" "His brothers pulled a prank on him." Rita said

"Are gargoyles even capable of pulling pranks?" Cesar asked

"Of course! This is a game.They're capable of anything" Rita said as she tried to pull the gargoyle back.

"Who's the dumb one?" The gargoyle suddenly stopped moving and asked

"Cesar meet Cesar" Rita said,introducing the two.

"Why does he have my name" The gargoyle growled.

"Because it's my name.She just gave it to you" Cesar said cautiously as he could see the gargoyle already baring his large canines.

"Can't you guys just share the name" Rita huffed, walking away from them.

"Look what you caused" Both man and animal said simultaneously.

"Fuck me.I can't believe I'm talking to an animal" Cesar muttered as he quickly went after Rita."Hey,What's wrong?" He said after catching up to her.

"I'm so tired" Rita said,laying on the lush grass.

"When last did you log out?" Cesar asked.

"I log out for about ten minutes every morning and night" Rita replied.

"Hey,I can do magic" Cesar said suddenly."She would be excited if I do magic" Cesar thought.

"This is a game.Everyone can do magic" Rita said,putting air quotes around the last word.

"No,I mean magic without any skill points or stuff like that" Cesar said.

"That's a lie" Rita said, becoming interested.

"Get ready to be amazed" Cesar said.The movies he watched showed the guy assuming a state of calmness before the magic happened,so he did just that.He took a deep breath and tried to force the magic out.

"I'm still waiting to be amazed" Rita said as nothing happened.

"Just give me some time" Cesar said.He took a page from a fantasy book he read and grabbed a stem lying on the floor.

He concentrated once more and imagined the magic was flowing into the stem.

"Cesar?!" Rita called

"Almost there" Cesar said with his eyes closed.

"No,Cesar look!"