
Return Of The Strongest Assassin: Assassin's Chronicles

In the heart of Seoul, where the city's vibrant lights cast shadows deep enough to conceal even the darkest secrets, Hyeong Shin emerges from retirement with a single, unyielding purpose: to eliminate Michael, the most dangerous adversary he has ever faced. At 70 years old, Hyeong Shin is no ordinary assassin; he is a legend with 63 years of experience, honed by countless missions carried out with cold precision under the command of a shadowy organization known as "The SSS ranks."Michael was once the leader of The Circle, a brother-in-arms to Hyeong Shin. But the bond of brotherhood shattered when Michael betrayed the organization, seeking to seize power for himself. His betrayal left The Circle fractured, vulnerable, and desperate to reclaim control. Knowing that only one man could succeed in eliminating Michael, The Circle turns to Hyeong Shin, their greatest asset.However, age has taken its toll on Hyeong Shin. Though his skills are unmatched, his body no longer possesses the agility and strength it once did. Desperate to complete the mission and settle the score with the man who had betrayed everything they once stood for, Hyeong Shin undergoes a perilous ritual that restores his youth and vitality. The procedure is as ancient as it is dangerous, but the transformation is successful. Rejuvenated, Hyeong Shin is ready to take on the challenge that lies ahead.The mission is clear: track down Michael, who has established himself as an untouchable power in the underworld, and eliminate him. But this task is far from straightforward. Michael is no ordinary target; he is a mastermind with resources and connections that run deep. Every step Hyeong Shin takes is met with resistance, from assassins loyal to Michael to traps set to lure him into a deadly game of cat and mouse. As Hyeong Shin moves through the city’s dark alleys and towering skyscrapers, the narrative delves into the history between him and Michael. Flashbacks reveal a time when they fought side by side, bound by a shared loyalty to The Circle. Michael’s betrayal is a wound that cuts deep, driving Hyeong Shin not just to complete the mission, but to confront the personal betrayal that has haunted him for years.With The Circle backing him, Hyeong Shin is armed with the best intelligence and resources available. But the deeper he dives into the mission, the more he realizes that The Circle’s motives are not as straightforward as they seem. As he inches closer to Michael, he uncovers secrets that shake his faith in the organization he has served for so long. Loyalties are tested, and the line between friend and foe blurs as Hyeong Shin navigates a web of deception, all while keeping his eyes on the ultimate prize—Michael’s head. The climax of the story is a breathtaking showdown between Hyeong Shin and Michael, set in a labyrinthine fortress that Michael has turned into his stronghold. The battle is as much psychological as it is physical, with both men using every ounce of their training and experience to outmaneuver the other. The Circle watches from the shadows, their true intentions only becoming clear as the final confrontation unfolds.In the end, Hyeong Shin emerges victorious, but the victory is bittersweet. The revelations uncovered during the mission force him to question everything he has ever believed in. The Circle, once a beacon of loyalty and order in his life, is revealed to be as corrupt and power-hungry as the enemies they sought to eliminate. With Michael dead, Hyeong Shin is left to ponder his future—whether to continue as The Circle’s weapon or to forge his own path, free from the chains of his past. "The Return of the Greatest Assassin:Assassin's Chronicles" is a gripping tale of loyalty, betrayal, and the blurred lines between good and evil. It explores the complexities of power and the personal cost of a life lived in service to others.With heart-stopping action, intricate character development,and a plot full of twists and so,the pages unfold.

Hyumino_ig · Urban
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154 Chs


"Woah, He's majestic." The GUY I thought that the other nobody was, was not a guy, he was gay.

"Ew." My disgusted meter raised half over the top.

"How could someone be gay when boobs exist?" Said Samuel, as he didn't know about his friend's gay fetish.

"Dude, You see this shit right now?"

"I do, Weird right?"

"Hey nothing wrong with admiring a friend's body right?" The weird gay man asked.

"Well, that is right though--"

That left us speechless, Now we had a common enemy, The gay man.

"Wait wait, Is he really gay though?" We asked ourselves.

