
Revolt against the Heavens

In the Hongchen Kingdom, a human land surrounded by dangerous enemies, the Cao family is victim of a terrible massacre. The young son, Cao Yun, survives and must pave his way to the summit of the cultivation world while hiding who he is in the hope of avenging his family. Will he find out the whole truth? What cultivation level will he attain? And what mysteries will he uncover on this path of revenge?

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580 Chs

Chapter 108: Nine years of confinement

Then, Xiao Xuefeng's voice resounded once more.

"Do you admit that Chen Guo only ever told the truth?"

Chief Elder Bian had to search deep in his mind. Thinking back over everything, he had to break his own ego to admit it. But he finally realized that everything Cao Yun had said made sense and was corroborated by the evidence. On the other hand, his own investigation into Lu meihan's version had been very inconclusive.

"This unfilial one admits to it!"

Being faced with the Seal of Authority was akin to being in front of the Sect Leader himself. But much more than that, it was akin to being in front of all the sect leaders. And with the very laws of the Wubei Sect he had sworn to uphold floating around him, Chief Elder Bian felt as though Ancestor Wu himself was watching him.

"Chief Elder Bian, do you admit that you failed to give justice to Mei Ying who was attacked so viciously by Luduo Bu?"

At first, he had been revolted by Luduo Bu's actions after hearing from Chief Elder Baishen and Guest Elder Xiao about what had happened in the martial art pavilion. But then, his own judges had deemed that the affair was not as simple. They found that Cao Yun may have had altered the truth to serve him. Instead of questioning the verdict, Chief Elder Bian had decided to side with their decision and formed a grudge against Cao Yun. Thinking back over it, his own judges had been wrong.

"This unfilial one admits to it!"

Xiao Xuefeng was relentless.

"Chief Elder Bian, do you admit that you failed to see through Luduo Bu's deception?"

"This unfilial one admits to it!"

"Chief Elder Bian, do you admit that you failed to treat Chen Guo fairly and with impartiality?"

"This unfilial one admits to it!"

"And finally, Chief Elder Bian, do you admit that you failed to uphold the true ideals of justice of the Wubei Sect and brought shame to the name of Ancestor Wu?"

"This unfilial one admits to it!"

Chief Elder Bian was utterly broken. More than the public humiliation, it was his sincere realization that he had sullied the laws he had sworn an oath to uphold that really broke him.

"Chief Elder Bian, you are hereby demoted of your rank and of your functions. You will not administer the disciplinary pavilion anymore. Then, just as Ancestor Wu secluded himself for nine years to found the Wubei Sect and edict all of its laws, for nine years, you will repent in seclusion within the caves of the Heidai Peak."

"This unfilial one admits to all his mistakes. This unfilial one accepts his forefathers' judgment."

Just like that, Chief Elder Bian who had managed the disciplinary pavilion for at least four hundred years was demoted. With the Seal of Authority in Xiao Xuefeng's hands, no one had any complaint. On the side, Lu Meihan's heart had stopped. She knew that she had no way to get out of this now. Her only chance of survival was if Cao Yun was sent to the Devil's Jail. In this case, the demonic cultivators could allow her to use him and restore her health. Now that this wasn't possible anymore, she was doomed to die in a matter of weeks.

As everyone calmed down, Xiao Xuefeng took back the Seal of Authority into her spatial ring. Slowly, all eyes went onto Lu Meihan. From the beginning, there were holes in her story. And with Xiao Xuefeng supporting Cao Yun, everyone started to wonder whether she really was a demonic cultivator.

Lu Meihan, just like everyone else was kowtowing before the presence of the Sect Leader in the Seal of Authority. Now that it was gone, all the other disciples were slowly standing up but not her. In fact, she moved a little and kowtowed to her former servant.

"Wang Mei, I'm sorry." The girl heard sincerity in her words. "I never meant to harm you in any way. I knew what Ren Chao meant to you, but I just couldn't let go. Please forgive me."

Then, she turned to Cao Yun. "Chen Guo, it seems like you won. You and I had no grudge and yet I tried to kill you." She was finally admitting to everything. Chief Elder Bian on the platform was dumbfounded. Xiao Xuefeng had been able to solve this matter so easily. All of his efforts seemed to have been for naught, he really was unfit to manage the disciplinary pavilion.

