

Gu Xiaoxue was surprised when Shao Mingzhen suddenly asked her. He calmed her down before she wryly smiled, “Your guess is correct, why you must ask me? Truth be told, his cultivation is far lower than yours. But… who could have thought that he would able to break through into the fourth layer?”

“It’s really the fourth layer?”

Shao Mingzhen was stunned. He only guessed it. But now after getting confirmation, he also shared the shocks. He was not a run of the mill person with good judgment abilities regarding other’s ability. But only now did he realize that he had been mistaken. He really couldn’t judge a person by looking only at his appearance, just like you couldn’t measure the depth of the sea with a pint pot. And this time, he was really wrong beyond reason.

Gu Xiaoxue added, “I don’t want to admit it but the fact is right before your eyes.”