
Reverse world:All My disciple are yandare

ZEONxs · Fantasie
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11 Chs

10. The banquet!:

It was a day of banquet in the Star Empire. Leo, with his captivating visage, snowy locks like spun silk, and lithe, graceful hands, stood tall and resplendent. With a casual wave of his beautiful fingers, a shimmering portal materialized before him, and from its depths, a key emerged - the fabled Teleportation Warp key that resided in the depths of his castle.

Leo glanced at his disciple, Chloe, who gazed back with rapt attention. "Let's go, Chloe," he said, his voice rich with Confidence. "Let us make our grand entrance."

Chloe nodded eagerly, and together, they stepped through the portal, their eyes briefly fluttering shut as a dazzling blue flash enveloped them. When they reopened them, they found themselves face-to-face with a contingent of the Star Empire's elite soldiers, who had been dispatched to welcome the esteemed Leo. It is ordered by empress LilyStarWell to welcome Leo with utmost respect.

"well, well," he murmured, his gaze sweeping over the assembled troops. "It would seem the Empress is most eager to make a good impression." Leo knows that empress LilyStarWell will purpose marriage to him at banquet, because it is mention in the letter.

The soldiers huddled around, whispering in awe as Leo emerged from the teleportation warp. "What a beautiful man!" they marveled, eyes sparkling with fascination. "He's like a fairy descended from the heavens!"

One bold soldier leaned in, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I want to eat him up and enjoy his body. Imagine how stunning his face will be when he starts begging and crying in my arms!"

But before she could say another word, another soldier shot her a stern glare. "Are you mad? That's the Empress's man! Hold your tongue unless you want to die," she hissed. In the star empire it is well known that empress is madly in love with Leo and propose marriage to him many time but Leo reject her.

The chattering immediately ceased, it's a women, soldiers averting their gaze, though their eyes betrayed a thinly veiled jealousy.

"Stop touching him, you vixen! You filthy woman!" they cursed silently, watching as Chloe grab Leo's hand , a serene smile gracing her lips.

The air crackled with a curious mix of reverence and envy as the ethereal stranger captivated all who laid eyes on him.

"Few soliders who don't know that Chloe is Leo's disciple start wisphering that who is that women why she is grabbing his hand, few soliders said in low voice that she has a courage to hold Empress man hand, 'How bold."

Chloe couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement as she stepped into the ornate carriage with Leo. The soldiers who had come to fetch them looked every bit the part of the Star Empire's elite guard, their crisp uniforms and gleaming swords a testament to the grandeur of their task.

As the carriage rumbled to life and began its journey to the royal castle, Chloe stole a glance at Leo. His striking white hair and ethereal beauty never ceased to captivate her, and she knew she was lucky to come banquet alone with her master.

Sure enough, as they arrived at the castle and descended from the carriage, Chloe could feel the envious eyes of the noblewomen in attendance. They fluttered their fans and giggled behind delicate fingers, all vying for Leo's beauty. Chloe had to fight the urge to stick her tongue out at them as she confidently slipped her hand into the crook of Leo's elbow.

"Master, it seems you've accumulated quite the entourage of admirers,"Chloe murmured to leo

"Let them admire," leo replied. Leo know that his second disciple is jealous because all women are coveting his body their eyes are like wolf that see his prey, Chloe Said with dark eye "master I wanna kill them." Chloe was very angry but she control herself.

The noblewomen's envious glares only intensified as Chloe and Leo swept into the grand ballroom, ready to dazzle all in attendance with their peerless beauty and grace.

Noblewomens know that Chloe is Leo's disciple they start envying and said "it a heaven to have a beautiful man as a master like fairy."

The grand ballroom was alive with the chatter of the kingdom's noble elite. Luxurious gowns and suits adorned the lavish space as the guests mingled, sipping their fine wines and exchanging gossip.

Suddenly, a booming voice cut through the din. "The Empress approaches! All rise and show your respect!"

The nobles quickly bowed their heads as the regal figure of Empress LilyStarWell swept into the room. Her bejeweled crown glinted in the candlelight, a symbol of her absolute power over the Star Empire.

Leo and Chloe didn't bow because Leo was once a strongest person in the world but now he downgrade to 6 circle because of poison that his disciple give him but outside world don't know that Leo's power downgraded, they still think that Leo is still strongest.

The grand hall of the Star Empire palace was abuzz with chatter and laughter as the noble families gathered for the annual banquet. Glasses clinked, and servants scurried about refilling plates and cups.

Suddenly, a young woman in a shimmering gown approached the dashing Leo. She said,b"would you do me the honor of being my dance partner?" she asked coyly.

Leo smiled politely. "I'm afraid I must decline, my lady. Perhaps another time."

But the young woman was not deterred. Soon, a throng of eager ladies had gathered around Leo, all vying for his attention.

Empress LilyStarWell watched the scene unfold, her eyes darkening with jealousy. "How dare they?" she thought, her fingers digging into the arm of her throne. "That man is mine!"

Striding over to Leo, LilyStarWell seized his hand. "Come, my love, let us dance," she purred, casting a challenging glare at the surrounding women.

Leo hesitated how come I become your love , but before he could respond, a loud *STAMP* echoed through the hall. All eyes turned to see Chloe, the Leo's disciple Chloe, standing with one foot planted firmly on the ground with dark eyes.

"The Empress has spoken," Are you Leo's 2nd disciple °your name is Chloe right° it is not appropriate to interrupt us right, "Leo thought that it is only a dance right there is no problem with it and if I dance with her then I can reject her marriage proposal without any danger.

The disappointed ladies reluctantly parted as LilyStarWell shot them a triumphant smile. Pulling Leo close, she led him to the dance floor, determined to make sure everyone in the room knew he was hers.

The music swelled, and the two of them glided across the floor, their movements infused with a captivating mix of grace and possessiveness. It was a dance of passion, a display of power, and a warning to all who dared to challenge the Empress's claim on her beloved.

Little did Leo know that his disciple Chloe's become angry because Leo did not choose her but choose empress, Chloe thought that I have to train master properly how dear he choose empress her eye's become darkened.

After while later dance end,"LilyStarWell said, I have a purposal to purpose; she turned her head to Leo's direction and said will you become my husband and be my king. After listening the purposal Banquet hall become fully quite?."


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After this chapter I will upload 3 chapter In a week only.

If there any grammatical mistake in this chapter tell me in comments.

"Stay connected and if you like my novel keep supportung me. If there are any problem with my English plz ignore it because my language is not English."


A Note from ZEONxs

Hi Everyone. I am ZEONxs and i am very grateful to those who read my Novel. If you have any questions regarding the story, don't hesitate too ask I will try my hard to upload 1 chapter regularly.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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