

After single-handedly dragging himself and his sister out of poverty, Calle was finally able to live and enjoy his life, having everything that he and his sister could ever want. However, what would happen if suddenly a god-like existence that had just saved his life told him that the world that he was currently living in was about to completely change? Strength will become the absolute ruler of the world and the weak wouldn't even have the privilege to have a will of their own. "But fret not, I will give you the strength to destroy those rules. The strong will bend their knees to you and the weak will worship you." The god-like existence said while looking at Calle straight in his eyes. Calle who had worked his blood and tears to make himself and his sister live a comfortable and joyful life, of course, refused to let his life be dictated by others and accepted the offer. But who would've known that the power that was given to him was the absolute power that all the rulers of the universe coveted. He was given the power to conquer dungeons and later call upon the monsters inside to do his bidding. He would raise his right hand and hundreds of monsters would raise their swords for him. His left hand soon followed and hundreds of beasts would bare their fangs against his enemies. His mouth would open and hundreds of gates would open as mythical creatures from the legends walked out and stood by his side and obeyed his command. Whenever he goes, his armies would be with him. Follow Calle's journey as he conquered dungeons and use them to fight against gods and higher existences alike as he became the strongest existence in the universe. ====== The start will be quite slow to get you to know more about the characters, but as the story progresses, the pace will pick itself up. And in my opinion, it will definitely be a story worthy of your time. ====== **Cover art is not mine, if you are the owner and want me to take it down, please contact me.

darran_ · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Cliche Impetus

Waking up from his virtual gaming pod, Calle removed the huge helmet that weighed down on his head and walked out of the huge pod that was shaped like a human-sized white bean that had an opening for people to walk in and out of it, and it also took up a decent space in the corner of his room.

Stretching his limbs and back after long use of the virtual gaming pod had become Calle's habit that he did every day after he played long hours of the virtual reality game that was also his main source of income.

Calle then walked over and took a seat at the edge of his bed before reaching for his phone on top of the drawer beside him. Opening his phone, he searched for the contact of the person that had given him and his mercenary guild the job to kill one of the top guild leaders in the game.

'It's done.'

Sending the same message every time he had completed a job that was commissioned by the middle man, Calle had quickly gotten his reply the next second his message was delivered,

'Well, that was quick, Calle. I thought this job will take you some time. Let me inform the employer first.'

'It's much or less the same as the other ones. The only difference with this one is just that they had more people and they wore better equipment. Oh and, Merce, I have some scraps that I want to exchange for money, do you want to do it like usual?'

The middle man, Merce, didn't respond to Calle's message for a while before suddenly replying by sending a screenshot of a receipt of 30 BTC transferred into Calle's account.

'There you go, I guess they really had too much money to spare just to kill that one guy. You're quite lucky getting this job, Calle.'

'Shut up, Merce. You got 1 BTC from just being the middleman. How about the scraps, do you want them or not?'

'Hey chill out, Calle. Of course, I'll take them. We'll do it at the usual time and place. And the cut will be as usual right?'


'Alright then, nice doing business with you!'

Surfing through the apps on his phone, Calle opened a crypto coin management app and scrolled the app until he found the Betacoin that he was searching for before sending 10 Betacoin each to two other accounts that belonged to respectively Alex and Rey. He then opened up his group chat and sent a message,

'Check your accounts! And remember don't spend it on women or booze. You need to be smart with your spending, so you better spend it on women and booze!'

'Thanks' Alex and Rey replied respectively.

'Calle, you will have your little man kicked if any woman sees that message, you know?' Rey sent another reply.

'It's a joke, Rey. And if they're really angry at me then that would prove my point further that women really can't take a joke!'

'Besides, we're all men here. Unless one of you snitched on me, there's no way any woman would read that message.'

'...' Alex replied, dropping exactly three dots to the group chat.

Calle and the two then chatted some more, telling Alex and Rey about the additional money that they would get after selling the equipment and items that they got from killing the 60ish people in the game.

And remembering that they got the hidden dungeon map that the guild leader had and the item worth at least 15 BTC that they also got from the guild leader, they were expecting to get another huge boon to their hands. They would probably get more money by delving into the hidden dungeon on the map, but they knew that their three-man group couldn't possibly challenge such a dungeon on their own. So the group decided to just sell it since they already have a lot of money in the first place.

Just 1 BTC was worth about 45 thousand credits and it was enough for a single person to live in a big city for more than a year. With Calle and the team had just gotten 10 BTC each, their financial situation should be secured for the next few years as long as they didn't do anything crazy like buying a superyacht or donating 1000 Credits every day to cute girls on streaming platforms.

