
Revive Me

High school for me is the toughest years of a person's life. Of course , if u are talented, charismatic, of good lineage, etc ;it may not be so , but "I" hate my high school life.

As always I walked down the same lonely pathway ,after the classes were over. Almost all the students were from the richer side of Kakami (a developing city in Japan) and I,being the poorest from among them, lived away from the city lights and metropolitan transport. My Martial art grades were the only merits that made the prestigious Hyoko High School take me in and even that I found later was of no use as there were not much schools in Kakami that promoted martial arts.

I was born in Tokyo and raised there, but due to my father's income we had to move to a much cheaper location. Kakami proved to be a good spot as it was developing and needed more workers to help them develop. My father joined the construction team and earned more than enough money for us to live happily but our happiness was short lived. My mother was affected with leukemia a few weeks after my father got a job and my father tried his best to save her but it was too late. The doctors said that my mother had been hiding it from us so that we could keep being happy. My mother passed away and my father too from the grief of losing his beloved wife.

Now I walked back to the lonely house that my father left to me. He did not only leave a house but also enough money to pay my tuition fees for almost 3 years but for food , clothing ,etc ; I had to work.

The road back to my home from school was always lonely. Most people living around my locality seldom went to the main city. The items in and around the main city were way too expensive for them so they preferred to live their lives outside the main block. This was also the reason as to why the road connecting the main block and the Residue( it's what people call the poorer block in the city) was always bare , me being the only one using the road continuously.

The sun was almost down and the day was becoming much colder as the time passed by.

I increased my pace as I had only finished covering half the distance from my school to my home.

I was greeted a few minutes later by the sight of broken shops and shabby houses. This indicated that the Residue was near. I walked through the familiar shops and alleys and quickly entered my shabby one floor house without drawing any attention.

The Residue was also a dangerous place as the crime rates here were almost close to 1 murders, 3 pickpockets and 5 gang attacks per day.

As I lived alone , I had to continuously train my body to react to even a small hint of danger.

I shut the front door quietly and faced my lonely, dark house.

"I'm home", I said. It was an old habit from the days when both my parents were alive.

I took off my worn off shoes and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

When I reached the kitchen I realised something strange. The fridge magnet which was a momento of Tokyo was not there.

'Something's wrong.'

Before I could do anything, I was hit by a hard metal object on the head.

I fell down and grabbed my head. It was covered in a warm fluid and when I checked what it was, I found out that it was blood.

I could hear someone grunting beside me and looked to see an old man clutching his side on the floor. There was also a metal rod which the old man must have used to assault me.

'My in built reflexes to counter any attack must have worked'

I got up still clutching my head from the pain and shouted at the old man," WHK ARE YOU!!!! WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE!!!!"

The old man didn't say anything but smiled.

Then suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my back.

I turned to see a young boy holding a knife which was stuck to my back.

"You leave grandpa alone, understood?!", he whispered and dug the knife more inside me. I fell to the ground once more.

I couldn't scream as my mouth was already filled with blood and i was also slowly losing heat. The world turned dark slowly and all I heard before I passed out was the old man's voice telling the boy to grab whatever might sell for a good price.

I woke up with a jerk and pain filled my whole body.The would was still bleeding and my body was nearly as cold as ice.

'I need to find help'

I looked around and cried for help with the last of my energy, "Someone help me...I'm dying..."

'Of course noone would help me. It's a dog eat dog world. I will die. At least I'll meet my mum and dad.'

"Oh so you are awake?", a voice from far away asked.

I looked around and saw a figure of a little girl standing near the front door through my dying sight.

She was slowly approaching me.

"I can save you but you wont be able to live your normal life", she said while crouching near my face.

"You have around 1 minute till you die but if you want to live just say 'Revive Me' okay. Though i dont know if you can hear me.", she said and stood up.

My life was messed up as usual and I could already tell that it wasn't normal so why bother about the consequences.

'I'll live'

So I whispered ," Revive Me."

Umm.......could anyone create for a cover page and I'm poor so I dont have any money ok.

(-_-) But im trying to earn ya know so please.

Ak1kocreators' thoughts