
Reverend Insanity - Two Faced

Transmigrating to an unfamiliar world, our protagonist found that he has two bodies. He sets his sights on exploring what this new world has to offer. The way of the demonic path is to achieve your goals or die trying. --------------------------------------- Reverend Insanity Fanfic Server: https://discord.gg/8CPkFat35N

Supernerd4000 · Bücher und Literatur
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3 Chs

Fifteen Years of Torture Leads to a Sign of Hope

"Old Shu, you've been my servant since I was a toddler. For that, I respect you greatly. No ordinary mortal would have the tenacity to deal with my shenanigans for such a long time and into such an old age. I had once wished it would last forever, but all things come to an end…"

"Master, you have not been as disobedient as you think. Even back when your father would tell you down for your aspirations to be the next Immortal Venerable and scold me for not teaching you properly, you never once took it to heart, apologizing to me before even caring for your own wounds. When you awakened your A grade aptitude, I was proud of you, and that pride didn't diminish even when that incident took place. Even with a hole in your chest, you assured me it would be fine. No matter what you order, I will take pride in my undying loyalty to you."

"Sigh… Old Shu, I trust you more than anyone else in this world. For that reason, it is truly painful for me to say this, but…"

"No matter what you say, I will respect your decision."

"Oh how I wanted that dream to last forever, but I can't be selfish anymore. From today onwards, you will serve my son instead of me. He is young and lacks confidence, but I know that he will rise under your care."

"It will be my honor."

On the day of the awakening ceremony, Wei Xi Yuan stood still at the window for many hours. His expression was blank, but his mind was racing faster than he could keep up. Maybe it was to be expected; it was the day when the future of his bloodline would be decided. He had already made one life-altering bet in the form of sending Old Shu to serve his son, but how many more would he have to make? 

To mortals, his power may make them tremble in fear and worship him day in and night out, but he could not see the future, control the rain, or cause the sky to anger. 

"In my youth, I would not have hesitated. These six years have truly taken a toll on me." The rank 2 peak stage Gu master muttered under his breath. Outside his window it was cold, which was normal for January in the Northern Plains, but the frost had not yet slipped through the miniscule cracks in all matter, making the chill of his breath seem almost eldritch in nature.

It wasn't until he heard some noise from his son's room that Wei Xi Yuan turned his head and realized how long he had been standing there.

Wei Xi Feng opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. When he first came to this world, he would wake up every morning feeling uncomfortable, uneasy, and confused. It was different after fifteen years.

"Young master, your father has informed me that I will be in service to you from today onwards." A voice which seemed like it had spoken a billion different words pulled Wei Xi Feng out of his stupor. Of course, Wei Xi Feng knew this voice; it had been a constant presence in his new life from birth to the present. This was Old Shu, his father's most trusted servant.

It took Wei Xi Feng a long few seconds to process what Old Shu had said. After all, his father trusted Old Shu's advice more than his own. For Old Shu to suddenly become Wei Xi Feng's servant, it meant that his father had likely lost hope in his own abilities and was placing his legacy in the hands of his son.

"Very well."

Old Shu and Wei Xi Feng did not talk to each other through the whole process of getting prepared for the awakening ceremony. Old Shu was simply helping his new master get dressed for the most important day of his young life the same way he had perfected across his seventy-odd years, and his new master would not care too much about their relationship.

"Young master, please allow me to lead you to the tribe pavilion where the awakening ceremony will be held." Old Shu said after confirming that Wei Xi Feng was fully prepared according to his status and the customs of the Northern Plains.

Wei Xi Feng simply nodded his head and let Old Shu lead him out the door. 

