
Revenge & Retirement

After much deserved Revenge and war the 3 main characters proceeded to find their own normal, all while juggling friendships, old flames and enemies along with new plots against their new found peace in a long time. Is it too much to ask for a relaxed life after all the fighting?

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3 Chs

God & Mother

Michael walked back and forth in front of the gates of Paradise, he was contemplating and although he had made his mind up to go forth his obedience to his god was stopping him from stepping past the gate. Uriel sighed watching his brother, quite frankly it was giving him a headache. Uriel grabbed Michael's arm to get his attention. 'All you're doing now is prolonging her suffering, he's been using physical force to get her to kneel. She's held up so far but everyone has a breaking point.' Uriel's words seemed to give Michael the push he needed. With a breath, he walked out of Paradise.

In the months after Rose's arrival in Paradise, God's patience had begun to run dry. He began to torture her with whips, at first it happened once or twice then it became a daily affair. Now it would last for days giving her very little time to recover. Even angelic healing could only heal the physical wounds but the rest was engraved into her soul would last for eternity. The only way for him to save her now was to send her to Inferno, to his mother...The Mother. He didn't particularly hate her but ever since she sided against God, they haven't had the chance to talk.

Michael opened a portal to Inferno, stepping into it and out onto the black sand at the entrance of Inferno. Unlike Paradise's gold and shiny gate, the entrance of Inferno was dark and wide open. Giant armoured scorpions walked across the sand ignoring Michael, which came as a surprise to him. He'd expect hostility towards him but it seemed like the beasts couldn't care less. So he kept walking forward, he searched the busy streets of Inferno's Lust city. While wondering since when did they have a city? Are demons civilized? If they were then since when? Even if they were known for loving materialistic things, wasn't this too much?

He stopped at a cart with grotesque-looking meat for sale, to ask for Lilith's location and he was led to Red Devil Inn. His mother wasn't at the front desk but a tall dark ash skinned demon was, his hair was shaggy and grey fell over his eyes, two of teeth from his upper set of teeth stuck out past his lips and seemed blunt. Two tiny horns poked out the side of his head just above his elf-like pointy ears, and a long lizard like tail with bright red tip waved behind him.

"Welcome to Red Devil Inn. I'm the manager, Idris, Would you like a room for one or two?" his voice was a kind and calm deep tone with a roughness to it.

"I don't need a room, I'm here to see Lilith."

"She doesn't just meet anyone, you need an appointment. Do you have one?"

"I won't need one" Michael took off the hood of his cloak enough so the demon could see.

"Tell her Michal is here and wants to meet her in person."

"How interesting, I'll let her know. Take a seat." He said and used the phone at the desk to call her.

Michael pretended not to notice the outfit and the way it fits the large man. The pants had gold cuffs at the bottom that made the light and slightly see-through black pants balloon above the cuff. On the outside of each pant leg was a cut that revealed the demon's toned legs as he walked. The top half was a sleeveless tight crop top that left little to the imagination, Michael couldn't help the heat rushing to his face when noticing what looked like a piercing on his tits.

'How sinful, I need to go back and cleanse my mind of such sin.'

He lied to himself, he'd find him self denying a lot form now on. He was looking at the red carpet on the floor, a pair of legs came into view and when he looked up the Demon was hunched over him. Michael stood up in surprise, almost knocking the demon over in the process.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to but did try to call you but you seemed lost, she's ready to see you. Follow me."


Michael's chest felt tight, it had been so long since he saw her. Would she look at him with hatred, condemn his actions against the demons? She was one of the few demons in Inferno he couldn't figure out or even gain the upper hand against. Idris opened the door for him and announced Michal's arrival letting him in and shutting the door behind him, leaving him alone with Lilith.

She was looking at him, all of her 6 eyes watching him. Her silk-like black hair and white eyes. Her red sink shimmered even in the dark room they stood in. Michale gulped her mere presence was enough to make him bow but he couldn't waste time being afraid.

"Mother, I know this is sudden and on short notice-"

"You need help but I simply can not be the one to help you."

"Mother plea-"

"Son, I know. Uriel has been keeping me posted on your father's work." She sighed and tapped her sharp nails against the tabletop.

"I am directly involved in the affairs of Inferno and Paradise. If I help you it will cause a diplomatic issue."

