

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasie
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101 Chs


Threos looked like he was contemplating thier request.He had a hard time deciding what to do.

"Can we take this inside?".Kyle said, gritting his teeth.

"Kyle".Aevulis rushed to his side."You look like you're in pain,is everything alright?"

"Shut up,you twat".Kyle grimaced as he stood up.The robotic legs were now making weird sounds.He tried to control them as he turned towards the shed.

Aevulis laughed."Ain't karma a bitch"

Threos got inside the car and turned to the girls.

"We're staying".Livius said before he could say anything.

"Alright".Threos replied."Make sure you regain your strength".He shifted his gaze to Gwendolyn."Depending on my decision,we may be going to paris.I hear that the beds there are to die for".He winked before leaving the car.

"Dick".They said at the same time.

"Oh".He turned."Don't try to escape,this place is full of traps"

Livius snorted.There was no way he'd have accounted for that.

"Don't believe me?".He bent and picked a stone which he threw about three feet away.A loud bang was heard after the stone hit the ground.

"That could've been any of you".Threos smirked.He could see the fear in their eyes."I would stay here if I were you"

He left them and entered the shed.

"I haven't seen this baby in years".He smiled softly as he stood in front of his very first plane.

The wings were curved at an awkward angle and the nose looked bent.But,it was still in good shape.Worktables littered the shed's interior.There was a 1995 calendar hung at the far end of the wall.

"Hey Fucktards".Threos leaned on the plane.They didn't seem to be in the shed

"Down here".A voice came from below.He crouched and saw Kyle and Aevulis writing "Suck my gas" on the belly of the plane.Their eyes were glittering like little children.

"You know I could just start the plane and crush both of you?"

"You wouldn't do that".They rose awkwardly.Aevulis tried to drag Kyle, since he couldn't use his legs,but he forgot he also couldn't use his arm.So they both fell comically.

."So,what's the plan"

"The plan is nothing.I ain't doing anything".He turned

"Wait".Kyle called.He was now sitting because the robotic legs had stopped functioning.

Kyle had doubts when Utrius produced two robotic legs within six hours.

"Kyle,you have to trust me".He remembered what Utrius said before giving him.

"We knew this would happen.It has been over a year you left us,we expected you to be weak".Aevulis said

Threos turned violently."You dare insult me,I could kill the both of you and use your flesh as fuel for the plane"

Kyle raised his eyebrows."I don't think that's possible"

"You wanna try me".Threos raised his fists.His long hair coupled with his ragged look made the face of a serial killer.

Aevulis glanced at Kyle's legs.Kyle wasn't going to be useful and he couldn't even throw a punch because of the poison.

"No".Aevulis raised his hands defensively."We wouldn't think of that"

Kyle shot Aevulis a glare."What the fuck are you doing". Aevulis knew that glare all too well.

"But come on".Kyle said."You can have all the sex slaves you want"

"The feeling won't be real.Besides,the girls can just log out whenever they want".Threos reasoned.He glanced at the car to make sure his prisoners were still there.

Kyle winked at Aevulis,and Aevulis knew exactly what Kyle meant.

"You don't know what happened?".He walked to Threos.

"What happened?"

"Someone almost died in rheurym".Aevulis said excitedly

"Yeah so".Threos cocked his head."People die all the time,they respawn in the common room"

"No,I mean real-life"

"You're kidding"

"No,I'm not".Aevulis placed a hand on Threos's shoulder."You can blackmail them"

"You bang them for real in exchange for their lives"

"Or you could make them swear loyalty".Kyke interjected.He could see they had torn off his facade.The real Threos only thought about his libido, nothing else.

Threos now had an harder decision to make.Going with them meant he could have all the girls he wanted,but he wanted to leave so he could find his own excitement.

"I've got two beautiful babes outside.Why would I agree to your proposal?"

"Oh please".Kyle chuckled."They want nothing more than to chop your head"

"There's always the idea of raping".Threos said thoughtfully

"But,it's much better when they agree".Aevulis said."Believe me,I'm an expert"

"Ok,I accept".Threos replied.The pros outweiged the cons and he could look for his excitement later.

"Fantastic". Kyle said beaming.They now had the dirtiest player in all of virtual reality games.He could already taste victory.

"What are you going to do to them".Kyle pointed at Livius and Gwendolyn who looked like they were telling each other juicy secrets.

"We could bang them".Aevulis said.His eyes shone wickedly.

"No". Threos growled."I kidnapped them fair and square"

"Gosh".Kyle exclaimed."You're more barbaric than I remember"

"I'm gonna take that as a complement".Threos strode to where Kyle sat."Come on little man"

He lifted him effortlessly as they walked out of the shed.

"Guess it isn't your time to fly".He turned to have a last look at the airplane.

"You're gonna give me the antidote right?".Aevulis stood in front of Threos 

"I don't know. it's possible I misplaced it".Threos said as he placed kyle next to livus at the back.

Gwendolyn could not believe it.Things seemed to be going livius's way.

But,she had to admit he wasn't all bad.He wore a blue striped shirt with the sleeves rolled.He wore mudstained pants.His features were feminine,his pointed nose and long hair made him look Asian.

Livius didn't care about anything except the stupendously hot man next to her.She hoped she wasn't stinking.It had been a day since she last had her bath.

"Livius".She extended her hand.

"Kyle".He gave her a soft smile."Pleasure to make your acquaintance"

"Same".She gave her best smile

Threos glanced at the mirror and fumed at what he was seeing.

"Hands off lamy"He snapped

"Lamy?".Aevulis turned to him.

"It's pronounced lay—mee".

"What does it mean".Kyle said exasperatedly

"You're lame".Threos frowned."Isn't it obvious"