

~23 wives -Yes!! | ~Harem - You bet!! | ~Fan service - Yes!!| ~Revenge-Yes!!! *This book contains matured content!!* What happens when you are forced to start all over? Will you pick yourself up like in the case of Taro? Will you force your way from undesired to undenied?! What happens when everything you've longed to achieve is right in front of you but slips your grasp? Taro, one of the strongest warriors of Kahani, ranked as a Mykon is killed in battle by the hands of a trusted colleague, a fellow Mykon. However, in an odd stroke of luck, something absurd happens. Taro finds second chance in the most unlikeliest way. Taro is reborn by taking the place of his unborn child that his wife was carrying. Sadly, his wife dies, leaving him all alone in the world with no family whatsoever. How does Taro live his life knowing he ended one? How does Taro find his missing brother? How does Taro rise to become the fearsome warrior he once was? All this and many more to be answered. Join Taro on this adventure as he rises from zero to hero. From ashes to grace. Warning!!! This book Will have debauchery, gore, highly censored words and lots more. ADVICE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC, IF THIS IS NOT YOUR CUP OF TEA, AVOID IT. *Kindly support this book with powerstones, golden tickets and gifts if you may. *THIS IS MY FIRST BOOK SO THERE MAY BE SOME ASPECTS I'M STILL SHAKY AT. DISCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/SSCP6Yce

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The search

The faces of the people in Kahani were aglow with pure happiness and relief on this joyous day. Smiles were as abundant as the sunshine, and laughter echoed through the corners of the city, drowning out the memories of the recent war.

The sound of drums resonated through the air, creating a rhythmic backdrop to the celebrations. It was as if the beats of those drums were lifting the spirits of every citizen, filling their hearts with jubilation.

In the streets, people embraced one another, and their faces radiated sheer joy. The weight of the past was lifted, and the victorious North had reason to celebrate. The happiness was not just a fleeting emotion; it was a collective, overwhelming sense of triumph and unity that permeated every corner of Kahani.

In the largest hall of the land, where the Soldiers of the Iron Flux were gathered, there was an uproarious outburst of laughter. Laughter lines etched themselves around the eyes of the soldiers as they relished Layd Taki's humorous tale. Their faces were lit up with mirth, and their hearty guffaws filled the hall.

As Layd Taki regaled his comrades with his comical story, the soldiers couldn't contain their amusement. Their mouths stretched into wide grins, and some even doubled over with laughter, clutching their stomachs.

"....there I was in the midst of the Mystts, I swung my fist and they all fell like Sage Barny's breasts!!" The atmosphere was charged with infectious laughter, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and shared joy.

Amidst the laughter, wine flowed freely, and every Iron Flux member held a cup or two in their hands. Their faces displayed a delightful combination of merriment and revelry, with cheeks flushed from both laughter and the overflowing wine. It was a moment of levity and bonding among warriors, as they celebrated both their victories and the simple joy of each other's company.

"Yesterday was the day we demonstrated the South's vulnerability, we didn't just win; we pulled off a strategic masterpiece that should be studied in military academies!" one of the swordsmen proclaimed and they all laughed

"If their strategy was a book, it would be titled '101 Ways to Fail Miserably" added the other "I bet it would make 1 fine collection in Maestros library "

As the three enigmatic men entered the hall, a hushed anticipation swept through the crowd. Whispers and murmurs filled the air, but when the man with the wounded eye appeared, gasps of shock and concern rippled through the onlookers. Their eyes widened, and brows furrowed in sympathy.

As the chant of "All hail our iconic Mykons" echoed from the corner, a surge of reverence washed over the faces of those gathered. A mixture of admiration and awe painted their expressions. Some beamed with pride, their eyes shining brightly, while others wore looks of deep respect.

But just as the cheer swelled, one of the men raised his hands, and a collective hush fell over the room. The crowd's expressions shifted abruptly, their faces mirroring surprise and obedience as they fixed their attention on the commanding figure before them. Fearful and expectant gazes locked onto him, waiting for his next move.

"While we achieved victory yesterday, our foes in the South remain relentless in their pursuit to see our demise. However, rest assured, as long as I draw breath, Kahani shall remain unshaken. I, Mykon Taro, have pledged to rid our land of darkness, just as I shall strive to bring light to the other six Northern kingdoms. This is why I've resolved to embark on a quest to find one of the fabled Tears of the 4 Supremes, specifically the legendary Ultrax."

Mykon Taro's powerful declaration hung in the air like a charged storm, electrifying the crowd with a newfound sense of purpose. Their faces lit up with a fervent enthusiasm, eyes gleaming with hope and determination. Cheers erupted as if a dam had burst, the sound of clapping and joyful shouts echoing through the hall.

Expressions of shock quickly transformed into ones of awe and admiration. His words resonated deeply with everyone present, reigniting their belief in a brighter future. Enthusiastic smiles broke out, and fists were raised in support, a sea of passionate faces all aligned behind Mykon Taro's vision.

As he mentioned the fabled "Tears of the 4 Supremes," a wave of wonder washed over the crowd. It was as if a cherished childhood fairy tale had suddenly become a tangible reality. Eyes widened with astonishment, and murmurs of disbelief and excitement filled the air. They were now swept up in the grandeur of a quest that transcended their wildest dreams.

"The Ultrax, it's said, bestows immense power upon its possessor. Imagine, if we can successfully secure it for the North, our might could eclipse that of the South, East, and West combined!" He continued...

... "For centuries, the whereabouts of the Tear of the Supremes has eluded humanity, but remember, secrets can't stay buried forever. We suffered the loss of valiant brothers and honorable men yesterday, and we're determined to ensure that never happens again, with the mighty aid of the Ultrax!"

With a face marked by scars, one of the three individuals declared, "We require volunteers from all the Northern realms: Kahani, Azzharbar, Shodan, Zeko, Sonn, Foxxin, and Nixx. We seek a minimum of 20 robust men." His expression conveyed determination and resolve as he continued, "I, Mykon Conho, will take the helm of this expedition alongside Mykon Taro, and we embark on our journey two days from now."

The one with a wounded eye inquired, "Why am I being left out?"..

Mykon Conho's face showed a stern and resolute expression as he responded, "Mykon Tarr, you're excluded because your injuries haven't fully healed. Your participation would undoubtedly hinder our progress, and I can't risk traveling with someone who may impede our mission."

A hint of sympathy softened Mykon Conho's features as he suggested, "You'd serve a more vital role by remaining here to safeguard the city, rather than accompanying us on this expedition." His expression conveyed a mix of understanding and concern for Mykon Tarr's well-being.

Though discontent was evident on Mykon Tarr's face, he reluctantly accepted the decision, recognizing that he had no alternative but to stay behind.

*Author's note**

Hi guys, this is my first novel.

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