
Revenge; Demon kings Fall

The Demon king evades the the nations killing everyone but the human kids, ash is the main character and a demon king level human will ash fight for humanity or join the demon ranks.

chijioke_9477 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Meeting the demon king.

"hey kid, wake up, were here, I think" said one of the kids said even though he was the same age as ash, he was one of the kids who got captured by the demon king`s minions.

"I`m up, I am up. Where are we, is this hell a... are we dead", said as they finally stopped in a hall full of children locked in different cages.

"shut up slugs", said one of the demons as he was frustrated from hearing them talk.

The demon king entered the room and it was immediately silent in the room as he was elegantly dressed in a red robe and gold alignment on the edges. He was with the demon queen his wife, she was also dressed in an elegant red dress with gold alignment and a beautiful crown with golden feathers.

"children, children settle down", said the demon king calmly, "we aren`t the bad guys here it those horrible humans who attacked us first while signing their treaty what insolent brats all of them are worms" he said angrily.

All ash could think of was how the demons killed his mother, he started to cry again but this time with anger.

"so I think I have a way to keep everything under control, the demon realm is ten times as big as the human world so we are going to have a little tournament just a between battle the humans who volunteer and they will be ranked in the demon school. So who is going to volunteer".

Everywhere was quiet until a little but muscular boy named Lucas who had red hair and was a little taller than his mates, he had been the first volunteer, the second was ash he was tearing but was filled with the fire of vengeance.

Ten other children volunteered and that was all.

"is that all, seriously, I mean I know humans were cowards and week but seriously…, ok, ok those who volunteered move to the left and the rest will be served as dinner for the guardians of hell." as he left the other children began to shout and say they volunteer but it was too late they were already dead even though they were still alive.

Ash was happy that at least he was part of the living for now.

The demon king had told his servants in the palace to dress the fighters well and bring them to his office.


"hello human children you are bravest of your paretic human kind, so let me introduce you to the elf`s nation" said the demon king as a tall man and his wife the king and queen walked in with a silver garment as they took their seat next to the demon king.

"the elves helped us a lot in this battle against the humans so they will get to take only six of you for they will also be participating in this tournament of epic proportion" he said as he gestured for the elves to choose the child they want as if they were packages to be chosen.

Ash and Lucas were friends in the human world and they prayed to be paired together for the tournament.

And the elves began to choose their warriors

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