
Return of the Mount Hua Sect (English Translation)

Title: Return of the Mount Hua Sect Alternative: Return of the blossoming blade / Return of the flowery Sect Originally written in Korean Language Author: Biga, LICO Translated by: NM Team Description: The 13th disciple of the Mount Hua Sect, one of the greatest third generation swordsmen, the Plum Blossom Sword Saint: Chung Myung. After defeating the Heavenly Demon and ending his reign of chaos, Chung Myung breathed his last on the summit of the Heavenly Demon Sect’s mountain. Hundreds of years passed, and he was revived as a child. But… What was that? Mount Hua Sect has fallen? What kind of bullshit is that!? Was he supposed to just live his life knowing that? “Fallen? Who said that? That doesn’t matter!” The plum blossoms fall? After a cold winter, spring comes and the plum blossoms come into full bloom once again. “But before the Mount Hua Sect returns, I need to be there first! Even if it’s in ruins, there has to be something left there—Ugh, those people in there!” And so began the struggle of the Plum Blossom Sword Saint, Chung Myung, to save the fallen Mount Hua Sect.

Sleepyslyfox · Fantasie
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37 Chs


"They told me that when I walk on the mountain, I need to keep my knees straight."

"I was told that if I wanted to get some water to drink, I needed to ask them for permission first."

"Ah fuck. They're acting so cheap and dirty."

The second-class disciples tormented the third-class disciples in any way they could imagine.

Every time they trained, they would nitpick the tiniest details and make all sorts of new rules to torment them.

Today, even though their boarding house was clean, the second-class disciples demanded they clean it until not a speck of dust could be found.

"I'd rather take a beating."

Jo Gul grunted.

He was someone accustomed to bullying others with his fists, so he couldn't get used to this kind of abuse.

"I never imagined that the second-class disciples were such people."

"I respected them!"

"We aren't in some neighborhood brawl, are their actions even acceptable?"

Yoon Jong sighed.

'There's nothing that says they can't do this.'

There was no doubt that the second-class disciples were harassing them. The malice and ridicule being directed at the third-class disciple were evident.

Despite that, their actions couldn't be criticized. In the first place, everything that the second-class disciples demanded of the third-class disciples was rules and norms set forth by Mount Hua.

Then what was the problem?

'Because such rules were established at least two hundred years ago.'

Inherently, old rules are modified and changed according to the current times.

But Mount Hua never did that.

Therefore, it was decided that the sect would pick and choose which rules to follow according to the times while ignoring the ones that were out of date.

However, the second-class disciples used such archaic rules to attack and control the third-class disciples.

Leaving everything else aside, the biggest problem was that there were common rules which gave the older ones the power to rule.

"No, they said Mount Hua's disciples should never let go of their sword. Do they want us to hold our swords even when we're bathing or doing laundry? What about when we use the bathroom!?"

"… I was told to hold it in hand even when I eat."

"And hold it while sleeping!"

"What nonsense is that? Are we supposed to memorize every rule our ancestors came up with throughout all of Mount Hua's history!?"

"… they don't even know all of them."

"That's what I am saying!"

The third-class disciples gnashed their teeth.

It felt as if their nerves were going to split in anger because of this absurd abuse of power like their lives were shortening each time the second-class disciples approached them.

"I can't even eat or sleep properly!"

"They gather us just because they're bored, and they blame everyone and swear at us even if only one person made a mistake."

"What the hell are they trying to achieve?"

"Ugh! Can't we do something about this?"

Yoon Jong sighed.

"What can we do?"

"Isn't this a bit harsh? To be honest, they aren't even hiding that they're bullying us, they are clearly crossing the line."

"Right! I can tolerate anything else, but I can't stand them disturbing our training time! Anyway, this is a martial sect, how can they dare to interfere with our practice!?"

The third-class disciples had bloodshot eyes.

Actually, until now, the second and third-class disciples had no reason to fight. The second-class disciples were too busy with their own training, and the third-class disciples would learn from Un Geom in the White Plum Blossom dorms. They had very little interaction with each other.

Still, before all of this happened. The third-class disciples felt a sense of admiration and longing towards the second-class disciples. But now that the seniors turned against their juniors like this, they were feeling an indescribable sense of betrayal.

Yoon Jong turned his head to the culprit behind this.

He looked at Chung Myung, who was leaning on a chair and said

"Chung Myung."


"… shouldn't we do something?"


"Sasuk, sasuks!"

Yoon Jong deeply sighed.

Everyone was yelling and cursing until now, but Chung Myung didn't register a word of what was happening?

Right now, the second-class disciples wanted the third-class disciples to bow before them, especially Chung Myung.

'Despite this being a boring way to get that done.'

But Yoon Jong could understand the second-class disciples in his own way.

In fact, it wasn't the second-class disciples that were wrong for feeling disrespected by Chung Myung, but the path they chose to get them to submit was wrong. To be precise, the path wasn't entirely wrong, but the way they were acting was.

Even if Yoon Jong was a second-class disciple, he would have a hard time tolerating a person like Chung Myung.

So far, there have been no problems with elders and the first-class disciples1. This was because Chung Myung never crossed the line when dealing with them. It was unknown what was going on in Chung Myung's mind, but he would always show respect to the adults within the sect.

But the Baek disciples were different.

Didn't Yoon Jong already see for himself how Chung Myung spoke with the Baek disciples?

"… isn't it obvious what they want?"


Yoon Jong sighed.

"I won't tell you to change your personality or bow to them. Just try backing down and comply for a bit…."


Yoon Jong's eyes trembled at the way Chung Myung said it.

Shit, he chose the wrong word…

However, contrary to Yoon Jong's expectations, Chung Myung didn't throw a fit. Rather, he looked at Yoon Jong with bright eyes and spoke with creepy cheerfulness.

"Sahyung, Sahyung!"


"I think I know of a better way to solve this! With this method, I can really solve everything!"

Seeing Chung Myung's face bright with excitement, Yoon Jong felt anxiousness sink into him, but he couldn't avoid asking.

"… what method is that?"

"Do you need to ask? I am going to destroy those sasuk bastards!"

As soon as Chung Myung answered, he got up from his seat, and Yoon Jong desperately yelled.

"Catch him! Catch that madman! If we don't catch him, we all die! Get him!"

Perhaps the others felt the same anxiousness, but all the Sahyungs ran and prepared to catch him at once. While they all held onto Chung Myung's limbs and pulled him back, Jo Gul jumped up and crushed Chung Myung's body to the floor.


"Don't let him go! Never let go!"

"Let go! Aren't you going to let go!"