"There has to be a way! Please I've come all this way! I can't go back like this!!"

"Yes I know, she is a good child. Go to Idris. Tell him what you were going to tell me."

"The demon who brought me here? Mother I mean no offence but a mear low le-"

"Michael." She said in a tone of warning.

He looked down ashamed and unable to look up once more.

"It seems your father's habit is rubbing off on you. Might I remind you a mear demon took down more than half of the Halo army and won two wars, was it? The one time you won was through deceit and underhanded methods."

  The third war was a blow to their ego but none of them dared to say a word. Watching the plot unfold and knowing what they were doing was no different from what they expected from the enemies made them feel dirty. Michael pressed his lips shut at the memory of it and simply nodded. 

"I am sorry...I know. If you think the demon can be of help...then I shall ask him. I'll get going now, Mother."

"May you be safe and of sound mind wherever you go."

Michael nodded and left the room, on his walk back to the front desk he once again began thinking about the consequences of his actions. If he failed, it would end badly for him and the woman he was trying to save. When he arrived at the desk, Idris wasn't anywhere in sight, so he looked around for a bit and saw him standing at the entrance talking to another demon with red skin and marks on its face and exposed shoulders. The two seemed to be having a pleasant conversation and were walking in only for the one with red skin to stop when it noticed Michael. He expected to see fear or hatred in its eyes as a lot of demons reacted the same way but it seemed he'd met yet another demon he couldn't figure out.

"Will you be staying the night?" Idris asked when he noticed Michale.

"I do need to talk to you, in private. Lilith said you could help me with what I need."

"Is that so, in that case just give me a second." Idris turned his attention back to the other demon.

"Lyla, would you like your usual room?" he asked.

"Yes and also my usual arrangement, I'll leave when the first bell rings."

"Going to visit her I see."

"As always. She's requested some items and asked for personal delivery."

"Hm, well you know where the keys are."

"I'll show myself to the room then." The woman eyed Michael and smirked at Idris.

"Have fun and tell me what it's like, I doubt I'd ever get graced with holy presence."

She left after saying those words, which only confused Michael and he looked at Idris to see how he reacted to them but he looked the same. Unphased and Distant. The two made their way to the opposite side of Lilith's meeting room, they entered an area meant for staff only and entered the room with Idris's name on it. Once they were inside Idris told Michael to make himself comfortable. So he sat on the edge of the bed since Idris stood by the only other seat.

While he was thinking of how to start the conversation, Idris was taking off the clothes on his body, until he was completely naked. He approached the angel who sat on his bed and carefully knelt in front of him. He placed his hands on the angel's knees which finally seemed to get the being back to reality. Michael's eyes were wide in shock at the sight before him, confused and flustered at the sudden development he stood up and stepped away from Idris putting a good distance between them.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Isn't this the help you wanted?" Idris seemed confused as he stayed knelt on the floor.

"What! Why would I- Get up and put something on first."

Idris did as he was told and then waited for Michael to calm down and talk.

"This isn't what I meant, What made you think that?"

"You're not the only angel to step into a room with a demon."

"...other angels come here?"

"Quite a few actually, claim it to be pure love but no one knows lust better than demon. Most of them promise divinity in exchange for sex. It's why many demons despise Angle's, nothing but a bunch of hypocrites the lot of you are." Idris stated his tone as cold as ever.

As much as Michael wanted to know more this was not the time, he sighed and asked Idris to sit down. He began to explain the situation and Idris listened calmly to him.

"So you think you can help?"

"I can not but I know those who can."

"Quickly take me to them then."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. The woman from earlier-"

"You mean the red-skinned demon?"

"We'll she isn't one of us, Delilah is a soul that is cursed to stay in the Inferno for eternity never to be reborn again."

"A cursed soul? A human one?"

"Yes, she is here of her own will. Do not look at her with pity, she is treated as an equal here in Inferno unlike how you have been treating your guest."

Michael had nothing to retort to after all Delilah seemed quite happy to be here judging from the previous interaction.

"She is visiting Madam Azura."

"General of Inferno's Strongest Army? Is she not here?"

"The falling out with Helios had taken a grave toll on her, she began to despise Inferno and all those who betrayed her. After leading the rebellion successfully she retired to another space along with the Pride Land's 3rd prince. The two have never been traced, only Delilah knows where they are."

