
Return of the Strongest Angel

"Are you sure you can beat this game?" It was a question quite commonly asked of Gabriel, all of his friends and family were worried for him. All because of his obsession with this game of his. They knew of its hellish difficulty and were worried it might consume his life. But Gabriel was not, as even with doubts coming from every person he talked to, he still persevered. And finally, after so many years of playing, Gabriel did it, he beat the game. But that was not the end, a cryptic trait, one that foretold something. And as of the next day it was finally revealed. Not only was he pulled into the game, but it was turned into reality, his stats, his hard earned character. It was all gone. But this did not deter Gabriel. All he did was smile, grasp the stars in the night sky. "I will conquer this again." There was no doubt in his mind, for he had done it once, and even if this was reality now, the whole world taken to this hellish tower, there was no doubt that he would beat it, after all he had already done it once. What was a second time.

SpacesSnips · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Ubisques - 4

The sky grew red, darkened only by the coming of night, yet there was no warning. No loud sound, no bang, no drastic ritual.

Just a gradual calming of the day, as it wound down. As blood floated through the sky to create a figure of destruction.

It took its due, the citizens died in droves. None of them could stand up to the power of the being. A mere gaze brought them to their knees and a focused cast brought their deaths.

Merely fueling its rampage.

Yet it was only like this for the others. As for Rosa, well for Rosa it was a day as normal as the rest.

She rose from bed, her eyes glowing a pale color as she tried to awaken herself from slumber. Yet it was fruitless as she knew.

But moments later, after she had blinked the gunk from her eyes on multiple occasions. Rosa finally perked up. Taking a sip of the water at her side. Cringing at the stale taste yet gulping it down nonetheless.

She curled her hair, then undid it. Then curled it once again. A growl on her face as she tried to get it just right.

However it was not meant to be as even after attempt after attempt it just wouldn't stay. She had to just look down and sigh, merely feeling disappointment as Rosa left her hair how it was and finally departed for the day.

She placed her sword over her waist, tightening it and her blouse as much and as little as she needed. Then once that was done she found herself blinking at the sun. Waking herself from the little tangent she had found herself in.

After all of that Rosa found herself ordering the same, making small talk with the people around her and finding humor in the simplest things.

She laughed as her waiter placed her food down, as she ate her favorite breakfast. Some sausages and bread.

It was quite substantial and would get her through the day as long as she snacked every so often.

By the time she had finished her breakfast though, the sun was already high in the sky. And in that case it was time to start her monotonous work.

Her most boring duties of the week.

Rosa dragged herself from her table, paid the bill, and found herself once again in the city center.

People were still quite hesitant to come out so it was not as busy as it could be. But as with all things, humans adapted, and even with the constant undead roaming the night, they still could remain happy.

And so soon she found people inhabiting the center. Flailing about in happiness.

But because of that she had to walk around, making sure that she could see everything that was going on.

It grated on her sensibilities but she did it either way. Making peace with the drunkards that had just started to drink. Or were recovering from their hangover.

But finally, after four hard hours of work she was done and could be relieved.

It was quite an easy job, as long as one had the abilities. But for once, after all the exhaustion, she was relieved to see someone take up her shift.

Yet it was then, the coming of the end. As these so called players gathered themselves around and hurried to gather more and more resources.

Rosa even found some mercenaries that she recognized among the bunch.

Those she recognized weren't that smart and didn't wave back. But she still did find them familiar.

And so she waved them off, the players and their so-called leader.

Once they were gone the true relaxation came. Using the days wage Rosa bought herself quite a relaxing evening. Yet something still grated on her.

That smile of the woman, the leader of the group.

It was for some reason ominous. Like a grim tiding of some sort of disaster.

So when at the dawn of the afternoon came, when night was soon to fall and the players came back in a joyous mixture she stalked them.

But most of all she took to the leader, Lilith. And her schemes.

For one she had knowledge that she just should not have. She knew those mercenaries and they were too block headed to use the same strategies that Lilith had.

How did she know that Lilith had used those strategies. It was in the resources she carried, and the type of prey she came back with.

It all pointed to a tactical acumen greater than even she had. It made Rosa quite envious but not enough to act on anything.

Eventually the night came closer and Lilith split off of the rest. And Rosa followed her. 

Down road after road, down alley after alley. Only to find them isolated, except one drunk man that stumbled past her.

Lilith grabbed the man, and before Rosa could even react slit his throat with some kind of wire. She smirked at Rosa and waved her hand.

And with no input of her own she found herself moving towards somewhere. Where was she going, she couldn't tell, her mind was too clouded… too clouded. Why was it so clouded.

A roar echoed through the land, her mind washing itself out and returning herself control.

But the same roar echoed through her mind. It turned towards her, and when she looked up to see what it was, she regretted it.

Rosa was thrown to the ground with a force that destroyed the buildings. Even with the seals on them, the formations.

Nothing could stop the DEMON.

Rosa felt blood fall over her forehead, drip down her lips and into her mouth. A silent cry that tried to yell out, only to be muffled by the sound of cracking buildings.

It had truly begun, and as her life flashed before her. Of countless hours training. Days of pain. She could not help herself.

She cried out for the one person that made her feel alive, that gave her that tiny bit of happiness.