

A battle had erupted in heaven.The angels went against their Queen and sent her to reincarnation on earth.Shiku ,the ex-queen of angels had to start from scratch to the top and decide if she will avenge her first death by destroying the heavens,or kill all the angels.

GGL_manga · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs


Since the time Ling had received his power,he wasn't yet to be in a real battle.He didn't know how to plan his attacks or moves.And now,he was facing something that he had no idea what it was capable of.

A distance away from where the two were about to have a life and death fight,the same person who took Erin and Ming was standing strong as he watched the test that he had put up.He was in his human disguise right now.

"I don't think you will be able to defeat this low tier specter, but if you do,I know you will be able to deal with even a hellion, heck those worms are tough!"

Back at the fight,the beast rose its hand and smashed it to the ground where Ling was, sending huge chunks of land all over the area.Lifting its hand,the beast was suprised to see no one there.It then turned around and blocked a punch from the human holding the hand in place.

"I can see you from all directions!"Though the creature had no mouth,it was able to communicate in Ling's mind.

"It can speak -?"Ling was lifted from the ground mid sentence and was swung far away in the wasteland.He crashed and bounced on the ground creating bigger depressions per fall.

"Shit! This thing is strong!"He cursed as he had stopped bouncing and was now sliding across the ground making a wide trench trail.

The specter leapt in the air diving straight to Ling with a punch in a super man's flight punch."Am not just a sitting duck!"Ling yell as he launched himself towards his attacker with a punch of his own.The two fists met mid air sending a huge spherical air bust across the land as dust covered kilometres.

"Did the boy survive?,am I sure that's a specter and not a day? Those two creatures look accurately the same.But there is one thing a fay can do that a specter can't..."the angel in a human disguise payed a keen concentration on the battlefield.

Back in the air,two fists were still resting upon each other, but there was a clear winner as Ling was straining to keep up with the counter strength.With the other hand free,the beast launched its hand vertically upward smashing Ling on his chin.He was sent a few metres high before he then fell on the surface printing a copy of him on the ground.

"I... can't... fight this battle...—"

The creature was still in the air hovering metres above Ling with large black wings on its back with green stripes that followed a confusing pattern then forming an ancient symbol at the middle of each wing.The symbol had a large sword with flames erupting from the tip, then large dragon like wings from its hilt.

Without a second thought,Ling stood up and sped away from the wasteland.His body ignited red sparks while running.He had decided to escape.But then,the beast was infront of him with both its fists infront.Ling's face smashed on them stopping him from his track.A great wind force then bursted erupting to dust again.But the figure wasn't pushed even a centimetre from the ground.

"Hell!! That's a Fay!!"Black wings stretched from his back and then,with his white aura,he made a large sword on his right hand.

Laying on the ground,Ling could see the view of the creature as black due to the sun being so bright.He saw it raising its foot ready to smash his head to nothing.But instead,the creature stopped its foot just millimetres to the human's head,and its own head fell to the ground then later the body fell on top of Ling.Green blood covered Ling.

"What just happened!?"Ling asked himself out loud.

"I just saved you."He heard a voice but was unable to turn and see speaker.The dead body was just so heavy."Let me give you a hand."The body was suddenly chucked to the side revealing the person.

"The name's Alexander,"the person offered his hand to Ling who happily accepted it and was lifted off the ground to stand on his feet.

Alexander,was the dark angel who used to be Erin's advisor back in the past.He's also responsible for taking Ming and Erin away.And now without the knowledge that he's the one,Ling started to trust the person.Alexander has the power of shape shifting, that is why Ling did not recognize him.

"I owe you one Alexander."

"And you are going to pay for that by obeying all the commands I give you."

Ling had no say on this, though he wanted to shout a loud,'F*CK YOUR SELF 'and run away,he knew this person was powerful than him.


"First of all,am gonna be your trainer."Alexander spoke.


"Secondly,no questions.You must know how to utilize that power you have.So follow me."

A portal opened infront of them,and they both walked in.He had a chance to flee,but he sensed the person infront of him was far greater in power.He felt like if he would decide to run,the person would just catch him by the collar even before he would turn around.