
Return of the Nation-Level Adventurer

[Warning This book contains gore and brutal scenes, you have been warned.] The world has been deceived to think that the might of the combined strength of the kingdoms ended the war, but they were not. The true heroes of the war were left in the dark never to be known again, that is until his great awakening. Raiden is the leader of a guild called God Slayers. Upon his awakening from his deep slumber, he realized that the world has changed and a lot of time has passed. Remembering only a fragment of the past, Raiden soon came to a realization that all of his comrades are dead, and that their guild is stained by people abusing power. He make it as his mission to claim his guild back and clean it's name for the sake of his fallen comrades.

Hyuuse · Fantasie
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9 Chs


The sight of fresh blood dripping out of those limbs gave chills to everyone who had seen it, it's too brutal and nerve-wracking. Even some of the pillagers vomit at the sight of the stomach-twisting scene. "Who the hell is that guy? I'm completely sure that there is no one near this place can do such a thing! Ripping the arms and legs require a lot of strength!" Captain Guru is shocked beyond belief, on top of ripping his men's limbs. The pair of unnatural looking eyes is making him uncomfortable. "But as the leader of this group, I should control my emotion and keep a level-head." He tells himself as he takes a step forward.

"Who dares to intervene with the business of God Slayers?!" he screamed trying to scare the uninvited guest away, but he did not achieve his intended result. In fact, the uninvited guest even stepped forward still holding the limbs on his arms, "Are you the leader of this barbarian group?" he asked, his hoarse voice sounded deep that it scared most of the pillagers away.

"What's up with his voice? Why does it sound like that? Even in the higher ranks in God Slayers, I have not even heard someone's voice that surprised me!" With another factor scaring him, captain Guru maintains a confident and cool demeanor. Compared to him, his men are already on the edge after seeing their comrade's ripped limbs, with the addition of his voice, it only made them even more scared.

"Barbarian, what a bold claim for someone who is not even significant. Do you see us as barbarians? In my eyes, the one with the barbaric nature is you. Ripping someone's limbs and carrying them like medals is more barbaric to me." He responded without hesitation. "Is that so? Pillaging harmless villages and even attempting to rape these women after you execute their loved ones in front of them, to me, you are just a hypocrite. I'm just being practical."

Captain Guru smiles at his words and gestures two of his men to deal with the uninvited guest, "You two, make sure that you teach him a lesson." He said to his best fighters, and they reluctantly take a step forward. "Why are you hesitating? He is just one man. He is able to do that to our comrade because he was alone. There is strength in numbers." He added.

This gave confidence them confidence and immediately draw their swords, the uninvited guest's eyes widens after seeing their weapon, "....Kagal." he grits his teeth after seeing their weapons. "I will surely make them pay." He said to himself as the two charge towards him. In a blink of an eye, he appeared between the two and whirled, disorienting them using only the limbs of their comrade.


The sudden attack made them lose balance, the uninvited guest lands a devastating knee on the back of his opponent and locking his arms on his opponent's neck and pulling it close to him, instantly breaking his opponent's spine killing him instantly.

It all happened so fast that his opponent could not even let out a single groan and just dies without knowing how he died, his lifeless body is thrown to the side like a rag as his comrade tries to avenge him by thrusting his sword towards the uninvited guest, "You bastard! Die-?-!" his eyes widens as the uninvited guest caught his sword barehanded. "Too slow." He says as a fist flies straight to his opponent's stomach, "KEUK!" his opponent groan in absolute pain, and before he can even recollect himself, he is impaled by his own sword to the ground through his chest.


"GUAK! KUHAK!...." his life slowly drifts away as he drowns on his own blood. "Sending your goons to tire me out and measure my strength, how pathetic." He says with an indifferent face. They all gasp in horror at the sight of the terrifying deaths making them even more afraid of the enemy that just appeared out of nowhere. "….. This guy is a veteran! The way he moves and kills his opponent is so precise to deliver instant kill in such a short amount of time! No one can do that and take out two in an instant without much experience in battle! I need him!" Captain Guru's fear towards the unknown person turns into greed.

Seeing his skills in killing with his own eyes made Captain Guru wanting to recruit him under his wing, a smile crept on his face just thinking about the heights that he will be able to reach with the unknown person's help. "You are strong- I give you that. How about you come under my wing-"

"I refuse." The unknown man abruptly responded and outright rejected Captain Guru's offer, making the latter stare at him in silence, "What? You are rejecting my offer? Are you sure about that? I am part of the God Slayers, I don't just recruit anyone." He argued, "No! I can't lose someone like him! I have to convince him somehow! Losing three people is bad if I don't get something back in return!" he said to himself desperate to recruit him under his ranks.

"Nevertheless, I don't care. You are going to die here anyway. You and your people can just kiss your lives goodbye." Captain Guru's smile disappears when he realized that there is no way to convince him to join, "Tch! I was hoping to get him on my side but to think that I have to fight him instead, what a waste." He clicks his tongue and draws his weapon. Again, the uninvited guest's eyes widens once more. "...Eros." He mutters angrily.

This puts a smile on the Captain's face knowing that he is aware of the weapon's name that he holds, "So knew this weapon's name, huh? You are more knowledgeable than you look which you even more of a waste to kill. But since we have different views, I don't think we are going to get along. So let's just end things here." He says with a confident smile.

Hearing that, the uninvited guest grins as his eyes shifts to those glowing reptilian-looking eyes once more. "How much more did you covet from my guild? You used its name, emblem, and now you are using its weapons. How are you so good at piss me off countless times today?" his words are like ramblings of an old man, Captain Guru and his men don't understand his words and take him for someone as mentally challenged. "What are you even talking about? Have you gone mad knowing that you will not be able to take me down because of my weapon? Is this the sight of you in despair?"

Captain Guru laughs at him, but the instant the uninvited guest extends his arm to the side as if he was reaching out for something changed the atmosphere, "What are you doing?- Is that a stance-!" his mind is blown off when all of a sudden, a sword appears on that person's hands taking him aback, "What? Dimensional pocket? But that relic is lost a long time ago." He mutters in shock.

"So you knew of this, huh? Well, a copy cat should at least know something to such a degree. But I guess you don't know this weapon, Lunaris."



In an instant, Captain Guru's men falls to the ground with their heads separating from their bodies, an attack that none of them have expected in the slightest. "What just happened?" Captain Guru is so shocked that he failed to understand what happened in that instant. The villagers on the other hand managed to collect themselves and move away from the pile of dead bodies.

"What did you just do? How did you do it?" With not a single one of his men survived, Captain Guru's confident voice shifted and turns to one filled with grief and fear. "You just angered someone whom you should not anger. This is the price you will pay for sullying the name of the God Slayers, fakes like you should just wait for their necks to be cut. Now stay still, I might cut your body in half giving you a more painful death than a swift one." The uninvited guest swings his swords towards the completely incapacitated Captain Guru, cutting him in half.

"My bad, scums like you should at least suffer, right?" he says with a cold tone s Captain Guru is too shock to even let out a single groan. "You are still alive, right? I will give you a gift before you line up in the afterlife." The uninvited guest drenched his hands with Captain Guru's blood and smudged it on his jet-black armor. Slowly, an emblem similar to his but more intricately designed glows in a shade a green, "This is the answer that you are wondering about before your life drifts away." He says coldly as Captain Guru breathe his last.