The third-class disciples clung to him like dogs holding onto food. In their desperate eyes, there was only one thing going on 'Don't let this mad dog loose outside of the boarding house!'

"Chung Myung! Calm down! Chung Myung!"

"I will smash them all!"

"There are rules to seniority in the sect! if you ignore that, you will be excommunicated if you beat the seniors!"

Chung Myung's eyes lit up.

"Fine! I won't smash them completely! I won't! I will just hit one person! Just one I am telling you!"

"That's still fighting someone from a level higher than us, you idiot! Ugh! Just hold him tight!"

"Ah, how can this bastard be this strong!?"


Chung Myung grunted through his teeth.

"Those bastards are doing things that we didn't even do a hundred years ago! I'll just teach them a short lesson!"

A Taoist home needs to be pure and natural. In other words, it is a place unbound from norms and classes created by society.

Wasn't there a famous story of how Confucius came to greet Lao-tzu and he said to not do such things?

However, the disciples of such a sect were doing such things?

"Calm down, Chung Myung! We will be in huge trouble if you beat the sasuks!"

"All the things you did till now won't matter anymore!"

"Stay still will you!"

"Let go! Let go of me!"

The third-class disciples all built a giant human tower and pressed Chung Myung to the ground. Yet each time he wriggled, the massive tower reeled.

Seeing that, Yoon Jong broke out in a cold sweat.

'No, does this even make any sense?'

Baek Cheon is the strongest of the second-class disciples.

Until Chung Myung arrived, Baek Cheon naturally stood first among the disciples. Everyone had no doubts that he would continue to be first for a long time and eventually become the greatest master within the sect.

Jo Gul wasn't inferior to him, but learning martial arts like the second-class disciples would take time. It was virtually impossible for Jo Gul to catch up with Baek Cheon, who had already trained in martial arts for nearly a decade.

Even if it was possible, it would take decades for it to happen.

That was why the disciples were accepted with large age gaps. No matter how talented they were, it would take enough time to accumulate their skills. Therefore, the different disciples' groups couldn't overcome one another easily.

But what was happening in front of Yoon Jong now?

The youngest of the third-class disciples, who only recently entered Mount Hua, was talking about destroying all the second-class disciples.

'The real problem is that no one here thinks it's impossible.'

What if it was thought about rationally?

He couldn't understand.

No matter how strong Chung Myung was, it was unlikely that he could win against Baek Cheon. Even if Chung Myung had learned martial arts since birth, Baek Cheon would still have more years of training under his belt.

Moreover, Baek Cheon was not a man that lacked talent.

It would be impossible to overcome such a difference. A person who could do such a thing would be a genius. However, even if Chung Myung was a genius, he couldn't overcome a ten-year age gap.

If Yoon Jong thought about it rationally, it was impossible for Chung Myung to defeat Baek Cheon.

'But the problem is that it still feels like Baek Cheon sasuk will get beaten quite a lot.'

In the first place, common sense and rationality didn't apply to Chung Myung. Has anything that this guy did till now made sense?

"Chung Myung."

Yoon Jong sighed and said,

"I understand how you feel, but not now."


"The conference is coming soon."

"What about it?"

"… Baek Cheon sahyung is the person who will represent the second-class disciples. What will happen if you beat him so badly that he can't participate?"

"Come on. You don't think I will beat him like that, do you? I just need to beat him so that it hurts without leaving any visible signs, that's my specialty! Don't you know?"

"I know."

Yoon Jong knew very well because he had been hit like that countless times.

"But you can't do that. Baek Cheon Sahyung is our sasuk. Will he be able to perform properly after having his confidence shattered like that?"


"Let's hold on a little longer. It's better for us to be harassed by the Baek disciples than to be humiliated by the Southern Edge sect."

Chung Myung frowned.

"I think it would be better to just hit him."

"Just this once, I am asking you to let this go. Please. The conference is a huge deal for us. Please."


Chung Myung turned his head and spoke in a dull voice.

"Move now."

The sahyungs looked at Yoon Jong, and when he nodded, they very slowly let go of Chung Myung and moved to the side. Still, they stayed close enough to be able to catch him if he suddenly ran.

"Then we need to just wait until the conference is over, right?"

"… don't have to wait till then, but…."

"What is with you!? Say it clearly!"

Yoon Jong tightly closed his eyes and spoke as if he was quelling a raging fire.

"Yes! Only till the conference!"


Chung Myung nodded his head.

"This is something the great Sahyung requested, so I have to listen."

"… thank you, so much."

"Why are you crying?"

"No. Nothing."

'These aren't tears. It's the sweat from my heart, you bastard!'

"But what should I do if they come to me for a fight?"

"… would that even happen?"

"Just, what if?"

Yoon Jong sighed.

"Then you can handle it however you want. I wouldn't know what to do if that happened anyway."


The corners of Chung Myung's mouth curled into a devilish grin, and seeing that smile, Yoon Jong's heart suddenly felt a hundred times more uncomfortable.

"How was it?"

"… surprisingly, there was no reaction."

"Is that so?"

Baek Sang looked into Baek Cheon's eyes and answered.

"Yes. It didn't seem like they were angry enough to lash out; he hasn't even said anything that we could use to cause problems with them."

"Hmm, really?"

Baek Cheon narrowed his eyes.

'This is a little different from what I expected.'

Isn't he at a rebellious age? Baek Cheon thought that if he scratched the third-class disciples a little, they'd immediately revolt against them, and this was what he aimed for.

Mount Hua is a prestigious sect.

There are only two sins considered to be utterly taboo within the sect. One was to never touch the Demonic Arts, and the other was to usurp their seniors.

These two actions are the most heavily punished crimes. The former is related to Mount Hua's identity as a righteous sect, while the latter is a matter of challenging the history, traditions, and system of Mount Hua.

So, Baek Cheon planned to anger the third-class disciples and then use the sect's rules to tie them down so that they couldn't resist them any further. Surprisingly, the third-class disciples were tolerating their abuse well.

"Should we apply more pressure?"

"It would be unreasonable to go beyond this. If we go any farther, we may be faulted for causing the dispute."


Baek Cheon let out a low sigh as if he didn't like it.

'Then… is he not simply a hot-blooded idiot?'

Considering what he saw from Chung Myung at the dining hall, he seemed to be impatient and reckless. He was someone that didn't care about his reputation and even controlled the third-class disciples…

'Was this Yoon Jong's doing?'

Whatever the case, it was certain that Baek Cheon's plan was falling apart.

"What about the other third-class disciples?"

"There's nothing. Aside from the fact that they're doing some strange training…."

Baek Cheon gently tapped his cheek with his finger.

"I see."

