
Revolutionary Gathering of Friends

**Title:** **The Revolt of the Fates** **Attractive Description:** In the tumultuous world of Weckoplay, two revolutionaries emerge from the shadows to challenge elite oppression. Frothy, an 18-year-old with a murderous look and a katana in hand, fights tirelessly to overturn the educational system that marginalizes failures and loners. Dressed in his iconic black and red hoodie, he is a symbol of resistance, determined to bring justice to those who have been forgotten. At the same time, Rumar, an heir to the powerful Heavenly Beast clan of Hell, emerges with his own vision of revolution. With the power to trap bullies in the hell of his heavenly beast, he quickly becomes a feared and respected figure. When the territories' leaders attempt to co-opt him for their own ends, Rumar demonstrates his unmatched strength, subduing them and consolidating his rule. Their fates become intertwined in an explosive confrontation.

Cineware · Fantasie
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423 Chs


"You speak truly, dear Thundertusk. Tonight, I will feed in his honor."

"That seems fitting, Quaestor. Should I—"

"Which brings me to why I called you here."

"It was not for this?"

"Alas, no. And please, forgive me for the directness of this question…"

"By all means, Don Villanueva e Itamaraca!"

"Have you been leaving the remains of your feeding in the Faubourg Marigny?" The Faubourg Marigny is an area being developed just to the east of the main city by Bernard de Marigny, whose celebration of the Battle of New-Orleans you attended. The neighborhood sprawls north from Marigny's mansion on Victory Street (a continuation of the rue de la Levée), the naming of which surely had nothing to do with Marigny's own role in the Battle of New-Orleans.

The significance of Villanueva's question dawning upon you—such deeds being a clear violation of the Rule of Reserve—you go pale with terror. "No, Don Villanueva e Itamaraca! Most certainly not! I would never draw such attention to us!"

"I thought not. I could not imagine that one that I had spent so much time educating would do such a thing. Unfortunately, that means that we have an unannounced guest. As I'm sure you're aware, the presence of these anarchists cannot be tolerated. Perhaps you would be so kind as to find this individual and attempt to remedy the situation?"

"I am ever your servant, Don Villanueva e Itamaraca."

"I really have better things to do."
