
I Chen Er, has the appereance of an Emperror!

I, Chen Er, have transmigrated!

My lovely room with many Gundam and other figures suddenly disappeared!

And changed into what is now seen like a cave!


Chen Er cursed in his mind!

All his "hard" work and his "collection" are now reduced to nothingness (i.e lost to another world!)

but at least his "ehem" history won't be following him into this world... 

so Chen Er clasped his hand together


"COCOTE!" (slang : bullshit)

"wes! I just want to be a personal, private, healthy OTAKU; why am I forced to travel into this world!"

After confirming his memory, he has indeed become one with the owner of this body; it was as if two minds getting blended together, creating a new persona!

tough; it's still the same Chen Er, but his mind and experience have become a new Chen Er!

In this world, he was an elder in a second-rate sect called Sky Pavillion!

A last-row of a second-rate sect in the Dingus Dynasty!

After all, this sect only just appeared in the last 400 years, and the leader of this sect is still the same person who built it from scratch! a person who stood in the Sky realm! which is still lower than those ancestor of 1st-rate sect!

Chen Er is now still in a gold-core realm! which is two realms under the Sky!

but even then, everytime he meet the leader for a meeting, it's as if everything the leader shows is only a facade!

it is terrifying, to say the least! but everyone has a secret, and it is not good to just straight up quarry on them, and it would be disrespectful to say the least!

Right now, Chen Er is looking at his body, which has well-built muscle, long black hair, and also pretty neat clothes! a fancy white cultivator robe! 

'i've indeed travelled through another world!' Chen Er still felt surreal

Feeling the power running through his body, he just want to shout to the sky: Me, Chen Er! has the appearance of a Great Emperror!

Ok, now back go business...

Chen Er sat cross-legged and tried to cultivate.

He's going to live in this world, and in a place where lack of power means lack of fire, a good firepower is a must!

Ah? Fire?

'Ok, just ignore that! I'm trying to cultivate here and not do a monologue! much less a Crosstalk!'

With Chen Er's focus returning, the aura surrounding him gradually sucked in into his body, creating a vacuum (cleaner) around him.

No dust! no dirt! Definitely a good bargain! Just by $2.99, you can get a good deal! Buy it now!

Ehem, seems like I got distracted once again...

As the saying goes, with great responsibility comes great hospitability! Or was it hospital ability? Nevermind...


For sure, this body is really great!

high sword attainment!

Good body practice!

while also being a good nanny!

what? You don't understand what a nanny is.

A nanny is the one who gives milk! A healer!

In short, just with a shield, Chen Er will become a Paladin of Morpg!

A well-rounded cultivator!

A jacked-off trade!

But all this is, of course, not without support!

although Chen family in his memory is good, it's not as good as his admirer!

And her name is Wang Ruoyu, from the Wang family.

in this world, where the sense of chastity is different!

woman goes to work, and man become a house husband!

('Hikigaya hachimen definitely likes this kind of setting!')

A reversed kind of world!

and the admirer girl from the Wang family is considered a rich woman!

In other words, she's infatuated with Chen Er!

Starting with pills, talismans, and even cultivation methods, the girl, Wang Ruoyu, gave them to him!

and Chen Er of this world felt disgust towards this girl!

even loathe her because she didn't have the majesty a girl must have!

but as a fused pair of Chen Er, this time he just felt pity for her...

He also felt her pain at pursuing someone, and the only reply was a cold shoulder, much less without any communication at all!