Michale sighed as he processed the information, to receive help from an enemy was not on his list of things to try. He had witnessed Azura's power before, the demon fought with such brutality it sent angels running off the field. The wild look in her eye and sharp teeth were visible as she grinned while taking down angel after angel, with blood-curdling screams and wings being ripped and shredded. He had put out a fight with her as well, and both left the war with a sense of recognition, tho he knew he wouldn't have held out much longer if not for the command to retreat.

Now he had to ask her for help, would she even help him? He had no time to contemplate as he and Idris made their way to the upper floor where Delilah was residing. He knocked on the door and Delilah opened it shortly after. She seemed confused at the sight before her.


"Could I have a word... it's urgent."

Delilah stepped aside letting them inside and once more Michael felt an emotion he hadn't felt before nor did he like it. A long uncomfortable silence fell over the room the demon's eyes looked at Michael, clearly she didn't seem to trust him. 

"Idris you realize what your asking of me, yes?"

"I do, it's for a good cause."

"A good cause? Have you forgotten the pain they put her through?"

"Yes but-"

"NO! Forget helping him she'll skin him and pluck all his feathers until he looks like a naked chicken!"

Michal watched the two go back and forth until Idris stopped her by shaking her out of her rant.

"Just trust me, he'll explain everything on the way I'm sure she'll help after knowing it's no angel who needs saving after all."

"Ugh, fine. I better not regret this Idris. We leave at first bell got it." She ponted at Michael brow raised frowning as she shoved them out.

"Don't be late or I'll leave without you. Pack something warm."

The door slammed shut in his face leaving him stunned, Idris walked away back to his quarters and Mitchell followed behind soon enough. Idris could sense the fear from the angle walking behind him. There was nothing he could do to help the holy being.

"Try to rest, the journey will not be easy." Idris said he let Michael into his room.

"I don't need rest."

"I'm not talking about physical or spiritual rest. The story of Ms. Rose you will have to tell it from the beginning...her beginning and with all the details you might have watered down for me. It's the only way to convince Delilah."

"All the details?"

"Ms. Delilah isn't generous enough to help an Angel but there's one thing she despises more than holy beings and that's abuse of power."

"What does that have to do with details."

"When you hide details it also sounds like your defending the abuser and downplaying his role in Ms. Rose's suffering."

"Tha...that's not.." Michael bit his lip and frowned, he knew he'd been trying to always justify his God's actions and many times just like Idris said downplay his evil but he had to save Rose, she didn't deserve this.

"Thats not all, if Delilah isn't convinced then Azura most likely won't help."

"What if I don't, she won't help a helpless woman?!"

"Madam Azura is a demon and she has aways been neutral when it has to do with how God ruled his domains and treats his people. They are of no concern to her, might I remind you this is a mess not of our making and we don't owe anything to humans."

"I understand that but I need her help...how can I possibly convince her? Would she even believe me..."

"Are you worried because you're an angel?"

"What else would I worry about? She doesn't even help demons let alone an enemy."

"Azura isn't like the elder demons, she's much more grey compared to us. You know she's been with Angles before right?" Idris said getting into bed.

"What?! That's no..wa...ok no that's not important right now. I have to try this."

"That's it angel, now rest and let me rest." Idris turned over in her bed and shut his eyes.

Michale sat on the windowsill and leaned his head back, he couldn't sleep but he shut his eyes none the less.

Time to leave came too soon at least for Michael who spent the time putting together the whole story from the beginning. He opened his eyes when he herd a knock on the door, Michael looked around the room. Idris was no where to be seen. He stood up and walked to the door opening it seeing Delilah behind it.

"Hurry up Dove we don't have all day." She said walking away. He hurried behind her they walked to the main entrance, there was luggage outside being loaded on to a hellhound.

"Dove get the black case and be extra careful that's important equipment."

"I'm not some bird, I have a name."

"I'm aware I just don't care. You want my help and a free ride the least I get is to call you whatever I want."

That effectively made him shut up and do as he was told. It wasn't until they were on the second hellhound's saddle sitting comfortably as the hounds were large enough to fit four demons on its back.

"We have enough time for your story Dove, go on."

Michael looked at Idris and the demon gave him a reassuring hand on his back. Michale began his narration.

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