

Riya told Dano the details of the AD they were going to make and everything else.

Keren....Whats taking them so long? Yet they even know eachother...wait, do they know that they are neighbours? Am so done, now Dano knows that i lied.

Henry....Hi there!


Henry....Am here to see Riya, am his brother.

Keren....Let me call her.

Henry....Its okay, just tell where she is.

Keren...She is inside tje conference room.(Good! Atleast he will intefere.)

Henry entered the conference room, he found them talking.


Henry....Sorry to bother you but dad asked me to come and help you with shooting your AD.

Riya....Oh really?

Henry....So, who is he? Is he your boyfriend?

Riya....No...i mean...yes! And his going to shoot the AD with me.

Dano....Huh? Am...Dano.

Henry....Whatever! Anyway, i will stay until the shoot is over.

Riya....If you wish.

Henry left.

Dano.....Your boyfriend? Why did you lie?

Riya....No reason.

Dano....I get it now, you love him and this is your way of getring his attention.

Riya....Whaaatttt??? Ofcourse i dont, he has a girlfriend and also, his my step brother.

Dano....It must feel good to be in love, right?

Riya....Hey, i never said that i love him, just play along.

Dano....What was that?

Riya....Please! Lets get ready and start working.

They went to their dressing rooms, Keren went to the room Dano was dressing in, she found him shirtless.

Keren....Oh, sorry.

Dano....Its okay.

Keren....Sorry that i lied about being your neighbour.

Dano....Its okay, i didnt mind.Excuse me, i need to dress up.


After getting ready, they went to the set.

Directors....Wow! Riya, this dude is just perfect.

Henry....Oh please, his not.

Riya....Dano, lets do this.Do you remember the script?

Dano....You got it, i do remember all the lines.

Director....Now lets start.Lights...camera...action!

Dano held Riya's hand.

Dano....Gosh! Its so hot today.

Riya....Right, am so thirsty babe, what should i do?

Dano....Here, drink the Seasons drink to quench your thirst.

Riya opened it and drank it.

Riya....Aaahhh! It tastes so good and i feel better now.

Dano....No matter the season, dont worry, Seasons drink has got you covered with its magical realistic taste.

Riya....So grab your Seasons drink today to sip and Taste the reality.

Dano.....Seasons drink, taste yhe reality.

Director.....Cut! Youve outdone yourselves guys, this was good. You make a cute couple though.

Riya....Thanks director, and thanks Dano.

Dano....How about we eat dinnertogether, my treat.

Henry....No, am going with her.

Keren....Good! Then i will go with Dano to celebrate.

Riya....Am going with Dano toeat dinnertogether, Keren, book for us a restaurant, excuse me.

She left and Henry followed her.

Henry....I know that your pretending, but his notyour boyfriend.

Riya....Oh, you think so? Why doyou even care when you have Claire, huh?

Henry....Am worried about you.

Riya....Well, dont be, worry about your someone else because i now have some to worry about me.

Henry left angrily.Riya went with Dano for dinner butshe was sad.

Dano....Why dont you just tell him how you feel?

Riya....You know nothing about love, love is a disease and once you catch it, you can never heal.

Dano....I also fell for a girl whose name i dont even remember.

Riya....See? Love is love and its unpredictable, it happens to you when you least expect it.

Dano....Anyway, lets drink for today.


Riya drunk alot and fainted, Dano drove her home.He got the keys from her bag and opened the door, he took her inside.But on leaving her room, he saw a gun and a mask.

Dano....I saw this maks somewhere...no, it cant be! She is the ninja from the museum and the countryside?

He left and went to his house staright to his room.

Dano....Hope am wrong, but why would she have those? Am sure sheis that ninja girl, she also had short hair like hers.I need to find out.

He woke up in the morning for breakfast but Riya was in their house with Ora.

Riya....Hi Dano.

Dano....Morning guys.

Riya....Am here to thank you for bringing me back home.

Dano....I had to because i couldnt leave you alone there.

Ora....Come and eat breakfast dear.Riya, come with me, i want to show you around our house.


Ora showed her around there house, Riya saw the shield on the wall that Dano took from her.

Riya....(It cant be! This is the shield that ninja stole from me.Wait....is it Dano's? Is he...that ninja guy?) Excuse me but i need to go.

Ora....Huh? Suddenly?

She ran back to her house.

Riya....Hope am wrong, but why would he have it if his not the one? I need to find out if his the ninja guy.

Dano knocked on her door, she opened it.

Dano....Are you busy today? I was going to the countryside for horseriding, would you like to join me?

Riya....Huh? (This is my chance to know the truth.) Ofcourse i will come, send me the adress.

Dano....Okay, i will.

He left and sent her the address.

Dano.....I needto find out the truth, who are you really?

They both had plans for eachothers.They drove for hours until they arrived at the farm where the horses were.

Dano....Youve made it.

Riya....I had to, so, where are the horses?

Dano....Sorry, there is only one, the rest were taken for a match.

Riya....I see, you ride it first.

Dano....I dont....knowhow.

Riya....Seriously? You askedto come yet you dont know how to ride it? Let me show you how its done.

They went inside the horse house and got the horse, Riya rode it but Dano failed since he didnt know how to ride it.

Riya....Am tired, let me go and us some drinks.

Dano....I also brought some drinks.

They both got water.

Riya....Here, drink this.

Dano....Okay, drink my water too.

Riya....(His acting suspicious, but he wont act up for long.)

Dano....(She is acting suspious but am about to know the truth.)