"Sahyung. It's unreasonable to prolong this. We don't know when the sasuks will grow displeased with our actions, and there isn't much time left until the conference too."

"I know."

Baek Cheon nodded his head.

"Now that it's boiled, it's time to scoop out the porridge."


At Baek Sang's question, Baek Cheon smiled and spoke.

"As you know, the Chung disciples are good children."

"That's true. Before we left, they were all so naive and innocent. Yet, they've changed that much in a single year…."

"It's because they got entangled with a problematic child. In fact, do we really need to punish all the children? The problem is Chung Myung alone."

"You're right."

Baek Sang agreed.

The third-class disciples and their representative, Yoon Jong, aren't difficult children to deal with. Jo Gul was a bit wild, but he was a child who Baek Cheon could handle.

The problem is Chung Myung.

Don't they say that people change according to their surroundings?

The third-class disciples were fine before but became strange due to Chung Myung's influence.

At least the third-class disciples still showed respect to their superiors, and they knew that the words of their sasuks were more important than words from their peers.

It was none other than Chung Myung who corrupted them like this.

In other words, if Chung Myung could be broken, then the third-class disciples would naturally become as docile and obedient as they used to be.

"What do you plan to do?"


"Yes, Sahyung."

Baek Cheon smiled.

"Do we need another way? What we are doing now is just obeying and enforcing the rules of Mount Hua, isn't that right?"

"That's true, Sahyung."

"There is no room for personal emotions to intervene. Isn't Chung Myung also a precious junior of Mount Hua? He might be a bit cheeky, but if we can use him well, he'll be a good resource. So, I am just going to correct the mistakes the young child is making."

Baek Cheon smiled.

"However, the problem is the method. I didn't want to use the rough method, if possible, but I don't have enough time, so it is inevitable. The best way to discipline a child is through conversation, but occasionally isn't it also necessary to reprimand them?"

Baek Sang nodded his head as if he was excited.

"One day, they will understand the meaning behind sahyungs actions."

"Right. Even if it might hurt a little now."

The two looked at each other and smiled.


The door to the White Plum Blossom boarding house opened.


And then a little head popped out. The man who peeked around frowned slightly.

'Nobody's here?'

Like a guest in the night seeping through the darkness, Chung Myung glanced around with a sense of urgency.

Nothing weird and no people around.

Chung Myung sighed and stepped outside.


What was he doing?

Leaving the dorms, he looked up at the sky with a despondent face; it appeared as if his soul was escaping.

"My Sahyung. Are you watching?"

What his Sahyung loved most in the world was…

- What?

Ah, don't get annoyed already. Listen peacefully from the beginning and wait until I'm finished before getting angry! Be patient and listen! You were the sect leader of Mount Hua in the past!

Chung Myung's face twisted.

"Anyway, I am doing all this to avoid such an airheaded person. Does this make any sense?"

He spoke with a great deal of resentment, but unfortunately, there was no answer to be heard.

"And that's not all! There's that woman who never misses a chance to bother me. Then there's that other guy who looks like a parasite feeding on others, always coming around speaking about ancient rules of the sect that I've never even heard of and targeting his junior disciples. Ah! I'd rather just die than to suffer these fools!"

Being patient wasn't in Chung Myung's nature. He really just wanted to flip everything upside down. These children were causing such a fuss he even felt like he wanted to go and make the sect leader spank some sense into these kids.

After what Chung Myung's been through, even if he ran straight to the Shaolin sect, they would willingly accept him as a disciple for his patience and diligence.

"Haaa! What sin did I commit to deserve thi—… I've committed many sins… in my previous life…."

To be honest, he couldn't do anything about it because of conscience. Considering how much his Sahyung, who was the sect leader, had struggled to help him when he was a second-class disciple of Mount Hua, he couldn't say anything to the children now or their elders.

"Why did I act like that?"

Chung Myung's eyes turned wet.

He should have acted in moderation.

It seemed like the karma from his previous life was tormenting him now. He felt horrible as he tried to lead the little ones to grow into full adulthood.

'Ah, I guess this must be why Sahyung didn't get married in his previous life. He was afraid that he would end up having a child like me.'

Sorry! Sahyung.

He always thought that his Sahyung lacked a pretty face, so he couldn't get married…

Taking a deep breath, Chung Myung walked out of the sect grounds. In the past, there would have been a guard at the main gate, but the current Mount Hua didn't have many visitors, so there was no need for guards.

And the reason was simple.

Not so long ago, Mount Hua was a place where even beggars wouldn't come, so there was no need to place guards.

It was Chung Myung who reinvigorated Mount Hua.

But these ungrateful bastards! They didn't even thank him for bringing enough money for the sect to survive so long that they wouldn't run dry even if everyone turned old!

He wanted to hit this guy and that guy, no, he wanted to beat everyone…

"Ah, it's impossible to do that either."

It was weird, but these days Yoon Jong's face seems to constantly overlap with his Sahyung's face. It would be disrespectful to compare Yoon Jong's fair and handsome face to his sahyung, who looked like a bandit. Their expressions were similar, though.

Seeing Yoon Jong with a sour expression that looked like he was helpless and nervous each time Chung Myung did something…

'Strangely, I feel guilty.'

It was hard to ignore because it felt like Sahyung was coming back to life and nagging at him.


Chung Myung shook his head again.

"I just need to endure it until the end of the conference."

Even Chung Myung wanted to teach the Southern Edge Sect bastards a lesson. No matter how annoyed he was with the Baek disciples, it could not compare to his hatred held towards the Southern Edge Sect.

He only wanted to kick the asses of the Baek disciples, but he wanted to completely strangle all life from the Southern Edge Sect.

As Yong Joon said, it was best to wait until the conference passed.


"Yeah. If I can't control my temper, more problems will come up."

Until the conference ends, it would be best to avoid running into the Baek disciples.

Chung Myung started climbing the mountain peak through a different path than usual.

'I won't go to that peak anymore.'

A person can be beaten twice, but not three times. If you fall for the same trick three times, are you even human?

Chung Myung turned his head and looked at the peak he went to in the past.

"Ah, my God. Now I can't even train where I want to."

Even now, the other sects and their disciples who have trained diligently for a hundred years must be getting stronger.

To close the gap between them, Chung Myung doesn't have time to spare resting. There's no point in being strong alone.

In order for Mount Hua to stand tall among the Ten Great Sects… no, to go beyond that, and to be able to reproduce their legend as the best swordsmen in the world, the existence of a warrior who can subdue the ancient masters overlooking the other sects is essential.

No matter how often he thought about it, in the current Mount Hua, Chung Myung was the only one who could play that role.

