

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasie
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101 Chs


Cesar woke up with conviction in his heart.He was determined to complete a quest today.

He hastily showered and logged in to Rheurym.

He hadn't forgotten what happened the last time he was here.

He would get revenge for what the girls did to him .But at his current level,he would pose no threat to any of them.

"Welcome!" The system greeted

"Yeah" Cesar said with his eyes darting around the common room warily.

If he saw any of the girls,he had to log out quickly.

"I don't think they can interrupt my quest" He murmured, turning his attention to the huge television.

He wanted a simple quest;one that wouldn't take a lot of time.

Cesar smiled darkly as his eyes fixed on a quest:

Stimulate the female mermaids

He read further

The mermaids are social animals.Like their name suggests,they are half human and half fish.During the breeding season,the mermaids engage in violent sexual intercourse to produce eggs.

A reddish hue appears on their fins when pregnant ,and they require a gentle stimulation of their genitals for their offspring to reveal itself

"Bummer I don't get to fuck them though" Cesar murmured as he accepted the quest.

He walked to the transport point and a bright light washed over him.

Cesar opened his eyes five seconds later and saw a huge lake stretched before him.

He noticed faint streaks of red in the water.

"Maybe the mermaids?" Cesar murmured, stepping forward."Uhm hey" He looked into the water.

A mermaid's head poked out of the water.

"Who are you?" She said

"I'm Cesar .I took a quest to stimulate your genitals" Cesar said bluntly.

"Oh! It's you" The mermaid clapped her hands happily."We've been waiting"

"We?" Cesar questioned

Ten mermaids rose to the surface .The only clothing on their body was a bra that covered their breasts.

"I'm the queen of mermaids.You may call me queen Antharissa"

"Okay then,".Cesar said."How are we going to do this?"

"Sit there and we will be with you shortly" One mermaid said harshly.

"No need to be rude,Acissa" The queen turned to her

"Apologies my queen" Acissa bowed her head.

"Pay her no heed.The stimulating ceremony is done in order of decreasing rank. I'll be first"


The queen swam to the shore and sat leisurely on the sand.

"Sit next to her!" Acissa snapped

"Okay" Cesar rose and sat next to her.

"You may begin" The queen said softly

"Alright". Cesar nodded then took a deep breath.

He glanced at her tail and saw a small opening under her waist.

He gingerly placed a finger inside.

"Warm!" Cesar thought

"Uhmm" The queen stifled a moan.

Knowing the queen loved what his fingers were doing,Cesar continued with passion.

He moved his fingers in and out repeatedly, occasionally noting her facial reaction.

He was tempted to fuck her right there ,but he had a feeling that the other mermaids would kill him.

"Yes" The queen tightened her knuckles."Right there!"

Cesar added another finger to the mix and that made all the difference.

The queen howled with pleasure as Cesar put another finger in her.

He twisted his fingers and stimulated her clitoris.

A wide grin broke on his face as he watched the queen's face.

Cesar felt something creeping on his fingers and quickly slipped them out.

"What the fuck is that" Cesar pointed at something that looked like a tadpole. Its head poking out of the queen's vagina

"Watch your tone" Acissa said, swimming to the shore.

"All hail the heir" Acissa bowed

"All hail!" The remaining mermaids chanted.

"This is my offspring.The heir to the throne" The queen explained.

"Isn't he—"

"She!" Acissa barked

"Isn't she going to come out of there"

"No.She will remain in me for about two weeks"

"Uhm ok" Cesar said.He looked at the head of the child.It was no bigger than his middle finger.

"Acissa is up next" The queen smiled at Cesar."She is a little wild compared to me"

"Okay" Cesar glanced nervously at Acissa

"Did you wash your hands?" Acissa said, sitting on the shore.

Cesar didn't reply.He rose and washed his hand in the water.

"One wrong move and I'll have your head" Acissa said.

Even though this was a game,the thought of a female chopping his head was terrifying.

Cesar shakily placed a hand on her tail and moved it to her vagina.

Acissa breathed softly as his hands crept to her nether regions.

Cesar dug a finger into her.He watched her clench her knuckles before releasing a pent up moan.

He felt her relax and that was all he needed.

Cesar had a feeling Acissa wasn't a fan of the slow, sensual method ,so he decided to give it to her hard and fast.

He gingerly slipped his finger out before ramming it in again.

Acissa moaned with pleasure.

"What do you think you're doing" She said, breathing heavily

"Stimulating your genitals"

Cesar saw she wanted to say something else but didn't give her a chance.He shut her up by driving two fingers in her.His fingers darted around looking for the small nub of flesh.

He finally found it and flicked it violently.

"Oooh!" Acissa exclaimed, arching her back.

Cesar only had to touch it again for Acissa to go wild with pleasure.He was about to place his finger in her again ,but he saw a familiar sight.

"Your tadpole is out" Cesar furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the creature.

"How dare you compare her to that lowly creature" Acissa's face contorted with fury.She raised her hand and seemed to call on the water.

"There's no need for that Acissa" The queen's voice rang out.

"I apologize" Acissa bowed in the direction of the water.

She shot Cesar another glare before entering the water.

Cesar had his hands full with fingering ten women ,but he also learnt a lot.

Which he would do to his girlfriend if he ever had one.

The last mermaid was overly sensitive that Cesar just put a finger in before her offspring poked out its head.

"Thank you" She meekly said before diving into the water.

Cesar heaved a sigh of relief and lay on the sand.

"Congratulations" He heard the system.

The system stated all his awards and stuff ,but he was too tired to listen and just logged out.