

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasie
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101 Chs

Low odds

"How many are willing to continue?" Sofia asked.

"Uhm about six"


"I,you,Droyle,Dryle,Syria,and I think Eleanor also wants to continue" Jessica said.

"Even Phoebe doesn't want to continue?"

"Yep,in fact, she was the first to collapse"

"I'm sorry ma'am" Phoebe said on the comms.

"It's okay. There's no need for apologies. Jessica,lead Phoebe and the others to a safe place"

"You guys are advancing?" Phoebe gasped.

"We have no choice" Sofia said softly."A person's true strength appears in the face of danger" She murmured after which silence reigned.

"They've stopped shooting" She deduced."Sryia,Droyle,Dryle, where are you guys?!" Sofia shouted,searching frantically for them. Originally,their chances of rescuing Mirai was close to zero when they were together.Now that they're not,the odds had drastically reduced.

"I'm here" Droyle shouted hoarsely.

Sofia quickly hurried to her side and found her crying.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"It's Dryle. I thought we ran in the same direction when the guards started shooting ,but we didn't. Now,I can't find her" Droyle said with tears streaming down her cheeks."Wait!" She sat up as if something had possessed her."Do you think she's been taken too? Will they kill her? Will they kill my sister,Sofia?"

"No,come on,stop thinking about the bad things and let's go find her" Sofia said,holding out her arm. She hoped Dryle was still alive and safe."Did you try calling her on the comms?"

"No" Droyle started,wiping the tears off her face. " After I took cover,it wasn't in my ear. I think it fell"

"Shit" Sofia muttered."This is bad" She now realized that the odds were heavily stacked against them.

"We should also look for the others" Dryle said after calming down. She was obviously worried about her sister ,but she also couldn't ignore the rest of the girls.

"Syria,Dryle, Eleanor and Jessica,come in" She said on the comms.

"Here" Syria responded.

"I'm heading your way" Jessica said.

"How do you know where I am" Sofia asked.

"Isn't that the purpose of the app" Jessica replied.

"Yes,oh my God,I forgot we can track other's location" Sofia said, bringing out her phone from her pocket."Let's see, Dryle is about fifty metres away from you,Syria"

"Then,why can't I see her" Syria asked,looking around. There was a lot of junk and scrap metal where she was. Also,a large truck stood to her left with half it's body barely attached to the rest."Maybe she's under all this junk" She thought.

"Let's all meet up at sryia's location" Sofia said,massaging her temples. She couldn't believe she was responsible for other people's lives. One wrong call from her and someone might be captured."Please be careful" She added anxiously as she headed to the location with Droyle in tow.

"Boss,they're here,the rest of the girls" A guard said.

"Take care of them ,but don't kill them. I think little missy is hoping for her saviours to bust her out of here. She's gonna get a rude awakening" Mario chuckled.

"Yes sir" The guard said sternly. He went back to his buddies and ordered them to spread out and look for the girls."Do not kill them, boss's orders"

"This is bad" Sryia complained."All clear on this side"

"Same here" Jessica and Sofia said.

"Wait,I think I hear her" Eleanor shouted next to the car. The rest rushed to her side and strained their ears.

"I'm here" They heard Dryle whisper.

"She's in the car" Syria said as they struggled to open the door.

"It's not budging" Jessica groaned.

"Well,try harder" Sofia said through gritted teeth. She wasn't about to leave anyone.

They put all their effort but nothing happened.

"Hurry" They heard her whisper again.

"She sounds weak. Maybe, something bad happened to her. We have to get her out"

"Easier said than done" Eleanor voiced."If we had something sharp like a saw or machete,then we can just cut it."

"Well,this a junkyard. A saw or machete could probably be in all this junk. Spread out and look for it" Sryia ordered.

Sofia,however, stayed next to the car. She thought of using her power to possibly melt the door. The problem was that she didn't know how to activate the power and wasn't even sure if her flames were hot enough to melt a car door.

"Still,I can't just do nothing" Sofia muttered.

After thirty minutes,Sryia found a chainsaw lying in a corner.

"Will this work" She turned to Eleanor.

"Yes,but it's gonna make a lot of noise and that's gonna attract the guards" Eleanor replied."We should just keep looking"

"No" Sofia said firmly."Every second that passes reduces our chances of saving Mirai and getting the hell out of here. I say we do it"

"This is a car door and getting it open is gonna take a lot of time even with a chainsaw" Eleanor voiced.

"Let's distract them then" Sofia suggested."We make a noise in another location to cover up the noise of the chainsaw"

"That noise has to be very loud to mask the chainsaw" Sryia said.

"But it also has to pique their interest" Sofia smirked."nothing works better than a gun"

"Just one shot?"

"Yep,but immediately you fire it,all the guards will come rushing"

"Oh ,I get what you're saying now" Syria realized."If the guards are led faraway,then we can get Dryle out and even potentially rescue Mirai"

"Exactly,the question is who's gonna shoot?"

The girls looked among each other. No one wanted to just hand over her life like that.

Sofia saw no one wanted to do it ,so she answered:

"I'll —"

"I'll do it" Syria interrupted.

"You sure?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah,I'm the only one trained ,so I'll do it"

"Listen ,just shoot and get out of there. We don't want you risking your life"

"Alright" Sryia said. She turned and headed to somewhere far away from the car. It took her some time ,but she found the perfect location.

"I'm here" She said on the comms.

"Great,do it now" Sofia replied.

Syria aimed the gun high up in the air and pulled the trigger.


A minute later and Syria could already hear guards approaching her location.

"I'm sorry Sofia but I can't keep that promise" She muttered, assuming a fighting stance.