Well, one could never know.

Fifty years? One hundred years?

If his goal was the sect's longevity, he might try helping Jo Gul or Yoon Jong. Although he was acting petty, Baek Cheon was also talented. It seems like they could have potential as long as the foundation is established correctly.

The problem was that Chung Myung wasn't the sort of person who could patiently wait around.

"I'll freeze to death if I need to wait for fifty years."

Before that happens, he'll die.

Chung Myung, who climbed to a new mountain peak, slowly drew his sword and glanced around.

'No one's here, right?'

Whether it was an accident or intentional, that woman has been following Chung Myung like a leech since that day.

Although she was more well-behaved compared to the other Baek disciples, she would constantly pop up and annoy him when he was alone.

That was enough for Chung Mung to try and avoid her, but strangely, even with Chung Myung's powerful senses, he still struggled to detect her presence until it was too late to avoid her.

'It's not like she's a ghost, so why….'

There are plenty of people who have a weak or vague presence, but Yu Yiseol was especially unique even among such people.

Moreover, Chung Myung is used to feeling the presence of people by their qi rather than with his eyes or ears, especially…

"Chung Myung."


And like this.

Chung Myung jumped up and stepped back in a panic. In his eyes, he looked at Yu Yiseol, whose hand stretched out towards him.

"Ah! Come on! Show up with a bit of a flair at least! Announce yourself first!"

When Chung Mung screamed, Yu Yiseol frowned.

"You should call me Sago, I am your Sago"

"So what?"

"You need to respect your seniors."

'Forget that. You are more like a ghost!'

Chung Myung sighed in frustration.

It was ridiculous that she had such a faint and hazy presence. Certainly, the world is a large place, it's not strange that such a unique constitution exists, but her mind was also weird.

In fact, Chung Myung highly specialized in detecting the presence of others with his qi. If you simply used your five senses instead, then it wasn't impossible to keep track of her.

The real problem was something else.

"Just why are you following me like this!?"

"Is that how you should ask?"

"… senior."

Chung Myung felt a deep sadness in his chest.

'If the Sahyungs saw me now, they'd fall over gasping for air at the hilarity of this situation… no, they might even cry while laughing.'

Maybe they'd even clap their hands until they break. That was how great this sight was.

Chung Myung had to respectfully address a girl who is even younger than the granddaughters of his peers. He felt as though he had attained enlightenment, as he saw the world openly mocking him and showing him the futility of his actions.

Would the world be fine if he decided to stray from the path and abandon these rules?

-No, it wouldn't, you bastard!

Ah, seriously, come on!

Chung Myung took a deep breath and looked at Yu Yiseol.

"So, why? Why do you keep following me!?"


"… senior."

Yu Yiseol raised her eyebrow in discontent.

Honestly, it looked like she was trying to slightly intimidate him, but it looked cute on her.

'She isn't cute just because I'm old.'

As Jo Gul and the rest of the third-class disciples said before, she was a beauty. If she had a more colorful expression and didn't give such a cold impression, then she would attract several times more attention than she does now.

What an unfair world for people to care so much about appearances. Well, Chung Myung was also famous for his great looks in the past…

Ah, fine! Fine!

"That sword."

Yu Yiseol said while looking at Chung Myung.

"The sword which creates Plum Blossoms."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Chung Myung acted dumb.

It wasn't something that could be understood if explained, and he didn't have a reason to speak either. It was annoying how she'd constantly pester and follow him, so it was better to simply escape.

"I don't know what I did, and I don't know what you are talking about so don't waste your ti—"

"Teach me."

"—me and go…?"

Chung Myung was shocked.

"What was that?"

"Teach me."

Chung Myung narrowed his eyes.

'Is this the reason she followed me?'

He thought that she would create trouble by telling others that he secretly learned some sword techniques outside of Mount Hua or blackmail him, but he didn't expect such words to emerge.

Now he was curious.

"You know what it—…no. I don't know what you're talking about."

Yu Yiseol slightly bit her lip.

"I'll tell the sasuks."

"Go ahead. It'll be good if they believe you."

"I'll tell the sect leader too."

"Sure, sure. Do whatever you want."

Chung Myung clenched his nose with one hand and waved with the other.

'Let's see if they believe you or not.'

Who would believe that Chung Myung, who entered Mount Hua less than a year ago, could perform the Plum Blossom Sword?

What would the sect leader say?

'Haha. It seems like our Yu Yiseol has had a difficult time during her closed room training. I'll find a good physician for you.'

That would probably be what he says; she would be lucky if they didn't toss her out of the room.

"Teach me, and I won't tell anyone."

"I'm telling you. I don't care who you tell."

Chung Myung smiled.

"So, don't interfere with other people's training and go away. Because of you, I can never get any practice done."

Go away, okay?

Just go! You are like a leech!

Chung Myung, who was about to retort again, went dumb at Yu Yiseol, who stared and said.

"You aren't going to teach me?"

"Excuse me. Sago (female senior of a higher level)."


"You are the sago, and I am the sajae. What could I even teach a Sago? Rather, I should be learning from you."


Yu Yiseol flinched at Chung Myung's words.

'Oh, that seemed to work.'

Since she kept emphasizing her seniority from the moment they met until now, this might work…

"There are no hierarchies when it comes to learning."


No, where the hell did she learn to think like this? Did the Baek disciples have some Confucian teachings within them? How dare Confucianism enter into our precious sect!

"So, teach me."

"No, because I have nothing to teach you!"

Chung Myung bluntly cut her off.

"I don't know what Sago could have seen, but it must have been a dream. Or maybe it was a fantasy? Otherwise, you must have been overworked and hallucinated. I have no idea what Sago is even talking about! So stop with this and leave me alone."

Chung Myung cut off her words which made her narrow her eyes.

"I couldn't have been wrong."

"No, that is just nonsen—"

"Because I have seen it before."


Chung Myung's eyes lit up.


The atmosphere around Chung Myung changed as he glared at Yu Yiseol with sharp eyes.

A sword that makes plum blossoms bloom.

The Plum Blossom Sword technique.

There are numerous sword arts in Mount Hua which were modeled after plum blossoms.

However, this technique does not merely mimic the shape of plum blossoms; there were only a few techniques that could truly make plum blossoms bloom.

And there was no way that it could be passed on to normal disciples. At the very least, one had to be an elder, and it was only transferred from a master to his disciple when the master felt that their disciple was worthy.

However, on that fateful day in the past, all the elders of Mount Hua died. Nobody could have predicted that they would be annihilated, so none of the elders had passed their techniques onto their disciples.

That is to say.

