
Rewards System 2.0

Michael is a 25 year old gas station cashier, making just enough money to survive and pay his bills. He woke up one day back in time to his first day on the job, only this time he has a rewards system that gives him rewards for completing certain tasks. Follow along as he becomes one of the wealthiest beings in existence.

brandon_downtain · Urban
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4 Chs

2. Pay Day, Testing Theories

After waking up from his sleep Michael got ready for work. Today is payday for him and he will get his paycheck while he is still at work. 

Michael took his shower and put on his uniform before walking to work since it was just across the street from his apartment. Once he arrived he greeted his coworker Joseph. 

Once Michael clocked in he went to get the items he needed to stock in the store for the nights shift before taking over the register to allow Joseph to do last minute things before leaving.

While he was working it seemed it would be a slow day so Michael put on Netflix and decided to watch a TV show.

Through out his entire shift only 16 people came into the store, once midnight hit he closed the store down making sure all the doors were lock and that the alarm was set for the night before he walked home at 1am. 

On his walk home he checked his bank account to make sure his check had been deposited and noticed it had. It wasn't large, only being $346 for 2 weeks worth of work. Once he verified its deposit he opened an investment app on his phone.

He searched for different stocks he knew would increase in value while also paying dividends on a regular basis. He decided to invest his entire paycheck into those stocks first as even if he didn't get a rebate from it then he could just resell the stocks or keep them for the dividend payouts and just use a credit card to pay the bills he wouldn't be able to without that money.

He invested $340 into 3 different stocks. Each having a dividend of atleast $0.20 per share. 

Once he completed the investment a notification came through from the system. 


"congratulations on making your first expenditure of $340, after the 2x rebate you received $680, deposited to your NFCU account. In addition as this is your first expenditure and it was on company stocks you have received a gift of 4% of each of the companies stocks as well as an addition rewards, a car purchase card, which will allow you to chose any care on the market currently which you wish to purchase, and have it customized to your liking at no cost to you."

Michael was ecstatic to learn his theory of spending money to buy stocks would work in his favor when it came to his rebates. Especially after seeing the rewards he received from doing so. He had purchased shares of some of the worlds largest companies, Pfizer, Bank of America, and Coca Cola Co..

This means his reward just now was huge, nearly $26 billion USD in value from the stocks alone. It was $8.92billion worth of Bank of America, $9.88billion of Coca Cola Co., and $7.05billion worth of Pfizer. This was completely staggering amounts of wealth to him and he had no idea what to do with so much. 

Given the amount he owned in each company he would be getting $79million from Coca Cola, $92million from Pfizer, and $76million from Bank of America every 3 months. That is $247million every 3 months or $988million per year in dividends alone. He did not know what to do with all that money as it has him in the same league with some of the richest people in the world, meanwhile he is still working as a cashier in a gas station. 

He thought about the fact he was still working at the gas station and decided he would purchase shares in the company he works for. He works for Murphy USA which is owned by Murphy Oil. 

He was curious if buying shares in the company he works for would give him any further rewards and decided to invest the $680 into it.


"host has spent $680 on stocks and has received a 2x rebate of $1,360 to your NFCU account."

He was disappointed that purchasing Murphy Oil didn't give additional rewards but was happy he still got a rebate since even though he now had a net worth of over $26 billion he had very little funds available for spending. 

Considering the lack of funds he decided to take some time to continue investing into Murphy Oil until he had enough cash available that he wouldn't need to work until his dividend payouts. 

He still had not decided to do with the dividend payouts yet, nor did he know what would happen when word of his new found wealth spread. 

After investing 4 more times he had $21,760 cash in his account. While this was enough for him to no longer work for the next 3 months he was going to invest again into another company he has liked for years, Microsoft.

After investing in Microsoft he now has $43,520 in his bank account. He decided he wouldn't continue investing for now. 

Some may wonder how he invested so much, and it was because when the system rewarded him with 4% shares of the initial companies he invested in, it also automatically registered him accounts with multiple different brokerage companies. He was using these multiple accounts to continue investing. 

He was slightly worried about the bank reporting him for multiple transfers totaling more than $10,000 in a short time but after some thought he figured the system would have taken care of the deposits at the very least so he decided to not worry to much and just wait to see if anything happened.

Now that he has the $43,520 he decided it was time for him to call it a night so he took a quick shower and went to bed falling asleep around 3am.