Six years ago when the ten-year blizzard took place and his father was injured, Wei Xi Feng started to focus all the despair of his two bodies in Wei Xi Feng's body. It had now materialized as a sense of depression, giving him the reputation of a quiet kid. Unlike the good and bad reputations from The Legends of Ren Zu, which allowed Verdant Great Sun to escape the ordinary abyss, Wei Xi Feng's reputation was nothing but ordinary. Although he did not have a good reputation, he was not the reason for anyone's fear, even being harassed or bullied by the children of elders who had misgivings with his father. Although this reputation may not be extraordinary, Wei Xi Feng knew that it could have a good use in the future under the prerequisite of him awakening his aperture to a decent aptitude.

Along the way to the central tribe pavilion, there were many instances of parents sending their children off to become adults and have their future revealed. Sometimes, Wei Xi Feng thought of how his father didn't show him the same support like that, but he understood that his father was in a difficult place politically and that he could easily become a weakness to be targeted. 

The snow lining the road in the wealthy Gu master districts of the Wei tribe's village seemed to cover more and more of the outskirts of the road as Wei Xi Feng and Old Shu made their way to the tribe pavilion. 

It was not a pretty sight to see hundreds of youths his age standing around the pavilion, partially because Wei Xi Feng knew most of them. Wei Ren Ting, the son of the famous mercenary Wei Ren Yu, was one of the worst kids Wei Xi Feng had ever known in either of his lives. Although Wei Xi Yuan was far stronger than Wei Ren Yu, Wei Ren Ting clinged by the sides of Wei Wen Ye and Wei Xi Mao, both of whom were the children of elders. 

Without a second glance, Wei Xi Feng kept his eyes away from that group, but the group of three only needed him to glance once to decide to start trouble. 

"Xi Feng, today's our big day isn't it?" Wei Wen Ye said seductively.

"Sigh, Wen Ye, why are you wasting your time with this trash?" Wei Xi Mao said. 


Wei Xi Mao was unlike the other two in his group; he was not aggressive towards Xi Feng on his own behalf but on the interest of his father, who also happened to be Wei Xi Feng's uncle and Wei Xi Yuan's older brother. It was no secret that the two sides of the Xi family were not on good terms.

"What's wrong Xi Feng, are you too shy to talk to even us, your friends?" Seeing that Wei Xi Feng was not responding, Wei Ren Ting tried to escalate the situation. The palm of his hand made a slapping sound and caused Xi Feng to flinch when it landed on his back.

"What's wrong Xi Feng? Are you feeling under the weather? Do you need to go home? Wouldn't it be a shame for you to miss your big day?"

Old Shu could only internally sigh. Although he was an adult and these were children, he was a mere mortal while they were the children of famous Gu masters. Even if they were assaulting his master, he could not step in at risk of his own life and his master's reputation.

"Shouldn't you be focusing more on your big day?" Xi Feng retorted.

"Oh? A little feisty eh? I think you should be more submissive, like your father!" On the word 'father,' Ren Ting placed his hands on Xi Feng's side and pushed, sending him to the ground.

As he landed on the frozen ground, Xi Feng held the pain deep within himself and started to stand back up.

Ren Ting would never allow this, and placed his foot on Xi Feng's back to keep pushing him down, but they heard a loud sound coming from the pavilion stage and stopped in their tracks.

"Progeny of the Wei tribe, heed my call! Yesterday you were children; now you are men! For the one hundred and thirty three years since our ancestors arrived in Nanjing Valley, our bloodline has held this ritual every year. Even before our ancestors entered the valley, there are records of this ritual taking place. Men of Northern Plains should not fear the possibility of death, but cherish the opportunities they are given. Our ancestors fought hard for the future of this tribe, many of them giving their lives. Do not disgrace them with your actions, whether it be today or after you have joined the tribe's ranks. And to the women, know that whether you succeed or fail, after today you will not be children anymore. Giant Sun Immortal Venerable had once said: 'Women are like clothes while brothers are like our hands and feet.' Once you have gone through the ritual, you must serve your husband well and dedicate yourselves to the future of our bloodline. Do not forget your duty as tribesmen of the Wei tribe, and do not forget the sacrifices your ancestors have made." 