If someone could make plum blossoms, it must mean that they learned the Twenty-Four Plum Blossom Sword technique.

And the only place where the sword technique was currently being taught…

"What is your relationship with the Southern Edge Sect?"

As Chung Myung spoke in a sneer, Yu Yiseol tilted her head.

"Southern Edge?"


"Why Southern Edge?"

Is she not related to them?

Chung Myung stared at her face. No matter how he looked for signs of deceit, he could only see confusion in its place. If she was just acting, then she would do better by giving up the sword and becoming an actor in a drama group. She could even perform in front of the emperor.

However, Chung Myung didn't think that Yu Yiseol had the brain to control her expression so perfectly.

Chung Myung was losing it.


Even if she was a spy of the Southern Edge Sect, there was no way that she could have seen anyone perform the Plum Blossom Sword technique. The Plum Blossom Sword technique has a deeper meaning only when combined with Mount Hua's cultivation method.

… they couldn't have stolen that too, right?


Chung Myung, who returned to his casual smile, shrugged his shoulders and asked.

"You saw it before, what do you mean?"

Now Yu Yiseol's face darkened.

"A very long time ago."

Yu Yiseol looked up at the dark sky as if recalling old memories and spoke again with a stern face.

"Teach me."

"I'm telling you that I don't know what you're talking about."

"Is that so?"

Yu Yiseol nodded her head.

'Has she finally given up?'

Thank Go—

"Then there is nothing I can do."


Yu Yiseol unsheathed the sword from her waist as Chung Myung looked back in horror.

"Ah! W-What is up with you so suddenly!?"

"You're not going to teach me, right?"

'What's wrong with this crazy bitch!?'

Who draws their sword just because somebody won't teach them swordsmanship? What the hell were these Baek disciples being taught?

"You're drawing your sword just because I won't teach you?"

"It's because you are right."


"I am the senior, and you're the junior."


"So, I need to educate you properly."

Yu Yiseol raised her sword and aimed it at Chung Myung. Seeing that, he smiled.

'No wonder the Baek disciples aren't close to her.'

Of course, they weren't. Because she was absolutely insane!

'Isn't her obsession with the Plum Blossom Sword technique weird too?'

"I'm coming!"

"What coming!? Don't come!"

But there was no way this mad woman would listen to Chung Myung. Yu Yiseol quickly ran towards Chung Myung with her sword pointed straight.


Chung Myung quickly retreated with the wooden sword in his hand as the sword of Yu Yiseol arrived before him.

"No! what kind of Sago would attack their Sajae with a real sword!"

"Because you are stronger than me."

Huh? That is true, isn't it?

No, but what makes her believe that?

She couldn't possibly have known that. How strange. She clearly had the wrong impression, but Chung Myung couldn't even correct her because she ended up with the correct answer.

Phat! Phat!

Just like Chung Myung had seen before, Yu Yiseol's sword was light and had a brilliant elegance to it.

It pierces sharply and bends gently. The sword shakes like an illusion before lightly stabbing in again.

Mount Hua's Sword.

Since returning to Mount Hua, Chung Myung had seen many swords. He had seen the Baek disciples', Un Geom's, and sometimes he had the opportunity to see the elders' swords as well.

However, the sword unfolding before him now was closer to the true source of Mount Hua than any of the others he'd seen.

Just seeing this swordsmanship made him feel strangely sentimental.


'Because her movement resembles the past Mount Hua? If not—'


At that moment, Yu Yiseol's sword came to pierce Chung Myung at the speed of light. Chung Myung turned his head and narrowly avoided it.


Several strands of his hair lightly drifted to the ground.


Was this crazy bitch really going to stab him?

"Have you gone insane!? If I didn't avoid that, I would have died!"

"There's no way that you wouldn't have avoided it."

"Why are you so confident in me!?"

What is wrong with her head? Why doesn't she think like normal people?

No wonder she has such a pretty face but no friends!

But there was no time for conversation.

Yu Yiseol's sword began to sharpen as she closed in on Chung Myung. Still, it would be easy enough for him to deal with it.

Ugh… if he could attack, that is.

If Chung Myung turned Yu Yiseol's attack against herself, then she would go from being confident in his skills to a hardcore fan of his. He needed to find some way to subdue her without getting hurt and without showing his ability.


"I said don't do that, woman!"

"It's Sago!"

"What kind of Sago tries to kill her junior! Just what is wrong with your brain?"

'Oh my! My ancestors. This is how far our Mount Hua has fallen!'

Chung Myung, who was lamenting his fate, frowned for a moment.

Perhaps it was because he was able to leisurely observe the incoming attacks despite their conversation, but he could see Yu Yiseol's movements slowly changing. As if her eyes were drunk and losing focus, her sword began to deviate from the set path.


Enlightenment in the middle of a spar?

'Even Jo Gul couldn't achieve that.'

Jo Gul could be considered the best in Mount Hua in terms of swordsmanship talent.


Chung Myung stretched out his wooden sword and helped the deviating sword return to the proper path.

Achieving enlightenment meant entering a trance-like state and finding their one true sword. If you intervened without the confidence or ability to handle it, then it was possible that the enlightened state could be shattered immediately; in the worst case, they may even receive a backlash and die.

Ordinary people would have rushed to retreat without daring to get involved.

But Chung Myung could anticipate and understand the sword's path at each moment and lead the sword in the best direction.

'Not there. Right, this side. No no, I said here.'

Tuk! Tuk!

Chung Myung would stretch out his sword and tap Yu Yiseol's sword, leading it to the correct path. The only thing that could be done in such a situation was to let it flow…

"What are you doing!? You bastard!"

Chung Myung turned his head to see who suddenly intervened.

Baek Cheon, who seemed to have lost his mind in anger, rushed to him at a frantic speed.

Ah… why the hell are you here!? You damn brat!


Sago is a female senior of higher tier, feminine equivalent to Sasuk.)

"You bastard! What are you doing!?"

Seeing Baek Cheon running at an insane speed, Chung Myung looked up at the sky with a soulless face.


Oh dear, my poor fate.

Baek Cheon lunged at Chung Myung and swung his sword without hesitation.

Wait, why did he also have a real sword?

'What is with these disciples constantly taking out real swords? Who will take responsibility if they unsheathe their sword and something crazy happens?'

While Chung Myung was lost in thought, Baek Cheon's sword threateningly sped towards him. A deep blue and black qi formed around it, aiming for Chung Myung's shoulder.

Baek Cheon did well to aim at a non-vital area despite his hysteria.


"The after-effects of that sword qi will kill me anyway, you crazy bastard!"

Chung Myung kicked the flying sword with his foot.


