
Return of the Strongest Angel

"Are you sure you can beat this game?" It was a question quite commonly asked of Gabriel, all of his friends and family were worried for him. All because of his obsession with this game of his. They knew of its hellish difficulty and were worried it might consume his life. But Gabriel was not, as even with doubts coming from every person he talked to, he still persevered. And finally, after so many years of playing, Gabriel did it, he beat the game. But that was not the end, a cryptic trait, one that foretold something. And as of the next day it was finally revealed. Not only was he pulled into the game, but it was turned into reality, his stats, his hard earned character. It was all gone. But this did not deter Gabriel. All he did was smile, grasp the stars in the night sky. "I will conquer this again." There was no doubt in his mind, for he had done it once, and even if this was reality now, the whole world taken to this hellish tower, there was no doubt that he would beat it, after all he had already done it once. What was a second time.

SpacesSnips · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Angel - 11

"Bring me this Angel." Amanda spoke, her voice demanding, as if she was the only person to matter on this green planet. 

And to her that may well be the truth.

The lady to a noble family, one that controlled enough territory and power that only the king could command them.

But that was the problem, she, Amanda, her great and esteemed self. Was on some sort of fetch mission.

To capture this errant Angel and bring him to the king. Not caring for the consequences. And not only that but her own father had ordered her to exterminate the town.

Of course that was not the most problematic order, after all, the only difficulty was falsifying some letters and stoking the conflict with her personal guards.

Quite easy.

No, the hard part was in capturing the Angel. From what little information Amanda had found, and by that she meant information she had ordered found.

'But really, what was the difference?' It was an arrogant thought, taking others' work as her own. But it was her thoughts, and of course she was entitled to those.

"Sure… Sure." Blake responded, the disrespect blatant, and her disregard for the orders even more so.

It grated on her to let this go, but it was fine. Blake was one of the strongest and most trusted of theirs.

It was easy then to assume that this disrespect was merely for disrespect's sake. A petty form of rebellion.

One that she barely had any heart in.

It was no wonder then, that the moment she turned away, having acknowledged that Blake had taken her order, she disappeared, leaving naught but a fluttering of the curtains.

Of which exposed the night sky and with it the moon. It shone its rays of moonlight over her face, exposing it to the light.

But just as soon, sooner more did the curtains once more close. A simple tug and so too did the window.

"Soon," She whispered, yet only the night could hear her. Words spoken, only to be discarded into the wind, of the night sky, that shone so brightly.

Wind rushed past her face, tugging her clothes tighter to her. 

Her sleeves fluttered freer so in the wind though. And in moments Blake was where she needed to be. 

Watching in the moonlight as the Angel fought off assassins. A skill in the blade that she had never seen before.

One that, despite the difference in power, let him cross the gap. It was beautiful, magnificent even. But it was stopped, by a distraction of all things.

It brought a scowl to her face, to disrupt such magnificent sword play. It was a travesty.

A fluttering of wind once more and a sword chopped the arm of one of the same assassins. Revealing from the dust a black haired woman, a similar scowl on her face.

It was then that Blake made her move. It wouldn't do to let her be. After all, her entertainment would be ruined.

Yet now, mere minutes after Blake had done so, brought this girl to the roof with her. Blocked her from helping her lord.

It was over. The entertainment was done.

So she pouted.

"That was too soon, come on, play with me a bit. I'm so bored after all~"

With that she dashed forward, her body low as she brought her claws to bear. An unusual weapon that had taken her time to master.

But all of the others, sword, spear, bow, and all of these other variations. None had felt right.

Her claws impacted the sword, a flex of her fingers brought the sword closer to her hand. She used that leverage to pull him to the side.

But this, this feeling of being so much closer to her opponent… it was euphoric.

Yet it was not the end, as the Angel stood his ground. A flap of his wings brought fluttering feathers to bear. 

"Achoo" She sneezed. 

She blinked, then he.

"Sorry." Blake bashfully apologized, only to immediately run back into combat.

The angel ducked once more but she was expecting that. Blake flipped over him and with just a bit of contact.

In that tiny second.

She was able to take a chunk of flesh.

Blake licked her claws. Moaning at the taste of the blood.

"Mmm~ So good."

"Are you…?" He barely got to finish his word before he was assaulted once more.

"Didn't know angel blood tasted so good… Might have to keep you for myself. Though you on the other hand."

Once again, while Gabriel tried to counter attack while she was distracted by his blood, the girl just ignored him. 

She turned to the side and hastily countered a kick from Rosa, only to kick her out of sight once more.

It was then that Gabriel knew that he had to get a bit more serious.

His mana flared through the night. Bringing a glow to it that undoubtedly woke people from their slumber.

A silent whisper rose from under his breath.

All in the moments that passed between the unknown kicking Rosa and turning her head back to the fight.

"Finally" There was an almost predatory gaze to her eyes. Like some sort of avian, or some sort of cat.

It was different. Different from anything he had seen from the people here so far.

They had all been baseline human's except for one that had been transformed into some sort of dwarf by some trait.

But this was different. A completely different race.

And it brought a smile to his face. For once a fight would be interesting.




[HP: 89/100]

[Mp: 1100/1200]

[strength: 1(12)] 

[dexterity: 29(51)]

[vitality: 1(1)]

[intelligence: 1(12)]

[SP: 9]


[Mythical Trait: One who has traversed the void - a level beyond normal, beyond even extraordinary, a man who has conquered more than a single one should ever be capable of. I gift to thee a boon created with the last vestiges of my life. May it help you grow ever stronger, for the man who had killed me should bow to none, be lesser than none.]

[Epic Trait: Angel - Born from the all-creator, a being of incredible power, your body is more than just a body, it is a temple created for the sole purpose of +%#$@ +2 str and int +4 dex for every level]

[Uncommon Trait: Drenched in Blood - gain a second wind upon reaching 20% percent of max HP. Usable every seven days and three full rests.]

[Normal Trait: Fleet Foot - Your dexterity has passed the realm of human and entered the realm of the supernatural.]