Calle then folded his phone which was only slightly thicker than a piece of paper before putting it inside his pocket. The thin, yet flexible body and the small shape of the phone, enabled him to put it inside his pocket without feeling any weight in his pocket. And with the phone's flexible body, Calle didn't even have to worry about breaking his phone if it was accidentally dropped.

Opening the door that leads towards his living room that was as huge as an average-sized studio apartment and had a 60inch TV in the middle of the room, also complete with a 5 meters long sofa that had soft fur as its cover with its cushion filled with feathers, it's firmness adjusted fully to Calle's liking. Calle's living room was a dream room that a lot of people wanted to have in their life, but not all of them were fortunate enough to realize that dream.

Walking past the incredibly comfortable sofa, Calle walked straight towards his fridge that was located in another room along with his kitchen.

Opening the two-meter long fridge just by waving his hand towards the sensor on the front body of the fridge, Calle reached out his hand towards the beer that was placed on the bottom shelf of the fridge, making sure that his movements were precise so that he wouldn't make a noise while grabbing the glass bottle out of the fridge.

Unfortunately for Calle, the sudden ringing from his pocket made him startled just for a second. But that split second was enough to make his stretched hand unstable and made the beer glasses bump against each other, causing a series of glass clinking noises to be heard throughout the house.

Then right after the clinking noise was heard, a shout that was so loud that it completely overwhelmed the clinking noise was heard,


'Sh*t' Calle cursed aloud in his mind before he quickly dashed back towards the living room before going straight to the front door, and shouted,

"I'll be buying some meals at the convenience store, text me if you want anything!" Calle shouted as he closed the door behind him and ran towards the lift in his apartment building.

He lived on the top floors of the apartment building where there were only two rooms on each floor, hence he had a separate living room, kitchen, and three bedrooms that he and his sister used. They had never had a guest come over so the third bedroom was used as a temporary storage room where they store things that they rarely use but still use from time to time. Different from the other storeroom where they store stuff that might possibly never see the light of day again.

Calle looked up to the sky above him and took a deep breath. It was always a refreshing feeling for him to see the evening sun that was not too bright that it hurts your eyes when you look at it nor too hot that it makes you sweat when you walk under it.

Calle would've probably loved the morning sun more since it comes in a package with the cold morning breeze, but the fact that it was a rarity for him to even wake up in the morning, the evening sun was still his favorite to this day.

Walking past the park where kids can be found playing with each other, Calle released a sigh. Just imagining himself being so free without any responsibilities weighing him down where he could live peacefully and comfortably with his sister without having to do anything often crossed his mind, but after being responsible for himself and his sister for the past couple of years, Calle knew that such a thing wasn't possible.

Standing at the side of the crossroad, Calle patiently waited for the lights to turn green while he watched two kids, one boy, and one girl, with the boy being a head taller than the girl playing with each other on the side of the crossroad. There were only three of them here, and since he didn't want to ruin the vibes of the evening sun by playing with his phone, he didn't take it out and was forced to watch the two kids, which made him uncomfortable since they were playing right at the side of the road.

He had thought about it in his mind, but just couldn't be bothered to say it out loud.

His mind had suddenly stopped working for a few seconds as he saw the little girl tripping on her own feet when she tried to chase the older boy and fell right on top of the road.

Right after the girl fell over, a loud honk was heard from Calle's left side and he could see a truck come running straight towards the little girl at full speed.

'It's not my problem, it's their own fault that they got into this situation. I should not poke my nose into this.' He thought in his mind as he prepared to pretend as if he didn't see anything.

But then he suddenly heard the little girl shout,


Calle knew that the little girl didn't talk to him as she was looking at the boy that was frozen still beside him. But the sight of the little girl reminded him of his own sister who was only two years apart from him and they often played together when they were still kids. Besides, he knew how precious childhood is since he didn't have a proper one himself when he grew up.

Calle then cursed himself as he ran forward with his hand reaching out as far as he could. And the moment he felt his hand touch the little girl's hand, Calle used all of the strength inside his body and jerked the girl backward, sending her flying straight back towards the side of the road.

The sound of the honk was getting closer and closer. And by now, Calle could hear the sound so loud as if the truck was right beside his ear.

'At least my sister will be living quite comfortably for at least ten years with the money that I left behind. But she was smart and I'm sure that she didn't even need that long to be able to find a job and probably make much more money than I could ever make in a lifetime…'

Remembering that he was just a split second away from being hit by a truck, the last thought in his mind was,


That was the last thought that Calle had before his world suddenly turned to complete darkness.

But little did he know that the truck didn't even leave a single scratch on his body. And from the two little kids, and the truck's driver's perspective, his body had suddenly disappeared into thin air.