

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasie
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101 Chs

Just my luck

"Finley,what was that about?".Herman asked after the doctor left

"Nothing of concern".Finley concluded

"If you say so".Herman returned back to his work.

Finley politely excused himself and went to catch up with the doctor.

"Are you sure?".Finley asked

"Positive".The doctor said

"But how is this possible? Master has a personality disorder?"

"I fear that might be the case but I'll still have to conduct more research".

"Thank you doctor".Finley watched the doctor leave.

The other dawns would go crazy if they found out.The sixth and seventh were always vying for Herman's position.

The rest might take it lightly and just let it go.

Finley sighed as he entered the elevator.

The building comprised of six floors with the last floor being Master's penthouse suite.The lower floors were for employees and what not.

Herman let him and the other dawns occupy the fifth floor but the dawns refused—leaving him there alone.

The proceeds from the game was more than enough to erect the building and also build houses for the remaining six dawns.

"Sir?".Finley knocked on the door

"Come in". Herman replied

"What is it Finley?"

"I'm going to step out for a bit sir.Is there anything you need?"

"No. I'm alright"

Finley closed the door behind him and took the stairs to go back down.He needed time to think

The situation was a lot more complicated than he originally thought and with the war in rheurym on the horizon.They would have their hands full

"The master is currently resting.No one should be granted entry to his floor"..Finley said to the receptionist.

"Yes sir" She replied."Sir,there was a call for the master just few moments ago"

"What did he say?"

"The caller identified himself as the third dawn".

Finley's face went white.It was simply not possible

How did he know?

The third dawn functioned as their eyes and ears and if he was calling.It meant he already knew what was going on.

"He said he would like to speak to the master".The receptionist finished

"Okay,I'll handle this myself".Finley replied her.

The receptionist giggled as she watched him leave.

"Man,so hot!". She mimicked fanning herself for air.

"Oh my God! That took longer than expected".Sofia sighed as she closed her laptop.

Her fingers were stiff and her whole body wasn't any better.

"Sheesh, you'd think having a job you can work from home is gonna be easy".Sofia remarked

She was still thinking about what Samantha said earlier.If that man had defeated her that easily,then what would happen to her?

Maybe the man and that other magic man were partners?

"Oh My God! so much unknowns!"

She grabbed her phone and typed"Meet me in the common room" on the group text.

Her text was followed by "yes ma's".She logged in and found her girls waiting for her in the common room

"That was fast!".Sofia remarked

The girls were obviously pleased with themselves.

"Any updates?".Sofia turned to Samantha

"No ma'am".

"Have you seen any other male playing the game?"

"No —"

Samantha couldn't finish her sentence before a male player logged in.

"Who are you?". Samantha brought out her nunchucks

"Shit!".Cesar couldn't believe his luck

The whole group was standing right in front of him and all of them had scary weapons—knives,bow and arrows someone even had a sledgehammer!

"Hold on!".He nervously brought his hand in front of him

"I'm Cesar".He greeted

"Well, MALE" Sofia said that word like there was bile rising up her throat."You know what happens to your kind,don't you?".

Sofia unsheathed a knife from her belt—it gleamed in the ever-changing light of the common room.

Cesar didn't see a way he was going to get out of this.

He also had a knife with him but something told him it wouldn't be ideal in a situation like this.

"Die! You pungent male!".Sofia dashed towards him—Knife in hand.

"So fast!".Cesar exclaimed

He didn't know what happened until he felt the cold metal on his pulse point.

"On second thought, I'll keep you alive".Sofia coldly said