A loud sound rang throughout the area as the sword, layered in qi, and the foot collided with one another. Unable to withstand the impact, Baek Cheon was thrown back.


Baek Cheon swiftly rose to his feet, alternating between Chung Myung and his sword. His eyes shook in bewilderment. Everything happened so quickly for him that he didn't understand what had happened.


Chung Myung clicked his tongue and examined Yu Yiseol's condition. Such a huge sound broke out next to her while she was in a trance, so her enlightenment…

"She's fine?"

Normally, this much commotion would rouse a person from their enlightenment, but Yu Yiseol was still entranced.


She's too slow.

But she was benefiting from her dull wittedness. It wasn't common for a person to fall into a trance while swinging their sword.

In Buddhism, it was referred to as 'exaltation' in the sense that one forgets themselves. Casting off their shell and entering a new realm. For warriors, this was the absolute most crucial moment.

If she had been woken out of it, she would have regretted it all her life.

"Bastard! What are you doing!? Don't you know how important enlightenment is for a warrior?"

'And you attacked me despite knowing that?'

Chung Myung gazed at Baek Cheon with wide eyes.

"Touching someone in a trance! No matter how little common sense you have, there are some things you can't do! You ruthless brat!"

Baek Cheon stared at Chung Myung.

"It's true that I didn't like you, but I had no idea that you were such a rotten bastard you'd even mess with someone in a trance! I should correct that habit of yours right now!"

Chung Myung took a deep breath.

'No, you idiot. I didn't mess with her, I helped guide her.'

'Haha, but how would you know that? It's my fault. I'm the sinner here.'

"If you knew how important a trance was, then why did you draw your sword and attack?"


"What if your sword had gone towards Sago and hurt her?"

"If you hadn't counterattac—!"

"Then I should just die?"


Chung Myung responded to Baek Cheon, who seemed flustered.

'Are all the Baek disciples crazy?'

The world is usually dominated by ordinary people with a few madmen mixed in. However, it seemed like the Baek disciples took that rule in reverse and flooded themselves with insane kids.

Out of all the Baek disciples Chung Myung talked to, there wasn't a single normal person yet.

If Yoon Jong had heard, he would have said that one dog was barking at another, but he wasn't here to complain.

"Are you saying that I was trying to kill you?"

"It didn't look like you wanted me alive."

"… it was an urgent situation."

"And you even drew a sword."

".. t-that."

Baek Cheon's face, which heard Chung Myung's argument, flinched.

Wait a moment.

As Chung Myung said, Baek Cheon utilized sword qi on a real sword. So, how was he able to escape without a single wound?

Does that mean this kid could casually handle Baek Cheon's attack?

"Get away from Samae!"

Baek Cheon's face hardened as he spoke in a determined voice.

"I won't ask what you were doing. But put your sword down and step away from her. Otherwise, you will have to deal with me as a warrior and not your sasuk."

Oh, doesn't that sound good?

Chung Myung was delighted.



Great, this was what Chung Myung was hoping for.

"You bastard, until the end…."

Baek Cheon gnashed his teeth.

Humans were the sort that needed to adjust their thinking based on their individual situations.

If your perspective changed, then Baek Cheon's anger was reasonable. From his point of view, an irredeemable taboo had been transgressed by his junior.

Normally, it was right to put a stop to those actions.

The problem was…

Chung Myung licked his lips and turned his head.

'If I help a little more, it seems like something amazing will happen.'

Yu Yiseol was currently in a state of enlightenment. Although it usually didn't occur in such a random fashion, enlightenment always comes on suddenly. Who knew when or even if she would ever have another opportunity like this!

Some people fight and struggle their entire lives without ever experiencing enlightenment, while others reach that state from ordinary tasks like eating. This wasn't something that could be sought after with effort or because one desires it to happen.

It depends on the will of heaven.

And the greatest miracle that occurred to Yu Yiseol was not simply enlightenment. It was that Chung Myung was by her side at the time she entered her trance.

Basically, those who fall into a trance forget themselves and their surroundings, focusing solely on using their sword. During this, they develop their own sword or the next level of their sword, and sometimes they achieve a higher realm.

That was why nobody should tamper or touch them. A serious accident could happen if the opponent didn't understand how to properly handle the sword.

But who is Chung Myung?

He is an amazing martial artist who understands all of Mount Hua's sword techniques and set foot on a plateau no one had ever climbed before. With his current body, attaining enlightenment might not be possible, but it will be difficult to find anyone in Mount Hua who has a better understanding of sword techniques.

Even if one considers the entire history of Mount Hua, one might not find a greater master.

So, he could intervene in Yu Yiseol's trance and guide her to a higher realm…

'Why did that bastard have to show up!'

It is even more difficult to lead one in front of others. If something went wrong, it would turn into a bigger problem.

Chung Myung glanced at Yu Yiseol.

'What can I do? This is your luck.'

Although it was a pity that he couldn't help someone who might lead Mount Hua, Chung Myung didn't feel much regret since that ship had already sailed.

'But it's another thing altogether to beat the guy who made you miss the ship.'

Chung Myung took a couple steps away from Yu Yiseol and glared at Baek Cheon.

"Is this enough?"



He once again took a couple steps away from Yu Yiseol.


"… are you messing with me? Get out of here. I have no intention of letting you harm Samae."

"Who's the one causing harm here? You're the one causing harm."

"Is that any way to speak to your senior!?"

Chung Myung speechlessly stared at the sky after hearing Baek Cheon's response.

'Why are these kids so obsessed with formalities?'

Yu Yiseol was the same, and now Baek Cheon too.

"Yes, Sasuk. The problem here is Sasuk."

Baek Cheon stared at Chung Myung with cold eyes.

"I tried to understand the reason for your arrogance."

What was the result?

The moment Chung Myung arrives, he talks shit and escalates a problem and makes it all about himself, and now he acts like a master… ah, the problem here is also because of him, right?

"But my patience has its limit, and there are people in this world who don't understand words."


Baek Cheon frowned at Chung Myung's exclamation.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing, nothing at all. It's just a bit funny."

"What is?"

"You wouldn't understand even if I told you."

It's been a hundred years, and he was saying the same thing Chung Myung used to say when he was a Sahyung.

- There is no use talking to you.

- Rather than discussing the path of Dao to Sahyung, it would be faster to recite it to a cow or a hen.

- Don't bother speaking if you can't fight.

Humans are so similar.

Otherwise, Chung Myung hasn't changed much in a hundred years.

Baek Cheon sharply called out to Chung Myung, who was chuckled in reminiscence.

"Raise your sword. Today, I will teach you what manners are."

"Will you be fine?"


