

Rheurym:A videogame created by seven individuals.These individuals are called dawns,each one having his or her own determination. Follow how a mere videogame causes chaos beyond imagination.A war is on the horizon—A battle of sexes Who will win?

Yung_Danny · Fantasie
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101 Chs


Rita watched patiently as Cesar broke the news to Zola,who took it pretty well.

"I understand" She said."It's what must be done for my safety"

"Thank you" Cesar said excitedly."I promise you that we will protect you with our lives"

"Yeah,I'm forever in your debt" Zola beamed.

Cesar turned and gave Rita the go ahead sign.

"So Zola" Rita said from behind as she walked to her."What do you think of this place?"

"What do I think?" Zola repeated."I think it's sandy" She grinned.

"Yeah well,do you see this place as a potential home?" Rita asked.

"You want to leave me here?" Zola asked.

"Not necessarily,we are leaving you here to draw out the zombies" Rita clarified. Judging by Zola's expression,she had no intention of staying in this desert.

"Okay,that I can manage. For a moment there,I thought y'all wanted me to stay here permanently" Zola chuckled.

"Of course not. That would be stupid" Cesar said,faking a laugh."Would you excuse us?" He turned to Zola.

"Yeah sure" Zola replied.

Cesar rose and pulled Rita to a corner."What now? She doesn't want to stay"

"I know. I heard her" Rita sighed."We just have to look for someplace else,but first,we have to deal with the zombies"

"Right" Cesar said before they returned to Zola.

"You ready?" Rita asked her.

"Yeah but I'm a little nervous" She replied shakily."Getting the news that another race is after you for some cynical reason is bound to get you nervous"

"Yeah,it's okay. You'll be fine" Cesar reassured."Take this" He handed her a tracom.

"What's this supposed to do" Zola frowned,staring at the little object.

"It will enable us to communicate with you and also track your location at all times" Rita explained."Just place it on your body"

"Okay" Zola said nervously as she placed it on her skin."Woah" She jolted as it burrowed into her skin.

For the next hour, Cesar and Rita did their best to get Zola ready. They gave her food,water,a tent,and about ten healing potions.

"Just in case" Cesar said when Zola asked."The supplies here should be enough for the next five or six days"

"Okay" Zola replied." I guess this is it then" She muttered sadly,looking at the dunes.

"Don't be sad" Rita cheered."This is only for a few days"

"Yeah, Rita's right. The earlier the zombies engage,the sooner you can get out of here" Cesar agreed.

"Okay" Zola replied.

"We'll see you very soon" Cesar grinned before turning.

"I hope she makes it" Rita murmured as they walked away."Woah!" She screamed as a body touched hers.

"I'll miss you guys,and I'm gonna make it" Zola said,hugging Rita from behind.

"Yes,you will. We're counting on you" Cesar said as she hugged him too.

After the embraces,Zola went back while Cesar and Rita headed to the lizard man's land.

Sofia didn't know whether to tell the girls about her recent kidnapping. She was sure they knew about the first dawn,but there was a lot they didn't also know.

"But I'm gonna keep things from them" Sofia groaned as she collapsed on her bed."I already hid my powers from them ,and now, I'm gonna hide this too"

She felt so bad but knew that it was important."I hope the time never comes where I have to make a decision to tell them about my powers" She thought,heading to the bathroom for a much needed shower.

"Finally,it's time" Aevulis shouted."We can finally leave this hell hole"

"That's not a really nice thing to say,third" Fifth frowned,folding her arms.

"Oh,shut your nice hole" Aevulis snapped."You're not fooling anyone. We all know you aren't nice and sweet"

"What a cold thing to say" Fifth feigned hurt as she smirked coldly."You really want to see me mad?"

"Yes, let's see the real you" Aevulis smirked.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Threos said from behind."We're perfectly okay with her acting normal"

"Whatever" Aevulis snorted as he walked away.

"Oh,that was so nice of you, fourth. You're my knight in shining armor" Fifth beamed.

"Shut up. You can't do that with me" Threos said coldly as he walked past her."and I didn't do it for you. I did it for me" He said.

"Still,that's really nice of you" Fifth said,walking away.

For the next few hours,silence reigned as the dawns packed their belongings and got ready to leave.

"Attention" Herman shouted in the hallway.

"Why do you always have to be a dick?!" Aevulis shouted.

"May I have everyone's attention" Herman shouted again.

"Idiot" Aevulis muttered as he went to the hallway where the rest were already gathered.

"I want to give my sincerest thanks to each and everyone of you for you unwavering support" Herman started."And for that,I have organized a little send-off party. I would be most excited if you all can attend"

"He says that,but I'm sure he's gonna stop us from leaving if we decide not to attend" Aevulis muttered.

"Why can't we just go home" Seventh groaned."I have other things to do than eating with a bunch of hooligans"

"We are a family. The party starts in the next twenty minutes" Herman said as he walked away.

"You're still a dick" Aevulis shouted.

"Guess we should get ready" Sixth sighed.

"Ouu,aren't you guys excited for the party?" Fifth grinned.

"Shut it" Kyle snapped as he wheeled away.

Since Herman wouldn't allow any of them to leave,they had no choice but to attend the party.

Fifth and seventh,being the only girls in the group, decided to take a traditional approach and wore long, ball gowns. Fifth went with a blue,satin dress while seventh opted for a bold red.

The guys,however, weren't concerned in the slightest as they all wore plaid shirts paired with matching jeans.

"Glad you all could make it" Herman beamed as the dawns entered the party room. Music was blaring from speakers at the corner as streamers and balloons filled the ceiling of the room. At the east corner,there was a table filled with delicious finger foods.

"We only came for this" Aevulis said eagerly, walking to the food table.