
Reverend Insanity: Wuqionq the Immortal

A fanfiction of Reverend Insanity. I'm a new writer and writing is clearly not innate for me so be understanding what's more english is not my mother toungue. I can't promise anything like finishing my story but at least I will try. Don't hesitate to comment, and let me now how do you find my fanfiction. Wuqionq is reincarnate in the Gu world during the Immermoriable Era with a special ability. Read to follow is journey.

lilspinn · Bücher und Literatur
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16 Chs

Adventure time

I finish my Gu refinement, unfortunately I failed the Pocket Space Gu upgrade too many times and I don't have the refinement materials anymore, I probably won't be able to retry before I am back to the settlement. At least my One With Space Gu became a Tier 3 on my second try. With that even some Tier 5 beast won't be able to perceive me if we take in consideration the Tier 3 amplify Effect Gu.

I decide to continue my exploration of the underground network and continue the exploration of the space room another time.

~A month later~

I am currently walking through a golden scorpion nest; they look just like scorpion but with a golden exoskeleton, a meter tall, and all at least Tier 4. They can walk on every surface; I am currently battling one walking on the ceiling. They aren't that strong for me, but I remember speaking with a veteran Gu master who told me that they were often the deadliest due to their ambush capability with that ability to walk everywhere. After killing it I observe the living Gu on him and I discover a Tier 4 Gu I never saw before, it looks like a plant with half of its petals blue and the other yellow. After finishing the nest and foraging everything of use I start finding a calm place to refine the strange Tier 4 Gu. Some days later I finally finish the refinement, the Gu immediately dissolve in a blue and yellow flash and fuse with myself, more like my aperture. After that surprise, I start checking myself and my aperture with my mind and I discover that my aperture was filled with ninety eight percent of blossom silver primeval essence. That discovery filled me with so much joy it was practically overflowing, that make me an A grade talent and that means I will be able to become Tier 4 in the next two-year contrary to the eight I hypothesize with my B grade talent.

I start going back to the settlement with my loot and plan with my new aptitude, many of my pervious plan can change for the better. I decide to stop taking long mission till I become a Tier 4 Gu master.

~Three years later~

I am now 23 years old; I have light gold primeval essence in my aperture, and I can say with certainty that the number of things below the immortal stage that can kill me is low.

I refined my natal Gu to Tier 4 along with the Amplify Effect Gu and receive a Tier 4 Time Stop Gu from the clan. I still lack the resources for the upgrade of my other Gus, but I have learned all the related knowledge from the clan library. I also took the lasts months learning the information about everything else because I decide to leave the settlement for a very long time to explore the underground and maybe discover a new part of the world. Due to my decision the tribe leaders got me access to the Tier 5 knowledge too.

I did a last goodbye to every close people I have in the village and left at dawn along with everything I could put in Pocket Space Gu. I know that parting with my parents, would hurt both them and I but I also know that in this world being strong is a necessity and the truly strong can do everything they imagine.

During my first year outside I start by returning to the space room and explore the middle part of it. It was quite easy now that I am a Tier 4 Gu master. I found many things notably many Rank 5 materials and even some wild Gus. The only Gu that could become part of my set is Tier 5 Space Slash Gu, an offensive Gu that create a five meters slash during twenty-five meters, it's a powerful single direction attack, quite useful when the Poisonous Spider Gu isn't enough. During this year, I also upgrade my Pocket Space Gu twice putting it at Tier 4 and One with Space Gu once to make it Tier 4 too. The resource I found where also enough not worry about space path before reaching the Tier 5 peak. I stay the rest of the year in this cave trying to comprehend the space path and how it interacts with time path.

My second year start by exiting the space room and starting to explore farther than most Gu master from the settlement ever gone in the last two hundred thousand years. I found many different environment, water, poison, earth, and metal of course. And some more rare like wind, fire, and snow/ice. During those exploration I found everything necessary for the current and subsequent upgrade of my Poisonous Spider Gu. My only important Gu that didn't reach Tier 4 is Ethereal Time Gu because I didn't find a time path cave.

During my third year I finally reach a point where I encounter best, Gu material and Gu I didn't know that means I reach a point where the tribe didn't have information. That trigger my scientific side quite a bit since I start experimenting on everything I found. The only benefit I had outside of the research and my rising attainment was the discovery of a lifespan Gu, even if it was protected by the strongest mutated beast king I ever saw, so strong that I had to poison him to weaken him before killing him with a boosted space slash. Just to remind the world, the poison from my Gu is boosted by the Rank 4 Amplify effect Gu making it four time stronger than the original, meaning strong enough to instant kill every think before Rank 5. I was lucky it was a seventy-year longevity Gu.