"No. No. not that… but, if you are in a hurry."

As Chung Myung spoke, Baek Cheon narrowed his eyes.

"What do you want to say?"

"No, I'm just worried. If news got out that Sasuk fought with his sajae then your name might be tarnished."

Baek Cheon laughed bitterly.

"After coming this far, now you want to play that card? You're wrong if you think that your peers or the elders will protect you. Perhaps in the future, but at this moment there is no one that can save you. As for my punishment, I will accept it later."

"Ohh, I haven't heard such a manly speech in a while."

Chung Myung nodded his head.

"But I have a better idea, would you like to hear it?"

"… what are you planning?"

"No. Nothing, let's each just swear an oath. We won't tell another soul about what happens here tonight."


Chung Myung smiled.

"I'm saying that even if I get beaten, I won't tell any of the elders or anyone else. Likewise, you can't run and tell anyone if you lose this battle. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Baek Cheon looked at Chung Myung.

'What is he thinking?'

Baek Cheon examined Chung Myung's expression then smiled.

"It looks like you are trying to get out of this situation, but do you think I'll care if you try these tricks? You—"

"No, that's not the case."

Chung Myung sighed, unable to overcome his frustration.

"I am saying that we should throw away the titles of Sasuk, Sajae and Sahyung and have a clean fight."


"If we make a promise to each other, that no matter what happens, I will not reach out to my seniors. I will stand here and fight my best. Of course, the same goes for Sasuk too, what do you think?"

Baek Cheon had a subtle smile.

"Alright, it seems you have quite a manly side to you. If you want, then I swear. I won't tell anyone what happens here."

From Baek Cheon's point of view, there was no reason not to accept that offer.

The most difficult part of beating Chung Myung would be dealing with the Un disciples or the elders. Wasn't it obvious that they were all protective of Chung Myung? So, if news got out that Baek Cheon attacked him, wouldn't it cause an endless amount of trouble for him?

Yet now Chung Myung himself wanted to keep this matter hidden? There was no reason for Baek Cheon to refuse.

But… he couldn't erase this weird feeling inside him.

"Then I swear."

"You seriously have a manly side as well."

"Yes. I swear too."

"Then our grudges will vanish the moment we finish."

Baek Cheon lifted his shining sword and pointed toward Chung Myung.

"I'll admit that you're quite bold. In this fight, I am not your sasuk, nor are you my sajae. I will use this fight to settle all the bad feelings that I have towards you. And you too…."


At that moment, he heard an eerie voice from Chung Myung.

Baek Cheon looked at Chung Myung with curiosity in his eyes.


Then he noticed.

Chung Myung was smiling, but unlike before, this was an evil grin that distorted his wicked features.

"Fight? You're going to die now, you bastard."

Chung Myung said and walked towards Baek Cheon.

'Has he lost his mind?'

Baek Cheon couldn't help but feel flustered.

Chung Myung was walking with his head tilted to the side. It looked like some back-alley gangster walking in to threaten innocent civilians.

There were two reasons why Baek Cheon was flustered.

First, was that Chung Myung acting like a gangster seemed to suit him too well. Second, the person Chung Myung was currently intimidating was none other than Baek Cheon himself.

'Did he really lose his senses?'

Baek Cheon was Chung Myung's sasuk.

Of course, that wasn't important because they both agreed beforehand that they would leave their titles behind for this battle.

What truly mattered was that Baek Cheon was different from Chung Myung, who had just entered the sect.

Baek Cheon entered Mount Hua when he was even younger than Chung Myung. In other words, he had already spent over 15 years learning martial arts.

But what about Chung Myung?

'It's only been half a year since he started.'

Even if Chung Myung began training within his mother's womb, he would still have spent less time practicing than Baek Cheon. Even if Chung Myung was talented enough to become the world's greatest master, right now, it was impossible for him to defeat Baek Cheon.

Even those with talent need time to properly develop.

If talent alone could surpass the walls of time, then would anyone even try to master martial arts?

'But…what is with his reaction?'

However, Chung Myung acted as if he truly believed he could defeat Baek Cheon.

Baek Cheon was so confused that he couldn't even speak.

"… you're really crazy."

"No. Not at all. The crazy one here is you."


"If you weren't crazy, then why would you try and challenge me?"

If those who were entangled with Chung Myung in the past were present, they would all vigorously be nodding their heads.

The Southern Edge Sect called him the devil that descended from Mount Hua, and the Wudang sect used to say that Chung Myung's name reached the sky, but his evil deeds covered the earth.

'Fuck you.'

Chung Myung raised his hand.

Surprisingly, Chung Myung wasn't someone that liked resorting to violence.


What about all the things he'd done so far?

That was all because the others wouldn't listen otherwise.

For Chung Myung, violence was just a means to an end. He ultimately wanted everyone to do well on their own, without Chung Myung having to force them again.

Why would anyone use violence if everything could be settled peacefully? People only got beatings because they refused to listen.

But now, Chung Myung started to think it might be better to use violence as an end rather than means.

"Your self-indulgence knows no bounds. My hands are heavy and full of resen—"

"Come on."

"—what did you say?"

Chung Myung just shrugged his shoulders,

"I usually don't like talking before a fight but listen well. In a little while, you won't be able to speak even if you want to, so just come at me."

"Arrogant until the end, you bastard!"

Baek Cheon grabbed his sword.

He also didn't want to waste any more time.

'I was going to go easy on him.'

Baek Cheon ground his teeth.

No matter how angry he was, he couldn't actually cut down his own junior. But Chung Myung could be overwhelmed with swordsmanship. Baek Cheon intended to beat Chung Myung so thoroughly that he would piss himself in fear whenever they crossed paths.

Baek Cheon grasped his sword and rushed towards Chung Myung.

The sword quickly cut through the air towards Chung Myung. It was a sword that seemed different from Yu Yiseol's. At first glance, they may look similar; however, Baek Cheon's was heavier and fiercer.

In a way, it was the same as the Southern Edge Sect.

A sword that minimizes the colorful changes that were the basis of Mount Hua's art to take advantage in a sword fight. With only a moment of inspection, Chung Myung had firmly understood the essence of Baek Cheon's style.


The Southern Edge Sect abandoned their swords and tried to emulate the splendor of Mount Hua. However, Baek Cheon reduced the splendor of Mount Hua's sword to achieve the simplicity of the Southern Edge Sect.


Thinking about it, it is normal.

All sword arts undergo constant changes, and those changes are always seeking to advance the style. Naturally, one would seek inspiration for their swordsmanship from those who are in a better condition than themselves.

In Mount Hua's heyday, the Southern Edge Sect was crushed by Chung Myung and would have thought that a flashier sword was the answer.

