

"Sebastian what did I ever do to you, to deserve this ill treatment?". I asked him with tears in my eyes. "I hate you so much Bianca." Sebastian said to me with a cold and a harsh tone. I stood there like a drenched cat, letting the tears flow down my cheeks freely. Sebastian fixed his eyes on the magazines on his hands, not showing any sign of sympathy towards me. "Fine. This will be the last time you would be seeing me." I said to him with a shaking voice. "Go faraway, where I would never have to deal with you again." He replied back to me coldly. I nodded my head in tears, barging out of the bedroom. I ran away to a deserted place, where I would have nothing to associate myself with someone like Sebastian and his family. ******** My name is Bianca Mowers, I'm the only daughter and child of the Mowers. I went into a contract relationship with the toxic son (heir) of the Kurtz. I ended the relationship with Sebastian, not knowing that it would be the beginning of my motherhood to my daughter, Zoey. Fate reunited me back with my ex fiance, after so many years of separation. What does fate really want? How would he react, when he finally finds out about our child?......

Authoress_Oma · Urban
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86 Chs


I and mother left for Manchester, while father decided to stay back at Birmingham for the meantime. I rented a one room apartment for him over there, since his presence would be mostly needed in the upcoming lawsuit in court.

I returned home a bit late in the afternoon, and the first person I went in search for, was my daughter. She wasn't at home when I and mother arrived. I hurriedly went to Jasmine's room to find Jasmine and ask her about my child's whereabouts.

Jasmine was getting ready to leave for work and thankfully I caught up with her before she left.

"Jasmine, Zoey is not home. She doesn't leave so early like this." I said worriedly.

"Since yesterday, she ran away from home. I guess she's at her friend's place." Jasmine replied.

I couldn't stop panicking, and I hurriedly left the house in search of my daughter. I went to Yvette's house first but she wasn't there, and next was Hannah's. Zoey wasn't also there, and I decided to check out Mia's house. Mia's family was the closet to us. Her mum was a very good friend of mine here at Manchester.

**Mia's home**

I rang at the door bell twice, pulling myself together. Aina opened the door, surprised to see me. She welcomed me in, while I searched for Zoey with my eyes, round the house.

"Bianca, I'm surprised you visited us today." Aina said to me.

"Aina tell me, Zoey is here right?".

"Oh Zoey? Yeah. She came here yesterday and she said that you allowed her to stay at our place for a meantime." Aina revealed.

I gasped out happily, because I have finally traced my daughter's whereabouts successfully. Aina called Mia over to living room, and Zoey followed her. Zoey was putting on Mia's night gown and she looked so tiny in those. I was happy to see her, and she didn't know I was coming.

"Aunty, what is my mum doing here?". Zoey asked, surprised to see me.

"Zoey, is this where you hid huh?". I asked her disappointedly.

"I'll be going upstairs." Zoey said, trying to walk away.

I ran after her, dragging her by hand after much struggles. I pulled her to a corner of the house, where no one would over hear us. Zoey wasn't ready to listen to me at all. I cupped her face to my direction, but she kept turning her face away from me.

"Why are you acting this way Zoey?". I asked with so much pain in my voice.

"Is uncle finally in jail now?". She asked sarcastically.

"Not yet." I responded.

Zoey looked at my face, surprised that I was still heads on to end the Kurtz family. She shook her head, trying to walk away again. I stopped her, while she murmured to herself.

"I don't want to associate with someone that's this cruel." She said bitterly.

"You happen to be my mum. What did his family do to you?". She asked me.

"Do you want to really know?". I asked her.

Zoey nodded her head, while I took a deep breath. I tried my best to control my tears. I really missed my daughter so much, and she was just being so stubborn because of a stranger.

"Tell me. Uncle is a nice person, or is it because he ended your friendship with him?". She asked childishly.

"You know nothing child. Zoey, some day you will even support what I'm doing now." I said to her.

"I won't. I'm not heartless." She replied.

I held myself from hitting her face so hard, because I didn't want more issues between us. Aina and Mia approached us, because we have taken so long in our secret place. Mia stood next to Zoey, while Aina walked up to me, noticing my moody face.

"You even lied to your Aunt about me allowing you to stay here." I said to Zoey, infront of Aina.

"Seriously?". Aina asked shockingly.

"Aunt Aina I'm sorry about that." Zoey apologized feeling embarrassed.

"Let's go home Zoey." I ordered her.

Zoey shook her head, holding Mia's hand tightly. I squinted my eyes, looking at her. I exchanged glances with Aina. She pleaded with me to calm down. I was already getting tired of the entire nuisance.

"I'm not going back home with you." Zoey said to me.

"Why? Did you fight with your mum?". Aina asked her.

"Mum please let her be. If she wants to stay here for a while, then it's cool." Mia added.

I pulled Zoey's hand from Mia, but she removed my hand. Zoey took some steps backwards, while I kept looking at her confusedly.

"Mum please just go home. I'm not yet ready to go home." She pleaded.

"So you won't come home with me?". I asked her.

"Yes. Even if you beg me." She replied.

I nodded my head laughing in pain, while Aina looked at me pitily. She could see the pains of a broken mother inscribed on my face. Mia walked up to Zoey, assuring her that she was with her.

"Till then, be a good girl. Don't miss your classes." I advised her.

"I won't. Thank you." She replied.

Zoey held Mia's hand, going over to the staircase. I watched her climb up the stairs, while tears rolled down my cheeks. Aina was confused about what could have really gone wrong.

**Mia's bedroom..

Zoey leaned against a wall in Mia's bedroom, crying like a baby. Mia wrapped her arms round her, consoling her.

"I broke mum's heart. I hope she forgives me." Zoey said.

"Are you doing the right thing? How can you choose a stranger over your mum?". Mia asked her.

"Cute uncle is like a family to me. Why will mum file a lawsuit against him and his family?". She asked in tears.

I left there, going back home. Mother was hoping I return back home with her grandchild. She hated the fact, that Zoey decided to run away, just after she started bonding with her newly. She was just getting to know her grand child.

★Back home...

I barged into the house, heading over to Jasmine's bedroom. Mum noticed I was back, and decided to check me out there. She entered inside the bedroom, approaching me where I sat on a chair at the corner or the room crying.

"Where's your daughter?". She asked.

"That girl has become very stubborn. She refused to follow me home mum." I revealed.

"How could you allow her win you?". Mum asked disappointedly.

I shook my head out frustration, looking at mum. She was very disappointed by my reply, and thought I deserved better.

"She's just a child you can drag home forcefully." Mum said to me.

"What if she runs away forever?". I asked.

"Like you did right? That's a bad trait she got from you." Mum mocked me.

I sobbed, while mum consoled me. She couldn't stop complaining about me spoiling my daughter. I had no choice, but to return home with Zoey. I didn't want her to do anything I would regret in the future.