Lu Meihan stood up. "However, I have no regret! You can condemn me all you want but what would any of you do if your cultivation just disappeared forever? Would you accept to simply let go and lead a normal life? I couldn't! I would rather die under the scorn of every orthodox cultivator than live in humiliation! Without power, the whole world turns on you. So I would rather betray the world before it betrays me!"

In Lu Meihan's eyes, the disciples could see a firm resolve. She really was ready to die rather than becoming a mere mortal. She came from a small noble family. As such, everyone knew that she would probably just be used as a political tool without her cultivation. Many disciples were starting to wonder about her actions. Demonic cultivators were seen as traitors against all mankind, but wouldn't they also attempt everything not to lose their cultivation?

Xiao Xuefeng's voice resounded throughout the plaza. "Do you actually believe such nonsense?! Did the Wubei Sect forsake you?! When you suffered your backlash, Chief Elder Qinghe personally tried to help you, didn't he?"

Lu Meihan's resolve was shaken. Indeed, she had asked the physician pavilion. And Chief Elder Qinghe had come in person to help her. They had even agreed to keep her situation quiet.

"Do you know that Chief Elder Qinghe is still, to this day, searching for a treatment? He even asked for my help and he was ready to pay any sum. Has he forsaken you?" Lu Meihan looked at the old man on the high seat. Chief Elder Qinghe was a very low-key man and he got a bit embarrassed. But when he saw Lu Miehan's stare on him, he had to speak.

"I'm sorry... I did not tell you because I didn't want you to have false hopes. Your condition is so critical that I know of no treatment. However, I thought that with the history of the Golden Flowery Fragrance Institute in the medical domain, we could find something. We still did not..."

The girl realized that the Wubei Sect was really trying to help her in the shadows.

"You let despair take over and the demonic cultivators used you! Do you think they care about you? You're just a pawn in their plan, whatever it is. Even without your cultivation, aren't you a 5-star Earth calligraphist, a 5-star Earth musician, a 5-star Earth strategist, and much more? The Wubei Sect could have accepted you as an inner disciple. Even monasteries or province governments would have gladly taken you in!"

Gradually, Lu Meihan started to realize her own folly. In fact, the Wubei Sect had never even told her anything about her injury. She was the one who imagined that she was useless.

"If your self-worth is attached to your own strength, you are doomed to feel despair when you lose it. But isn't it the fate of all mortals? And yet, they do not succumb to temptation and betray their own kind!"

Xiao Xuefeng was not only speaking to Lu Meihan, but to all the disciples as well. She had been brought in to root out any potential demonic cultivators. Even though none had tried to get in during the entrance examination, it seems like some were already in.

"Remember Saint Xun Ke! During the Founding Era, he sacrificed his entire cultivation to save Emperor Nuwa from a coup by the demons. Instead of feeling defeated, he dedicated the last decades of his life to the Hongchen Kingdom. Thanks to this man who was a mere mortal at the time, the government was stabilized and the unceasing wars between humans and demons ended. This 'mere' mortal ushered in the Seven Treaties Era, our most prosperous era ever! He even became one of the Four Saints despite having no cultivation at all. Always remember his last words: 'All men, no matter how long they live or how bright they shine, can shape the world. A fleeting moment for a man, an eternity of benefits for mankind. No cultivation can replace the Dao Heart!'."

When she quoted the words of Saint Xun Ke, Xiao Xuefeng put her own soul into her words. These three sentences shook the hearts of everyone present here, even some of the chief elders, especially Chief Elder Bian. On the side, Cao Yun was also marked by this.

In the crowd, some eyes were starting to show signs of faltering.

"The most important thing is the Dao Heart. If you lack determination, no amount of cultivation will be able to make you feel secure. You will always live in fear no matter how powerful you become. Unless you truly believe in yourself, you can't achieve the pinnacle of cultivation. But if you lack morale, no amount of cultivation will earn you any respect. You will live surrounded by enemies and preys. Your life won't be different from the life of a beast."

As she spoke, the words on the disciplinary pavilion started to burn hotter and hotter even though she had stopped using the Seal of Authority.