On the other hand, the second-class disciples of the current Mount Hua were crushed by the Southern Edge Sect through the conference and desperately recognized the gap between their skills. They must have considered the sword of the Southern Edge Sect to be the right answer.

It was understandable that both sects would resemble one another.


'Pathetic fools.'

Chung Myung narrowed his eyes.

Does that mean Baek Cheon learned the style of the Southern Edge Sect because there was nothing more for him to learn here? Well, Chung Myung didn't like this bastard from the start.

'An idiot who doesn't even understand what he has now covets someone else's art?'

Chung Myung must let him know. What Mount Hua has.

Baek Cheon rushed in.

"I am going to change your attitude today."

Chung Myung clenched his fist as he watched Baek Cheon rushing towards him.

"I'll change!"

He put the right foot back.

"That habit of yours!"

And tilted his back a little.


The fist pulled back and then extended forward.

"No one fixed till now, you son of a bitch!"


Chung Myung's fist penetrated through the changes made in Baek Cheon's sword. A fist that stretched out at an accurate angle and appropriate speed, aiming between the changes and transitions.

Baek Cheon was shocked as he saw the fist of Chung Myung piercing through the sword technique.

It was easy to say that it could be done. However, it was absurd that Chung Myung could accurately shove his fist through a sword art that could easily slice his arm off.

From Baek Cheon's point of view, it felt as if the arm of a ghost had emerged from the abyss.

But there was no time to be surprised.


Baek Cheon's jaw was hit.


And he heard a squeaking sound behind his neck. In an instant, his consciousness flew away, then swiftly returned.

When he came to his senses, his body had been knocked back repeatedly, bouncing off the ground.


What just happened?

His senses had dulled for a moment. Baek Cheon didn't realize what had happened to his body when he bounced back. He was overtaken with a distant understanding of reality.



The moment his body settled on the ground, an indescribable pain shook him to the core.


His back was fine. But searing pain radiated from his jaw, where Chung Myung had struck.

Grabbing his chin, Baek Cheon groaned.

Learning martial arts meant that one had to get used to suffering. It wasn't simply pain from pushing the body to its limit but also frequent injuries from training and sparring.

But this was unlike any pain Baek Cheon had suffered before. It really felt like a new world of pain had opened up for him.

"Wake up, you bastard."

Chung Myung said while tilting his head and approaching Baek Cheon.

Seeing that, Baek Cheon got up.

Chung Myung seemed a bit surprised.

"Oh? You actually got up?"

Obviously, he got up!

While he was enduring the pain in his jaw, Baek Cheon felt like his heart was being rent as Chung Myung mocked him. Baek Cheon struggled to comprehend the current situation.

He desperately tried to calm his trembling legs and raised the sword again. The bitter taste of blood in his mouth clearly reminded him of reality.


Baek Cheon was not stupid.

The earlier exchange was no accident. No one in this world would risk losing their arm to a sword technique for a chance at a lucky strike.

In other words, Baek Cheon's sword was clearly visible to Chung Myung's eyes.

"How did you do that?"

Chung Myung looked at Baek Cheon as if he were pathetic.

"Your technique reduces the myriad changes and flows between changes depending on how you choose, but so what? Did you think that your technique was flawless? Really, for every one thing that you know there are two things you don't. Of course, there are gaps in your sword art!"

Baek Cheon stood there wide-eyed.

"N-No one managed to find them till now."

"Obviously, because the people you were dealing with were stupid. Any elder could have figured it out immediately."

Wait, maybe not?

Uh… what was the level of the current elders? Huh?

Leave that aside.

"You mean my sword is wrong?"


Chung Myung spoke as if he didn't even need to think about it.

"For now, you must be able to stand ahead of your peers by a little bit. But as time passes, your sajaes will start to outpace and overtake you."

"How can you know that!? You only recently joined the sect! I can't believe your words! I won't!"

"Ah. Do whatever you want."

Chung Myung smiled bitterly.

The disciples of Mount Hua were committing the same mistake the Southern Edge Sect did, and Chung Myung could even understand their reasons.

'It isn't that strange.'

Perhaps, even in Chung Myung's time, something like this happened countless times. At the time, however, Chung Myung simply didn't know what consequences such a change could bring.

Due to Chung Myung's vast experience, his eyes could see how someone's sword would develop. Seeing young disciples who were only beginning to develop their style, things that had never been noticed before began to appear.

"Be grateful that I am a disciple of Mount Hua."


Chung Myung raised his wooden sword.

Honestly, Chung Myung still wanted to crush Baek Cheon, but wasn't he also one of Mount Hua's cute disciples? Even if he was going to be crushed, it would be nice to beat him in a way that would help his development.

"Don't worry. I'll take you down with a sword instead of a fist. Ah, I'm so kind."


Is Chung Myung crazy?

No, he really is crazy, right?

Seeing the bewildered expression on Baek Cheon, Chung Myung took a deep breath.

"Some say that the purpose of Mount Hua's sword was to resemble plum blossoms. But that is only what those who are unfamiliar with Mount Hua's sword say. Mount Hua's sword doesn't imitate plum blossoms. The sword of Mount Hua aims for…."

Chung Myung, who had been speaking seriously, suddenly frowned.

"Ah, never mind. Do you understand what I am saying? Sometimes it's easier to understand when your body gets beaten rather than with your brain. I'm coming!"

"Uh, Huh?"

Without realizing it, Baek Cheon took a step back.

However, the speed at which Chung Myung rushed toward him was twice as fast.

Baek Cheon swung his sword and tried to stall Chung Myung. Even if he was injured, his instincts as a swordsman still allowed his body to react before he had time to process what was happening.

At that moment, Baek Cheon noticed.

The image of Chung Myung's fingers slightly trembled, then the wooden sword multiplied into dozens or more and filled his vision.

'W-what is that…?'



The wooden sword hit Baek Cheon's thigh, and he opened his mouth with tears brimming in his eyes.

But it didn't end there,



Chung Myung's sword precisely struck Baek Cheon's wrist, which was holding the sword. From wrist to hand, it felt like his arm went numb for a moment, and he lost grip on his sword.

'H-Hold on…'

At that moment, Baek Cheon's ears were filled with a sound he dreaded hearing.

"Head! Head! Head! Head! Head!"

Why not just once, you bastard?

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Baek Cheon was hit by a series of blows, feeling like his head was going to explode; his mouth fell open as his eyes rolled back.

Even as he collapsed, his mind was obsessed over a single thought

'Why did you say head five times but hit me six times?'

It was a question that was left unsolved as his consciousness flew away.