

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasie
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101 Chs


Finley figured out their strategy right from the start.It was too easy for him ,but he wanted to see how the fight would play out.

"Missed me,You should really work on your aim" Finley said to Mirai as he dodged another arrow.

"How is he doing it?" Jessica said, engaging Finley in hand to hand combat.

"I don't know" Jessica said,delivering a roundhouse kick.

"It's simple logic" Finley dodged the kick and punched Jessica on the ribs.

"Fuck" Jessica winced.

Samantha was also struggling to keep up with Finley.Even though he was fighting with two people,he still had the skill to consistently dodge mirai's arrows.

Samantha punched and punched ,but none of her punches connected.He just kept dodging them and delivering blows of his own.

"Now" Sofia turned to Mirai

Mirai understood exactly what Sofia meant as she nodded and closed her eyes.

After a few seconds,she became invisible.

"This invisibility skill really comes in handy" Mirai muttered.She had recently upgraded the skill to render anything that was directly in contact with her to be invisible.

Which meant Finley couldn't see her or her arrows.

"Alrighty,Let's get this party started" Mirai said as she aimed carefully at Finley and let the arrow fly.

Samantha and Jessica knew what Mirai did and subtly moved away from Finley to give Mirai more space.

"Invisibility. That's a handy skill" Finley said, holding the invisible arrow.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me.I thought you said he can't use magic" Samantha turned to Sofia.

"That's what I thought"

"You all seem to be mistaken" Finley dropped the invisible arrow and glanced at Mirai."I didn't use any form of magic.Using the skill advanced sense lets me increase my sensory capabilities by over three hundred percent.I heard your heartbeat"

"Be real!" Sofia shouted

"I am" Finley said,lightly chuckling.He loved the confusion on their faces."Do you know if a human and a dog are in the same room,the dog can hear the human's heartbeat?"

"I didn't know" Samantha said truthfully.

"Fascinating creatures,aren't they? Basically, by increasing my sensory capabilities of which hearing is a part of,I was able to locate you"


"What?" Finley interrupted Mirai."You want to say that you breathed slowly and quietly? Even if you did that,it doesn't change the loudness and frequency of your heart or even the sound of the arrow as it travels through the air"

"This guy means business" Jessica whispered to Samantha.

"Yeah,We can't use mirai anymore.What should we do?"

"You do know my skill is still activated" Finley turned to Samantha.

"Shit" Samantha cursed

"Well,I wouldn't say this was fun ,but at least it got me to stretch my muscles a little bit" Finley said,making his way to Cesar who was still on the floor.

He grabbed a hold of him then was about to log out.

Suddenly,the words "Rheurym:Mugitus lineo" came out of Sofia's mouth.

The magic ball hit the floor and magic lines started spreading around the common room floor.

"I thought you relinquished your magic?" Samantha asked Sofia

"I don't know how to do that" Sofia replied.

Finley had no trouble avoiding the magic lines as he knew what they could do.

"It's not working" Jessica said.

"Mirai?" Sofia called out


"The lines are going to be active for about two minutes.Make sure you don't get affected by them.After the lines disappear,we're gonna distract him with all forms of noise. In the midst of all that, carefully aim and then shoot him"

"Okay" Mirai replied as she focused all her energy on dodging the magic lines.

Two minutes felt like an hour to Mirai ,but the magic lines eventually subsided.

"Now!" Sofia shouted.

Samantha and Jessica ran towards finley, shouting at the top of their voices.

"You two never learn" Finley shook his head as he blocked Samantha's kick and Jessica's punch simultaneously.

Even though they were fighting with Finley,Jessica and Samantha continued shouting.

Finley didn't think know why they were shouting.

"Perhaps their call for help?" Finley thought

"It's now or never" Mirai thought.

She calmed herself by breathing in and out then aimed the arrow at Finley ,drawing the arrow back and letting it fly.

Finley heard the whistle of the arrow and swiftly dodged ,but it was too late as a thin red gash could be seen on his cheek.

Jessica and Samantha stepped back and looked at the damage,beaming inwardly.

"Guess he isn't invincible" Sofia thought,glancing at the wound across his check.

"So that's what all that shouting was for.Your aim was to distract me from the sound of her heartbeat or the whistle of the arrow.Impressive"

All four females felt a little joy as Finley complimented them.

"Your individual abilities are not great ,but I would say you all have superb teamwork"

"Nice of you to compliment,but you now know the people you're dealing with"

Finley roared with laughter."Let's test that,shall we?"

It was as if his speed boosted exponentially as he lunged at Jessica and Samantha.

They both threw their hands out in front of them in an attempt to block ,but it was futile.

Finley tackled and knocked out both of them before lunging to the next person:Sofia

"Have we fought before?" Finley asked

"No recollection" Sofia said truthfully as she armed herself with her dagger.

Sofia thrusted it outwards in the direction of Finley's face ,but as she expected he dodged and made an attempt to tackle her.

Sofia jumped, avoiding his legs and backed away.

She slowly circled him,gauging his body posture.

"Your fighting style is very similar to the second dawn" She said

"I've been told" Finley said.

He had been in rheurym for too long.He needed to get back to the outside world as herman could be looking for him.

"Let's make this quick" Finley said."You there" He pointed to Mirai

"Why don't you unequip your invisibility skill and help your leader" Finley said

Mirai fired another arrow in Finley's direction as she unequipped her skill.

Finley caught the arrow and sent it back with unparalleled precision as it struck mirai right in the eye.

"That's three down,one more to go"

"You dick!" Sofia shouted, lunging towards him.

Finley smirked wickedly as he gauged her distance to him.

Sofia threw her weapon to distract him ,but she didn't account for what Finley did next.

Finley brought out a dagger and stabbed her in the stomach