

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasie
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101 Chs

No choice

"What?" Herman asked.

"What if she gets caught?"Threos asked,staring intently at Sofia.

"Uhm,who's he" Sofia turned to fifth.

"A colleague" Fifth said exasperatedly.

"Alright,you sure do have a lot of them" Sofia murmured,glancing at the six masked people in front of them.

"Well,are you going to get caught?" Herman turned to her.

"Well,no. At least,I'll try not to.No can predict the future" Sofia replied.

"That's not good enough" Threos said.

"You're right, fourth" Herman stroked his chin."If you get caught and the cops ask you to explain the source of your powers,what are you gonna tell them?"

"Well,the truth" Sofia replied. She didn't have any plans to go down alone.

"Not gonna change your mind for a bribe?" Aevulis stepped forward.

"Oh God" Fifth groaned softly. "Of course he's the one that'll say this"

"No" Sofia replied firmly.

"We're taking a huge risk here" Kyle started."I don't think it's gonna pay off"

"Well,you aren't sure of that" Sofia snapped."None of you are sure,so I think the only way out of this is to hope for the best and leave me the hell alone"

"Ouu,feisty" Aevulis smirked.

"Hold on" Herman turned to Sofia before calling the rest outside the shed.

"You sure you wanna do this,first?" Threos asked."I don't think it's worth it"

"I don't wanna do it,but I fear I don't have any other alternative. I also don't think we can take her powers"

"We could kill her" Seventh suggested.

"No,it's gonna get complicated if we do that. Reports suggest she has followers,and we wouldn't want them to come knocking on our door,would we?" Herman replied.

"Well,I think we all agree,right" Kyle spoke.

"Yeah" They chorused.

"Okay" Herman replied as he went into the shed."So we have decided to go by your way. You will use the power only as a last resort and not for anything else. Also,no one must know about it"

"Oh,that's gonna be hard" Sofia muttered.

"Why? What's wrong?" Herman asked worriedly.

"So, Mirai already knows"

"Who's Mirai?"

"She's kind of my second in command"

"And can we meet this Mirai girl?"

"No,I don't think that's gonna be necessary. I can handle her"

"You sure?"

"Yes, positive"

"Okay,aside from this Mirai person,you're not to tell anybody else"

"Yes, Mr dawn" Sofia replied.

"I think that's the end. For your sake,I hope we don't meet again" Herman said ominously as he turned and left the shed.

"Don't mind him, he's a huge grouch" Aevulis said."By the way,you got a boyfriend?"

"Ohh,my God. Come on,bro" Threos groaned as he pulled Cesar out of the shed.

"Wait,she didn't even answer me" Aevulis said.

"Don't think you can bag her,man" Threos said truthfully.

"Oh,that how it is,huh? I'm gonna prove you wrong" Aevulis huffed as he walked away.

"Looking forward to it' Threos murmured.

Back in the shed,only Sofia and fifth remained inside.

"Can you tell me why you're doing this?" Fifth asked.

"Doing what?"

"Going around burning people"

"I didn't do that intentionally" Sofia said.

"Really?" Fifth smirked.

"Well,I did,but I had no choice. Like I said,the guy wanted to rape my friend."

"Well,how does he know your friend and why did he want to rape her?"

"As for the why,because he's a man,and men can't control their stupid urges" Sofia replied,gritting her teeth.

"Okay,answer my other question: how does he know your friend?" Fifth asked.

Sofia took in a huge breath. She didn't know why she found herself wanting to tell the strange person in front of her everything.

"It started off as a joke but quickly turned into something serious" Sofia started as she told fifth everything,from the first mission to Mirai's kidnapping.

"Woah, you've been through a lot" Fifth gasped after Sofia finished.

"Yeah,we all have been through a lot. Some couldn't cope,so they left"

"Well,you can't blame them"

"Yeah,I know" Sofia replied sadly. She knew what life she would be living when she started on the vigilante path.

"Well,you should be on your way" Fifth rose.

"That's it? you guys just gonna let me go?"

"Yeah,we both know you're gonna keep quiet"

"Yeah" Sofia chuckled softly. "You have really weird comrades"

"Oh,tell me about it" Fifth laughed. "You gonna be fine on your own?"

"Yeah" Sofia said. From behind, someone placed a blindfold over her eyes and gently led her into a car.

"I hope we meet again for good reasons" Fifth said.

"Yeah,same here" Sofia replied as the car reversed and zoomed away.

"Nice girl" Seventh spoke.

Fifth turned and saw seventh leaning outside the shed.

"Yeah,been through a lot just like we have" Fifth replied.

Cesar and Rita were at a loss on what to do. Rita initially thought of letting Zola go in the middle on nowhere,but Cesar vehemently refused.

"You got other places to hide her?" She asked.

"Yeah, somewhere really far from her people"

"Well,isn't this far enough" Rita said, looking around. They were in a large desert with sand dunes stretching over the horizon. The air was incredibly dry with cactus trees popping up every hundred metres or so.

"Well,it is ,but come on,do you think she'd gonna survive in a place like this?" Let's not forget about the zombies that are still chasing her"

"Yeah ,you're right,but we can cater for her in a place like this,you know bring her food and water at intervals"

"Well,you're right,but that doesn't take care of the zombie problem"

"This may sound harsh,but why don't we use her as bait to fish out the zombies. Then,we take care of them. That way,no one's after her anymore"

"Well,it's a bit harsh,but I don't think we have another choice" Cesar agreed with his eyes fixed on Zola."I'll tell her" He spoke.

"Yeah" Rita replied."This quest's taking a lot out of me" She groaned.

"Same here" Cesar murmured as he walked towards Zola."I hope she understands".

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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