
Return of the Dragon King"

Stanley_Chidobendu · Andere
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22 Chs

Season 1, Episode 11: The Siege

Page 2

Panel 1: Li Mei and General Hao, sensing their impending doom, prepare their defenses.Li Mei: "He's coming. Prepare for war."General Hao: "We will crush this rebellion once and for all."

Panel 2: Jin, leading the charge, stands with his six spiritual pets at the gates of the capital.Jin: "This ends today. For the people of Tianxia!"

Page 3

Panel 1: The resistance forces clash with the capital's defenders in a fierce battle.Caption: "The battle for Tianxia rages."

Panel 2: Jin, wielding his spiritual pets, breaks through the enemy lines.Jin: "Forward! For justice and freedom!"

Panel 3: The combined might of the Mighty Dragon and Fire Lion devastates the enemy ranks.Caption: "The power of the Dragon King cannot be denied."