With that, the Wei tribe leader's speech concluded. Although Ren Ting still wanted to bully Xi Feng a little longer, he had no choice but to join the crowd with Wen Ye and Xi Mao to complete the ritual.

Wei Wen Ye felt like she was slapped in the face. Although she was the daughter of a tribe elder, that did not change the fact that she was a woman. In the Northern Plains, women were subservient to their husbands and treated as a commodity. Wen Ye's internal identity meant that she would not be sold as a slave, but now that she was an adult, she would soon be married off. With that thought, she glanced slightly in Xi Mao's direction before dismissing her thoughts. It was not in her control whether she would marry Wei Xi Mao or not.

After the trio of troublemakers joined the crowd, leaving Xi Feng on the cold dirt ground, Old Shu quickly ran up to him and helped the young man onto his feet. Xi Feng was not badly hurt, but today was important after all. No mishaps could happen at this crucial time.

"Thank you Old Shu." Wei Xi Feng said as he let go of his servant's hands and walked towards the crowd after Ren Ting, Xi Mao, and Wen Ye with a slight hobble to his step.

Old Shu was stunned for a moment by his new master's kindness before returning to where he had once stood. Regardless of what his master said, he was still a servant and knew his place.

Xi Feng was not one of the first youths to enter the tribe pavilion when the gates opened, but one of the last. He had gained a basic understanding of the Wei tribe's awakening ritual from his father and would not jump to be the first in line for anything these barbarians wanted. 

Inside the tribe pavilion was a long hall lit merely by the slight glow of hope from above and below. Despite the darkness, Xi Feng couldn't help but feel the beauty of this scene. He felt that the interior was not as decorated as he believed it deserved. Of the other youths now in the hall, none of them were nearly as stunned by the sight as Xi Feng was.

"These monkeys are truly uncivilized." Wei Xi Feng thought before pulling himself back to clarity. He could have these thoughts, but would never dare to say them aloud. 

The crowd started moving again, not continuing towards the tribe leader's throne but instead going into the right hall. The youths in the front were led by a group of servants who did not dare talk, while the youths in the back simply followed. In the Northern Plains, men were believed to be able to fend for themselves, but the tribe elders would not allow them to wander the pavilion and decided on the measure of sacrificing a few servants every year.

Once in the right hall, the youths saw a well in the middle. Although it was a well, it had no bucket, pulley or water.

Although there was not enough light for them to see the tribe leader, his voice resounded like thunder and shocked the ears of these youths. Xi Feng was stunned by the sound but did not show it.

"When you hear me call your name, step forward and jump in the well. First, Wei Lu Tao."

Hearing this, Lu Tao, who had large muscles, stepped forward and dived head first into the well. Immediately, the light of hope shined on him and caused him to have a certain feeling, sending him flying out of the well and onto the floor of the right hall.

"Wei Lu Tao, five seconds, no talent to become a Gu master." 

Wei Lu Tao was stunned for a second before despair took over. He had lived his life for this moment. He promised his father and grandfather that he would awaken an A grade talent, but was it all for nought? Before he could say anything, servants walked over and picked up his heavy body, taking him into the shadows on the side.

"Next, Wei Xi Mao." The tribe leader called. Hearing this, everyone in the hall became silent. Wei Xi Mao was naturally not an ordinary youth. Since young, he had shown great intellect and courage. He was outstanding even for the son of an elder. 

Wei Xi Mao smiled and walked up to the well. He took a single glance at the darkness below before jumping into it directly. At this time, the light of hope shined brightly and Wei Xi Mao became immersed in a sense of euphoria. He didn't expect that after he came to this world and was filled with despair for such a long time, he would suddenly regain hope for his life ahead. 

Nearly a minute passed before Wei Xi Mao was launched out of the well. He was sent high enough into the air that he found himself with the ability to catch himself before landing.

"Wei Xi Mao, fifty seconds, B grade talent!"

