

After single-handedly dragging himself and his sister out of poverty, Calle was finally able to live and enjoy his life, having everything that he and his sister could ever want. However, what would happen if suddenly a god-like existence that had just saved his life told him that the world that he was currently living in was about to completely change? Strength will become the absolute ruler of the world and the weak wouldn't even have the privilege to have a will of their own. "But fret not, I will give you the strength to destroy those rules. The strong will bend their knees to you and the weak will worship you." The god-like existence said while looking at Calle straight in his eyes. Calle who had worked his blood and tears to make himself and his sister live a comfortable and joyful life, of course, refused to let his life be dictated by others and accepted the offer. But who would've known that the power that was given to him was the absolute power that all the rulers of the universe coveted. He was given the power to conquer dungeons and later call upon the monsters inside to do his bidding. He would raise his right hand and hundreds of monsters would raise their swords for him. His left hand soon followed and hundreds of beasts would bare their fangs against his enemies. His mouth would open and hundreds of gates would open as mythical creatures from the legends walked out and stood by his side and obeyed his command. Whenever he goes, his armies would be with him. Follow Calle's journey as he conquered dungeons and use them to fight against gods and higher existences alike as he became the strongest existence in the universe. ====== The start will be quite slow to get you to know more about the characters, but as the story progresses, the pace will pick itself up. And in my opinion, it will definitely be a story worthy of your time. ====== **Cover art is not mine, if you are the owner and want me to take it down, please contact me.

darran_ · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
30 Chs


The pair of human and the baby dragon had spent quite a long time inside the slime dungeon and none of them felt that they had already been that long inside the slime cave dungeon since both of them were busy doing their own stuff.

The human was busy messing around with mana and magic, something that the human had never come in touch with before he came inside the dungeon while the dragon was simply having fun with the human and neither of them thought about anything much other than playing around with mana testing out different ways to use them while also killing blue slime that never stopped popping up when they travel further and deeper into the cave.

At first, they only met a single slime in the whole cave tunnel, but the more turns they took and the deeper they got into the caves, they started meeting groups of blue slime. A group of 2 was the least amount of slimes they met while the largest group of slimes so far was 5 slimes huddled up together in close proximity.

But it doesn't mean that they only met 1 group of slimes at a time. One time the two of them arrived at a large space inside the cave, they met 5 groups of slimes, 2 of which were the largest 5 slimes group while the other three were a mix of smaller 2 and 3 groups of slimes.

However, even though they were faced with more than 10 slimes, the pair of human and baby dragon, Calle and Edric didn't have even a tinge of fear or worry in their hearts.

Calle didn't know why the slime huddled up together like that and thought that it might be their defense mechanism against invaders, but with him and Edric having powerful mana blasts that they could throw around anywhere they wanted just by waving their hands, the slimes being huddled up together was certainly a blessing for the two of them.

Even though Calle needed to do some adjustments because his normal, single mana blast wasn't capable of one-shotting the group of 5 slimes, it wasn't a large hurdle for him after all, since he found the solution a minute after, which was to create another mana blast in his left hand.

With each of his hands being capable of throwing mana blasts, even if there was a 6 slimes group, Calle would be able to one-shot them together with two mana blasts being thrown at the same time.

Initially, Calle just stuck to using his double mana blasts to blast through the slimes and continue his journey into the cave, but as his control of mana got better and better the more he used the ability, Calle began to experiment more with his mana blasts.

And it was exactly what he was currently doing a comfortable distance away from a group of five slimes.

Standing with his legs being spread apart at shoulder width and his left leg slightly forward, Calle put both of his hands together and opened up his palms, creating a large bowl using both of his hands before putting them at the side of his hips.

Then using the bowl shape that his hands created, Calle began gathering mana from his body and condensed them in the middle of his hands.

A normal mana blast only used his open palm as the base and its firepower was adjusted by adding in more mana towards the mana ball that floated above his palms. But after enough mana was condensed inside the mana ball, it would be harder and harder for Calle to keep the mana ball stable and under control. Hence why creating a single mana blast to one-shot a group of 3 slimes was the limit of a single mana blast. Every time he wanted to force more mana into the mana ball, he would start losing control over it and it even almost exploded a few centimeters right above his hands.

He wanted to know why he couldn't do it, and with him being able to conjure a second mana blast on his left hand, Calle knew the problem was not from the amount of mana that he can exert out, instead, it was his inability to keep the huge mana under control only using one of his hands.

But then Calle wondered if there would be a way where he could contain the mana better and whether using both of his hands would actually help him to be able to contain a larger amount of mana.

So without further ado, the moment he met a group of 5 slimes, Calle began his experiment right away.

Calle was optimistic so far with his test since he did feel it was easier for him to gather the mana in the middle of his hands, and now he had successfully gathered enough mana the equivalent of a single mana blast.

He tried adding more mana very slowly into his hands and found out that even though the mana ball tried to break free for a split second, with both of his hands as the base and his full focus on his hands, Calle was somehow able to contain the mana ball from going out of control and kept on increasing the amount of mana condensed into the mana ball.

'This could actually work!' Calle exclaimed as he steadily poured more mana into his hands.

"Calle, you know that you look like those guys from your memories," Edric said as he looked at Calle's posture and the mana ball that was getting bigger and bigger in Calle's hands.

"Which one?" Calle asked while keeping his eyes still on the mana ball.

"Those guys with muscles, orange clothes, and they always shouted something when they were doing what you are currently doing right now."

Calle tried to figure out what Edric meant, but he couldn't figure out what Edric meant since he couldn't pull away much of his focus and attention from the growing mana ball that already had mana as much as two mana blasts combined together, and from the feelings in his hands, Calle felt that he could do more, so he did just that.

Realizing that Calle didn't know what he meant, Edric then imitated Calle's stance, with his left hind leg forward, and two of his hands at his side, Edric then shouted out loud without a shred of shyness or hesitation in his voice,


At this point, there's no way Calle wouldn't have noticed what Edric meant when he shouted the iconic word out loud. However, Calle suddenly got a tingling sensation telling him that it would probably be a bad idea if Edric were to continue saying the words out loud, so he quickly shouted himself,


Edric was startled by Calle's suddenly yelling at him, but he stopped nonetheless since Calle told him to stop.

But then he realized something,

"Calle, your mana seems to be getting out of control," Edric said as he pointed at the mana ball in Calle's hands that began to contort into weird shapes as it couldn't hold the ball shape anymore.

"Oh sh!t!" Calle exclaimed as he quickly pushed both of his hands forward towards the group of five slimes, sending the unstable bundle of condensed mana towards them.

"HAAAA!" He shouted as he felt the overflowing of mana leave his hands.

"Calle! You continued the word!" Edric exclaimed as he heard Calle's shout.

"No! What do you mean? I only express my-"

Calle was about to continue his explanation, but he was suddenly cut off midway as the unstable ball of mana that he threw towards the five slimes finally reached their target and an ear-splitting explosion occurred, causing both Calle and Edric to simultaneously cover their ears with their hands from the sheer volume of the explosion.


A/N: The next goal for a bonus chapter this week would be 30 Power Stones. So if you want a bonus chapter then make sure to vote with your powerstones~