
Return of the Strongest Angel

"Are you sure you can beat this game?" It was a question quite commonly asked of Gabriel, all of his friends and family were worried for him. All because of his obsession with this game of his. They knew of its hellish difficulty and were worried it might consume his life. But Gabriel was not, as even with doubts coming from every person he talked to, he still persevered. And finally, after so many years of playing, Gabriel did it, he beat the game. But that was not the end, a cryptic trait, one that foretold something. And as of the next day it was finally revealed. Not only was he pulled into the game, but it was turned into reality, his stats, his hard earned character. It was all gone. But this did not deter Gabriel. All he did was smile, grasp the stars in the night sky. "I will conquer this again." There was no doubt in his mind, for he had done it once, and even if this was reality now, the whole world taken to this hellish tower, there was no doubt that he would beat it, after all he had already done it once. What was a second time.

SpacesSnips · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Cliff - 2

A city, covered in the gold of the rich, a place held high in standards and even higher in its appearance. 

As the cart rolled upon the gravel, a road created for the sole purpose of efficiency, of beauty, those that gazed inward would see a face out of a painting.

A face so beautiful that they could do nothing but stop and gape at the passing of the guards and the carriage they held tightly to.

But there was more. And Gabriel could feel it in his bones. A twitching sensation that brought forth a visage of sin.

He shivered, the white cloth covering his skin creating a ripple that brought the attention of Rosa once more.

She noticed his gaze, set upon the magnificent buildings, the stores that stood the test of time with wares so expensive that the average commoner couldn't ever hope to afford.

And with a wave of her hand drew his gaze. Gabriel took this as a sign and rose, his naked feet touching the cold ground with a light shiver.

A nod and he took her hand in his. And once more stood to the door.

Once, twice, the door opened again and let him out despite the rolling wheels.

A flap of his wings led him to the ground, an escort in the form of Rosa, her black curls faintly covering the blush on her face.

Then with a silent squeak she took the lead. 

Gabriel smiled at the merchant, and with a nod left. A sword tied at his waist.

"Tell me about this city." Gabriel sang out. A voice that captivated the pedestrians that looked on.

But more than that, there were others. Some that stood out amongst the rest, who looked on with confusion at the winged angel.

To those Gabriel could not help but think of them as players. People who had been unwittingly trapped here with him.

But he paid them no mind. Merely a resource untapped.

"They have been coming more and more frequently. Weaker than the average guard, but they have this quant feature about them."

Rosa spoke, her gaze ghosting about the poorer looking people, the players.

"And that would be?" Gabriel asked, once more drawing the attention of those onlooking the conversation. 

"Their growth, it is quite fascinating. One was even with us, she had grown from the death of those we had helped her kill."

"Fascinating, and this has happened for how long?"

"Not much, a mere day. But so much growth, so many with this faint feature about them."

A bell rang, a door opened and held for him. A gesture that he returned with a grateful nod. Gabriel's head turned like some swivel. A gaze that held true to the countless outfits against the walls.

"Welcome, sir, lady." A woman greeted, face as plain as the clothes she wore. Her face set to the ground in order to hide her wonder.

Rosa spoke up, even if it was a whisper that he could not hear. But soon enough the conversation lulled and she returned to his side.

"This way please." Rosa guided, towards a small stool with various instruments. And with every moment that he stood there Gabriel found his proportions written down.

Another minute, two. Until almost a half an hour passed in pure silence. Neither Rosa nor he had spoken a word.

Day turned to night, all as the world passed without notice. Hour after hour, spent introducing Gabriel to all of the unique sights of the land.

The golden taverns filled with alcohol and food. Stores that sold many things. But against all of that, there was something off.

A sense that something was just not right. And as Gabriel stood in the opulent room, showered with gifts and money, he touched the wood of the bed. A knock all as he closed his eyes and focused on the sounds.

It was quiet, so quiet that there was no noise other than the crackling of the flames over in the other side of the room.

A step, once more. He turned the handle of the door but no matter the force it would not budge. As if it was locked.

From the outside too. 

He had checked, even tried to find anything hidden. But there was nothing for him to escape with.

But they had forgotten one thing. 

Gabriel unfurled his wings and opened the window. Only to shiver at the cold frost that bit at his skin.

For a moment he stared at the surface of the moons, their brilliant glow veiling the city below.

But there was something more, a mystery that needed to be addressed.

"Gabriel?" A familiar voice asked. The door jiggled and with one final push it opened.

Rosa was practically invisible in the dark and the only reason that Gabriel was even able to see her was because of the quiet fire.

But what she saw was different. A pair of wings, unfurled to their maximum wingspan, an open window that showed the city.

Blood rushed to her face as he turned to face her. Only to find a sword hung from her hands.

"There is something we have not been truly honest about." Her voice was somber. But the way she shook, the fear in her eyes.

There was no chance that he could ignore that. The same sensation he felt in his heart when the two other players had died before him. It came back with a vengeance.

And in those soft eyes, pleading for help. He could not ignore them. So, with a sigh, he sat on the soft bed. A pat to his side and Rosa fell to her knees.

Her hands grasped in a prayer as she muttered endless sins.

However before she could say something she would regret, before she could confess some terrible sin. Her hand was taken from her, and with a pull her whole body was placed in the lap of an angel.