Hearing this, the crowd was slightly surprised. He had so much light and promise, but was only a B grade? Of course, it was already good to be a B grade talent, but the youths here always figured that Wei Xi Mao would be an A grade talent.

"Next, Wei Ren Ting." 

Wei Ren Ting stepped out of the crowd confidently and walked over to the well before jumping in without even looking down.

The light that came was immediately overwhelming, but quickly whittled down to a stable point below Xi Mao's record.

It took only twenty five seconds for Ren Ting to come flying back out of the well and land stably on the ground.

"Wei Ren Ting, twenty six seconds, C grade talent." 

The tribe leader's words made a slight frown appear on Ren Ting's face, but his confidence was unwavering and his smile returned quickly.

"Regardless of my talent, I don't believe that I, the one destined to rule the Northern Plains, cannot surpass a mere Xi Mao." Ren Ting thought.

Wei Bu Xing was slightly disappointed in his heart. He knew that this year, there were two very interesting youths with A grade potential and that at least one of them would be A grade. What the Wei tribe needed urgently was someone who could take over the duty of tribe leader. He wanted it to be one of Wei Xi Mao and Ren Ting, but it seemed like it wouldn't appear just yet.

As he thought this, Wei Bu Xing looked at his list of youths and saw that there happened to be another candidate in this age group. Although this candidate had become depressed and cowardly after that incident six years ago, he was still the son of Wei Xi Yuan.

"Wei Xi Feng." Wei Bu Xing called.

Wei Xi Feng didn't expect to be called so early and stumbled his way out towards the well. Without a reputation to uphold, Xi Feng did not aggressively jump in, but looked down the abyss first. 

It was darkness. There wasn't water in that well, and there wasn't air either. The only thing that took over the area of that well was darkness. Wei Xi Feng was privy to the matters of the clan in the early years of this life, and knew that the tribe had a dark path resource point, but he didn't have the slightest clue about where it was until today.

"Wei Xi Feng, this is a ritual to respect your ancestors! Have you no shame in tarnishing your father's reputation?" The Wei tribe leader said, pulling Xi Feng out of his trance.

Xi Feng gulped. He couldn't simply give up his one chance at a future in this world, could he?

With that thought, Xi Feng jumped down the well and into the darkness. Light immediately flowed through the hall and down Xi Feng's body, opening his pores and causing his innate primeval energy to swell. After fifty seconds— the same time as Xi Mao took, Xi Feng was pushed upwards out of the well and landed on his belly. Although this collision hurt, Xi Feng did not have to gather any strength before standing up. His body felt refreshed right now more than ever.

"Wei Xi Feng, fifty seconds, B grade talent." Wei Bu Xing announced, causing all the youths in the crowd as well as the elders standing in the darkness to furrow their brows. 

Wei Xi Yuan's cowardly brat was really a B grade talent?

While the elders thought of the political implications for Wei Xi Feng's father, the tribe leader could only hope that one of the other youths could be A grade talents. Alas, after two more hours in the right hall, there was not one more B grade talent, let alone A grade. 

"With that, the awakening ritual has concluded. Make sure to rest well and report to the academy tomorrow!" The Wei tribe leader said, fully embracing the shadows behind him.

Xi Feng walked back out of the tribe pavilion. He had lived with despair, but unexpectedly, his hope had truly ignited. Xi Feng felt that he now had a chance to become a member of the elite of this world. Although he only had B grade talent, he also had something unique to himself.

Wei Xi Mao and Wei Xi Feng glanced at each other simultaneously, a grin appearing on both their faces. It was time for them to start the journey of cultivation in this damned world.

Thank you for reading chapter 1 of Reverend Insanity - Two Faced. I apologize for dropping my other fanfiction, Jade Light Guardian. Please give me another chance.

There will not be a schedule for the time being. I'll try to update as frequently as possible, but otherwise you can find me on the reverend insanity fanfiction discord server.

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