

My sister Blessing walked toward the entrance of the Rosey Boutique. Some people came out and started taking pictures of the daughter of the richest man in the whole wide world. I know they will not be able to get a good picture because she was masked as usual and the bodyguards were really doing a great job by not allowing anyone to come close nor touch my sister Blessing. Finally, they stepped into the boutique and she started buying what she came for and i was forced to stay for a longer time as they crowd were still much at the entrance of the boutique. My sister did not do as if i was outside as that was our plan not to let anyone know that i was her younger brother and the only son of the richest man. So, i waited for an extra 30 minutes after she went in and when i was ready to go in, i droped my mask in the back seat of the car and on a second thought, i wanted to go in with it but i changed my mind as i wanted to see whether i will be recognised as i am already tired of trying to hide my face from the entire world. I dropped the mask and started walking toward the entrance of the boutique and immediately i was few inches away from the door. It seemed as if someone shouted my name was behind, I did not want to turn at first, so i continued walking but someone said, he is Prime the son of the richest Mr. John. The other person said, he is not the one, how will the richest man on earth allow his only son to be walking on the street like this alone without a body guard. The other person said, look, here is his picture, is it not the same person and they seem to realize i was the one before them and they shouted Prime. Immediately i heard my name, i did not know why i turned but it seemed something just spined me around against my wish as i wanted to pretend i was not the one. As i turned, the shouted, "he is the one", "it is Prime, the only son of Mr. John the billionaire". I tried to rush to the entrance of the boutique as to avoid attracting more attention that i may not be able to control. I turn to walk faster but as i turned my face, alot of people were already before me taking pictures and screeming, some using their front camera to record a live video on their social media platform.

David_Chinedu · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
45 Chs

The Working Site

I continued serving Mrs. Philip and Precious's younger sister.

I made sure i washed all the dishes on time and perform all major duties before Mrs. Philip wakes up.

I did that just to make her and her husband happy but the more i tried to please them is the more she hates me.

After that week, by weekend her husband Mr. Philip came back and i prepared a delicious meal taught me by my mother and presented it to him.

I was dropping the food on the table and Mr. Philip slapped me, i stood upright and was confused why he slapped me.

'Do you want to fight me?'

No sir, i am just wondering what i did that made you slap me.

'Oh, you now questions me, well can't you see that there is dust on this table and you need to clean it up before presenting my food to me.'

Oh, i am sorry sir but you would have just called my attention instead of hitting me.

'Ah...you have really grown wings, i thought that everything my wife was telling me about you was wrong but here you are proving her right.'

'So, this is how you challenge my wife when i am out for work?'

I am sorry sir but it is not so.

'I saw an opening for daily workers at the new building they are renovating along the street and i want you to go and start working there, so that you will also start providing money for us to. Not sitting and consuming my hard earned resources.'

Ok sir, i will go tomorrow.

'What is wrong with this boy, I mean you should go now and you are saying tomorrow he spanked me.'

Sorry sir, i dropped the rag i was using to clean the table and i served him his food and had my bath before going to the site.

When i got there, i saw few persons working already and asked them what i need to do for them to employ me, they showed me the man in-charge.

I went to in and told him that i wanted to start working for him in the site and he asked me when i wanted to start and i told him immediately and he asked me to go and take one of the site coverall and put it on.

I went and collected one of the coverall and wore it and he pen down my name in the pay roll and showed me what to do.

I worked from that morning 9am until evening by 6pm when the contractor asked everyone to stop whatever they were doing and he paid everyone of us for the day.

I went home with the US$20 he gave to me and immediately i got to the house. Mr. Philip stopped me and asked me where the money they paid us today was and i showed him.

He collected it immediately and and asked me to go and shower so that i will come and prepare dinner for everyone.

I didn't say anything than just to smile. I walked into my room and took my bath.

I came out minutes later and started preparing the food for dinner.

After i was done, i served Mr. and Mrs. Philip their food in the dinning table and took the food of Precious younger sister to her room as she loves staying indoors unless her elder sister Precious is around.

The next day, i woke up early and finish up my morning duties before resuming to the site.

We were working and then the contractor summoned everyone together, he told us that the owner of the work is here to see and address us.

We waited and a man in his 50's came down from his BMW M13, that car made me remember my uncle Mr. Sam and my parents.

I suspected it was somebody i know but i prayed that if i was right, the person should not recognize me.

He stepped out of his car and wore his lens, then he turned toward us and immediately i saw him, i recognised him.

He is my uncle Mr. Sam, what is he doing here, is he the owner of the construction.

Is this what he is busy doing with my father's money? I was angry but i must not show it. I decided not to hide my face but to keep a strength face like every other person because if i draw his special attention he may recognize me.

But this is more than 10 years and i don't think he will recognize me.

He appreciated the contractor who have made sure that all works were done properly and on time.

He appreciated us too for humbly working with the contract and he continued talking.

Everything he was saying was not my problem, i just felt like grabbing his long neck and strangling him to death but his guards were with him and that will not be a nice way for me to pay him back.

He gave everyone of us and extra US$50 outside our daily pay and he assured us that the more we work faithfully, he will always be willing to appreciate us in the little way he can.

We all hailed and celebrated him. We went back and started working.

He talked for few minutes with the contractor and then entered his car and zoomed off.

I became happy that i was working in that site as to see him more often, it will encourage me to work harder so that one day i will bring him to his kneels.

After close of work that evening. I walked home but hide the extra money given to us by my uncle Mr. Sam and when i got to the house.

Mr. Philip collected the money as usual but i did not bother as i had the other one.

I went into my room and hide the US$50.

I took my bath before coming out to prepare dinner for the whole family.

After preparing dinner and serving it, i went to bed that night without eating as Mrs. Philip said i will be eaten three times each week until i start making more than US$20 from the site.

I told her that, the contractor pays according to the work done and she insisted that i increase my working strength.

But deep inside of me, i refused because i know even i have to make more than US$20 that she will never be satisfied, she will always want more, but this time.

I am not ready to satisfy any body's quest.

I went to bed empty stomached.