"Remember! Cultivation is not just about power! You must strive to achieve the true ideals of our human race."

Another voice resounded, a voice that seemed to come from another world. "Mankind is the treasure of the Hongchen Kingdom!"

Chief Elder Bian's eyes bulged. This was the voice of Ancestor Wu himself. The words he had engraved in the disciplinary pavilion had recognized Xiao Xuefeng's truth. This strange phenomenon surprised everyone. All of a sudden, they all kowtowed once more, except for Lu Meihan.

"This junior will never forget Guest Elder Xiao's words. Thank you for this truth."

As Cao Yun was also kowtowing, the words 'Dao Heart' were resounding within him. In his sea of consciousness, he felt the four characters rejoice.

The most shaken disciple was Lu Meihan, the only one still standing. Since her backlash, she had lived in a black fog. All day long, she only thought about her cruel future. But today, she realized that this future was solely in her mind. She could have simply chosen a different way and many people would have been there for her. Defeated, all her strength disappeared and she fell straight to the ground as a puppet whose strings were cut.

In the crowd, some disciples were in fact in the same situation as Lu Meihan. The demonic cultivators had already recruited several of them. And right now, they were doubting their choice. Most of them were even wondering whether they should reveal everything to the chief elders.

Lu Meihan was looking at Wang Mei. "Sister Wang. You've always been there for me, but I was too blinded by my own fears. If only I had confided in you more... I know you would have found a better way..."

Wang Mei's eyes were a bit watery. She thought herself responsible for Lu Meihan's lack of openness. And now, she realized that they had the same thoughts.

"Faction Leader, I'm the one who should have seen through your despair. I'm sorry it had to end like this."

Lu Meihan laughed a little. "No matter what I did, you still care for me... Wang Mei, you had no responsibility in what I did." She raised her head and looked at Xiao Xuefeng. "No one in the Coiling Silk Faction knew what I was doing. I acted alone. But I'll tell you about the guy who..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she felt all her meridians starting to burn inside. The small traces of Life Essence Phoenix Balm still in her system were becoming flames. With her spiritual senses, Xiao Xuefeng felt it instantly. The Seal of Authority reappeared in her hand. A new character shined in the sky, the character for 'Salvation'. It was pure gold and shined right over Lu Meihan.

Xiao Xuefeng did some hand gestures and a giant cauldron formed around Lu Meihan. She was completely hidden within this Qi Manifestation. The cauldron was absolutely gorgeous with thousands of elegant birds engraved all over it. The flames from within Lu Meihan started to get dragged out of her, but the pain was unbearable.

As soon as Xiao Xuefeng tried to save her, the flames changed in their nature. Lu Meihan's Qi became as cold as ice and an evil feeling permeated through her flesh. Sensing the severity of the situation, Xiao Xuefeng changed her approach. A Spirit Warrior was trying to annihilate Lu Meihan completely.

Four doors fell from the sky all around the cauldron. These too were Qi Manifestation. On each one, a legendary beast was engraved. They were all awe-inspiring and gave the impression of almost being alive.

The strength that was tormenting Lu Meihan got subdued a little, but it escaped once more. This time, it attacked her very soul. She screamed so loudly that everyone in the plaza heard her despite the layers formed to protect her. Xiao Xuefeng's face was distorted as she was putting all her efforts into helping her. Other chief elders came to help her, but she was the one with the highest cultivation and the most powerful spiritual senses.

Deep within Lu Meihan's mind, something shattered. She saw all her memories being corroded right before her eyes. One by one, she was losing everything that she was and soon her very soul would be destroyed as well.

With her last breath, she yelled out. "Grand Master Xiao, make it stop!"

Wang Mei and everyone else was beyond shocked. Only Xiao Xuefeng kept her calm. Being the most perceptive, she knew what was going on in Lu Meihan's mind. Seeing her own mind being destroyed bit by bit was the worst feeling possible, way worse than being tortured or maimed. The feeling of powerlessness as her very being was slowly disappearing before her was utterly crushing.

"I understand." All the Qi Manifestations dissipated into thin air and Xiao Xuefeng appeared in a flash right in front of Lu Meihan. With two fingers as a sword, she stabbed her forehead. In an instant, her mind collapsed entirely and her lifeless body fell to the ground.