
Reverend Insanity: Wuqionq the Immortal

A fanfiction of Reverend Insanity. I'm a new writer and writing is clearly not innate for me so be understanding what's more english is not my mother toungue. I can't promise anything like finishing my story but at least I will try. Don't hesitate to comment, and let me now how do you find my fanfiction. Wuqionq is reincarnate in the Gu world during the Immermoriable Era with a special ability. Read to follow is journey.

lilspinn · Bücher und Literatur
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16 Chs

Full set of Gu

~One year later~

I'm now seventeen years old with a high Tier 2 cultivation level, a comprehensive set of Gu with offensive, defensive, investigation, movement, storage, and concealment.

That full set permit me to easily complete my mandatory mission and the mission I take on the side to feed my Gu and amass resources. I manage to stock up five hundred primeval stones quite the sum for a Tier 2 Gu master with only two years of experience.

I manage to get my hand on a Tier 2 Poisonous Spider, I basically had to brought two other Tier 1 cause the Gu refinement failed multiple time and kill the Gu twice. It was quite pricey to rank it up, but the effect was worth it, now the green ball is faster, and the collision create a 4-meter radius poisonous fog that can kill a peak Tier 2 beast in 10 second if it stays inside.

I didn't get a healing Gu due to the scarcity, but my mother lends me hers when I use a stupid request like can I try the feel of using a healing Gu. So, with that I got a passive effect of a Tier 3 healing Gu with Tier 2 amplify Effect that boost a Gu by two meaning I heal constantly and faster than most Tier 3 can damage me when you count the damage reduction I got from my passive Short Lived Time.

And finally, I got a Tier 2 concealment Gu, One With Space Gu, the Gu let a Gu master reduce his sense of existence and melt in the surrounding space, clearly not the best concealment effect at tier 2 but the concealment doesn't disappear during movement and with the amplify effect Gu it really isn't a problem. The defect of this Gu is the high consumption of primeval essence but as usual it's basically useless for me since I launch it only once per mission.

That set of Gu and passive effect allow me to search for Gu materials, Gu food and complete mission easily as long as there isn't a Tier 3 investigation Gu on a beast.

By the way I am pretty sure than my attainments in Time and Space paths are at quasi master and my attainment in refinement, earth, poson and water are at ordinary. Seeing how I am basically experimenting with the passive effect on me during my leisure time it can be understandable that my attainments grow faster than most. To be honest seeing such supernatural effect produce by Gu and Dao mark, I can't help trying to comprehend how does it work even if with my current knowledge and means of observation I can't get to the bottom I still need to start from somewhere right?

After that little mental recap of my sixteenth years of existence, I start preparing for a solo mission that as for goal to search for a possible threat to our settlement like an ant nest, a new colony of another kind or something else.

I start packing and left after sending goodbye to my parents, I descend in the underground after presenting myself to the gatekeeper, they aren't really here to block access but more like keeping track of the Gu master descending in order to potentially send a rescue team if a long absence is detected. My mission duration is nearly three months long due to the large network of tunnel I need to inspect, I have got quite the reputation in the underground network related work due to my specialization in it. Honestly with my Gus if I don't intrude in the area having Tier 4 beast and the low probability of finding a Tier 3 beast with investigation Gu, this mission is quite a bit like free money for me. But who now maybe I jinx it this time.

After two month of exploring the network and surveying for any formation of threat, I didn't find anything noteworthy but I did find the last element for upgrading my Pocket Space to Tier 2, with that I found a secluded place to start upgrading it, I start by taking out the three Tier 1 Pocket Space necessary for the refinement and the 4 kind of Tier 2 Gu materials needed for it. I start by breaking two pieces of two of the Gu materials then place the three Pocket place Gu above, then I put one of the two remaining Gu material in the light ball forming with the fusion of the Gus, after that I put one hundred primeval stones on the ground and finally, I put the last remaining Gu material above he fell and smash the ground heavily. With that the Gu refinement is finished and by luck I didn't fail it once, I took out my new Gu the Tier 2 Pocket Space Gu, it has a space of ten cubic meter, so ten time the volume of the Tier 1.

After eating a meal and sleeping due to the mental stress I receive during the refinement process. I left my secluded spot to continue my search.

~Two week later~

As I was walking through a gallery clearly owned by a beast colony, I could even clearly define as something close to rats seeing the claw mark, the smell, and the size of the tunnel.

When suddenly a naked mole rat appears from the gallery on my left without any sound probably due to a noise cancelling Gu, seeing it being only Tier 2 and that my concealment was up I didn't move to avoid being seen if he happen to have a Tier 2 investigation Gu even if the probability would be close to none.

Seeing that he didn't find any threat the naked mole rat starts a cry to inform his colony, thirty second later a large group of close to a hundred individuals start gushing out of another bigger tunnel, seeing such a colony appearing, Wuqionq start to retreat.