
Returnee's mom

Kagura, a single mother of a son, who for the last 10 years has created nothing else but hardships and disappointments for her mother. Kagura whose friends left her for not believing them and disowning her failure son is falling into depression... However a sudden morning, when Kagura is thinking of her current lifestyle, she could hear her son waking up screaming and runs to check on her, he's crying and when Kagura asks what's wrong? Her dear son hugs her, she could not hear anything after that. Because what she did not know her son had experienced next two hundred years into the future and had now returned and planned to live a different life.

parch_Seeker · Fantasie
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34 Chs


The mission of killing two small criminals wasn't really hard. Leo and Selina found them in a bar and also went in to observe and wait for them to do something. During the waiting they were having small talk about their lives and what they were planning for the future.

The two criminals seemed to offend another group drunk and a bar fight followed after that. Leo and Selina joined too of course and when those two drunks were near the door to outside, they knocked them out and dragged to the alleyway behind.

Leo had a sword while Selina did not and cut their heads off and put to a bag. Selina looked very surprised by his kindness to do it and thanked him for it. They both got two Onyx for the job they went to a nearby inn to get a room.


"Yes sir, could you stop screaming?"

A room was so expensive? Leo knew that money was rare or not used a lot but this was just robbery. Did he have to go on another missions? He really didn't want to, the inn already looked full and it was getting late.

He had to do something that was very rare of him.

"Could we get a room together?"

Selina who had also gotten the problem of not having enough money was Leo's only hope. Selina who was surprised by Leo's question agreed for the suggestion and they got a room together.

When they got in the room Leo had said that he would sleep on the floor, so he put his sword down on one of the corners and went to lay down in there. It wasn't that bad and indubitably better than someone's on the eight realm.

The room was about tree meters tall so Leo couldn't start jumping but he had no need to so it was fine. There was one 120cm wide bed on the middle of the room and window to its right and door on the left corner. The bed had a night stand and next to the door was a bathroom but no shower.

Leo had paid one onyx to get some food so they started to cook it. Selina made some water while Leo heated it and they poured it to their military food packets. Leo and Selina thanked each other and ate their meals.

They both fell asleep quickly because of the food they had gotten which made them full and full of energy tomorrow. At the same time as Leo was sleeping and Kagura bearing pain, another being was getting ready.

This ghost like woman had entered the realm door and walked all the way to the eight one. She warped to the inn that Kagura was inn and walked inside. She sat down on Kagura's bed and waited for her to wake up.

A week later Selina and Leo had been doing quests together and done enough quests to buy their new equipment. The mercenary dealer at the building was surprised and happy, that someone was doing these boring quests and enjoyed getting the small reward for them.

Leo had bought a new sword; it was longer and sharper but still saved the one he got from his mom. He also had a leather armor that was light and easy to move in. He had not bothered to buy any medicine or artifacts, because he thought that they would be useless on the realm lower than 5.

Selina on the other hand, had done the complete opposite. She had bought only artifacts and some medicine. She all kinds of rings, necklaces, earrings, some bandages and pills. They gave her some strength and speed boosts but nothing greater.

They both had bought small bags that could fit their extra equipment like food, Selina's medicine, and Leo's sword. They were now ready for something greater. They walked to the mercenary office one last time and looked at the billboard on the opposite side of the one that they had been using.

They looked for something big, where there was a lot to do and prove. Then they saw it a notice of a war between the fourth and second most powerful sects. There would be a small reward of one Onyx per kill. That sounded perfect.

Leo asked Selina, what she was going to do and she responded that she was gonna follow him. Leo didn't expect that answer but was happy to hear it. He had spent a lot of time with Selina in the past week and was happy to be together more.

If you saw Leo week and a day ago and compared him you would not believe that it was the same person. Leo, who had trained till passing out and done life threatening operations was now taking his time and doing everything slowly and easily.

The reason for that was, Leo had no need to rush. He had trained to survive on the higher realms and had accomplished that. The cult would attack the tenth realm in about ten years and that was enough if his plan worked.

So now he took his time to not do any big mistakes and live to see his mother again. They took off from the village and headed East, towards the starting large-scale war.

On the realm one lower than them something dangerous awakened. Kagura, who had been dealing with a lot of pain had gotten back her old body and was now ready to advance. But when she was completely awake and gotten her vision back, she noticed the weird woman on her bed.

Kagura grabbed her stick and pointed it at the woman.

"Who are you?"

"Is that your business?"

Kagura launched herself towards the woman, ready to pierce her chest but at that moment the woman disappeared. Kagura glanced around looking behind and over her head but didn't see her.

She then looked at the spot that she sat on and saw a small pill. It was about the size of the one that she had eaten so it reminded her of a human eye. There was a note behind it and she was shocked to read it.

*If you want to know what happened to Leo, then eat this.

Kagura didn't think twice and ate it. Like Leo she also had a weakness this weakness had killed her on Leo's past life and could in this life too. She didn't question anything that had something to do with Leo.

A friend, pill, cursed weapon? She would trust them all if someone said that Leo knew them or he wanted to give them to her. This was a big mistake but luckily Kagura didn't talk a lot with strangers so only the people that were close to her knew about it.

She ate the pill and saw something horrifying. She saw whole Leo's past life of two hundred years in twenty seconds. How he had escaped, mistreated and trapped in the army and finally killed after being used by his allies.

Kagura didn't question the information even once because Leo was in it so of course she trusted it. She was furious about the things that had happened to herself. How the army treated him and how his so-called friends treated him. But the thing that she was the most furious about was herself. How she wasn't able to protect Leo back then and, in this life, too.

She would make the people who bullied him regret those things in hell as she walked inside the realm advancing door.

Everything after this would have a place in history books.