
Return Of The Strongest Assassin: Assassin's Chronicles

In "The Return Of The Greatest Assassin: Assassin's Chronicles", prepare to be taken on an electrifying journey as Hyeong Shin, a 70-year-old assassin with 63 years of experience, regains his youth and seeks revenge on the organization he once served. With his unparalleled skills and determination, he sets out to eliminate those who once controlled his life, stopping at nothing to achieve his goal. Filled with heart-stopping action, unexpected twists, and a race against time, this gripping fiction novel will leave readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. As Hyeong Shin confronts his past and battles his former allies, the story delves into the complexities of loyalty, betrayal, and the unbreakable bonds of power. With every chapter, the tension escalates, and the stakes grow higher, building up to an explosive, adrenaline-pumping climax that will leave readers breathless. "The Return Of The Greatest Assassin" is an adrenaline-fueled adventure that will captivate fans of the thriller and action genres. With its fast-paced narrative and compelling character development, this book is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who dares to follow Hyeong Shin on his quest for vengeance. A must-read for those who crave a high-octane, blockbuster-style storytelling experience. "If no one knows how I look like! I AM THE GREATEST HERE!" WEBNOVEL SPIRITY AWARDS CONTESTANT

Hyumino_ig · Urban
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61 Chs

Soul Switch

He ran towards me with no conscience at all that he would need a better strategy than that to kill me.

"Are you really dumb or just pretending to be?"

His face started glitching out, as if the resources to supply his ability, MANA had run out.

"N-no! What is happening!? Save me please! I never once experienced the overuse penalty of my ability! It's the first time! If you spare me, I will give you money that you will never be able to finish spending and if there's any women you want, I can get you it too! Doesnt sound like a bad offer right!?"

"Oh? Women? I'm pretty sure I can just pull anyone I like with this handsome face of mine, but there's a women I would have trouble to please."

"Who is it?"


"Joe who?"

"Joe mama." I replied as he tried to land a punch in my groin.

It was a good thing that people weaker than me cannot cause me any damage if I have this daggar in my hands.