He might as well just be admiring my body, nothing wrong with it, but it is still weird, judging by his lecherous expressions...

"Common enemy?" Said Samuel, with a small nod with his head.

5 years ago, I asked my homophobic teacher, "Is it okay to be gay?" And I experienced the scene nearest to death that someone could experience.

I was almost beaten to death, if it weren't for the other 11 previous SS ranks that were nearby who heard noises of a fight rushed over in a hurry.

And then, I never heard anything else about my teacher, it was as if his existence got removed, just for me.

"Even if it was a near death experience that he gave me, this is still going too far! To erase the existence of my own teacher that had been training me since my childhood.

Having forgotten my parents face, and even voice, The teachers or previous SS ranks were my foster parents.

Adopted by the underworld since my childhood, it was easy for them to brainwash a grown man, what could a 7 year old frail child like me ever do to them?

And I believed them to be my parents.

Focusing on the matter on hand, Hearing the word 'Gay' scared me to death.

My current skills far exceed that of my previous teacher, who didn't have access to many weapons and never learnt to use many of them because of his raw strength.

"If we're talking about trauma, Mine one is not as bad as yours." Said Samuel putting a hand on my shoulder coming closer.

My PTSD occurred once again, but the best way to overcome it is to leave everything up to my partner.

And so, I gave up on everything and fainted on the ground.

A man in a black trench coat appeared from the bushes clapping, he said "Well done my boy."

And this was the last thing I heard from them.

Samuel had succumbed to the riches of the underworld, going as far as to murder his own blood relatives for some lump sum of cash.

"He is the villain in my story.."

After a while, I was awoken by a loud bang.

"Ah shit, am I kidnapped again?"

I was deemed as a traitor by the association because I went against them and did not follow the mission as they directed.

Referring to the previous Mission of assassinating the Japanese man, I was supposed to get along with him, find out important information and then execute him with no one as a witness, but I killed a lot of innocent lives this time.

Yeah, This is what happens to assassins who do not complete the mission as the orders were given.

Having been deemed a traitor, there was little to nothing I could do to gain their trust, The only things I could do was father with all the members and not try to run away.

"These guys are careless."

No magic binding skill was applied to the jail cell, allowing the use of magic.

Focusing the red sharp fire through a small nozzle, It could pierce through anything.

"I name this, laser beam!"

It was weird, jail cells of the association aren't usually this quiet.

They must be up to something, after testing out the sharpness of the red fire on the metal door, it was time to break out.

The small ventilation area right above the jail bed, yeah that's right, I'm going to escape using that.

"I can control fire right? Let me trying doing this."

I went back to the metal door and cut a small circle shaped hole that I was going to use to put off the fire alarm.

After putting off the fire alarm, it was time for me to escape myself.

The firemen arrived right below me.

Cutting off the bars of the ventilation, I got out after tweaking the settings a little bit.

Right below, the firemen spotted me.

A net was placed right beneath me, I only had to jump.

"I can do this, it is just a 15 storey building, I jumped through an airplane and survived, THIS IS NOTHING!" and so, I freefalled.

"aaaahhhhh!! Catch me! I'm coming!!"

Successfully falling into the net, After some interviews, I ruined the image of the association once again.

The scene inside the boss's room...

Breaking a glass's glass into pieces with his bare hand, blood dripping off his palm.

He was angered greatly by the issue on his hand, defamed of its reputation.

"How will you defend against this, bastard?" And so, I ran away after revealing the dark secrets of the assassin association, operating as a completely normal institution, but having the underworld as it's boss behind the paparazzi.

"How am I going to reunite with the others now?"

I copied 3 zodiac exclusive abilities from Jack, Timothy and Samuel, and it is my goal to become the ruler of all abilities.

"You dream a lot kid." It was the first message from the system in a while, Surprising me by accident.

"Woah, Were you listening to the thoughts in my head?"

"Yeah you bet."

This was dangerous news, This means he might be able to see me as well...


"No, I don't do such disgusting shit." Replied the system.


might get discontinued.

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