
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 11 In the Shadows

Chapter 11 In the Shadows

"CALIFORMS WATERFALL ARE YOU CRAZY?" cried Samuel who couldn't hide the shock he was feeling.

"Hmm? What's so bad about Califorms Waterfall?" Asked Damian.

"It's boss is a Troll." Lisa answered staring at Marrissa like she was crazy for even suggesting it in the first place.

"What's so bad a troll?" Damian asked. "I get that they have regeneration but that shouldn't be too much of an issue right?"

"It's a unique troll in that when it's too low on health it can split into two, if either of them starts healing they both do. Something about a voodoo bond." Answered Ben glancing at his sister from the corner of his eye. This monster Den was one of the toughest silver rank Dens in the area, and Ben knew that his sister knew this, so why did she want to take Damian there to try to solo it? Wasn't that same as sending him to his death? Suddenly a thought hit him like a lightning bolt it was supposed to be a test wasn't it? This Den which they would have spent all day doing didn't even make him break a sweat. Was she choosing Califorms Waterfall to try to push him to his limits, and see just what he was capable of.

"The monsters are goblins which shouldn't be an issue for you, but we want to actually watch you do your run so we can see your fighting style that way we know what we need to do to support you as best we can." Marrissa said nonchalantly.

"The problem is you guys may not be able to get close to me my magic is volatile. And I can't easily control my aura spell without sacrificing its power. Besides that, I may not be able to solo it if you guys are around, what I mean is if they start to target you guys it might cause issues with my fighting style and you guys might get in the way." Damian retorted. "Also, I need to ask do you guys feel any different?"

Marrisa shook her head "Not really, why do you ask?" she replied.

"Actually yeah I do." Samuel said sheepishly "I feel, I don't know how to explain it, healthier maybe?" Damian stood still nodding his head that made sense Samuel was a copper rank and therefore probably the weakest among the party meaning he would get the greatest benefit from the party system.

"Good good it seems to work then." Damian thought to himself. While he was waiting for the party Damian went over the party system more and found that each role was given temporary stat boosts based on their role. "Well before we start that I'd like to go the library and read up on trolls and goblins. Do you have an idea about which gold rank you want to do?" Damian asks Marrissa.

"I do actually there's only one nearby and that is a Cadaver Dog Den. Someone has been clearing it without the guild permission though so we will have to move fast I have already marked it as ours though so hopefully whoever it is that has been taking it for the last year or so takes a break so we can do your test," she replies with obvious annoyance in her voice. Damian clears his throat while looking down at the mention of the cadaver dog den and starts rubbing the back of his neck after she mentions someone stealing it from the guild. "Why do you want to research them as well?"

"No I might have but I actually know a bit about the already I've been working for Rob for about a year and a half, since they were invading the graveyard I had to fight a few already." Damian answered downplaying the fact that he's been stealing the den out from under other people.

After arriving back in town Damian waved them off before returning to the library. "I'll meet you guys tomorrow at the guild hall." Damian said as he waved them off.

------- Lisa's Point of view -------

"So are we just going to ignore the fact that when he cast those spells he didn't use any glyphs?" Lisa asked her companions "I mean I know that some people can quick cast one or two spells but that many back to back without getting tired isn't that a little bit, I dunno, broken?" she asked seemingly worried about something.

"Yes, we are going to ignore that," Marrissa replies without looking at her. "He's strong maybe too strong. It will be hard to our job if he suspects us so just shut your damned mouth and support us like a good little girl ok."

"Maybe we wont have to maybe he can help us, you know fight back after all, I mean he took him down once maybe he can do it again, Right?" Lisa said quietly. Marrissa looks at her coldly.

"You don't get it Marcus is bigger than him and Damian caught him off guard there's no way Marcus will let him go after that I suspect I'll get the order after we clear the silver rank dungeon to take care of him during the gold rank and to make it look like an accident. And if you talk like that again I'll kick your ass myself, you know the only reason we have as much freedom is that we do his dirty work. Everyone here is too afraid to go against him. Remember that next time you decide to talk out of turn you little shit." Marrissa said threateningly getting closer to Lisa's face who turns sideways out of fear.

Nodding quickly out of fear "Ye- Yes Marrissa I understand." She agreed not wanting another beating. Samuel walks up to her afterward putting his hand on her shoulder.

"You know you have to be careful how you speak about him, she watched him kill her parents, she has seen more of his strength than any of us, she's trying to protect us from him. I- I'm sure of it." Saying the last part more to himself than to Lisa as if reassuring himself. Shaking his head he thinks to himself "I do think they'd be disappointed in her if they saw her like this though."

------- Damian's point of view -------

Damian stretches after waking up the next morning having no idea what occurred the night before. Though to be honest he wouldn't be too surprised after all there are always things happening in the shadows.

Sorry about the hiatus life got in the way for a while but I am back with more chapters.

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